Posts: 570
Joined: 7/9/2007 From: Germany Status: offline
The AT King of Fail is back – briefly. The power unit to my current laptop died a silent death yesterday and while I wait for a replacement for this very “exotic” component, as the guy in the shop (not where I bought it), put it, to be shipped I am on the old laptop that still has AT Gold on it. Haven’t played in years, obviously, and dabbled a bit yesterday, where I was pretty rusty and made a few dumb things. Just like the olden days! This is going to be a long Sunday – better use it. I think I did see AT Gold on Steam just a few days ago, but I can’t be bothered to download Steam onto this machine here at all, so the summer sale will definitely be over by the time I get my current machine back. Oh well. Tough luck. +++ We’ll be playing a game with 5 AI (standard, I’m rusty as all heck), Civ-style with a 1-town start, stone age tech, and few initial railroads. I might reroll however if I don’t get a sensible amount of resources initially, which happened in my first attempt yesterday. No raws. NO … raws. +++ In May 1932, the Eastern Empire awakens. 15 years of internal strife had ravaged the people to the greatest extent, but finally, this winter, the last free thinkers had been deported to distant labor camps and the entire populace, their will and their desires, were aligned on one cause: to conquer the world and end the dangerous concept of free thinking altogether! The conquest of the world would have to start from humble beginnings, from the Empire’s capital in Minsk, which was literally in the middle of a forest that itself was located in the middle of nowhere. But hey, at least there were plenty of labor camps to produce everything necessary for a steaming war machine nearby. Immediately after embarking on conquest, the Empire sent envoys to all other nations in the world to inform them that the Empire would graciously accept them submitting to Empire rule and that they would be spared if they stopped their errant ways of thinking freely immediately. Unfortunately, this merciful offer was not well received, instead rebuffed, and of the five other empires, three declared war more or less immediately: Kent State, Imperial Chengdu, and The Kaliphate. Alright, get those pointy sticks sharpened. Good ol’ Empire is goin’ to war! Below an overview over our little corner of the world at first contact with Germania (not at war with!). Research has been pretty basic so far, including mortars, artillery, and armoured cars. Who needs defensive stuffs? We will go on the attack!
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Don't be scared - I'm almost sure that I just want to play!