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If you could add one feature...

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If you could add one feature... - 10/12/2016 2:37:27 PM   

Posts: 8467
Joined: 2/12/2005
From: Newark, OH
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To get some chatter going, if you could add one feature to Southern Storm that was missing from Red Storm, what would that one thing be and why? (please show all work)



OTS is looking forward to Southern Storm getting released!

Cap'n Darwin aka Jim Snyder
On Target Simulations LLC
Post #: 1
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/12/2016 2:54:45 PM   

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would need a complete list of both, then think on it a bit, then something else maybe to add or suggest once some thinking on it has been done

(in reply to CapnDarwin)
Post #: 2
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/12/2016 5:57:07 PM   


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Map maker!!!

A nice, simple, point-and-click one where you just input the centre of the map's Lat/Long, how wide and tall in km and click Go. Out pops map and fp9 file. Jobsa.

(in reply to zakblood)
Post #: 3
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/12/2016 6:56:32 PM   


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A simple and practical way to set-up the units at the beginning of a scenario.

Alternatively, a sensible fixed set-up.

At present the set-up is really painful.

(in reply to CapnDarwin)
Post #: 4
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/12/2016 7:12:02 PM   

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Both of my things I think are on your list. Editing waypoints and local flexibility not subject to order delays.


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"Be Yourself; Everyone else is already taken" ~Oscar Wilde

*I'm in the Wargamer middle ground*
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(in reply to Renato)
Post #: 5
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/12/2016 7:19:27 PM   

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Budd, there will always be some delays, but we do want to change the dynamics to allow for much quicker response to small adjustments at the local level.

Can you elaborate on waypoint editing?


OTS is looking forward to Southern Storm getting released!

Cap'n Darwin aka Jim Snyder
On Target Simulations LLC

(in reply to budd)
Post #: 6
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/13/2016 12:29:49 AM   

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Hi all,

I'm torn between two features, so I'm listing both

1/ That the FSCC control selection be brought down to the individual arty/air/helo unit level rather than the current all or nothing approach.


2/ That the player have the ability to preplan changes in posture/formation etc. etc. via waypoints. e.g.. Move Hasty to waypoint #1 then change to Move Deliberate to waypoint #2 then assault from waypoint #3 kind of thing.

Either (or both) would be great imho.



So we're at war with the Russkies eh?? I suppose we really ought to invade or something. (Lonnnng pause while studying the map)
Hmmmm... big place ain't it??
- Sir Harry Flashman (1854)

(in reply to CapnDarwin)
Post #: 7
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/13/2016 1:09:35 AM   

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Sure Capn, setting different orders for different waypoints in regard to movement, move hasty here, move deliberate to here, assault here as an example for 3 waypoints. I like the simplicity of the game don't really want to make a ton more complicated.

A loss thresh hold for some orders would be nice also, Hold until, screen until, delay until, a loss thresh hold is reached or a time setting. Go here- delay enemy until this loss thresh hold is reached or fall back at this time setting. I think it would just give you more options instead of being stuck in a bad order for a 45 minute order cycle. Put that with some local freedom of movement with a small order delay and i'd be happy.

< Message edited by **budd** -- 10/13/2016 1:17:05 AM >


Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must. ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Be Yourself; Everyone else is already taken" ~Oscar Wilde

*I'm in the Wargamer middle ground*
I don't buy all the wargames I want, I just buy more than I need.

(in reply to Deathtreader)
Post #: 8
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/13/2016 1:30:42 AM   


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From: Somewhere deep in appalachian valley in PA
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I totally agree with bud. Other than that, all of my previous suggestions are already in the main forum and request forum.
Oh, and, if you guyz could provide some options future warfare in the SS (like APS, new weapons, data-link-abilitys...), that would be great for moding possibility of future warfare in FPC game engine.

(in reply to budd)
Post #: 9
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/13/2016 2:11:03 AM   


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Any chance there could be an option for a campaign game to be a two-player PBEM?



The easy way is always mined...

(in reply to CapnDarwin)
Post #: 10
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/13/2016 2:19:31 AM   

Posts: 8467
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From: Newark, OH
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exsonic01, Southern Storm will be the foundation of our Cold War game engine (1950ish-1991ish). We are talking about Game engines to cover World Wars (scale, tech, command changes) and also what we have named Modern Engine. The Modern one would be the one that really picks up on thing like APS, data links, energy weapons, cyber, spectrum domination, etc. There are special codes for APS in the system now and we might be able to turn that on to cover the first use of those systems. Both of these additional version need scale adjustments and various models at different levels. Just too much for one code base to do without breaking under its own weight.


OTS is looking forward to Southern Storm getting released!

Cap'n Darwin aka Jim Snyder
On Target Simulations LLC

(in reply to exsonic01)
Post #: 11
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/13/2016 3:56:07 AM   


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From: Somewhere deep in appalachian valley in PA
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ORIGINAL: Capn Darwin

exsonic01, Southern Storm will be the foundation of our Cold War game engine (1950ish-1991ish). We are talking about Game engines to cover World Wars (scale, tech, command changes) and also what we have named Modern Engine. The Modern one would be the one that really picks up on thing like APS, data links, energy weapons, cyber, spectrum domination, etc. There are special codes for APS in the system now and we might be able to turn that on to cover the first use of those systems. Both of these additional version need scale adjustments and various models at different levels. Just too much for one code base to do without breaking under its own weight.

Thank you~ You guyz are awesome~!
Well, if it is not OK in current system, than I can wait for the dedicated series for the future battlefield.

< Message edited by exsonic01 -- 10/13/2016 5:38:27 AM >

(in reply to CapnDarwin)
Post #: 12
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/13/2016 4:11:15 AM   


Posts: 1131
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From: Somewhere deep in appalachian valley in PA
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Oh, and, how about better animation effect / unit & icon graphic / sound effect?

- Representative top-view or 45-degree-view full-color unit design, instead of dark silhouette.
- Icons with more shape/color, differentiated by factions. Or, maybe we could remove the icon?
- Animation of fast-moving shell, missiles, tracer rounds of machine gun & autocannons instead of straight line.
- Better sound effect, especially autocannon (instead of current drum sound), incoming shells, and etc... I remember that one of the CMBS sound mod was very cool.
- Differentiate the explosion graphic of HE bomb, missile/rocket, and napalm/thermobaric.

I know the graphic does not matter in this game, and I also think it doesn't need to. However, those tiny details would greatly enhance the quality of the game, and increase the level of concentration of players.
Especially, good sound effect would bring more "feeling" to the players.

< Message edited by exsonic01 -- 10/13/2016 4:16:19 AM >

(in reply to exsonic01)
Post #: 13
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/13/2016 2:35:14 PM   

Posts: 8467
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From: Newark, OH
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Sils will still be black, but we are looking at increasing the size of the graphic to allow for better resolution in the SUI and when zoomed up on map. In fact the plan is to double or even quadruple basic graphic elements across the board so the game looks better on these new larger/high resolution monitors.

Sounds are a tough one. We cover a good number of them and most have more than one sound per effect (weapons). I'll try to do a few more and see what I can clean up. One thing we will need to look at with sound effects is better mod support. Right now all you can do is directly replace the existing sound.

Animations and music are things we don't have capability to do in house. We work with Matrix and pay to acquire those things. There will be new music for Southern Storm, but we haven't talked animations at this point.

Overall we want to have that nice look and sound, but not at the cost of game performance.

Thanks for the ideas!


OTS is looking forward to Southern Storm getting released!

Cap'n Darwin aka Jim Snyder
On Target Simulations LLC

(in reply to exsonic01)
Post #: 14
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/13/2016 3:08:17 PM   

Posts: 8467
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From: Newark, OH
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Tom, we have not yet delved into multiplayer changes. We need to get all of the new features understood. We definitely want to improve on the campaign aspect of the game. PBEM or Lan campaigns has been brought up as a question within the team. It will be awhile before we know what will work and what won't with respect to multiplayer.


OTS is looking forward to Southern Storm getting released!

Cap'n Darwin aka Jim Snyder
On Target Simulations LLC

(in reply to CapnDarwin)
Post #: 15
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/13/2016 8:22:52 PM   


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From: Somewhere deep in appalachian valley in PA
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One more thing, can we get the idea of how many special munition ammo left for arty, such as ICM, smoke, and FASCAM? Ammo is separately shown in unit info, but not special munitions. Also, glad that you guyz are considering resupplyable special munitions.

(in reply to CapnDarwin)
Post #: 16
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/13/2016 9:42:59 PM   

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There are a couple of planned changes in ammo tracking and supply.


OTS is looking forward to Southern Storm getting released!

Cap'n Darwin aka Jim Snyder
On Target Simulations LLC

(in reply to exsonic01)
Post #: 17
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/13/2016 10:44:30 PM   


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How about a way to filter the Tactical Ops Center Diary? It would be handy to filter to "An enemy HQ has been reported in hex XXXX . . . " entries. AS MR says, HQ are pretty darn important so being able to make sure the FS targets them could be key. Yes, I've scrambled to write down the hex number while the turn is happening but most of the time I just press proceed and yell at the screen, "Well, target them then!", as I usually (but not always) have the AI handle FS. Another handy filter would be to show the hexes of where enemy air-defence radars have been active. I see those units pop-up on the map ever once in a while during a turn when they're obviously not been spotting. I've managed to mentally remember where they were active and actually been able to kill some of them but it would be way more handy to look up the hex number after the turn and then bring artillery hell down on them the next turn.

Take care,


Don Bennett
Evanston, WY

(in reply to CapnDarwin)
Post #: 18
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/14/2016 12:18:07 AM   

Posts: 8467
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The double edged sword of the FSCC is that it will target HQs and Radars that are detected and go after them, but it may use assets you don't want to burn (MLRS). Rest assured we will be making some changes to detections, FSCC control, and informational displays. Of course we will also be upping the reality of things too. So expect fuzzy locations, decoys, and other battlefield friction to come into play as well.


OTS is looking forward to Southern Storm getting released!

Cap'n Darwin aka Jim Snyder
On Target Simulations LLC

(in reply to dwbennett)
Post #: 19
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/14/2016 2:01:50 AM   

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I'm not sure what your plans are regarding data structure, but the ability to create multi-national forces and scenarios would be awsome. This could easily be done with a single "NATO-USER.xls" and a "WP-USER.xls" database (which would also standardize the "weapon" values...). The ability to have different counter background colors (_-BGD.bmp) within each nationality would be handy too!
A. "Zed" Baird

(in reply to CapnDarwin)
Post #: 20
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/14/2016 2:25:31 AM   

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Multi-national setups is high on our list and we are also planning to take a shot at multiple backgrounds for a force as well. Get the best of both worlds.


OTS is looking forward to Southern Storm getting released!

Cap'n Darwin aka Jim Snyder
On Target Simulations LLC

(in reply to maple61)
Post #: 21
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/14/2016 6:08:10 PM   

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I really wonder how important music is; especially if you are paying for it. How many folks actually want it. I would vote to cut the music and use that money somewhere else; perhaps a vacation.

(in reply to CapnDarwin)
Post #: 22
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/14/2016 9:38:12 PM   

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Thankfully it's not that expensive and it does give us a nice bit of shiny chrome to the overall production.


OTS is looking forward to Southern Storm getting released!

Cap'n Darwin aka Jim Snyder
On Target Simulations LLC

(in reply to Catgh_MatrixForum)
Post #: 23
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/15/2016 3:44:19 AM   

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I would like some intelligence on the enemies location and direction of advance to help with deployment.


(in reply to CapnDarwin)
Post #: 24
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/15/2016 2:00:49 PM   

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Sceem, you don't have to wait long. We have ported over the Intel screens for our Origins game engine into the upcoming 2.0.11 update. It will do some of what you want. That Intel screen will get further refinement in Southern Storm.


OTS is looking forward to Southern Storm getting released!

Cap'n Darwin aka Jim Snyder
On Target Simulations LLC

(in reply to SKeeM)
Post #: 25
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/16/2016 7:53:46 PM   

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I wish the turn sequence resolution was not apparent on the screen during the start of a PBEM turn. It ruins the tension and drama of what is about to happen.

(in reply to CapnDarwin)
Post #: 26
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/17/2016 5:07:51 AM   


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Given the importance of recon in the game maybe some tweaks to the recon model. Not sure how recon units are handled behind the scenes, but may be some sort of recon movement order (beyond deliberate move) that significantly reduces their rate of advance, halts forward movement on a sighting (but not retrograde movement), and significantly lowers their ability to be seen, but increases their odds of observing enemy units. While the preferred standoff range is useful I find my recon units still close to much with enemy forces and incur commensurate losses (admittedly it could just be poor management of these resources on my part).


(in reply to z1812)
Post #: 27
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/17/2016 1:24:33 PM   

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@z,I am amazed no one has brought that up until now. That would have been a good option to have now. We'll keep that in mind for Southern Storm.

@Merrick, a lot of those "abilities" already exist in the game. The issues with AI has been finding a balanced stay or go mechanic that fits all cases and player styles. One size does not fit all in this case. Recon can be troops to tanks and players want both speed bumps and ninjas. Southern Storm will put more of the standoff freedom in the players hands and that should help with this area.


OTS is looking forward to Southern Storm getting released!

Cap'n Darwin aka Jim Snyder
On Target Simulations LLC

(in reply to mb4329)
Post #: 28
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/17/2016 11:33:22 PM   

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Unit Leaders.... Various ranks, with ratings. Some can be cosmetic but other stats could effect order response time or moral

Think of the immersion that it could add with Gung Ho leaders on either side or an inept superior that screws up the works.

Showing my work below:

"Wars might be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of the men who leads that gains the victory."

". many, who should know better, think that wars can be decided by soulless machines, rather than by the blood and anguish of
brave men." Gen. George S. Patton

< Message edited by jack54 -- 10/17/2016 11:57:10 PM >


Avatar: Me borrowing Albert Ball's Nieuport 17

Counter from Bloody April by Terry Simo (GMT)

(in reply to CapnDarwin)
Post #: 29
RE: If you could add one feature... - 10/20/2016 3:50:53 AM   
Jo van der Pluym

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That you in the game and editor can give SOPs independent of the waypoints.

If enemy in sight retreat and hide.
If enemy in sight engage and search cover


Greetings from the Netherlands

Jo van der Pluym

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Post #: 30
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