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Clarification for weapon state RTB

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Clarification for weapon state RTB - 10/23/2016 4:01:18 PM   


Posts: 27
Joined: 11/5/2006
Status: offline
I have a question about the weapon state RTB trigger. In the attached save you can see that group 2785, a pair of Typhoons assigned to mission CAP 2, an AAW patrol, is returning to base. One of the Typhoons still has 2 AIM-120C-5 AMRAAM left while the other has none. The Air Ops doctrine for the mission is set as follows:

- the weapon state is set to "Shotgun: all BVR or stand-off weapons have been expended. Allow easy targets of opportunity with WVR or strike weapons. No air-to-air guns."
- the weapon state RTB is set "RTB when the last aircraft in a flight reaches weapon state." Note "last aircraft", not "first".

So I would expect the group to stay on station until the last two AMRAAMs are expended. What am I missing?

Any help will be much appreciated.

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RE: Clarification for weapon state RTB - 10/24/2016 3:58:53 AM   


Posts: 447
Joined: 7/31/2015
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Did you happen to change the weapon state RTB at some point after the mission was first created, like when the group in question were already in the air? was it set to RTB when first aircraft reaches weapon state first before they took off- then you went into the doctrine settings for the mission and changed it to last aircraft? because i've had that where i've made alterations to a certain missions' settings after the a/c have already took off and the changes i made didnt take effect.

(in reply to jph)
Post #: 2
RE: Clarification for weapon state RTB - 10/24/2016 8:38:08 PM   


Posts: 27
Joined: 11/5/2006
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Yes, I did change the mission weapon state doctrine after the group was assigned to the mission and had taken off. The group's doctrine does correctly reflect that of the changes to the mission's but the group's weapon state RTB trigger does not. I can easily fix it by unassigning and reassigning the group to the mission. After doing so the group dutifully turns around and heads back to the patrol area.

My question is is this WAD? Am I to unassign/reassign groups to missions whenever I modify the mission's doctrine to ensure that the changes get reflected in the groups behavior?


(in reply to cns180784)
Post #: 3
RE: Clarification for weapon state RTB - 10/24/2016 9:14:19 PM   


Posts: 11524
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Hi Jph

No I think as long as you didn't break inheritance things show flow through when things are changed. Added to our list.




(in reply to jph)
Post #: 4
RE: Clarification for weapon state RTB - 10/24/2016 10:36:05 PM   


Posts: 27
Joined: 11/5/2006
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Great. Thanks a lot Mike.

(in reply to mikmykWS)
Post #: 5
RE: Clarification for weapon state RTB - 10/25/2016 8:41:02 AM   

Posts: 13500
Joined: 5/5/2001
From: Melbourne, Australia
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Whenever I change a mission or group ROE, I usually press the reset button on the bottom of the page to force the change to the affected units in the mission or group.
Just my way of ensuring that the ROE does get to the units, as sometimes changing things afterwards does cause this 'disconnect' with the ROE on the actual attached units.



(in reply to jph)
Post #: 6
RE: Clarification for weapon state RTB - 10/25/2016 12:51:47 PM   


Posts: 6529
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Yeah, the reset button thing is a school of hard knocks kind of tip. As I go through manually changing ROEs, it gets very confusing what the hierarchy is and what overrides what.

< Message edited by thewood1 -- 10/25/2016 12:55:34 PM >

(in reply to michaelm75au)
Post #: 7
RE: Clarification for weapon state RTB - 10/25/2016 10:07:30 PM   


Posts: 27
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Great tip, I didn't know that. I should pay closer attention to the UI...

Many thanks.

(in reply to michaelm75au)
Post #: 8
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