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RE: F-5 variants

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RE: F-5 variants - 12/1/2016 6:04:46 PM   


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I never said or even meant that CMANO is a bad game - it's a really great Tactical and even Strategical Simulator, proud successor of the classic Larry Bond's Harpoon. But in my subject opinion it would be even better if RCS estimations for different stealth platforms were closer to some sientific researches, instead of all those cool-stories about insects, golf balls and metal marbles.

Nobody here used the marble stories in developing the model. Do you have any idea what these comments make you sound like?

If you're serious please provide some examples and we'll definitely take a look. Get dramatic, call us names and just act like you are now we'll do exactly nothing.


This is just my subjective and honest opinion. And if there is some way to edit CMANO Database i would be happy to do it with my copy of the game - to get the numbers i consider as more realistic than default ones. Is it possible to do just with my local copy of DB? Thx for your answer in advance.

Not at this point without messing up your copy.




(in reply to Scar79)
Post #: 3121
RE: F-5 variants - 12/1/2016 6:20:22 PM   


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ORIGINAL: mikmyk
Nobody here used the marble stories in developing the model.

I've already asked this question: I wonder where did you get these numbers - please, can you name a source(s)? Thanks. Because they're correlate pretty well with estimations made in the press, basing on some odious statements of some MIC and US government officials i've mentioned earlier. That's why my first guess was that you're basing on these estimations and statements too.


Do you have any idea what these comments make you sound like?

If you're serious please provide some examples and we'll definitely take a look. Get dramatic, call us names and just act like you are now we'll do exactly nothing.

As i said, that was my guess - basing on correlation of your numbers with those numbers in media. Excuse me if i'm wrong and insulted you, but then i would be very interested to read the sources you were based on.


Not at this point without messing up your copy.



It's a pity.((

(in reply to mikmykWS)
Post #: 3122
RE: F-5 variants - 12/1/2016 6:32:39 PM   


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ORIGINAL: mikmyk
Nobody here used the marble stories in developing the model.

I've already asked this question: I wonder where did you get these numbers - please, can you name a source(s)? Thanks. Because they're correlate pretty well with estimations made in the press, basing on some odious statements of some MIC and US government officials i've mentioned earlier. That's why my first guess was that you're basing on these estimations and statements too.


Do you have any idea what these comments make you sound like?

If you're serious please provide some examples and we'll definitely take a look. Get dramatic, call us names and just act like you are now we'll do exactly nothing.

As i said, that was my guess - basing on correlation of your numbers with those numbers in media. Excuse me if i'm wrong and insulted you, but then i would be very interested to read the sources you were based on.


Not at this point without messing up your copy.



It's a pity.((

I've said what I have to say on this and look forward to anything actionable you send.
Have a nice day and enjoy the game



(in reply to Scar79)
Post #: 3123
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/2/2016 3:51:08 PM   


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But usually F-22 is designed to carry 4xDT.

< Message edited by Broncepulido -- 12/2/2016 3:56:46 PM >

(in reply to Scar79)
Post #: 3124
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/4/2016 12:58:43 PM   

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Minor database correction:
The SA-3a GOA (5V24) (CWDB Weapon_168, DB3000 Weapon_729 )
is listed by Janes as having the following parameters. Most are only minor deviations from the exisiting database, but the minimum altitude given by Janes is lower, the range is longer and the missile's speed is higher than that in the database:

Weight: 933 kg
Length: 6.88 m (with booster)
Diameter: 0.39 m (missile), 0.55 m (booster)
Wingspan: 1.22 m
Speed: 3.5 mach
Range: 328-32,808 feet (100-10,000 m)(altitude), 2.2-8.1 nm (4-15 km) range and agree with the Jane's figures, although it might simply be because they are relying on James (they don't cite their sources). While not directly applicable, in The Naval Institute Guide to World Naval Weapons Systems (1997-98) page 403, the SA-N-1 Goa (a derivative of the SA-3) is also listed as having a minimum engagement altitude of 100 meters, although the speed of the missile is also listed as 600 m/s (mach 1.75).

Note: All sources give the SA-3a warhead weight as 60kg, vice 63 kg that appears in the DB3000/CWDB database.

< Message edited by CV60 -- 12/4/2016 3:50:19 PM >

(in reply to Broncepulido)
Post #: 3125
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/4/2016 2:50:05 PM   


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Hello CV60,

According to data from Hpasp ( ) the min (200m) and max (10000m) altitude of 2V24 is correct in the database. Check his SA-3 manual for details.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by PN79 -- 12/4/2016 2:52:44 PM >

(in reply to CV60)
Post #: 3126
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/4/2016 3:39:41 PM   

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Hello CV60,

According to data from Hpasp ( ) the min (200m) and max (10000m) altitude of 2V24 is correct in the database. Check his SA-3 manual for details.

I agree that SAM simulator is generally reputable. However, Jane's "Land Warfare Platforms: Artillery and Air Defense" "S-125 Neva/Pechora (SA-3 'Goa")" article, dtd. 29 November 2016 gives the lower numbers for the 5V24/Sa-3a. Possibly some of our Russian/Eastern European players may have access to Russian language original sources that can resolve this?

< Message edited by CV60 -- 12/4/2016 3:42:48 PM >

(in reply to PN79)
Post #: 3127
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/4/2016 5:33:09 PM   


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Here: is stated: "С учетом больших энергетических возможностей ракеты В-600 по сравнению с В-625 перед ОКБ-2 одновременно была поставлена задача расширить зоны поражения комплекса, в том числе обеспечить диапазон высот перехвата целей от 200-300 до 10000 м." i.e. altitude from 200-300m to 10000m. Further in the text is mentioned that this inadequate minimum altitude was reason for developing 5V27 missile.

What may be can be changed is range of the missile. Currently it is 1 to 5 nm (1,9 - 9,3 km) and I think it should be changed to 3 to 6 nm (6-12 km) which is usually quoted for 5V24 missile.

I think that if there is interest we can start separate topic in the "The War Room" to discuss optimum values for these early soviet missiles.

(in reply to CV60)
Post #: 3128
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/4/2016 8:04:39 PM   

Posts: 423
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From: St. Petersburg, Russia
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At this page you can find next text

The S-125 complex with the V-600P rocket has been taken advantage on June 21, 1961. Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and Council of ministers of the USSR No. 561-233.
The means of S-125 fulfilled by then reached hit of the targets with speeds up to 1500-2000 km/h in the range of altitudes of 200-10000 m at ranges of 6-10 km. Firing the target maneuvering up to 4 units with an overload, in the range of altitudes of 5000-7000 m was provided. The transonic targets at the altitudes more than 1000 m could be hit even at maneuver with an overload to 9 units. In the conditions of passive jamming the greatest altitude of the target decreased to 7000 m. At the firing the active jammer which is carried out by the three-points method, the maximum altitude reached 6000 m, and minimum increased up to 300 m. The maximum course parameter made 7 km, increasing to 9 km for the transonic targets. The probability of kill was estimated by one rocket in 0,82-0,99 with decreasing to 0.49-0,88 when the enemy passive jamming.

< Message edited by Filitch -- 12/4/2016 8:07:55 PM >

(in reply to PN79)
Post #: 3129
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/4/2016 9:06:40 PM   


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Made some adjustments

CV60's ranges and warhead and dimensions.


(in reply to Filitch)
Post #: 3130
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/4/2016 10:08:32 PM   

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Here: is stated: "С учетом больших энергетических возможностей ракеты В-600 по сравнению с В-625 перед ОКБ-2 одновременно была поставлена задача расширить зоны поражения комплекса, в том числе обеспечить диапазон высот перехвата целей от 200-300 до 10000 м." i.e. altitude from 200-300m to 10000m. Further in the text is mentioned that this inadequate minimum altitude was reason for developing 5V27 missile.

What may be can be changed is range of the missile. Currently it is 1 to 5 nm (1,9 - 9,3 km) and I think it should be changed to 3 to 6 nm (6-12 km) which is usually quoted for 5V24 missile.

I think that if there is interest we can start separate topic in the "The War Room" to discuss optimum values for these early soviet missiles.

PN79, Filitch, Mikmyk-Thanks for looking into this. I have to admit that I was surprised by the 100 m altitude capability for a 1960-era system. What gave me pause was the reputability of the source (Jane's), combined with the age of the system (as presumably we have good data on it given its age). With that said, I have previously seen what I believe to be errors in reputable sources, including Jane's, so I try to confirm the all the database entries as I work on the DB descriptions.

< Message edited by CV60 -- 12/4/2016 10:10:28 PM >

(in reply to PN79)
Post #: 3131
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/5/2016 9:04:07 PM   

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Possible Database correction:
Griffin LGB (DB3000 Weapon_2403, 2402, 2404)
Manufacturer gives a range of 12 km (6.5 nm) vice 4 nm in database see Jane's also uses the 6.5nm figure for the Griffin-equipped Mk 82/83/84

Similarly, the Griffin-3 (DB3000 Weapon_2405, 2406)is listed by Jane's as having a range of 12 km (6.5 nm) vice 4 nm in database

Jane's gives a 5 meter CEP for the Mk 82/83/84 versions, vice 2 meters in the database. An Indian webpage "Strategic Affairs" also uses the 5 meter CEP, although they give no source. See


< Message edited by mikmyk -- 12/20/2016 3:21:27 PM >

(in reply to CV60)
Post #: 3132
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/6/2016 10:31:23 PM   


Posts: 15
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From: Finland
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I noticed that Finnish airplanes needs a lot of work as there are errors and omissions. I've done some work to add them to Admiralty Trilogy board game and ready stuff is posted in my blog

There you find

    Fouga Magister total 80 were used from 1958 to 80's
    Draken S/SX version should be similar to Swedish F2 not F1 as the stats are, number of tanks vs missiles in loadouts is also questionable in all Drakens as they were updated from 4 rails to 6 at some point.
    Il-28 3 of aircraft were R-models and fourth was regular. None were used for bombing and all were used for target towing and naval recon. They are missing radars and so are soviet ones too.
    MiG-21F-13 First ones arrived 63 not 65 and last one removed from service 86. Also some were locally modified to MGT (T=Tiedustelu=Recon). MGT had High Fix removed and only those had recon pod capability. On armament side I'm unsure of actual Finnish standard loads.
    MiG-21BIS There is local MGBT recon version and

Other minor corrections:

    Mi-1 were used by Border Guard and Air Force, not army and there were 4 of them and used between 61-67 and they were polish SM-1 versions.
    Mi-4 were used by Air Force, not army and there were 3 of them
    Mi-8P were used by Air Force, total 2, received 78 or 79
    Mi-8T were used by Air Force, total 4, received 73/74, Border Guard received total 4 in 1981/2/3
    Hawks used also R-60 Aphid missiles available and they should stil be armed with IR missiles. It also carried recon pods.
    F/A-18 According to SIPRI Finland received AIM-120A Amraams on 1998 (I think B is correct version from all other data), AIM-9L/M Sidewinders 1996, AIM-9X 2008, AIM-120C-7 2013, JDAM 2011, JASSM 2016

Missing aircraft:

    DC-3 (9 from 60 to 84)
    DHC-2 Beaver (3 in Air Force use from 58 to 71 and 3 used by Border guard from 51 to 88)
    MiG-21U/UM (total 6)
    Agusta Bell 206A (1 in use of Air Force from 68 to 79 and 7 used by Border Guard from 68 to 2011)
    Hughes 369HS, 369HM and 369D total 5 received 1975 (most likely 3 500C models and 2 500D models)
    Fokker F.27 Friendship Mk100 (2 from 1980 to ?, one modified to elint from 97?, second one removed from use 2004)
    Fokker F.27 Mk 400M Troopship (1 from 84 to 2013)
    Agusta Bell 412 (5 from 1985 used by Border Guard, SAR with night vision, heat camera and radar)
    AS 332 Super Puma (3 from 1988 used by Border Guard for SAR)
    H215 Super Puma (2 from 2016 used by Border Guard for SAR)
    AW119 Ke Koala (4 from 2009 used by Border Guard)
    DO-228 Dornier (2 from 1995 used by Border Guard)

And thank you for your hard work

(in reply to CV60)
Post #: 3133
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/7/2016 11:30:54 AM   

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On corvettes pr.20380 since the ship "Gromkiy", will have a new mast with PESA "Zaslon".

(in reply to tiikki)
Post #: 3134
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/7/2016 11:31:50 AM   

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< Message edited by edsw -- 12/7/2016 11:32:44 AM >

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Post #: 3135
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/7/2016 11:56:23 AM   

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Also on the Su-35S is IR station be ob- attacking missiles and warning of laser irradiation.

< Message edited by edsw -- 12/7/2016 11:58:28 AM >

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Post #: 3136
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/10/2016 4:57:54 AM   

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Structure (Dry Dock) appears to be missing in DB3K. It does exist in the CWDB.


< Message edited by mikmyk -- 12/20/2016 3:34:07 PM >


(in reply to edsw)
Post #: 3137
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/10/2016 4:15:55 PM   


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From: Finland
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Back to Finnish stuff. For Air Force stuff I can get material quite easy (the Air Force museum is in less than 30min travel.) For others I've collected some stuff but it is lot harder for me to get info.

(in reply to Kushan04)
Post #: 3138
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/11/2016 4:27:46 PM   


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Can there be a generic surface search radar (advanced) in the next DB? Maybe similar in abilities to the Japan J/TPS-P23 radar. Currently the only generic surface search radar is late 1960s tech.

(in reply to tiikki)
Post #: 3139
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/11/2016 4:37:30 PM   

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Suggested change for MIM-14B NIKE HERCULES (CWDB Weapon_331). The database gives a engagement range of 1500-150,000 feet AGL. Jane's gives a number of 3,281-100,000 feet. However, the technical manual "Nike Hercules Technical Description" December 1960 (TM9-1440--250-10/2) on para 8.C.a.2 (pg 13)(available here: states that the missile launch angle, along with the turning distance of the missile creates an engagement "dead zone" approximately 10,000 yards (4.9 nm) horizontally and 20,000 feet vertically. So while the minimum engagement altitude probably needs to be raised a little, there should be no engagements allowed in a box 30,000 feet (horizontally) by 20,000 feet vertically from the launcher. I'm not sure if that can be modeled in with the game engine. Also, this manual also gives a 100,000 foot max altitude, unlike the 150,000 foot in the database.

Against a SRBM, the intercept ranges varied from 17nm to 37nm, depending on the target trajectory. See TM9-1440--250-10/2 page 16.

One other addendum: The nuclear-equipped MIM-14B (CWDB Weapon_1645) could be used against surface targets, as well as airborne targets. In this role, maximum range was 98.8 nm, according to Jane's and 100 miles according to "Nike Hercules Technical Description" December 1960 on pages 13 and 86.

< Message edited by CV60 -- 12/11/2016 7:05:23 PM >

(in reply to tiikki)
Post #: 3140
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/14/2016 6:51:40 AM   

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From: Ukraine
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What happens to the 3M54 caliber? Do not fired off missiles warhead, and not incorporated seeker .In version SR5 everything was normal.

< Message edited by edsw -- 12/14/2016 7:06:16 AM >

(in reply to CV60)
Post #: 3141
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/14/2016 11:47:24 AM   


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What happens to the 3M54 caliber? Do not fired off missiles warhead, and not incorporated seeker .In version SR5 everything was normal.

Just tested and missile is working fine in that version. If you think its broken could you send me a file demonstrating the issue?




(in reply to edsw)
Post #: 3142
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/14/2016 1:10:33 PM   

Posts: 59
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From: Ukraine
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ORIGINAL: mikmyk



What happens to the 3M54 caliber? Do not fired off missiles warhead, and not incorporated seeker .In version SR5 everything was normal.

Just tested and missile is working fine in that version. If you think its broken could you send me a file demonstrating the issue?




Just tested and missile is working fine in that version. If you think its broken could you send me a file demonstrating the issue?



which file? If the mission, it has made a new mission editor

(in reply to mikmykWS)
Post #: 3143
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/14/2016 2:16:46 PM   


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Hi Ed

I'm not really understanding what's wrong. I'm asking for an example file so I can see what you see as my experiment was successful

If you're asking about the seeker info that was posted you'll notice that most if not all our seekers have 5nm ranges. This plus other guidance features is how we are able to give the missile of greater chance of hitting the intended target while still allowing it to hit others. I promise we don't kobble Russian systems. Anybody that says that doesn't know us.




(in reply to edsw)
Post #: 3144
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/14/2016 3:20:08 PM   


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US isn't above it either although a spec ops mothership is different than a SSM mount.




(in reply to mikmykWS)
Post #: 3145
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/14/2016 6:03:43 PM   

Posts: 59
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From: Ukraine
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ORIGINAL: mikmyk

Hi Ed

I'm not really understanding what's wrong. I'm asking for an example file so I can see what you see as my experiment was successful

If you're asking about the seeker info that was posted you'll notice that most if not all our seekers have 5nm ranges. This plus other guidance features is how we are able to give the missile of greater chance of hitting the intended target while still allowing it to hit others. I promise we don't kobble Russian systems. Anybody that says that doesn't know us.



So I made a video, 2 sides
Party red
Party blue
-Meko 200TN Truck 2

(in reply to mikmykWS)
Post #: 3146
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/14/2016 6:32:46 PM   


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ORIGINAL: mikmyk

Hi Ed

I'm not really understanding what's wrong. I'm asking for an example file so I can see what you see as my experiment was successful

If you're asking about the seeker info that was posted you'll notice that most if not all our seekers have 5nm ranges. This plus other guidance features is how we are able to give the missile of greater chance of hitting the intended target while still allowing it to hit others. I promise we don't kobble Russian systems. Anybody that says that doesn't know us.



So I made a video, 2 sides
Party red
Party blue
-Meko 200TN Truck 2

Thanks Ed. Problem found and the fix will be in next update.

Edit! Don't use the next one.

We model this weapons by adding a second weapon as a payload which has the sensor. Something is happening code wise there. Stay tuned but we'll work to fix this one soon.



< Message edited by mikmyk -- 12/14/2016 6:55:04 PM >


(in reply to edsw)
Post #: 3147
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/14/2016 7:07:38 PM   

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Just a request that the General Atomics Predator C Avenger (+ER version) be added to DB3000. Rumor is it was used for leaflet drops over Syria in recent months, so it has some operational history now. Thanks!

(in reply to mikmykWS)
Post #: 3148
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/16/2016 8:29:40 PM   


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Please change Czech Republic radar RAT-31DL from "mobile vehicle" to "building" (like Polish ones). Czech ones are also fixed, see pictures here:


< Message edited by mikmyk -- 12/20/2016 3:51:44 PM >

(in reply to Primarchx)
Post #: 3149
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 12/16/2016 11:41:16 PM   


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ORIGINAL: mikmyk




ORIGINAL: mikmyk

Hi Ed

I'm not really understanding what's wrong. I'm asking for an example file so I can see what you see as my experiment was successful

If you're asking about the seeker info that was posted you'll notice that most if not all our seekers have 5nm ranges. This plus other guidance features is how we are able to give the missile of greater chance of hitting the intended target while still allowing it to hit others. I promise we don't kobble Russian systems. Anybody that says that doesn't know us.



So I made a video, 2 sides
Party red
Party blue
-Meko 200TN Truck 2

Thanks Ed. Problem found and the fix will be in next update.

Edit! Don't use the next one.

We model this weapons by adding a second weapon as a payload which has the sensor. Something is happening code wise there. Stay tuned but we'll work to fix this one soon.



Ed just tested the fix for this. Kalibre should be good to go next release. First stage tracks correctly, high speed release occurs with radars active.



(in reply to mikmykWS)
Post #: 3150
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