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Joined: 9/9/2006 Status: offline
I red his article (Scott) some time ago, and did some intensive search on the web regarding TU and POA2.5 to see what the real state of both games was on the user side... To make a long story short... - Not much feedback on the actual product page, the info is quite old which in turn give´s one the sense of a abandon/vaporware product. Not only at HPS but in general everywhere you look on the web. - As is the HPS site seems unkeeped, old and not quite up to date, which again make´s one think twice. - The price is way to expensive for a unfinished product, which again dose not show to much care (hardly no news or updates) and that HPS dosent show support for. (no dedicated forum, and send us a e-mail for support is not quite the norm in some cases). I was mainly interested in POA2.5 as Iam more into modern gear, but would not have minded TU either. Both showed complexity in hit-points and other areas which I find to my likeing, but since all of the above, add some bug reports and a steep price tag just put me off the whole deal. Mind you I was VERY tempted to pull the trigger on POA2.5, but all of the above had more weight then my Visa card! I do understand that there is work going on and passionate people behind it, but a recent article (old by now) and a promising patch (also old by now as all of this was known at the start of the year), is not gonna make people change there minds that easy. Iam sure it will turn out to be a good product one day, but If I would have spent €60 on it and STILL be waiting for a update (4 years later), I would be quite upset with the whole deal right now. I wish Scott all the luck, and if POA2.5 get´s polished some day then I might think of buying it. I have supported unfinished games in the past, but it get´s to a point were you want something in return and not light years from when you supported it. Who knows what will happen to you tomorrow... --
< Message edited by Red2112 -- 6/21/2017 4:41:06 PM >