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RE: Friday Night Flights

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RE: Friday Night Flights - 3/12/2016 12:08:31 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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This is the top end of the Russian planes.

So it isn't too bad. The Germans I have much higher..they have 90's and such, and 50 is a bad pilot on that list.

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“My logisticians are a humorless lot … they know if my campaign fails, they are the first ones I will slay.” – Alexander the Great

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Post #: 31
RE: Friday Night Flights - 3/12/2016 12:12:00 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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I should add that morale for the Russian side is also very low...hovering around 50, and it is upper 80's for the German side.

All in all it was heavily stacked in favour of the Germans. Better planes flown by better pilots with much higher morale.

All at 20,000 feet.

Was more to satisfy my curiosity of what would happen if the Russians on turn 2+ try to make a battle with the Luftwaffe. Under fictional made up circumstances having no basis in reality. Like what my supervisors at work do.


“My logisticians are a humorless lot … they know if my campaign fails, they are the first ones I will slay.” – Alexander the Great

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Post #: 32
RE: Friday Night Flights - 3/12/2016 12:17:23 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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For fun, I just re ran the combat but I upped the Russians to 90 exp/90 morale along with the Germans.

Still not even a close battle...the I-16 is just too badly outmatched at 20k feet.

Going to try again at a lower altitude to give the I-16 more of a chance.

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“My logisticians are a humorless lot … they know if my campaign fails, they are the first ones I will slay.” – Alexander the Great

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Post #: 33
RE: Friday Night Flights - 3/12/2016 12:26:28 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Now this is interesting. I set the superiority (for both sides) to be 5000 feet.

The I-16's still got their butt kicked, but only by a 2.5-1 margin.

I'm going to have to investigate this altitude thing further...there may be some planes that just don't want to fight high in the sky.

EDIT: When I change the Germans to 25k feet, and leave the I-16s at 5k feet, I lose 19 BF 109's to 117 I-16's.

EDIT the EDIT: For added amusement, I tried again. This time I have the I-16's at 1000 feet, and the BF's at 36k feet.

34 dead BF's to 83 dead I-16's

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< Message edited by LiquidSky -- 3/12/2016 12:40:52 PM >


“My logisticians are a humorless lot … they know if my campaign fails, they are the first ones I will slay.” – Alexander the Great

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Post #: 34
RE: Friday Night Flights - 3/12/2016 12:45:53 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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What I seem to be noticing from this fun little experiment is that:

1) Experience and Morale is very important. Maybe even more important then the actual plane flying.

2) Altitude is important. It pays to figure out what altitude your plane does best at, and if it kind of sucks at all altitudes, then go low.

3) Load out is also important...the more guns the better. If your plane can equip extra cannons or machine guns...then go for it.

4) This serious thinking is hurting my brain....I think I need a more whimsical battle for next Friday.


“My logisticians are a humorless lot … they know if my campaign fails, they are the first ones I will slay.” – Alexander the Great

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Post #: 35
RE: Friday Night Flights - 4/1/2016 11:55:47 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Welcome to yet another installment of Friday Night Flights.

Tonights matchup is a classic. They met over the skies of Germany, and only one was victorious! Lets see if we history repeats itself.

On the ALLIED side we have the P51D Mustang. Weighing in at a slight 7,635lbs this hunk of junk could barely maintain any altitude with its Packard Merlin Gerbil treadmill engine.
With wings made of paper, the weight of its 6 .50 Browning Nerf guns fire 400 rpg, but who's counting.
Without drop tanks this plane can flee a battlefield up to 500 miles away.

On the AXIS side we have the sexy, the ever popular BF109-G6. This incredible state of the art machinery of flying death comes in at a svelte 5,893 lbs...much lighter then that flying pig P51.
And without any bias...I bring you the results:

Well.obviously the other side must have cheated....we have 80 of the fine BF109G's being shot down for only 68 of the P51Ds. Obviously they cheated.

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“My logisticians are a humorless lot … they know if my campaign fails, they are the first ones I will slay.” – Alexander the Great

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Post #: 36
RE: Friday Night Flights - 4/1/2016 10:21:26 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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What I seem to be noticing from this fun little experiment is that:

1) Experience and Morale is very important. Maybe even more important then the actual plane flying.

2) Altitude is important. It pays to figure out what altitude your plane does best at, and if it kind of sucks at all altitudes, then go low.

3) Load out is also important...the more guns the better. If your plane can equip extra cannons or machine guns...then go for it.

4) This serious thinking is hurting my brain....I think I need a more whimsical battle for next Friday.

fascinating stuff as ever.

Worth thinking about the core issues in Soviet fighter design and tactics. Crudely the Soviets prioritised robustness and potential manouverability plus fire power. Robustness meant they could operate from marginal airfields. Clearly the second was badly undermined by their early/mid war practice of using under-trained pilots. But for their better pilots, planes like the early war LaGG-3 were highly rated. Weaponry really matters, notice this in WiTE too. If Soviet fighters close, they have the weaponry (the 20mm ShVak) to shred almost anything.

Specifically, the I-16 was probably the best of the early generation single engine fighters in Europe but by 1940 was clearly obsolete. In a way they seem to have done better in your tests than I'd have expected.


(in reply to LiquidSky)
Post #: 37
RE: Friday Night Flights - 4/1/2016 10:47:10 PM   
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Matrix Trooper


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What I seem to be noticing from this fun little experiment is that:

1) Experience and Morale is very important. Maybe even more important then the actual plane flying.

2) Altitude is important. It pays to figure out what altitude your plane does best at, and if it kind of sucks at all altitudes, then go low.

3) Load out is also important...the more guns the better. If your plane can equip extra cannons or machine guns...then go for it.

4) This serious thinking is hurting my brain....I think I need a more whimsical battle for next Friday.

that sounds about right on the experience - every flight sim I have flown in, a veteran flying a weaker plane will still usually defeat a noob in a better plane, because the noobs didn't understand how to conserve energy or how to lead aim in a turnfight.

altitude, firepower and speed were usually the other big factors, rather than maneuverability. If I started with a 2k alt advantage and a faster plane, I could control the fight on my terms, and at worst would end in a draw where neither plane shot down.

(in reply to LiquidSky)
Post #: 38
RE: Friday Night Flights - 4/3/2016 7:38:15 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit


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What I seem to be noticing from this fun little experiment is that:

1) Experience and Morale is very important. Maybe even more important then the actual plane flying.

2) Altitude is important. It pays to figure out what altitude your plane does best at, and if it kind of sucks at all altitudes, then go low.

3) Load out is also important...the more guns the better. If your plane can equip extra cannons or machine guns...then go for it.

4) This serious thinking is hurting my brain....I think I need a more whimsical battle for next Friday.

If Altitude is as important as your tests seem to indicate and each aircraft performs better at certain altitudes than it sounds like I have 4 choices:

1. Tune into Friday Night Fights every week to obtain your results,
2. Run a whole bunch of tests myself,
3. Figure out how to read code (or the editor or wherever else this info is stored) so I can find this hidden info, or
4. Ask the powers that be to include each aircraft's ideal altitude in the units information window. I think knowing an aircraft's ideal altitude is even more important than knowing it's max altitude.

Choice 1 is a lot of fun but will take some time I expect. Choice 2 is boring. Choice 3 requires too much effort. So Choice 4 is clearly the best choice for me Harrybanana.

(in reply to LiquidSky)
Post #: 39
RE: Friday Night Flights - 4/3/2016 6:37:37 PM   
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Joel Billings

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Understandable that you'd like the info presented in-game. Here's the editor screen for the P-51D. You can see the key info in the lower left, including the Max Speed Altitude value. It uses the 3 values to create a max speed graph. IIRC this was all new in WitW, and may be why the info is not on the CR screen comparison for aircraft equipment, nor does it appear to be on the unit detail screen. It would be good to get this value onto the CR screen aircraft info as well. It's tough because some of these screens are already full, but it's a fair request. Keep in mind though that you really need to compare the graphs to get a view of how a/c do across altitude bands against each other. BTW, love the Friday Night Flights, thanks to LS for doing them.

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< Message edited by Joel Billings -- 4/3/2016 6:38:36 PM >


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Post #: 40
RE: Friday Night Flights - 4/3/2016 6:38:20 PM   
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Joel Billings

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And here's the 109G-6.

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Post #: 41
RE: Friday Night Flights - 4/3/2016 7:54:33 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit


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I am again compelled to retract my opinion. Locating this information on the Editor is a lot easier than I thought and not too much work at all. All it took was a few clicks and the information on each aircraft is right there. The only hard work was writing down the max speed altitude for each fighter aircraft I was interested in, which took me all of 15 minutes. Well actually the hardest thing will be not losing the piece of paper I wrote the numbers down on.

(in reply to Joel Billings)
Post #: 42
RE: Friday Night Flights - 4/4/2016 12:28:52 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Note the extra weapon set #2 for the Bf-109. An extra 2 cannons.


“My logisticians are a humorless lot … they know if my campaign fails, they are the first ones I will slay.” – Alexander the Great

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Post #: 43
RE: Friday Night Flights - 4/4/2016 11:45:17 AM   
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Matrix Veteran


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ORIGINAL: Harrybanana

I am again compelled to retract my opinion. Locating this information on the Editor is a lot easier than I thought and not too much work at all. All it took was a few clicks and the information on each aircraft is right there. The only hard work was writing down the max speed altitude for each fighter aircraft I was interested in, which took me all of 15 minutes. Well actually the hardest thing will be not losing the piece of paper I wrote the numbers down on.

You can do a csv export of the aircraft information from the editor, load it up with you favorite spreadsheet software and have all of the data on one sheet,


soeren01, formerly known as Soeren

(in reply to Harrybanana)
Post #: 44
RE: Friday Night Flights - 4/5/2016 12:37:34 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Note the extra weapon set #2 for the Bf-109. An extra 2 cannons.

Whats the maneuver penalty for overloading the bf-109 and how does that affect the results??

< Message edited by JeffK -- 4/5/2016 12:38:56 AM >


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Post #: 45
RE: Friday Night Flights - 4/5/2016 3:34:51 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit


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ORIGINAL: soeren01


ORIGINAL: Harrybanana

I am again compelled to retract my opinion. Locating this information on the Editor is a lot easier than I thought and not too much work at all. All it took was a few clicks and the information on each aircraft is right there. The only hard work was writing down the max speed altitude for each fighter aircraft I was interested in, which took me all of 15 minutes. Well actually the hardest thing will be not losing the piece of paper I wrote the numbers down on.

You can do a csv export of the aircraft information from the editor, load it up with you favorite spreadsheet software and have all of the data on one sheet,

"csv export" I don't know what any of that means. "favorite spreadsheet" I don't even have one, let alone a favorite. I think you might have confused me with someone who is computer literate

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Post #: 46
RE: Friday Night Flights - 4/5/2016 10:37:28 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Not sure what the exact effect is but this is what the game says:

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“My logisticians are a humorless lot … they know if my campaign fails, they are the first ones I will slay.” – Alexander the Great

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Post #: 47
RE: Friday Night Flights - 4/5/2016 4:00:19 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit


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My recollection is that the default load out for the Bf109 is 2 machine guns and 1 cannon. Logically speaking the 2 cannon load out would be better against bombers and the default load out better against fighters. An interesting test would be Bf109 vs Bf109, one group armed with the default load out and the other with 2 cannons.

(in reply to LiquidSky)
Post #: 48
RE: Friday Night Flights - 4/6/2016 2:02:41 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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It would be interesting....veeeeewwwwy interesting.

I already know the answer. The Bf 109G-6 will win.

But since you have given me a plethora of ideas to pursue, I bring you a special Tuesday Night Tussle.

And what a surprise...the plane with the extra 2 cannons won

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“My logisticians are a humorless lot … they know if my campaign fails, they are the first ones I will slay.” – Alexander the Great

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Post #: 49
RE: Friday Night Flights - 4/6/2016 2:16:15 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Here's what happens when I set the Non-Extra canonized at 30k feet, and the canonized Bf's at their optimum altitude 20k feet.

Experience, Altitude, why I shoot down more planes then Q-Ball

EDIT: From what I can tell, you fight at the altitude you set for you planes, if they are in a directive. If not, you fight at the altitude of the attacking group you are intercepting.

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< Message edited by LiquidSky -- 4/6/2016 2:23:02 AM >


“My logisticians are a humorless lot … they know if my campaign fails, they are the first ones I will slay.” – Alexander the Great

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Post #: 50
RE: Friday Night Flights - 4/7/2016 3:38:36 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit


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Can't say I'm an expert on this topic, but I believe that if the 2 cannon loadout is a superior dogfighter to the 2 Machine gun + 1 cannon load out than this is not historically accurate. For what it is worth Wikipedia agrees with me:

"In place of internal wing armament, additional firepower was provided through a pair of 20 mm MG 151/20 cannons installed in conformal gun pods under the wings. Although the additional armament increased the fighter's potency as a bomber destroyer, it had an adverse effect on the handling qualities, reducing its performance in fighter-versus-fighter combat and accentuating the tendency of the fighter to swing pendulum-fashion in flight.[36]"

I see in a recent post that Helpless is (correctly in my opinion) reducing the effectiveness of the small bomb load out in Naval Patrol missions and increasing the effectiveness of torpedoes and mines. Perhaps this is something that can be looked at as well at some point.

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Post #: 51
RE: Friday Night Flights - 4/7/2016 5:43:35 AM   
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Matrix Trooper

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The cannon pads on the Bf 109 were widely disliked by pilots as they significantly affected the aircraft's performance. Aircraft armed with them should fare badly against identical aircraft without them.

(in reply to Harrybanana)
Post #: 52
RE: Friday Night Flights - 4/7/2016 9:56:07 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Load out effects can be adjusted in editor.


Pavel Zagzin
WITE/WITW/WITE-2 Development

(in reply to Ralzakark)
Post #: 53
Saturday Night Statistics - 4/10/2016 7:07:42 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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You cant have a sporting event without statistics! For your infinite enjoyment, here is some exciting figures!

I am doing this as a warning. When I run a flight, I usually do it once as the axis player, and once as the allied player to eliminate any turn bias.

And I was asked to maybe help out in figuring out if there is some problems with load outs the editor.

So....I did an experiment. Exact same plane (the ever popular Fw-190-7).

Similar experience/morale levels...but not exact because they cannot be set individually for the pilots...only an average.

I then flew 10 flights with the Axis going first...then 10 flights with the Allies going first...

And this is the result:

Axis First Turn:

Axis lost/Allies lost


Allied First Turn:

Axis lost/Allied Lost


What I notice is that the axis are tending to lose more planes then the allies. This is probably because the experience/morale levels are not identical..the allies probably have a slight advantage.

In the Axis first the total loss is 1205 Ax / 1105 Al
In the Allied first the total loss is 1151 Ax / 1047 Al

It doesn't appear that there is a turn bias. It doesn't matter who attacks who.

So when I do a flight, there could be a random number bias. It seems to skew between 25%.

Even with the apparent allied bias, there was a couple of times where the allies lost a lot more then the axis... and if that was the one time I flew a flight, you might think that something was 'broken'
But it was just the random number generator favouring the axis that turn...maybe some key allied pilots were damaged/wounded/kia early..then the rest of the week it snowballed.

So you have to do a lot of missions..and average the results to get a true reading. The more you fly, the truer the readings.

In the Axis first scenario....the allies did 9.0% more kills. In the Allied first scenario, they did 9.9% more kills. Less then a percent is not enough of a bias for me to be concerned about it.

So if you want accurate whether or not the added cannons effect the would have to run the mission multiple times and average the results.

< Message edited by LiquidSky -- 4/10/2016 7:29:03 AM >


“My logisticians are a humorless lot … they know if my campaign fails, they are the first ones I will slay.” – Alexander the Great

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Post #: 54
RE: Saturday Night Statistics - 4/10/2016 7:27:42 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Status: offline the real test. I want to see if Rockets play a role in air-air combat. Having read that rockets were used to blow very big holes in allied bombers, I was wondering if they had any appreciable effect in air-air combat in game.

Here is the result....with the Germans carrying the rockets, and the allies not....both flying Fw-190-7's

Axis Lost/Allied Lost


Total: 1225/1072 or 14.3% in favour of the allies. Since this is greater then the 9.9% bias I had in the Allied First scenario seems that carrying the Rockets (with the drop tanks) has a negative effect on air-air combat.

< Message edited by LiquidSky -- 4/10/2016 7:29:38 AM >


“My logisticians are a humorless lot … they know if my campaign fails, they are the first ones I will slay.” – Alexander the Great

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Post #: 55
RE: Saturday Night Statistics - 4/10/2016 7:35:07 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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ORIGINAL: LiquidSky seems that carrying the Rockets (with the drop tanks) has a negative effect on air-air combat.

I was so hoping to see some formal statistical testing

more significantly, I think that while you are right - large, relatively slow rockets are not for WW2 dog-fighting, especially with an added drop tank. But that is not their target, the real test is do they do more damage to allied bombers?

Before my airforce fell apart in my last game I experimented with mixed airgroups so that some intercepting squadrons were rocket armed and others more conventionally. Since it was a PBEM I clearly couldn't rerun etc, but it seemed like a good solution/compromise.


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Post #: 56
RE: Saturday Night Statistics - 4/10/2016 7:57:08 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Looking in the editor at the WGr 210 appears it has no effect on any Air to air combat...and is only used against armour.


“My logisticians are a humorless lot … they know if my campaign fails, they are the first ones I will slay.” – Alexander the Great

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Post #: 57
RE: Saturday Night Statistics - 12/23/2016 5:53:19 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Bumped in the light of bf109 performance discussion.


Pavel Zagzin
WITE/WITW/WITE-2 Development

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Post #: 58
RE: Friday Night Flights - 12/24/2016 10:13:55 AM   
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Matrix Elite Guard


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I am sure this is known, but we have to be careful when talking of fighter vs fighter action not to think of this as the same as dogfighting.
Dogfighting is usually considered your classic 'WW1' turning fight although by WW2, many of them were 'vertical turning fights', that is with 3 dimensions (rolls and split S, Yo yo manoeuvres etc).

In game this is air combat as a whole not just a dogfight. The best theoretical fighter of WW2 would be one that is fast, high rate of climb and dive, good detection ability (good cockpit view and better radar than yet invented), gyro/tracking gun sight and adequate weapons. It would then spot the enemy first, put itself in a optimum position, bounce the enemy at high speed, open fire at greater than 600 yds, score a kill and return to the heavens. Any ability to turn is strictly for air displays.

Now this aircraft obviously doesn't exist, but to the extent it can be modeled in game, it should have negligible losses and either high kills (sees the enemy first) or a 0:0 draw (enemy sees it, and prevents the bounce) - all assuming adequate supplies and competent crews.

The classic example of air fighting is P40 or F4F vs Zero - Zero better in most respects and won in RL for a while, until the US (particularly) stopped dogfighting. They bounced a Zero if they could and stayed well away if they couldn't. The Zero then starts suffering. This is effectively what 'Exp' should be giving in game... low exp aren't only flying the plane 'worse', they are using it wrongly...

So, back to where we started, extra cannon pack 109Gs cant just be assumed to lose to basic 109s, unless the effect on flying characteristics is so pronounced as to make the a/c unflyable (unlikely). But high Exp/Mor pilots on both sides have to be assumed to be flying each to the best advantage... the Cannon pack will be trying for a bounce and completely refusing to turn (dive away instead). The basic 109 will be avoiding the bounce, and then turning. If the delta is very pronounced they may even encourage the bounce to start to get the attacker to come down to fight, then turning the tables on them, as some of the best Tempest and Spit XIV pilots did late war with LW a/c/ that would not engage...

Oh, and the test needs running lots more as said elsewhere.


I have a cunning plan, My Lord

(in reply to Ralzakark)
Post #: 59
RE: Friday Night Flights - 1/18/2017 2:06:19 AM   
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Matrix Elite Guard


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How is the P51D rated more maneuverable than the 109G6 given the G6 has a lower wing-loading?

(in reply to HMSWarspite)
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