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RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bravo (A)

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RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 12/31/2016 8:52:37 PM   

Posts: 9750
Joined: 6/6/2008
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ORIGINAL: el lobo

Allied ground losses:
3428 casualties reported
Squads: 52 destroyed, 5 disabled
Non Combat: 310 destroyed, 117 disabled
Engineers: 19 destroyed, 7 disabled
Guns lost 78 (57 destroyed, 21 disabled)
Vehicles lost 250 (174 destroyed, 76 disabled)
Units retreated 6

He's got units moving in the hex ... that always creates a lot of casualties ...



(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 781
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/1/2017 7:40:57 AM   


Posts: 1496
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From: Zichron Yaaqov, Israel; Before, Treviso, Italy
Status: offline
"Dear Evil Emperor El Lobo-

You have bombed the Chungking Runway almost every single day for one year.

The present elevation of the Chungking Runway is now lower than Death Valley. In honor of the brave Chinese that built the runway, we have renamed the Chungking Airport and Runway the Death Valley Airport and Runway.

We do not know why you choose to keep bombing The Death Valley Runway. We do not have any aircraft. If we had aircraft, we would not be able to lift-off as the runway has been and remains completely inoperable. If the runway was operable and if we had aircraft, we could not lift-off as we have zero fuel. If the runway was operable, we had aircraft, and we had fuel, we could not lift off as we have no supply.

Accordingly, go F_ _ _ yourself.

Yours truly,

Me No Fly,
Airport Minister
Death Valley Airport
Chungking "

(in reply to PaxMondo)
Post #: 782
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/1/2017 7:41:43 AM   


Posts: 1496
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From: Zichron Yaaqov, Israel; Before, Treviso, Italy
Status: offline
Personally, I'mn enjoying a lot

(in reply to adarbrauner)
Post #: 783
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/1/2017 10:42:56 AM   
el lobo

Posts: 825
Joined: 7/20/2013
From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
Status: offline
CHINA Mar 18, 1943 Turn 467

Andev mentioned the units around CK (post 725) and I told him they were there because Rio is a SRB. Here is proof. * Laughing *

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El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to adarbrauner)
Post #: 784
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/1/2017 10:45:18 AM   
el lobo

Posts: 825
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From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
Status: offline
BURMA Mar 19, 1943 Turn 468

Now that the unit has been moved-out, two IDs, a HQ unit, some Arty, an AA unit, and an Engineer unit will strat to Taung Gyi. They will be followed by another ID, some Armor and more Arty and Engineers.

It appears that Mandalay is Keystone's new interest. It has forts five and ~700 AV. He has fifteen unknown units. I will move another ID, a Regiment, and one-third of another ID to Meiktila. The other two-thirds are already in Meiktila and Mandalay. I will swap-out the one-third in Mandalay and rebuild the ID. We will see how it is going in the area as to deciding where it goes.

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El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 785
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/1/2017 10:48:43 AM   
el lobo

Posts: 825
Joined: 7/20/2013
From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: adarbrauner

Personally, I'mn enjoying a lot

He is pleased that you are enjoying it although the words "rat-fink" have been used in the same sentence as you name. Trust me, it's a badge of honor.


El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to adarbrauner)
Post #: 786
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/1/2017 11:08:05 AM   


Posts: 1496
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From: Zichron Yaaqov, Israel; Before, Treviso, Italy
Status: offline
I'm enjoying the kind of relation and expressions between you two, to be sincere.

(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 787
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/1/2017 9:56:29 PM   
el lobo

Posts: 825
Joined: 7/20/2013
From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
Status: offline



OK so this is a Stock scenario 2 game, correct? And you are PDU ON, correct? If so, 10x30 A7M2 factories is plenty good. When the research finishes, you let 7 of them go to production, that's 210 A7M2/month or 7/day. You'll want those remaining 3 RnD to go to J7W1. Then you should have ~5x30 George. That should be all the IJN fighters you need. You'll want to be sure you have at least 2 engine factories on the Ha-43 for a total of ~450/month.

Sam climbs better, a bit faster, has lower SR, CV capable. NICE
George, better MAN, high max ALT, more ARM, a bit more range.
Shinden is your fastest fighter and heaviest guns. Lousy SR, short range, slow climb. Takes practice to get these to work, but when you do, you will be very pleased.

Pax, and anyone else, I would like to revisit this now that you have me thinking.

Are you saying that those should be my only Navy fighters?

Basically I don't have a problem with that. I am just wondering if the Jack has anyplace in your Navy air-mix, and, should I use the Sam in some of my land based units?

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El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to PaxMondo)
Post #: 788
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/2/2017 5:15:09 AM   

Posts: 9750
Joined: 6/6/2008
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ORIGINAL: el lobo



OK so this is a Stock scenario 2 game, correct? And you are PDU ON, correct? If so, 10x30 A7M2 factories is plenty good. When the research finishes, you let 7 of them go to production, that's 210 A7M2/month or 7/day. You'll want those remaining 3 RnD to go to J7W1. Then you should have ~5x30 George. That should be all the IJN fighters you need. You'll want to be sure you have at least 2 engine factories on the Ha-43 for a total of ~450/month.

Sam climbs better, a bit faster, has lower SR, CV capable. NICE
George, better MAN, high max ALT, more ARM, a bit more range.
Shinden is your fastest fighter and heaviest guns. Lousy SR, short range, slow climb. Takes practice to get these to work, but when you do, you will be very pleased.

Pax, and anyone else, I would like to revisit this now that you have me thinking.

Are you saying that those should be my only Navy fighters?

Basically I don't have a problem with that. I am just wondering if the Jack has anyplace in your Navy air-mix, and, should I use the Sam in some of my land based units?

To me, Jack/George are same aircraft and I would never build both ... only one or the other. More aircraft models make product/replacement planning more difficult. If you have factories committed to Jack, leave them alone. You made that decision. Just count them as George factories in my suggestion above.

My real point is that you are now planning your FINAL end game factory allocations. Yeah, in '43 you are committing to '45/46 already. You don't want more than 15 size 30 factories committed to IJN fighters; that's 450 ac/month and you can't afford to build more given a target build rate of 2000 - 2500 AC/month. And to go above that target means you need more supply+HI than historically IJ could produce. You can only do that if you have taken significantly more supply/HI in '43 (like most of India or OZ) which you haven't so you need to keep your production planning within 'normal' bounds ... don't go too big or you will crash in '45 ... and Rio wins with no fight as your units either have no supply or no replacements (depending upon whether you run out of supply of HI first).



(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 789
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/2/2017 5:21:08 AM   

Posts: 9750
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ORIGINAL: el lobo
should I use the Sam in some of my land based units?

Absolutely use Sam in LBA units ... given your "anything goes" game, sunk CV air groups need to be bought back and sized to ~49. Sam is very capable fighter. George/Jack layered with Sam make for a good CAP. George is your best IJN LBA escort; matches range with Jill/Judy better than Sam.



(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 790
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/2/2017 7:58:58 AM   
el lobo

Posts: 825
Joined: 7/20/2013
From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
Status: offline


If you have factories committed to Jack, leave them alone. You made that decision. Just count them as George factories in my suggestion above.

I have, so I will leave.


My real point is that you are now planning your FINAL end game factory allocations.

Yes. Thanks again.

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El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to PaxMondo)
Post #: 791
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/3/2017 1:57:08 PM   


Posts: 474
Joined: 5/8/2007
Status: offline

Andev mentioned the units around CK (post 725) and I told him they were there because Rio is a SRB. Here is proof. * Laughing *

Like we needed MORE proof of his SRBerlyness!!!

You know your opponent for sure.


(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 792
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/7/2017 11:56:42 AM   
el lobo

Posts: 825
Joined: 7/20/2013
From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
Status: offline
BURMA Mar 25 1943 Turn 474

A lot to packing/unpacking going on here.

At Taung Gyi we have one HQ, two IDs, two Armor units, five Arty units, and five Engineer units in various stages of moving into the hex to the east. An AA unit and an Arty units snuck in there first somehow.

Mandalay now has sixteen enemy units. Another Japanese ID just moved in. I now have ~1100 AV there.

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El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to Andav)
Post #: 793
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/9/2017 4:34:27 AM   
el lobo

Posts: 825
Joined: 7/20/2013
From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
Status: offline

This air group arrived with withdraw being due. Seems odd.

And note date in upper left.

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< Message edited by el lobo -- 1/9/2017 4:38:28 AM >


El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 794
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/9/2017 5:47:59 PM   


Posts: 2732
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ORIGINAL: el lobo
This air group arrived with withdraw being due. Seems odd.

Must be older beta bug. Has 420401 arrival and 421201 withdrawal dates in mine Scenario 2

(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 795
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/12/2017 10:45:08 AM   
el lobo

Posts: 825
Joined: 7/20/2013
From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
Status: offline
BURMA Mar 29 1943 Turn 478

In the hex east of Taung Gyi we softened them up and moved them out.

It seems to have gotten Kommander Keystone's attention as he is moving troops in and out of Lashio.

The big one of four.

Morning Air attack on 32nd Infantry/B Division, at 60,48 , near Taung Gyi

Weather in hex: Light cloud

Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 8
Ki-44-IIc Tojo x 10
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 20
Ki-49-IIa Helen x 91

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-49-IIa Helen: 32 damaged

Allied ground losses:
47 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Ground combat at 60,48 (near Taung Gyi)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 14986 troops, 208 guns, 178 vehicles, Assault Value = 993

Defending force 3293 troops, 70 guns, 67 vehicles, Assault Value = 124

Japanese adjusted assault: 446

Allied adjusted defense: 16

Japanese assault odds: 27 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(-), disruption(-), experience(-)

Japanese ground losses:
71 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 10 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Vehicles lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
539 casualties reported
Squads: 28 destroyed, 30 disabled
Non Combat: 30 destroyed, 18 disabled
Engineers: 2 destroyed, 3 disabled
Guns lost 22 (9 destroyed, 13 disabled)
Vehicles lost 19 (11 destroyed, 8 disabled)
Units retreated 1

Attachment (1)


El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to GetAssista)
Post #: 796
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/12/2017 9:30:32 PM   


Posts: 1496
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From: Zichron Yaaqov, Israel; Before, Treviso, Italy
Status: offline
Reading the update.
Meanwhile, situation is good there (and if we take in consideration the situation in China, so VERY good).

What about air warfare?

I was much concerned to see him able to outmanouver and over power you in the plains and between Prome and Toungoo, therefore I suggested a careful retreat in the jungle, also considered that the mountain passage to China is firmly in our hand...

And I still cannot assess whether he has power and assets enough to cut you off in Mandaly and Magwe, and western of Toungoo, as prevoiusly feared.

You shoulld also be gearing up for a possible more naval offensive somewhere else - and for counter attack or counter offensive

(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 797
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/13/2017 1:25:30 AM   

Posts: 9750
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ORIGINAL: adarbrauner

Reading the update.

You shoulld also be gearing up for a possible more naval offensive somewhere else - and for counter attack or counter offensive


How goes CK? Any update?

What does NorPac look like?



(in reply to adarbrauner)
Post #: 798
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/13/2017 2:24:53 AM   
el lobo

Posts: 825
Joined: 7/20/2013
From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
Status: offline
BURMA Mar 30 1943 Turn 479



Meanwhile, situation is good there (and if we take in consideration the situation in China, so VERY good).

China could get a lot better in four or five days. Chengtu is almost ready for a DA. CK is still on hold but I have three more IDs ready to move in there. I want one to rest a little more.


What about air warfare?

I am having a hard time getting Rio to come-out and play. As mentioned, I have been sweeping daily without much contact. This should influence him to put-up some CAP.

Morning Air attack on Imphal , at 60,40

Weather in hex: Partial cloud

Raid spotted at 14 NM, estimated altitude 17,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-21-Ic Sally x 26

Allied aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-21-Ic Sally: 6 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
B-17E Fortress: 15 damaged
B-17E Fortress: 1 destroyed on ground
B-24D Liberator: 4 damaged
B-24D Liberator: 1 destroyed on ground
B-24D1 Liberator: 3 damaged

Airbase hits 8


I was much concerned to see him able to outmanouver and over power you in the plains and between Prome and Toungoo, therefore I suggested a careful retreat in the jungle, also considered that the mountain passage to China is firmly in our hand...

I respectfully disagree with your evaluation concerning the plains. I left the plains open and held the jungle hexes. Sound familiar? We have had no battles in the plains so no over powering there either.


And I still cannot assess whether he has power and assets enough to cut you off in Mandaly and Magwe, and western of Toungoo, as prevoiusly feared.

I don't know what he has in Mandalay. Another Japanese ID moves in there next turn.


You shoulld also be gearing up for a possible more naval offensive somewhere else - and for counter attack or counter offensive

I agree with both of you on this. There has been a lot of activity in Rabaul recently. I finally have an ID freed-up from Adak and is on the HI loading. I am not sure where to put them.


El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to adarbrauner)
Post #: 799
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/13/2017 3:49:55 AM   
el lobo

Posts: 825
Joined: 7/20/2013
From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
Status: offline


What does NorPac look like?

ADAK Mar 30 1943 Turn 479

I have not seen any movement here. Rio has sent some Catalinas over on occasion. I have a new Ace there.

I have one more ID to remove.

I took Shemya so as to have a place from/to which to hop.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by el lobo -- 1/13/2017 3:52:56 AM >


El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to PaxMondo)
Post #: 800
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/13/2017 11:31:22 PM   

Posts: 9750
Joined: 6/6/2008
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ORIGINAL: el lobo

I have not seen any movement here. Rio has sent some Catalinas over on occasion. I have a new Ace there.

I have one more ID to remove.

I took Shemya so as to have a place from/to which to hop.

So, for me ADAK is a major trip wire. As long as I hold it, the allies have a tough time mounting a northern invasion. Not impossible, just much tougher. Meaning, I don't need nearly the garrison in Hokkaido. Still need very good NavSearch coverage of the NorPac. This is from Adak, Marcus, Kushiro. You can put Mavis/Emily/G3M3 on search at 20 hex range and maintain minimal ops losses with enough rest, especially the Nells. You want pilots with min 65 NavSearch .. more if you can. 32 hex warning is only 4 days notice, but it is 4 days. You can move a LOT of material to Hokkaido in 4 days if you see him.

Now there is a gap between Adak and Marcus (they are like 55 hexes apart) ... you need to fill that with an AV or 3 with Jake/Norms ... the allies will come hunting eventually, lay a trap and shut it hard if they do.

When I lose Adak and still control Marcus, I have at best 3 days notice of Hokkaido attack. Lose Marcus, only 2 days at best, and that means Hokkaido has to be fully fortified from then on. Able to withstand not only the DeathStar, but able to push 6ID's + 1 ARMDiv off in less than a week. That take a LOT of ground forces ...



(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 801
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/23/2017 10:11:53 AM   

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bump to keep on 1st page.



(in reply to PaxMondo)
Post #: 802
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/24/2017 12:23:45 PM   
el lobo

Posts: 825
Joined: 7/20/2013
From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
Status: offline
Thanks. A little RL got in the way.

PRODUCTION Apr 1, 1943 Turn 481

Accelerated this month:

J2M3 Jack 2/44
Tony 100-I 5/44
Oscar -43-IV 4/43 In production
N1K1-J George In production
Ki-49-IIb Helen 4/43 In production
D4Y3 Judy 5/43
B6N2 Jill 5/43
Ki-84a Frank 12/43

Ha-43 5/45

Attachment (1)


El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to PaxMondo)
Post #: 803
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/24/2017 10:33:11 PM   

Posts: 9750
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Sweet. George. Ramp up to a nice level and upgrade all of your land based IJN fighter groups to it. BIG improvement over Zero. You'll really appreciate how many pilots you save ....



(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 804
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/25/2017 10:37:05 AM   
el lobo

Posts: 825
Joined: 7/20/2013
From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
Status: offline
Rodger that, I will need them.

CHINA Apr 1, 1943 Turn 481

To say that I am up-set would be an understatement.

Ground combat at Chengtu (75,41)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 142036 troops, 1698 guns, 1183 vehicles, Assault Value = 4554

Defending force 97581 troops, 122 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2785

Japanese adjusted assault: 2375

Allied adjusted defense: 2621

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 1)

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
34129 casualties reported
Squads: 190 destroyed, 1139 disabled
Non Combat: 5 destroyed, 234 disabled
Engineers: 33 destroyed, 271 disabled
Guns lost 284 (26 destroyed, 258 disabled)
Vehicles lost 115 (2 destroyed, 113 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
3319 casualties reported
Squads: 9 destroyed, 279 disabled
Non Combat: 17 destroyed, 312 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled


El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to PaxMondo)
Post #: 805
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/25/2017 10:38:20 AM   
el lobo

Posts: 825
Joined: 7/20/2013
From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
Status: offline

It looks like I will not be able to take China so my objective will be to keep it isolated as long as possible.

Rio is getting more troops into Burma, I am not. He has not DAed yet but when he does it will be with overwhelming forces.

So it is time to start my withdraw into the jungle. Shwebo will be first. I am not sure what to do with Ramree Island. Anything I put there will be locked-in and eventually destroyed.

Right now it has150 AV with forts three. I have two IDs and an Armor Div sitting in the hex to east that can go either into Ramree or elsewhere. The Armor Div will definitely go elsewhere, probably the Rangoon area.

Suggestions please.


El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 806
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/25/2017 12:21:58 PM   


Posts: 1496
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From: Zichron Yaaqov, Israel; Before, Treviso, Italy
Status: offline
I don't know what to say about the retreat from Central Burma.

From one side, Rio is going to receive excellent advanced airstrips and logistic facilities, that we are loosing.

On the other side, a shorter deep jungle line of difense may require less LCUs and strenght to be employed somewhere else.

In any case isolation of China is of the 1st priority and has to be kept. I think this is 1st strategic objective of Rio (relief of China as long as it still exists)

(I almost fainted when I read of the 35000 casualties in one engagement one day only. It still causes me headaches). Obviously the ring around chunking and chengtu, and the daily bombardment should not be released. Eventually they shall fall later.

(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 807
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/25/2017 1:35:08 PM   


Posts: 474
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I am not sure what to do with Ramree Island. Anything I put there will be locked-in and eventually destroyed.

I would leave enough to make him have to divert enough forces to take the base. He will either need to amphibious assault of cross a river to enter the hex. 150 seems too light but I am not sure I would send a division. If it has an airfield, maybe fly in a regiment and then fly parts out when the end is near. When he takes Remree, he will be able to dump a bunch of supplies there which will feed everything in the Burma interior and eventually into China if there is an open road.

Tanks definitely need to drive away from Remree.

China is a grind. Most of those 34k casualties will come back eventually. Rotate them out and keep bombing. The adjusted value even with a supply (-) is a bit depressing. And plus leaders for the Chinese ... Bah ...


(in reply to adarbrauner)
Post #: 808
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/26/2017 2:05:01 AM   

Posts: 9750
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ORIGINAL: el lobo

Thanks. A little RL got in the way.

Spent a lot of time in thailand, both north and south. Had a "little" rl distract me many times there.



(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 809
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo (J), vs. Rio Bra... - 1/26/2017 2:10:41 AM   

Posts: 9750
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ORIGINAL: el lobo

To say that I am up-set would be an understatement.

Bad luck, but well within the parameters of the game.

Here's the good news, it will happen to him and when it does, you take the base.

You have to remember that later in the game. Any defense can be broached because there is always a chance for it to happen. Defense in depth though, requires that to happen multiple times. those odds shrink drastically with depth. For example. the Korean penninsula. Barring an amphib landing at Moppo, there are 3 good MLR's that you can setup and even though you are badly outgunned you can hold against the SOV for 6 months there keeping Osaka out of B17 range for that time.



(in reply to el lobo)
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