Posts: 355
Joined: 9/16/2016 Status: offline
1. The optimal size for an R&D factory is 30. This is because: a. You get one extra research point from engines PER FACTORY b. The number of points produced by a factory varies from 0 to 3 per day. If you read michaelm's last post in the link from my previous post, he states that it takes a size 300 factory will guarentee a 2nd point.… Obviously, if you can repair 10 x 30 for the same supply cost, you will get 10 research points per day as opposed to 2. With the engine bonus active for all, you get 20 research poins instead of 3. 2. You can accelerate late models of some airframes very easily. a. Research the A6M2-N Rufe at 5 factories of size 30. b. Build the Ha-33 production so that you are building 150-200 extra each month by March 42. (get the pool to 500) c. As each Rufe research factory gets fully built, switch it to A6M8. You must convert the factory one step at a time: A6M2-N -> A6M5, A6M5 -> A6M5b, A6M5b -> A6M5c, A6M5c -> A6M8. Remember that upgrading along the aircrafts upgrade path does not cause the factory to be damaged and it stays FULLY REPAIRED. d. Plan on flying the A6M8 starting in late 42 instead of . . . 8/45. Yes, this really works. e. A similar plan works with the Ki-61Ia -> Ki-61 Ib -> Ki-61 Id -> Ki 61-II KAI -> Ki-100-Ia f. Or Ki-44-Iia to Ki-44-Iic g. Or Ki43-Iia -> Ki-43-IIIa or Ki-43-IV h. Etc. 3. Repair is expensive. You might be inclined to run rampant with research, but you simply cannot afford to do that. Consider that if you build each research factory to 30, then you will repair 30 x 74 = 2,220 repair points at a cost of 2,220,000 supply. At game start, you have about 3 million supply and will produce roughly 23375 supply per day. Let's put that number in perspective: 30 days per month * 23375 supply per day * 44 months = 30,855,000 supply. Just repairing your research factories will cost you 2220000/30855000 = 7.19% of the supply you will produce in the entire war - and to get enough engines for all those factories, you will have to expand engine factories by a similar amount to build the planes in those factories or get an engine bonus for research. Fifteen percent of your supply production is gone off the bat. Oh, and I haven't even bothered to account for the increased HI needed to produce the engines. You have to pick your spots for expansion and research. You *really* want to fine tune your research to consume a minimum of supply and get the most bang for your buck.