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936.2 Hostage Ware?

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936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/13/2017 3:07:05 PM   


Posts: 94
Joined: 3/21/2016
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Congratulations. Your update just made it impossible to use the program with any scenario created with a platform with ABM lasers because the new sales pitch locks such scenarios out. It says "High Energy Lasers required", sends you to something to spend money on which is not available, then returns you to scenario selection. Wouldn't it have been just as effective to put the sales pitch in, but just put a software switch in to disable high energy lasers in existing scenarios until the sales pitch is really meaningful?

If this remains, then I will have to think very hard before spending any more money on CMANO.

< Message edited by peterc100248 -- 4/13/2017 3:08:39 PM >
Post #: 1
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/13/2017 3:36:16 PM   


Posts: 104
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This is unfortunate that you feel this way. For me I want to see Command grow and prosper, always getting new features. Sometimes we have to pay a small price to get those features. I'm not quite sure how you class it as "Hostage Ware" I think I would rephrase it to "hostage where?"

I think very hard before spending any money but I think it's money well spent on this project. If you don't want the features nobodies forcing you to buy the upgrade.

(in reply to peterc100248)
Post #: 2
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/13/2017 4:00:04 PM   


Posts: 13282
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Just to clarify: You used the pre-existing laser weapons? (ABL Coil-shot and LaWS). Asking because I am pretty certain that we allow these two for non-DLC setups.

If you can post (or privately send) the scenario in question we can have a look at it.

Thanks for giving us the benefit of the doubt.

< Message edited by Sunburn -- 4/13/2017 4:02:10 PM >


(in reply to Peter66)
Post #: 3
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/13/2017 8:10:56 PM   


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Here is the scenario. I cannot even determine which laser is triggering the problem because I can't open it in the editor.

If I sound short, it's only because whoever programmed that feature didn't test it before offering the code up as a release candidate. I think a feature that invalidates things your customers may like isn't going to be well received.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by peterc100248 -- 4/13/2017 8:13:36 PM >

(in reply to Dimitris)
Post #: 4
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/13/2017 8:58:30 PM   


Posts: 13282
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I looked into this now.

1) Using a previous build, you added a "Laser Shot (Solid State Fiber)" weapon to the ship "DDG 127 Biddle". If you had attempted to fire this weapon in pre-v1.12 versions, you would have received a "this weapon is not supported until v1.12" message. We notified players long ago that only the pre-existing laser weapons (ABL COIL-shot and LaWS) would be freely available. The additional laser weapons fall under the "HELs Phase-2" category and are available only upon purchasing the "Chains of War" DLC.

2) The simplest way to resolve this is: Using v1.11 SR7 (which you still have, if you backed up your existing installation as per our instructions), open the scenario in ScenEdit mode and remove the SSF laser. You can replace it with either the ABL COIL-Shot or the LaWS laser; either of these will not be blocked. You need to do this for every platform that has has this laser or any other new system. Save the scenario and then load it in v1.12 RC.

3) Your assertion that the v1.12 RC "just made it impossible to use the program with any scenario created with a platform with ABM lasers" is wrong. Your assertion that "whoever programmed that feature didn't test it before offering the code up" is also wrong.

< Message edited by Sunburn -- 4/14/2017 6:18:26 AM >


(in reply to peterc100248)
Post #: 5
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/14/2017 3:14:26 PM   


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Then the question must become: Do you intend to continue to support v1.11 SR7 with bug fixes that are discovered?

(in reply to Dimitris)
Post #: 6
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/14/2017 3:35:33 PM   


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peterc100248 I think the question I would be asking instead is, since when have the developers ceased to continue support or stop bug fixes? I'm sorry but I don't seem to understand what you are so annoyed about.

1) You added DLC lasers to a ship and complained it needed the DLC.
2) You complained that the programmers didn't test this. Yet it is working as intended, or am I mistaken?

It would seem it is you who is in the wrong yet you continue to believe you are right with no evidence to prove otherwise. Some people would consider apologising at this stage but I somehow expect otherwise.

< Message edited by Peter66 -- 4/14/2017 3:56:33 PM >

(in reply to peterc100248)
Post #: 7
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/14/2017 5:48:46 PM   
Kitchens Sink


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I looked into this now.

1) Using a previous build, you added a "Laser Shot (Solid State Fiber)" weapon to the ship "DDG 127 Biddle". If you had attempted to fire this weapon in pre-v1.12 versions, you would have received a "this weapon is not supported until v1.12" message. We notified players long ago that only the pre-existing laser weapons (ABL COIL-shot and LaWS) would be freely available. The additional laser weapons fall under the "HELs Phase-2" category and are available only upon purchasing the "Chains of War" DLC.

2) The simplest way to resolve this is: Using v1.11 SR7 (which you still have, if you backed up your existing installation as per our instructions), open the scenario in ScenEdit mode and remove the SSF laser. You can replace it with either the ABL COIL-Shot or the LaWS laser; either of these will not be blocked. You need to do this for every platform that has has this laser or any other new system. Save the scenario and then load it in v1.12 RC.

3) Your assertion that the v1.12 RC "just made it impossible to use the program with any scenario created with a platform with ABM lasers" is wrong. Your assertion that "whoever programmed that feature didn't test it before offering the code up" is also wrong.

Sunburn, I think that the issue is a little deeper than that. Here is my recollections and perspective:

1. In earlier versions, all forms of lasers were available to add to platforms. No restrictions and paid DLC content wasn't discussed.

2. In a later version, all of the lasers were disabled with a message stating they would be re-activated in v. 1.12. Again, there was no mention of DLC issues, just that the laser systems were all being "overhauled". In a following version, 2 of the laser systems were re-activated (again I didn't see any mention that the others lasers would only be active via paid DLC).

3. In the latest version, scenarios with lasers that were not re-activated will not load at all. Scenario designers must downgrade to the previous version of the game, remove the "now forbidden" lasers, and then re-upgrade the game...which seems a little tedious.

Maybe it's possible to allow loading of scenarios containing the DLC-only lasers in the newest game version, with a note that those lasers will not function unless you purchase the DLC? (similar to the note when all lasers were deactivated).


(in reply to Dimitris)
Post #: 8
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/14/2017 6:27:20 PM   


Posts: 94
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Thank you Kitchens Sink. That is the problem. It also seems the developers have created a fork in the road of program development with this latest update. My suggestion is exactly as you state in your last paragraph. That would be far less work than potentially dividing your user/buyer database.

The previous version is working, but who knows what serious bugs may be discovered tomorrow. Will Matrix work to fix those bugs - commit to maintaining work on the latest version of CMANO not requiring Chains of War?

The previous version works well to notify the scenario designer that those weapons do not work. I have no issues with that approach.

In addition, it is not possible to purchase Chains of War on the website the latest version directs you to. Well fine. I'm willing to wait, IF I could work with all the scenarios I have created in the meantime. I have to downgrade to do that.

(in reply to Kitchens Sink)
Post #: 9
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/14/2017 6:37:55 PM   


Posts: 104
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Now I start to see where you are coming from. Here's where I think you've got confused:

Quote from:
"can be played as a separate game (with the possibility to upgrade it to the base game with all the available database and scenarios at any point in time). Alternatively, it can be integrated as a new set of scenarios for owners of the original"

It would seem that the expansion is not the equivalent of the full software. So why would they stop supporting the full Command Modern Air/Naval Operations experience? I would suggest doing some research before accusing people of things. To find that information took me less than 2 minutes, probably faster than it took for you to post.

As for your issues with how they handled lasers in the DLC then that's fine. We all have our own opinions.

You can easily work with the scenarios you have already created right now. All of mine work just fine.

(in reply to peterc100248)
Post #: 10
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/14/2017 6:51:54 PM   

Posts: 1355
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ORIGINAL: peterc100248

The previous version is working, but who knows what serious bugs may be discovered tomorrow. Will Matrix work to fix those bugs - commit to maintaining work on the latest version of CMANO not requiring Chains of War?

Same version really, right? The DLC works WITH the existing update path of C:MANO. I understand the part about things only working with Chains of War, and there will probably be differing opinions about that, but 1.12 will just be the next version after 1.11 with the caveat that some things will require Chains of War to work. It's not really a fork in the development, which implies two separately developed versions on parallel paths after a split, and each updated separately. More like having a license for a feature.

Personally I have no problem with this. The amount of extra content, database updates, new features, and the responsiveness of the developer, that I've gotten for free after the initial purchase - to me, it's astounding when compared to anything comparable. Seems fair to pony up a few bucks :-)


Dave A.
"When the Boogeyman goes to sleep he checks his closet for paratroopers"

(in reply to peterc100248)
Post #: 11
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/14/2017 9:45:46 PM   


Posts: 94
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Honestly those of you who do not work for Matrix seem to be more knowledgeable about what Matrix is doing than they are. Please...can you let the developers speak for themselves?

Now for the developers, I have discovered that an old scenario, upgraded to the latest database, or even created with the latest database, under 936.2 can be caused to not load in exactly the way my old scenario does. Just take a ship, add a laser weapon mount, then add a laser that is not supported. Works fine - as long as you don't save it. (I doubt the laser works, but I haven't tried it) Save it and reload it? Gone. You cannot reload it because you get taken to the upgrade trap.

All of this happens without a word of warning that adding one of the upgrade weapons to a laser mount will cause the scenario to be unloadable if saved.

This does not just happen with lasers, as you know. If you select the rail gun 155mm AGS, add a mount to an existing platform, and save the scenario? Same result. You cannot load that scenario you edited, and there is not any warning that this is going to happen.

I want to be clear here. I'm not concerned that the laser/AGS gun rounds are not usable. I'm concerned that scenarios created prior to 936.2 that happen to have whatever now triggers the "unloadable" feature (or any feature yet to be discovered), or new scenarios created under 936.2 without the upgrade that trigger the trap, are effectively rendered unusable if saved.

As things stand, that is a divergent path. Without seeing your code, I would think it can be easily corrected with a simple "if then else" qualifier for those features that only come into play with the upgrade, but that is a guess.

< Message edited by peterc100248 -- 4/14/2017 9:59:20 PM >

(in reply to ultradave)
Post #: 12
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/14/2017 10:34:53 PM   


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Maybe just add a message that the weapon won't fire if you don't own the DLC. I can see it easily becoming a major problem if scenario authors who have the DLC start to release scenarios with these weapons in it and not releasing a different version without those weapons. With the current "lock out" feature that peter is talking about, this might create a large divide in the C:MANO community in terms of scenario authors and community testers.

(in reply to peterc100248)
Post #: 13
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/14/2017 11:24:35 PM   


Posts: 1824
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From: Miami, Florida
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Don't take this the wrong way, but the tone of your messages are coming across really strong. This is especially true for someone who just joined this forum (according to your name) just 23 days ago.

If you had (or have) been around a little bit longer you would have seen that these guys pump out a new version (correction/update) about every two weeks. I've never seen a company give you as many updates, and correct things, all for free, as fast as they do. Most companies charge you for everything. This group is great, and all of the upgrades are free.

Sometimes, their responses to us can sound a little short, or lacking specificity, but in this case it is your messages that are sounding a little snarky, at least to me.

Personally, I bug these guys to death when an update "breaks" something that used to work for me. Almost immediately I point it out, and it is usually fixed by the next day, sometimes even the same day. They do listen.

I just wanted you to hear this from someone other than them. I am the last person who would ever be considered to be an apologist for them, but they really are a good group of guys, and they work harder at making this game better every day.

Like you or not (and I'm not saying that they don't), I'm sure that they will have your issue resolved ASAP. They have always fixed mine, and I can be a real persistent pain.

Not that it matters, but perhaps if you softened the tone of your message it would be a little more palpable to everyone's eyes. But, to say that they rendered something "impossible to use" or calling it "hostage ware" sounds a little strong, don't you think?

In any case, if I am out of bounds for these remarks, please consider that they are MY remarks, and allow me to apologize in advance.

Thanks in advance.


(in reply to peterc100248)
Post #: 14
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/15/2017 12:35:16 AM   


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(@the OP)
Yeah, the tone's a bit strident. Try to cool down *before* posting. Hostage Ware is a bit over the top. You'll get more flies with honey than vinegar. But I'm not kissing Mike for any reason, either.

The scenarios that can't even be opened/edited, vs mounts just not working, could be a concern. Perhaps bring up the DLC splash when opened, but let them close it and continue on. Let them open it in the editor and remove the offending weapons?

On the other hand, you really shouldn't get all bent out of shape on a clearly labeled 'test' or 'candidate' update pack, either. It's posts like the OP's that makes developers want to have people for closed beta testing because people fly off the handle over stuff that's being open beta tested, not yet 'released'. I see this all the time in Player Test stuff for other games, where people get all hot under the collar when it's clearly labeled 'TEST'.

My 2 cents, FWIW.


< Message edited by mavfin -- 4/15/2017 12:36:00 AM >

(in reply to DWReese)
Post #: 15
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/15/2017 3:36:15 AM   


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Hey I'm secure enough with who I am for a dude smooch! Anytime pal!

Once CoW ships I'm retiring from Command work anyways. I't was a great ride did what I wanted to do but time to have a normal life:)

Dimitris is not looking to hose anybody. Like always he tries to do his best.


< Message edited by mikmyk -- 4/15/2017 4:03:40 AM >


(in reply to mavfin)
Post #: 16
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/15/2017 3:51:51 AM   


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IMHO, the simple solution is to purchase the "Chain of War" expansion. The developers of CMANO have completed development and expansion work beyond what any reasonable person would expect for free. Purchasing the new expansion pack is just compensation for their work and encourages future development.

Mike, I especially miss you. Thank you for all that you have done to make CMANO the best wargame on the market. FWIW, I never thought that the old Harpoon could turn into anything like CMANO.

< Message edited by JPFisher55 -- 4/15/2017 3:54:28 AM >

(in reply to mikmykWS)
Post #: 17
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/15/2017 4:01:37 AM   


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Yeah When Gilman gave us the ole.. if you don't like it go build your own game I don't think he expected this either! Glad we were able to achieve our goals with this project,

It's going to be fun just being able to have fun!



(in reply to JPFisher55)
Post #: 18
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/15/2017 5:14:29 PM   


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A replacement had to be made at some point. You can modernize Windows XP a lot...but it's still XP, and it's still way past End of Life.

Also, the gaming/simulation world has changed as well. The old game was coded when RAM used and disk space used was a real consideration. The computer I originally played on had a 250 MB hard drive, and 36 MB of RAM. You might install the game on your computer, and run the scenarios from CD. I never did, but I still go far back enough to have received an update to the game via snail mail on a floppy disk.

So, yeah. Time moves on. I'm glad you guys made this one. There's basically nothing out there with this level of detail. I just hope someone makes a replacement when the time comes for this one.


(in reply to mikmykWS)
Post #: 19
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/15/2017 8:02:54 PM   


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Don't get me started on the kludges used in the DOS version of the old game. It was more than a minor miracle that it even got running on the Windows NT family.

(in reply to mavfin)
Post #: 20
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/18/2017 5:45:54 AM   


Posts: 13282
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So here's a list of the new weapon types and in which version they are supported. I was originally going to post this later, but I didn't plan on being labelled as "hostage taker" (still waiting for an apology & retraction on that BTW). If I delay this more then who knows, next thing maybe I'll be an ex-Einsatztruppen member in hiding.

* Tactical EMP (Directional) and Hypersonic Glide Vehicles (HGVs): Enabled only in the professional edition. These weapons do not work in v1.11 SR7 at all, and in v1.12+ a scenario containing them is blocked from loading.

* Tactical EMP (Omnidirectional), Phase-2 High-Energy Lasers (HELs) and Railguns & HVPs: Enabled with a License for "Chains of War". These weapons do not work in v1.11 SR7 at all, and in v1.12+ if a CoW license is not present, a scenario containing them is blocked from loading.

* Phase-1 HELs (ABL-1 COIL laser and LaWS laser) and all other weapon types: Freely usable in all versions.

< Message edited by Sunburn -- 4/18/2017 6:14:19 AM >


(in reply to Eggstor)
Post #: 21
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/18/2017 5:55:06 AM   


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1. In earlier versions, all forms of lasers were available to add to platforms. No restrictions and paid DLC content wasn't discussed.

In past versions only the Phase-1 lasers (ABL and LaWS) were available. These are still now freely available for use, and in fact they enjoy the modelling improvements that were created in order to add the new laser types.


3. In the latest version, scenarios with lasers that were not re-activated will not load at all. Scenario designers must downgrade to the previous version of the game, remove the "now forbidden" lasers, and then re-upgrade the game...which seems a little tedious.

You and some others keep saying "downgrade". Did we instruct everyone to make a backup of their existing installation, yes or no?

If you did as we instructed, you now have a separate, fully working v1.11 SR7 installation in addition to your v1.12 RC setup. So load the scenario file in there, remove the new lasers or other new weapons, save the scenario. Done.


Maybe it's possible to allow loading of scenarios containing the DLC-only lasers in the newest game version, with a note that those lasers will not function unless you purchase the DLC? (similar to the note when all lasers were deactivated).

You have to consider this from the end-user's point of view. If I try loading a scenario with the new weapon types and I'm blocked at the loading screen, it's a minor annoyance. If I load the scenario, invest time and energy into planning etc., then at the last moment discover that I cannot use some new weapon that my plan hinges on, I'll be in an axe-murdering mood. And the axe-wielding player will not blame the careless scen author. He'll come after us.

< Message edited by Sunburn -- 4/18/2017 6:05:39 AM >


(in reply to Kitchens Sink)
Post #: 22
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/18/2017 11:54:53 AM   
Kitchens Sink


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Sunburn, thanks for your response.

I gave up axe-murdering a long time ago. There just didn't seem to be much of a future in it, and chain saws are much more effective anyhow.

p.s. The "hostage-ware" title sure wasn't my idea


(in reply to Dimitris)
Post #: 23
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/18/2017 3:57:30 PM   


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"Maybe just add a message that the weapon won't fire if you don't own the DLC. I can see it easily becoming a major problem if scenario authors who have the DLC start to release scenarios with these weapons in it and not releasing a different version without those weapons. With the current "lock out" feature that peter is talking about, this might create a large divide in the C:MANO community in terms of scenario authors and community testers."

You didn't address this.

"I want to be clear here. I'm not concerned that the laser/AGS gun rounds are not usable. I'm concerned that scenarios created prior to 936.2 that happen to have whatever now triggers the "unloadable" feature (or any feature yet to be discovered), or new scenarios created under 936.2 without the upgrade that trigger the trap, are effectively rendered unusable if saved.

As things stand, that is a divergent path. Without seeing your code, I would think it can be easily corrected with a simple "if then else" qualifier for those features that only come into play with the upgrade, but that is a guess.

You didn't address this, except to say that the answer is to have TWO iterations of CMANO running. Are you going to instruct the entire installed user base to do that? I wouldn't want to do that. I'm not going to come after you. Thankfully, you said that. Your fanboys would go into orbit had I said it.

Look, I understand completely what you guys are doing. You have been doing an excellent job. I think you need to understand that once you start charging money for your product, you are really no different than any other commercial enterprise. I have no issue with you doing that, but the relationship does change - like it or not.

I'm not sure what you would say if you owned a business, purchased software to do accounting for that business, and suddenly, after an update, the software crashed every time you tried to load your payroll. Then you get a little pop-up note saying if you'll just buy an upgrade, you can get the payroll feature back with a few improvements. Or you, can just "downgrade" and have the payroll feature back, complete with bugs, but "we won't support the version you payed for." Meanwhile, all the work you put into your payroll is useless.

Looking at the qualifications Matrix prefers of future employees, it seems there is an understanding of how important it is to have a good relationship with their customer base:

"Hostage Ware" is not a personal insult. It is a common phrase in the computer industry and is directed at the code one generates that, knowingly or unknowingly, does what you may not have intended it to. If you took it personally, I apologize to you. That doesn't change my opinion of the little "feature trap". Even had you written the code, "Hostage Ware" is not directed at a person. I spent 25 years developing systems and software for the defense of the free world. Had my customers informed me I had written "Hostage Ware", I wouldn't be waiting on an apology. I would have been trying to figure out what went wrong, and how I could smooth ruffled feathers.

(in reply to Kitchens Sink)
Post #: 24
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/19/2017 6:00:11 AM   


Posts: 13282
Joined: 7/31/2005
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ORIGINAL: peterc100248
"Maybe just add a message that the weapon won't fire if you don't own the DLC. I can see it easily becoming a major problem if scenario authors who have the DLC start to release scenarios with these weapons in it and not releasing a different version without those weapons. With the current "lock out" feature that peter is talking about, this might create a large divide in the C:MANO community in terms of scenario authors and community testers."

You didn't address this.

I did. See above. Blocking a player mid-scenario is bad. Axe-crazy bad. Blocking the scenario at load is not ideal, but a much lesser evil.

Another solution has been suggested to us, by a rational customer, and we're looking into its feasibility.


"I want to be clear here. I'm not concerned that the laser/AGS gun rounds are not usable. I'm concerned that scenarios created prior to 936.2 that happen to have whatever now triggers the "unloadable" feature (or any feature yet to be discovered), or new scenarios created under 936.2 without the upgrade that trigger the trap, are effectively rendered unusable if saved.

As things stand, that is a divergent path. Without seeing your code, I would think it can be easily corrected with a simple "if then else" qualifier for those features that only come into play with the upgrade, but that is a guess.

The eternal "it's a simple fix" assumption looking from the outside. This also skirts the question of why a scen author would add non-working weapons in a platform in the first place.


You didn't address this, except to say that the answer is to have TWO iterations of CMANO running. Are you going to instruct the entire installed user base to do that?

Nope, just the ones who do pointless stuff like putting non-working lasers on ships.


Look, I understand completely what you guys are doing. You have been doing an excellent job. I think you need to understand that once you start charging money for your product, you are really no different than any other commercial enterprise. I have no issue with you doing that, but the relationship does change - like it or not.

Indeed. Apparently we also have to deal with customers whose default-mode reaction to a change is "you're screwing us". Thankfully a very small percentage of our user pool.


I'm not sure what you would say if you owned a business, purchased software to do accounting for that business, and suddenly, after an update, the software crashed every time you tried to load your payroll. Then you get a little pop-up note saying if you'll just buy an upgrade, you can get the payroll feature back with a few improvements. Or you, can just "downgrade" and have the payroll feature back, complete with bugs, but "we won't support the version you payed for." Meanwhile, all the work you put into your payroll is useless.

Fallacious comparison. Your example's payroll software worked correctly before the upgrade and stopped working after it. The SSF laser that you added on the ship was not working before, and is not working after the update either. What has changed is that now the blocking check happens earlier (at scen load) rather than mid-play. I understand how this can irritate scen authors who put non-working lasers on ships, but it protects players from the mistake of these same authors.


Looking at the qualifications Matrix prefers of future employees, it seems there is an understanding of how important it is to have a good relationship with their customer base:

Indeed. Thank God we have an excellent working relationship with every single one of our pro clients. It probably helps that their default reaction to a functionality change that creates an issue to them is not to publicly accuse us of bait-and-switching them. I can see how that would raise bumps on our cooperation.


"Hostage Ware" is not a personal insult.

It's so cute when you seriously claim that.


It is a common phrase in the computer industry and is directed at the code one generates that, knowingly or unknowingly, does what you may not have intended it to.

That's the definition of a bug. "Hostage ware" is another thing entirely. You're not the only one with decades in the software trade.


If you took it personally, I apologize to you. That doesn't change my opinion of the little "feature trap". Even had you written the code, "Hostage Ware" is not directed at a person. I spent 25 years developing systems and software for the defense of the free world. Had my customers informed me I had written "Hostage Ware", I wouldn't be waiting on an apology. I would have been trying to figure out what went wrong, and how I could smooth ruffled feathers.

Your sorta-apology is sorta-accepted.

Moving on.

< Message edited by Sunburn -- 4/19/2017 9:05:27 AM >


(in reply to peterc100248)
Post #: 25
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/19/2017 9:28:45 AM   


Posts: 779
Joined: 11/20/2011
Status: offline
Considering the addition, fixes/modifications and support over the years I am more than happy to pay for dlc every now and then...

Other software/game developers are way more aggressive in how they release new features and content, I mean half the games on steam have ridiculous amounts of payed for dlc after you buy the core game...

So yes I will gladly buy CoW when its released...

Ill be sorry to see you go Mike, you give the devs a positive, caring and human face on the forums..


(in reply to Dimitris)
Post #: 26
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/19/2017 10:42:05 AM   


Posts: 11524
Joined: 3/22/2005
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: highlandcharge

Considering the addition, fixes/modifications and support over the years I am more than happy to pay for dlc every now and then...

Other software/game developers are way more aggressive in how they release new features and content, I mean half the games on steam have ridiculous amounts of payed for dlc after you buy the core game...

So yes I will gladly buy CoW when its released...

Ill be sorry to see you go Mike, you give the devs a positive, caring and human face on the forums..


Thanks! You guys were great to work for and with and hope to be so lucky with the next thing.



(in reply to Lowlaner2012)
Post #: 27
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/19/2017 12:46:46 PM   


Posts: 779
Joined: 11/20/2011
Status: offline
So "cough" Mike when can I expect my free copy of CoW?

Just joking

< Message edited by highlandcharge -- 4/19/2017 12:49:44 PM >

(in reply to mikmykWS)
Post #: 28
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/19/2017 1:32:37 PM   


Posts: 11524
Joined: 3/22/2005
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: highlandcharge

So "cough" Mike when can I expect my free copy of CoW?

Just joking


Seriously though if you want access to stuff join beta.




(in reply to Lowlaner2012)
Post #: 29
RE: 936.2 Hostage Ware? - 4/21/2017 3:58:08 PM   

Posts: 2428
Joined: 6/3/2010
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ORIGINAL: mikmyk
Hey I'm secure enough with who I am for a dude smooch! Anytime pal!
Once CoW ships I'm retiring from Command work anyways. I't was a great ride did what I wanted to do but time to have a normal life:)
Dimitris is not looking to hose anybody. Like always he tries to do his best.

Oh man! I am REALLY sorry to hear this.
But I get it...
Here is to you, matey!
He is jolly good fellow... and so say all of us!


Remember that the evil which is now in the world will become yet more powerful, and that it is not evil which conquers evil, but only love -- Olga Romanov.

(in reply to mikmykWS)
Post #: 30
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