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No Farsi Island? Need for "Island" DB Objects?

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No Farsi Island? Need for "Island" DB Objects? - 6/3/2017 1:32:07 AM   


Posts: 175
Joined: 4/27/2017
Status: offline
So I've been toying with the LCS, swarm boat tactics, and then I though to actually recreate what happened with the US Sailors being "detained" by Iranian patrol boats on Jan 12, 2016. There is no Farsi Island in the database, in the territorial waters that the US Violated. - its quite small, only 250m x 250m.

The Island has been quite relevant historically with Iran and its "Navy" - granted a modern day US Navy ESB has more capability than the Island (and its mobile, hah), the Iranians don't have an ESB.

I'm not asking for every small Island in the world to be put on the map - another example comes to mind, Oepration Bulmus 6 Green Island is even smaller, 150x50m - AA batteries and a very small garrison was posted there (and neutralized by the Israeli Shlosh-Esrai (13th Flotilla, i.e. SEALs)).

Do you think it just might be better and easier to submit a few database entries to recreate the abilities of these types of historical small islands? Another example would be the Chinese artificial reef Islands being built up. Perhaps one could use the Battle Island #2755 object. Maybe that's used in CoW scenarios where I think they would be very applicable. Haven't committed yet to play those scenarios. But, the Battle Island a) has propulsion b) has a runway - for large aircraft. I'm thinking of ones without propulsion, docking facilities up to a certain pier size, smaller runways for Medium sized aircraft or small - maybe even ones that only allow VTOL.


On a constructive note, I found out the database doesn't have the CB-90 Commando Riverine Boat. That was the craft used by the US Sailors, not the current DB SOC Riverine Craft. I'll submit a DB entry for it.

< Message edited by Dan109 -- 6/3/2017 1:37:04 AM >
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