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PBEM procedure

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PBEM procedure - 5/11/2017 11:34:31 PM   


Posts: 179
Joined: 1/9/2002
From: Cleveland, OH
Status: offline
Could someone explain to me in detail how to play the PBEM file transfers?

Do you have to have AI activated?

Can you play Steam version against PC version ... or is it easier to play both PC version?

Must all options being used be the same ... or doesn't that matter?

Please provide a line by line instruction for what each of the two players are supposed to do ...

Sorry for the request .... but I find the instructions unclear ... and have made multiple unsuccessful attempts to get a game going ...

Thanks in advance for taking the time to help me!


"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."
Post #: 1
RE: PBEM procedure - 5/26/2017 3:58:26 AM   


Posts: 172
Joined: 9/14/2013
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You should have AI active as there are many factions not played by the players in the pbem game. Even with a three player game, there might be a half dozen other non-player controlled factions.

You can play Steam vs not Steam. The ease of play does not matter. I do not play Steam versions, but my Steam opponents have no issue playing with me.

Options must match your opponent. Which options do not matter as long as you choose the same ones.

So there are two ways to play pbem, a single host or shared hosting. Shared hosting is best. It goes like this:
The first player starts the game and makes a move, saving to create and ord.
All files are sent to the other players. The second player make a move and runs the game. Then this player makes a new move and saves (but does not run the game). All files are sent to the first player.
The first player now makes a move and saves and runs the game. Makes a new move and sends all files to the other player.
This is the best way to play.

If you wish for one player to host, I will explain if the above does not work for you.

(in reply to rwenstrup)
Post #: 2
RE: PBEM procedure - 6/8/2017 11:59:49 AM   


Posts: 179
Joined: 1/9/2002
From: Cleveland, OH
Status: offline
Thanks for the help!


"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."

(in reply to Symple)
Post #: 3
RE: PBEM procedure - 6/8/2017 1:01:30 PM   


Posts: 179
Joined: 1/9/2002
From: Cleveland, OH
Status: offline
Could you also explain the single host procedure? I've been using it in a game and find I am still confused. As host, do you run the turn at the end of making your moves before you send it to your opponent? It sure is a strange PBEM system where each opponent can't see the turn play out...
Thanks for your help ...


"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."

(in reply to rwenstrup)
Post #: 4
RE: PBEM procedure - 6/8/2017 9:45:03 PM   


Posts: 172
Joined: 9/14/2013
Status: offline
Sorry to be tardy in reply:
For a single host, the host creates the game and sends the trn file to his opponent.
Make your move and save creating your ord file.
Once your opponent has made an ord file and sent it back to you, then run the game.
So no, only run the game when you have all ord files.
Many AJE scenrios have three players. A single host can manage this also by making sure all ords are present. I look to see there is a red paperclip for each faction. That tells you you have a good ord.

I should mention, be sure to rar or zip all files exchanged to keep corrupt files out of the game. Of course dropbox works as well, in which case no zip or rar is needed.

(in reply to rwenstrup)
Post #: 5
RE: PBEM procedure - 6/8/2017 9:50:14 PM   


Posts: 172
Joined: 9/14/2013
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ORIGINAL: rwenstrup

It sure is a strange PBEM system where each opponent can't see the turn play out...
Thanks for your help ...

Actually, both players can review the game and see it played out. Be sure to enter the Options panel and check 'save replay.' Then when you open the game you can replay the turn. As this is a video replay of the turn, you must use the ledger to see the battle replay.
But you can fully see the game and what happened.

(in reply to rwenstrup)
Post #: 6
RE: PBEM procedure - 6/9/2017 9:22:37 PM   


Posts: 179
Joined: 1/9/2002
From: Cleveland, OH
Status: offline
Thank you very much for your help here ... this was really making it hard to enjoy the game!


"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."

(in reply to Symple)
Post #: 7
RE: PBEM procedure - 6/9/2017 10:29:14 PM   


Posts: 172
Joined: 9/14/2013
Status: offline
Well then, excellent news. The AJE series of games continue to be a favorite for me. Even though there is not 'play balance' in the usual sense, all factions can win. But what I like most is the simple game mechanics and the complex strategies.
Lots of fun.

(in reply to rwenstrup)
Post #: 8
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