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Joined: 12/14/2002 From: Northwestern Georgia, USA Status: offline
8/31/44 Peep Show II: Death Star & The Herd are in place. D-Day at Taichu, Formosa, tomorrow. Originally this was to be relatively minor landing to freeze John's ability to transfer troops by rail, with the main landing taking place at Taihoku. Taichu is so weakly defended (I wonder if John wasn't aware that it's a coastal hex?) that it's going to fall unless he rails in reinforcements pronto. He probably will. The day after tomorrow, the larger, main landing will take place at Taikhoku. That base is more strongly defended, but I have two very strong divisions. And I'm counting on air and sea power. I don't know if John will contest or not. You'd think so, but he's got backwards notions fixated on Victory Points rather than military considerations. If he doesn't fight hard, Formosa may not be the bear it ought to be. If he does fight hard, or if he pulls a rabbit out of his hat, then all bets are off. What will the morrow be like? I wonder. I can't wait to see. I'm a bit worried. But KB is in the Java and South China seas. So I don't have to worry about it. I don't have to worry much about big enemy airfields on Formosa and coastal China. And there's no sign (yet) of enemy subs or mines. Weird way to wage war. Except from a Victory Point, gaming standpoint. That is NOT (NOT!) a criticism. This a game. John is working the game. To this point, I've mainly been working the military angles. But if and when Formosa falls, the gaming aspect (harvesting VPs) will become a much larger part of my strategy. 1941-1942: Defensive fighting to stymie and attrition the Japanese. 1943-8/44: Offensive fighting to push from CenPac to DEI to Philippines to Formosa and China 9/44-1945: Offensive fighting to punish the Japanese militarily and to harvest VPs to win the game.
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