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hexes outside rumania during RU versus Rumania

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hexes outside rumania during RU versus Rumania - 7/29/2017 3:12:11 AM   


Posts: 20
Joined: 6/3/2015
Status: offline
the ones in the saved game above cernauti and right were taken by rumanian cav. only the hexes in rumania can be attacked or groundstriked. these hexes taken by rumanians against RU should be rumanian only. then russia would be able to take them back.

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Post #: 1
RE: hexes outside rumania during RU versus Rumania - 7/29/2017 10:05:18 AM   

Posts: 8802
Joined: 6/3/2011
From: Hoorn (NED).
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: jimblitz

the ones in the saved game above cernauti and right were taken by rumanian cav. only the hexes in rumania can be attacked or groundstriked. these hexes taken by rumanians against RU should be rumanian only. then russia would be able to take them back.

This is indeed a bug. You can attack stacks outside of Rumania which have both German and Rumanian units in it, however MWIF doesn't allow you to attack a stack outside of Rumania with only German units in it. That's wrong.



(in reply to jimblitz)
Post #: 2
RE: hexes outside rumania during RU versus Rumania - 8/14/2017 12:19:08 AM   
Shannon V. OKeets


Posts: 22095
Joined: 5/19/2005
From: Honolulu, Hawaii
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ORIGINAL: jimblitz

the ones in the saved game above cernauti and right were taken by rumanian cav. only the hexes in rumania can be attacked or groundstriked. these hexes taken by rumanians against RU should be rumanian only. then russia would be able to take them back.

This is indeed a bug. You can attack stacks outside of Rumania which have both German and Rumanian units in it, however MWIF doesn't allow you to attack a stack outside of Rumania with only German units in it. That's wrong.

I'm not so sure about that. I'll have to think about it some more.



Perfection is an elusive goal.

(in reply to Centuur)
Post #: 3
RE: hexes outside rumania during RU versus Rumania - 8/15/2017 11:09:45 AM   

Posts: 8802
Joined: 6/3/2011
From: Hoorn (NED).
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: Shannon V. OKeets




ORIGINAL: jimblitz

the ones in the saved game above cernauti and right were taken by rumanian cav. only the hexes in rumania can be attacked or groundstriked. these hexes taken by rumanians against RU should be rumanian only. then russia would be able to take them back.

This is indeed a bug. You can attack stacks outside of Rumania which have both German and Rumanian units in it, however MWIF doesn't allow you to attack a stack outside of Rumania with only German units in it. That's wrong.

I'm not so sure about that. I'll have to think about it some more.

Just checked on the rules for you:

RAW on control:

Note that even though major powers may control minor countries (see
9.8 & 13.7.1), it is the minors themselves that control hexes in that
minor. However, hexes taken from an enemy major power (or its
controlled minors) are controlled by the major power taking them
regardless of whether those hexes are taken by units of the major
power or its controlled minors, unless the major powers are not at war
with each other (in which case the hexes are controlled by the minor
country taking them).

And on multiple states of war:

However it can
attack a hex controlled by an enemy major power or minor country
even if the hex contains units it is not at war with.



(in reply to Shannon V. OKeets)
Post #: 4
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