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RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet

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RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/26/2017 11:15:51 PM   

Posts: 1355
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Whole lotta bad guys in that one. You have to be careful not to lose missile boats that you'll need to attack the amphib units. I just barely eked out enough points to proceed. You don't want to charge in headlong. You'll pay (which it sounds like you are learning :-) )

Again, if you post a save game file I could see if I could figure out your question about the reference points.


Dave A.
"When the Boogeyman goes to sleep he checks his closet for paratroopers"

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Post #: 61
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/27/2017 8:05:50 PM   


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I am trying to upload a file so you can see the issue I am having with creating fixed reference points for a unit like I described bc the formation editor is way more complicated than if one could just do simple reference points and create missions from them. When I go to upload my saved game file I get a "fakepath" message. Why can't anything be simple around here!

(in reply to ultradave)
Post #: 62
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/27/2017 10:12:59 PM   

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Will it upload? Did you stop there or hit the "upload" button, (or whatever the button is) and it didn't work? It's a security feature to protect you. Mine always just show the file name without a path, but I'm on a MacBook Pro, not a PC.

It *should* still upload. If not, use a different browser.

< Message edited by ultradave -- 9/27/2017 10:17:51 PM >


Dave A.
"When the Boogeyman goes to sleep he checks his closet for paratroopers"

(in reply to spinecruncher)
Post #: 63
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/27/2017 10:31:40 PM   


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The file needs to be zipped also. It is a pretty straightforward process.

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Post #: 64
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/27/2017 11:11:04 PM   


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I must be having some issues with my directories I need to fox. Can you try loading the Fast and Furios and see if you can place a MTB unit next to a frigate with one fixed reference assigned to the frigate and a separate mission for the MTB unit with that single fixed reference point? See if the MTB goes next to the frigate and stays in the area ads the frigate sails the MTB should sail with it. Mine do not.

(in reply to spinecruncher)
Post #: 65
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/27/2017 11:34:51 PM   

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Detached one MTB from the closest group, made a reference point, fixed to the group leader of the two frigates, created an ASuW mission and added the MTB, with that reference point. It follows just behind the reference point, which stays in the same fixed bearing from the group. No problem. First pic is the 2 FF, and the MTB following it's reference point. Second pic is the mission editor with options selected (mostly unselected). Works just fine.

The reason I wanted to look at your save, was as I mentioned, you probably don't have the mission setup correct and I could check it. Maybe you can compare to mine. Mine works.

And it's not your directories. Try.a.different.web.browser.

But really, why do it this way? If this is what you are after, detach a MTB from one group and add it to the FF group. Then set it's position with the formation editor. You can set relative rotating or fixed. - 3rd picture.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by ultradave -- 9/27/2017 11:35:52 PM >


Dave A.
"When the Boogeyman goes to sleep he checks his closet for paratroopers"

(in reply to spinecruncher)
Post #: 66
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/27/2017 11:36:38 PM   

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Mission Editor:

Attachment (1)


Dave A.
"When the Boogeyman goes to sleep he checks his closet for paratroopers"

(in reply to ultradave)
Post #: 67
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/27/2017 11:47:49 PM   

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Formation editor - note that I have the MTB selected and it shows his fixed bearing station. In the second picture you can see the effect of the fixed station (may not be what you want, depending on maneuvering).

Attachment (1)


Dave A.
"When the Boogeyman goes to sleep he checks his closet for paratroopers"

(in reply to ultradave)
Post #: 68
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/27/2017 11:49:52 PM   

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And then I maneuver to the NE, so you can see how the MTB keeps its FIXED bearing to the group leader. Pay no attention to the second FF - there was an air attack while I was moving and it's dead in the water. If it was still ok, it would have maintained position off the starboard beam of the group leader.

Attachment (1)


Dave A.
"When the Boogeyman goes to sleep he checks his closet for paratroopers"

(in reply to ultradave)
Post #: 69
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/28/2017 12:55:49 AM   


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Just really quickly before I go over all this material, I noticed that you hav just one MTB unit, and I tried the reference point with the whole MTB group not sure if this makes a difference but I will cont to study the material you sent. Thank! I cannot upload right now I tried both IE and chrome. I get a message about file not supportable and fakepath. Thank you!

(in reply to ultradave)
Post #: 70
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/28/2017 1:39:28 AM   


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Also here is something: is there a difference bw patrol and prosecution area in the editor? I mean, I am sure there is but for mine prosecution area was empty and patrol area had the reference pt. Now I changed it to be like yours. Sowwy Wood would give me hard wood for not reading the manual. :)

(in reply to spinecruncher)
Post #: 71
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/28/2017 1:51:56 AM   

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ZIP FILE. You can't just upload a scenario file. jpg's yes, scenario files have to be zipped.

And the difference between patrol and prosecution areas is described in the supplement on Warfaresims web page. Link in the new users read here sticky post. But for checking to see if the patrol boat would follow it doesn't matter. And there was only one reference point.

the fakepath thing you should be able to find a security setting to turn it off. Don't know where. You're on your own. I'd suggest a google search. I know it's a java security thing.


Dave A.
"When the Boogeyman goes to sleep he checks his closet for paratroopers"

(in reply to spinecruncher)
Post #: 72
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/28/2017 1:56:04 AM   


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You are a great help. Can I call you superdave? I have learned quite a bit just with your posts and jpeg files.

(in reply to ultradave)
Post #: 73
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/28/2017 2:00:46 AM   

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No. ultradave is because of my habit of running ultra marathons. Not because I'm super or ultra or maximo or anything else.

Not quite as crazy as jumping out of airplanes, but maybe close :-) Not nearly as dangerous, because people don't shoot at you in ultras. They're actually some of the nicest people anywhere.


Dave A.
"When the Boogeyman goes to sleep he checks his closet for paratroopers"

(in reply to spinecruncher)
Post #: 74
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/28/2017 2:25:49 AM   


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What? Recommending a google search? Recommending looking at documentation? I thought I was the only allowed to do that.

btw, I have already sent him a PDF version of the FAQ and warfaresims addendums. He has them in digital form.

(in reply to ultradave)
Post #: 75
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/28/2017 3:43:28 AM   


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I am a cyclist myself, road and trail. I thought cyclists were the salt of the earth...

Did someone say something? May be an echo in hear or static on the line..

(in reply to thewood1)
Post #: 76
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/29/2017 6:40:38 PM   


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UD I think I need a little more help on the Fast and Furious. I keep losing all my ass(ets).
1) I have searched the PDF manual and still not sure about couple things? 1) how do I know if a unit has been detected? 2) what do all the range rings mean? 3) how do I win in the Fast and Furious. 1 & 2 are more important than 3). Thanks!

(in reply to spinecruncher)
Post #: 77
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/29/2017 10:03:13 PM   

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1) You don't. Sometimes you know you've been detected when you see missiles headed your way :-). If you have the surface search range ring turned on then if you are inside their ring you'd have to assume you've probably been spotted. If they have their radar on, in which case you've probably spotted them too.

2) Serious question - have you even looked at the menus in the game? Turned things on and off? Because it's really pretty obvious what all the colors are. And I'm colorblind and I say that.

3) You have to sink some of their landing ships. Use your air assets to find them. They are well protected so be careful. You need to conserve your assets and go after the targets that matter. That should be enough.


Dave A.
"When the Boogeyman goes to sleep he checks his closet for paratroopers"

(in reply to spinecruncher)
Post #: 78
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/29/2017 10:04:51 PM   


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ORIGINAL: ballyhoo

UD I think I need a little more help on the Fast and Furious. I keep losing all my ass(ets).
1) I have searched the PDF manual and still not sure about couple things? 1) how do I know if a unit has been detected? 2) what do all the range rings mean? 3) how do I win in the Fast and Furious. 1 & 2 are more important than 3). Thanks!

1. missiles/torpedoes/etc. rushing towards you are often a good sign
2. map settings menu has all the color codes for different range rings. From there you can also turn on/off each ring and merge them to remove clutter
3. sink them all!

(in reply to spinecruncher)
Post #: 79
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/29/2017 10:26:52 PM   


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Just pointing out that 6 or 7 threads ago, I asked that exact same question and had people jumping on me for not being helpful...

"2) Serious question - have you even looked at the menus in the game? Turned things on and off? Because it's really pretty obvious what all the colors are. And I'm colorblind and I say that."

(in reply to neno)
Post #: 80
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/29/2017 10:30:01 PM   

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I never said anything to you.


Dave A.
"When the Boogeyman goes to sleep he checks his closet for paratroopers"

(in reply to thewood1)
Post #: 81
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/29/2017 10:41:02 PM   


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See below on the rings. Posted this too in this thread several days ago.



ORIGINAL: mikmyk


ORIGINAL: ballyhoo

So I accomplished the skill, in the scenario fast and furios. It was a bit of work, having to de-group all the units and then create one large group and then formation editor. When I finished and started up the timer the map was full of red and yellow concentric rings that I did not notice before, and it was somewhat over kill in that sense. Thanks again

Yeah when ungrouped you can see the range rings for weapons (reds) and sensors (air=white, surface=yellow, sonar=greens). Its good stuff to know but can clutter the map. As Dave mentioned you can customize to display to your liking in a bunch of different ways by modifying things under the view and map settings menus.



(in reply to mikmykWS)
Post #: 82
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/30/2017 1:36:02 AM   


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ORIGINAL: ultradave

I never said anything to you.

I wasn't necessarily talking to you. But now that you mention it, you seem to be losing patience a little there. You need to be a little nicer in your responses to the OP.

(in reply to ultradave)
Post #: 83
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 9/30/2017 4:40:22 AM   


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Thanks, yes I have looked all at the menus I should have realized they are color coded the same in the menus as on the maps: So that means yellow are surface sensors light green underwater sensors, etc... Ok I should have drawn those conclusion how they are in the menus is what they are... I usually just have the setting on selected unit.

(in reply to thewood1)
Post #: 84
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 10/1/2017 12:56:37 AM   


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Great. Looks like progress



(in reply to spinecruncher)
Post #: 85
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 10/1/2017 5:50:38 PM   


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Perhaps the scenario, Fast and Furious is too advanced for me. My MTB units appear defenseless against helo attacks, and they inevitably get sunk.

(in reply to mikmykWS)
Post #: 86
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 10/1/2017 6:00:03 PM   


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Are all of their radars on? This could be a reason why they're detected and destroyed.

The terrain is always the friend of the MTB. Sometimes I'll use one to illuminate and act as a scout and the rest as the silent cleanup crew. Much better than risking all!



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Post #: 87
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 10/1/2017 6:46:08 PM   


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For anyone who cares to indulge my ignorance in this game, I have decided to check out a youtube video for Fast and Furious , and find out what I can do different. First thing is related to sensors. The player in this video has individually turned on all radar stations along the Norwegian coast, IE, clocked out off obey Emcon and turned on the radar stations. First question that come to mind is why would the parent EMCON setting not be sufficient? I will see how the changes effect my knowledge of enemy combatants...

(in reply to spinecruncher)
Post #: 88
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 10/1/2017 8:43:53 PM   


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The EMCON setting isn't active so it isn't sufficient. You need to turn radars on.

Not sure what video you're watching but the player likely wanted a radar EMCON to be different than what they may have set it at the mission or side level. Thus breaking the inheritance.

This is actually a good case where inheritance is useful. Let say I wanted to quickly turn all those radars on without fiddling with each one. I could create an air intercept mission called Early Warning and then set it to have an active emcon. I then only have to add the units to it to give them all an active EMCON vs. going to each sensor dialog and setting each one to active.



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Post #: 89
RE: Air / helo escort of a surface fleet - 10/1/2017 9:12:59 PM   


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Thank you, the higher level functions related to doctrine are things I need to continue to learn about. So it seems by what you are saying, besides fiddling w each unit's sensors, one can either create a mission with the units involved and set the EMCON doctine for the mission-- which would mean adding radar stations into the mission; or by going into the scenario doctrine which may be less suitable since we dont want all the units to have the inherited settings. I can handle this. What really disturbs me are some of the weapon menu setting in the doctrines, specifically the WRA menu, with the long list of weapons and all the individual drop downs.

Edit: here is the youtube video I am referring to:

< Message edited by ballyhoo -- 10/1/2017 9:14:52 PM >

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