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Germany at War - Soviet Dawn

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Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 11/14/2017 12:13:20 PM   
Ronald Wendt

Posts: 1880
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Hi folks,

in update 1.09 there will be a new and free Soviet campaign. It is divided into three chapters, starting with "Death":

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< Message edited by Ronald Wendt -- 11/20/2017 5:55:24 AM >


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RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 11/14/2017 12:16:41 PM   
Ronald Wendt

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It continues with "Resurrection", depicting the Soviet successes after the Red Army was devastated most of 1941:

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< Message edited by Ronald Wendt -- 11/17/2017 4:55:25 PM >


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Post #: 2
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 11/14/2017 12:19:08 PM   
Ronald Wendt

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And it ends with "Revenge" which has two main branches "North" and "South":

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Post #: 3
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 11/14/2017 12:20:27 PM   
Ronald Wendt

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< Message edited by Ronald Wendt -- 11/17/2017 4:46:01 PM >


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Post #: 4
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 11/14/2017 12:31:22 PM   

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look forward to it, many thanks for the long term support and newer campaigns to play

(in reply to Ronald Wendt)
Post #: 5
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 11/16/2017 11:30:09 PM   


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Hello Ronald, I just installed the latest version of GAW 1.08 thank you for all of your hard work an dedication to this great game. Looking forward to playing Soviet Dawn..
Will this new DLC be a paid for expansion? If so ...I'm ready to gladly purchase it.
cheers and a thanks again... Jerome

(in reply to zakblood)
Post #: 6
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 11/17/2017 4:58:48 PM   
Ronald Wendt

Posts: 1880
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Hi folks,

you're welcome.

ME262: It will be free and included in the next update.


< Message edited by Ronald Wendt -- 11/22/2017 4:59:13 AM >


(in reply to ME262)
Post #: 7
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 11/20/2017 6:05:00 AM   
Ronald Wendt

Posts: 1880
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Hi folks,

as a Soviet player you will have to make sacrifices:

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Post #: 8
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 11/20/2017 6:01:21 PM   

Posts: 1047
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Hi Ronald,
Will there be an Exit Hex ?

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Post #: 9
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 11/22/2017 4:53:06 AM   
Ronald Wendt

Posts: 1880
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Hi terminator,


ORIGINAL: terminator

Hi Ronald,
Will there be an Exit Hex ?

at this point of the war (that objective is from Minsk 1941) Stalin would have you shot if you gave way to the Germans (and you do not want that, do you ?).

But your question gave us the idea to include a new action to the editor so you can make missions with such a hex in the future (like the ones in PG Scorched Earth).

You will see that in 1.09 (well, YOU might see it earlier )



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Post #: 10
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 11/22/2017 11:53:54 AM   

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Good job keeping this game alive

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Post #: 11
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 11/23/2017 7:24:44 AM   

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Hi Ronald,


ORIGINAL: Ronald Wendt
at this point of the war (that objective is from Minsk 1941) Stalin would have you shot if you gave way to the Germans (and you do not want that, do you ?).

I do not want to be shot down by a Soviet Political Commissar
The briefing let me think that it was necessary to leave the fight by an Exit Hex ("Before your last unit is gone ").


ORIGINAL: Ronald Wendt
But your question gave us the idea to include a new action to the editor so you can make missions with such a hex in the future (like the ones in PG Scorched Earth).

I have this game "PG Scorched Earth". There was a scenario called "Korsun" in which it was necessary to evacuate the German.
The "Exit Hex" is also present in others games.


ORIGINAL: Ronald Wendt
You will see that in 1.09 (well, YOU might see it earlier )

With pleasure

< Message edited by terminator -- 11/23/2017 10:22:40 AM >

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Post #: 12
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 11/24/2017 4:57:30 AM   
Ronald Wendt

Posts: 1880
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Hi terminator,


ORIGINAL: terminator
I have this game "PG Scorched Earth". There was a scenario called "Korsun" in which it was necessary to evacuate the German.
The "Exit Hex" is also present in others games.

in my memory there is a foggy hint there also was a Soviet mission where you had to move units to such a hex. But its way too long since i played Scorched Earth to swear on it.

Soon the "Exit hex" will find its way to Germany at War,too. Maybe i will already use it for the Wintergewitter map i began a while ago.



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Post #: 13
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 11/30/2017 4:50:37 PM   


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Hi Ronald,

In Scorched Earth there were some scenarios with exit hexes even for the attacking side; if you play Guderian in 1939 there was a mission to attack and go far enough exit some units through this hex. Since the Poles do not have a solid line of defense you can just win by running across the map with some Pz I and not fighting at all; just watch out for ambushes. There was also an exit hex for Germans in Minsk 1941. A good way to use light tanks that would otherwise be useless.

There are many ways to use exit hexes like evacuate industrial equipment or refugees, and depending on the results you may get easier or more difficult missions later.

Wintergewitter sounds like a tough one; attacking in winter is not easy and retreat/breaking out may be even harder. By the way; this could be a good way to continue a historical campaign with AG South as the main force.

< Message edited by Marechal -- 11/30/2017 4:55:25 PM >

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Post #: 14
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 12/9/2017 7:01:55 AM   

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Hi Marechal,

I found a screenshot from PGIII SE(Scorched Earth) with two Exit Hex (red arrow) :

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by terminator -- 12/9/2017 3:39:25 PM >

(in reply to AngrySwan)
Post #: 15
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 3/19/2019 4:21:43 PM   

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Leningrad 1944 = Operation Neva ?

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Post #: 16
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 3/20/2019 6:37:00 AM   
Ronald Wendt

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Yes, its the Leningrad-Novgorod offense starting on 12.January 1944.


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Post #: 17
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 3/20/2019 5:09:38 PM   


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When can we expect update 09?


(in reply to Ronald Wendt)
Post #: 18
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 3/21/2019 6:34:36 AM   
Ronald Wendt

Posts: 1880
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Hi Admiral,



When can we expect update 09?

That depends on many factors, there is no rigid date as of yet. The campaign itself is build, and the southern branch is in a state that could be released (right OoBs, balanced & bug free as far as i know), while the northern part needs some work.

A planned new feature has not yet been implemented by the programmer. You have to know its more or less voluntary work at this point. It could be skipped though.

And there are the units, several of which were not planned + several tweaks and a bit of research for some requests here in the Forum which i noted down.

What does this really mean ? 1.09 could be finished as soon as Mai/June at this rate, given there are no huge requests for new equipment or any time consuming features.

For example i could activate the feature for amphibian landing. Its programmed and usable, but doing all stuff around it would take some time (vessel graphics, icons etc.) to have it for all nations. If that is the wish it could be done, but it would add to the dev time.

The basic question is, a fast 1.09 release or a sound on with many features. That could take up to autumn or even later to be released.

I am fine with both solutions as of now and i have no idea how many are actually eagerly waiting for the 1.09 release.

There are just the great supporters around - the happy few - and they seem to enjoy any road.


(in reply to ADMIRAL3)
Post #: 19
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 3/21/2019 10:09:18 AM   

Posts: 1047
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From: France
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ORIGINAL: Ronald Wendt

Hi Admiral,



When can we expect update 09?

That depends on many factors, there is no rigid date as of yet. The campaign itself is build, and the southern branch is in a state that could be released (right OoBs, balanced & bug free as far as i know), while the northern part needs some work.
A planned new feature has not yet been implemented by the programmer. You have to know its more or less voluntary work at this point. It could be skipped though.
And there are the units, several of which were not planned + several tweaks and a bit of research for some requests here in the Forum which i noted down.
What does this really mean ? 1.09 could be finished as soon as Mai/June at this rate, given there are no huge requests for new equipment or any time consuming features.
For example i could activate the feature for amphibian landing. Its programmed and usable, but doing all stuff around it would take some time (vessel graphics, icons etc.) to have it for all nations. If that is the wish it could be done, but it would add to the dev time.
The basic question is, a fast 1.09 release or a sound on with many features. That could take up to autumn or even later to be released.
I am fine with both solutions as of now and i have no idea how many are actually eagerly waiting for the 1.09 release.
There are just the great supporters around - the happy few - and they seem to enjoy any road.

I prefer the first solution, a fast 1.09 release.
It's been long enough.

< Message edited by terminator -- 3/21/2019 10:15:03 AM >

(in reply to Ronald Wendt)
Post #: 20
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 3/21/2019 3:47:26 PM   


Posts: 88
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From: France
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ORIGINAL: Ronald Wendt
When can we expect update 09 depends on many factors, there is no rigid date as of yet.
1.09 could be finished as soon as Mai/June, given there are no huge requests for new equipment or any time consuming features.
For example i could activate feature, but doing all stuff around it would take some time (vessel graphics, icons etc.) to have it for all nations.
The basic question is, a fast 1.09 release or a sound on with many features.
i have no idea how many are actually eagerly waiting for the 1.09 release.

About me, I'm eager to play the old basic game! As I already said, what prevented me is the UI was not enough readable for my taste.
So, if what is ready at now for 1.09 is improving it, I'm all for an immediate release, moreover I don't want at now a new feature which UI is not complete ready (I prefer it for 1.10).

< Message edited by ErissN6 -- 3/21/2019 3:50:55 PM >

(in reply to Ronald Wendt)
Post #: 21
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 3/21/2019 4:59:36 PM   

Posts: 1047
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About me, I'm eager to play the old basic game! As I already said, what prevented me is the UI was not enough readable for my taste.
So, if what is ready at now for 1.09 is improving it, I'm all for an immediate release, moreover I don't want at now a new feature which UI is not complete ready (I prefer it for 1.10).

What it is the "old basic game" ?

(in reply to ErissN6)
Post #: 22
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 3/21/2019 10:31:17 PM   


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There are several versions of this game. 1.04, 1.05, 1.06, 1.07 and 1.08.

As far as I know, you can run several parallel installations of different versions. It gets tricky with savegames if you switch between versions, you needd to put all savegames elsewhere so they do not interfere with a different version, but otherwise there is no problem running old versions.

I also sometimes run version 1.05 for nostalgia reasons, to have the old ''all grey squares interface'' and the ability to move panzers in the snow.

It all depends on what others think. If you are happy with the 1941 campaign with Kharkov and Bryansk included, I could finish it his weekend.
Tula would then be available in April after Easter.

I will always upload the new versions of 1941 campaign to the Mods section, so if you have any suggestions for improvements just let me know.

(in reply to terminator)
Post #: 23
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 3/22/2019 6:25:46 AM   
Ronald Wendt

Posts: 1880
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hi folks,

in the forum two guys favoured a late release with more content, terminator wants it fast. AngrySwan is neutral as ErissN6 is somewhat.

So we have opionions all over the place. But there is an interesting point.

Many of the more time consuming extras where adressed by you, terminator. E.g. the exit hex right in this thread.
Which means i could aim at the early release while balancing it out with your requests by discussing with you.

Which GUI changes do you mean ? I improved the one you mentioned elsewhere in the forum, was there anything besides that ?

Do you think the winter rules after 1.05 are not good ? Or do both version have their advantages ?



(in reply to AngrySwan)
Post #: 24
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 3/22/2019 2:07:49 PM   

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I also sometimes run version 1.05 for nostalgia reasons... and the ability to move panzers in the snow.

I agree with AngrySwan, winter rules after 1.05 are not good, this makes some of the tanks unusable.
If we remove moving points to some tanks that already have few, it makes them almost stationary.

< Message edited by terminator -- 3/22/2019 2:12:12 PM >

(in reply to AngrySwan)
Post #: 25
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 3/22/2019 4:29:23 PM   


Posts: 435
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Hi Ronald,

Winter rules are not bad but look unfinished to me. I can accept the fact that tanks are slow movers and big fuel eaters. In my 1941 campaign tanks are used as reserve/last attack force in Mozhaisk scenario and not used at all in Moscow scenario. Moscow scenario must be challenging and tanks are not the best units for bunker busting and street fighting anyway. But if tanks are slow, trucks and halftracks should also be slow. In Moscow scenario I use a house rule ''everyone can move only on green hexes.'' If you could program this rule into the game I would be happy with winter rules.

Also, the recon cars are very fast in the snow and Pz IIIH is much faster than all other tanks and StuG III.

There is an option in the editor ''Apply or not apply winter rules'' but it seems to have no effect on the move. I was thinking about snow scenarios with winter rules turned off but it does not work that way.

The new winter rules can be kept in game with these changes:
- slower recon cars (maybe half of the current speed),
- same movement for Pz IIIH and J (I guess this has been overlooked and can be easily fixed),
- transport trucks and halftracks move as if there was no snow. Is there a way to reduce their move but leave the same number of ''blue'' hexes for them?

1.08 has its advantages, the system just needs to be finished. Either one set of rules or the other one, right now there is a mix of both.

What I like in 1.05 is the old style of menu interface but that is a different theme, and maybe not so important.

< Message edited by AngrySwan -- 3/22/2019 5:35:10 PM >

(in reply to terminator)
Post #: 26
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 3/22/2019 6:25:54 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Ronald Wendt
Which GUI changes do you mean ? I improved the one you mentioned elsewhere in the forumpresent

Yes this one, and by "old version" I meant present 1.08

< Message edited by ErissN6 -- 3/22/2019 6:26:21 PM >

(in reply to Ronald Wendt)
Post #: 27
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 3/23/2019 6:06:48 AM   

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From: France
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Hi Ronald,

Winter rules are not bad but look unfinished to me. I can accept the fact that tanks are slow movers and big fuel eaters. In my 1941 campaign tanks are used as reserve/last attack force in Mozhaisk scenario and not used at all in Moscow scenario. Moscow scenario must be challenging and tanks are not the best units for bunker busting and street fighting anyway. But if tanks are slow, trucks and halftracks should also be slow. In Moscow scenario I use a house rule ''everyone can move only on green hexes.'' If you could program this rule into the game I would be happy with winter rules.

Also, the recon cars are very fast in the snow and Pz IIIH is much faster than all other tanks and StuG III.

There is an option in the editor ''Apply or not apply winter rules'' but it seems to have no effect on the move. I was thinking about snow scenarios with winter rules turned off but it does not work that way.

The new winter rules can be kept in game with these changes:
- slower recon cars (maybe half of the current speed),
- same movement for Pz IIIH and J (I guess this has been overlooked and can be easily fixed),
- transport trucks and halftracks move as if there was no snow. Is there a way to reduce their move but leave the same number of ''blue'' hexes for them?

1.08 has its advantages, the system just needs to be finished. Either one set of rules or the other one, right now there is a mix of both.

What I like in 1.05 is the old style of menu interface but that is a different theme, and maybe not so important.

Will the game still be playable in winter?

Almost all the units are at risk of being immobilised while waiting for the thaw but for me the worst is not the snow it is the Raspoutitsa !

Winter rules -> reduce movement wheels: reco & truck(transport)

< Message edited by terminator -- 3/23/2019 6:32:11 AM >

(in reply to AngrySwan)
Post #: 28
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 3/23/2019 3:24:54 PM   


Posts: 435
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The idea that cnhange of seasons and winter slows down move is not bad - the question is how much.

In 1941 campaign I avoided the problem by using tanks only as reserve (moving on roads) in Mozhaisk scenario and not using them at all in Moscow scenario. Not only because of slow move but also because of fuel consumption. AG Center in 1941 campaign is a real monster (after Epic Vjasma scenario was made) and after upkeeping all other units I just cannot afford to refuel tanks for three times the price.

There are two questions:
- Can you make any winter advances at all? (like Wintergewitter and Third Kharkov)
- Can you do in game what the German army did historically? Is it possible to reach Kharkov and Belgorod on time?

There is one problem with the new rules as they are, tanks have the same speed on road as in the field but men are faster on road than off road. If the new winter rules gave tanks 50% of the normal speed on road, would that solve the problem?

(in reply to terminator)
Post #: 29
RE: Germany at War - Soviet Dawn - 3/23/2019 4:00:35 PM   

Posts: 1047
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From: France
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There is one problem with the new rules as they are, tanks have the same speed on road as in the field but men are faster on road than off road. If the new winter rules gave tanks 50% of the normal speed on road, would that solve the problem?

We only have one type of road. It looks like a "paved road"(40% of rural villages were not served by paved roads in Soviet Union).
A tank should always be able to move more easily on a paved road than on open ground.

< Message edited by terminator -- 3/23/2019 4:05:16 PM >

(in reply to AngrySwan)
Post #: 30
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