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Joined: 2/10/2008 From: Germany Status: offline
ORIGINAL: rmp090946 As I continue to move thru the "learning process" of the game, I'm also now looking at the scenarios I can choose to play. In doing so, I've notice that a great number of scenarios have certain "qualification" statements such as: "PBEM"; "PBEM Only"; "no PO", Version No., etc. My intention is to play scenarios solo (myself) against a computer opponent. Questions: (a) Should (does) the scenario's dialog specifically state that it provides a computer opponent capability? (b) And, absent any reference to a "PO", should I assume that the scenario WOULD NOT qualify as a SOLO play vs Computer Opponent type scenario? I'm just trying to learn how best to understand which of the game's scenarios are "OK" for my style of play. Will appreciate any input / comment. Bob Bob (a) In most cases it's been stated in the scenario briefing or the additional scenario documentation. However, as a rule of thumb: The more complex a scenario and it's scale is, the more likely that it might not be suited for solo-play, despite some real amazing tweaking and making use of the PO system. Having said this, there have been quite some advances being made and implemented in making the AI 'smarter', e.g, especially (my own experience) of the AI's awareness of vulnerable flanks and how to keep its LOS and LOC open. (b) Even without complex or multiple PO paths and objectives, in smaller scenarios the AI is quite capable of giving you a rough time. I noticed that during playtesting and tweaking my Tutorial '41 scenario; the b*gger surprised me more than once when I thought my Panzer Division is going to make Ćevapčići out of the Yugoslav defenders! Klink, Oberst