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Hitting Aircraft on Tarmac spaces and Hangers

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Hitting Aircraft on Tarmac spaces and Hangers - 12/19/2017 6:00:52 AM   


Posts: 34
Joined: 11/28/2017
Status: offline
Hi all, a question. Is there any way to specifically target aircraft on tarmac parking spots and in hangers? I am playing through a Canary's Cage and had was striking one of the enemy airfields.

I led off with a 4 F18s w/ HARMs which successfully took out the air search and SAM radars. Another group of 4 F18s followed closely behind dropping penetrators on the 5 runway access points, successfully causing heavy damage to all 5 and starting fires on 4 of the 5. I assume this is enough to shut the air base. close behind the Paveway armed F18s were a flight of 3 Harriers w/ Rockeye cluster bombs. The strike F18s had overflown the base and identified a number of tarmac parking spots occupied with aircraft.

I manually allocated a rockeye to each occupied tarmac spot and hanger that were identified and hit them with cluster bombs. The BDA said that each were lightly damaged but didn't give any indication about the aircraft that were on them. I would assume if I hit an occupied tarmac space with a rockeye, that it should destroy or at least damage any plane parked there. Is that how it works?

Post #: 1
RE: Hitting Aircraft on Tarmac spaces and Hangers - 12/19/2017 8:19:15 AM   


Posts: 5508
Joined: 4/29/2005
From: The Great White North!
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Yes. You can check your message log and you may have received a message that AC were destroyed (but only if it triggered an event I think). The other way to check is in the 'Losses and Expenditures' list, if there are a few more there than what you remember shooting down, that's a good indicator.

Also what you will need to do it run another recon over the base to verify what is left.

Sounds like you've done a number on that base though!

(in reply to JCM3000)
Post #: 2
RE: Hitting Aircraft on Tarmac spaces and Hangers - 12/19/2017 10:53:08 AM   


Posts: 34
Joined: 11/28/2017
Status: offline
Unfortunately this scenario doesn't give points for aircraft, so there was no event triggered. And I wasn't paying close attention to how many aircraft were shot down, though perhaps it looks like enemy losses are more than the number of planes shot down, but not 100% sure. I'll pay attention to the losses after my next upcoming air base strike which I'm planning to use the exact same strike package (harms, followed by paveway penetrators, followed by rockeyes). I'll confirm the results.

Thanks Gunner. Btw, as a relative newbie I'm still a little daunted by your northern fury series but I'm excited to begin trying them out soon. The AARs I've read on them sound awesome!

(in reply to Gunner98)
Post #: 3
RE: Hitting Aircraft on Tarmac spaces and Hangers - 12/19/2017 12:08:20 PM   


Posts: 5508
Joined: 4/29/2005
From: The Great White North!
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They are not for the faint of heart You may want to try some of the later scenarios first. NF 4, 5, 5.5, 6 etc. #1 is quite tough, #2 is very tough, 3 is very busy and can be confusing, besides that Anteaters Revenge (10.1 I think) is the hardest - some call it the hardest scenario ever, where Soviet technology outstrips NATO for a change. Some of the smaller ones are quite easy. If you do play them I'd be interested in your feedback, always tweaking.

Over the holidays I hope to re-number and touch them up so it is one series from 1...40 something, 60 eventually.



(in reply to JCM3000)
Post #: 4
RE: Hitting Aircraft on Tarmac spaces and Hangers - 12/19/2017 3:24:59 PM   


Posts: 34
Joined: 11/28/2017
Status: offline
Yup, I can confirm after paying close attention to the losses & expenditures that bombing tarmac parking spaces will destroy aircraft parked on them, even if there's no indication of such in the message log. Thanks for the help again Gunner. And keep the scenarios coming. I'll get to them eventually and will keep you posted on any feedback!

(in reply to Gunner98)
Post #: 5
RE: Hitting Aircraft on Tarmac spaces and Hangers - 12/19/2017 5:24:09 PM   

Posts: 2934
Joined: 10/8/2004
From: Arnhem (holland) yes a bridge to far...
Status: offline

Spotted AC on the tarmac or any other facility will be marked with a yellow triangle over that facility. You will however need to switch over to unit view (number 9 on num. pad) in order to see these individual AC.

There currently is also a bug in the AC detection routine that prevents the game automatically removing destroyed AC from ground facilities (once an AC is spotted, destroying it will not automatically remove the yellow triangle from the map). In order to do this, you will have to manually “drop” the AC from map (select the Airfield and navigate to “contacts”, “drop contact(s)”. This forces the AI to update all facilities once they are spotted again and the destroyed planes will now no longer be marked with a yellow triangle….

This should help.



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(in reply to JCM3000)
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