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Tank and Gun crews and APC personel

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Tank and Gun crews and APC personel - 1/22/2018 5:54:17 AM   

Posts: 143
Joined: 8/24/2009
From: Originally Hanover,Germany now Harvard, Il. USA
Status: offline
First, I'd like to congratulate the developers on a war game well made.
That said, I have 2 concerns; First, Tanks and Gun crews _ in addition to being "stunned" or "shocked", why
can't the Tank or gun crews just "abandon" the vehicle or gun?
It happened - a LOT in WW II!
Second, APCs (ARMORED PERSONEL CARRIERS) like U.S.halftracks and German SPWS (Schuetzen Panzer Wagen) were DESIGNED
and BUILT to carry squads of Infantry to the Front lines giving the soldiers a measure of protection.
In the game, the APCs can't carry anything!
That's a problem! I think they ought to be able to carry at least 1 squad (or at the very least a half squad) and
or a Leader to be able to "mount up" or "dismount" when not in view of the enemy.Many other wargames of the same Genre do this (John Tillers war games come to mind.)
Your thoughts?...
Post #: 1
RE: Tank and Gun crews and APC personel - 1/22/2018 10:14:45 AM   

Posts: 2990
Joined: 3/11/2016
Status: offline
You are absolutely right on everything!
That said, regarding the APC, Peter does not want scenarios with lazy soldiers who would spend the time of battle sitting on a bench behind an armored wall.
He wants warriors fighting in a forced march.
Congratulations and thank you, Peter!

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(in reply to RAUBKATER1)
Post #: 2
RE: Tank and Gun crews and APC personel - 1/22/2018 12:10:58 PM   
Peter Fisla

Posts: 2503
Joined: 10/5/2001
From: Canada
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ORIGINAL: arnoriewe
First, I'd like to congratulate the developers on a war game well made.

Glad you are enjoying the game, there is just one developer and that's me :)

Jorgen Holmquist (Paullus) did all the game scenarios that came with the game, he also worked on the Kursk DLC.


ORIGINAL: arnoriewe
That said, I have 2 concerns; First, Tanks and Gun crews _ in addition to being "stunned" or "shocked", why
can't the Tank or gun crews just "abandon" the vehicle or gun?
It happened - a LOT in WW II!

Tank crew are not modeled in the game. Once tank crew bails out, there isn't much use for them on the battlefield as their firepower is very low, even less than ordnance crew. I just didn't want to add the extra complexity to the game with such a limited value.


ORIGINAL: arnoriewe
Second, APCs (ARMORED PERSONEL CARRIERS) like U.S.halftracks and German SPWS (Schuetzen Panzer Wagen) were DESIGNED
and BUILT to carry squads of Infantry to the Front lines giving the soldiers a measure of protection.
In the game, the APCs can't carry anything!
That's a problem! I think they ought to be able to carry at least 1 squad (or at the very least a half squad) and
or a Leader to be able to "mount up" or "dismount" when not in view of the enemy.Many other wargames of the same Genre do this (John Tillers war games come to mind.)
Your thoughts?...

This is something I might add to the game in the future.

< Message edited by Peter Fisla -- 1/22/2018 12:17:03 PM >

(in reply to RAUBKATER1)
Post #: 3
RE: Tank and Gun crews and APC personel - 1/22/2018 4:26:52 PM   

Posts: 143
Joined: 8/24/2009
From: Originally Hanover,Germany now Harvard, Il. USA
Status: offline
Hello, Peter.
Here's some food for thought on Tank crews;
I've read accounts of crews abandoning their vehicles only to return to them at a safer time during the
same battle. My dad was a German east front soldier who witnessed this happening also.
But I don't want to super-complicate matters as I have no right to- you're the developer, after all!
Thanks for considering my APC suggestion, though and again thank you for a Great War game!

< Message edited by arnoriewe -- 1/22/2018 4:27:48 PM >


(in reply to Peter Fisla)
Post #: 4
RE: Tank and Gun crews and APC personel - 1/22/2018 9:45:47 PM   

Posts: 176
Joined: 2/25/2016
From: The middle of flyover country
Status: offline
I agree with everything wholeheartedly. Adding passengers would greatly expand on this great game.

I can live without crews that bailed out. It's another layer of complexity that can be filtered out.

In regards to a circumstance where a crew came back to their vehicle, I am sure that you can design a scenario around that by having a vehicle appear in a hex on a designated turn to reflect a crew returning and manning the vehicle.


The game is afoot!


(in reply to RAUBKATER1)
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