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Feature differences?

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Feature differences? - 2/9/2018 10:28:30 AM   


Posts: 61
Joined: 9/3/2010
Status: offline
I'm using CMANO vanilla without DLCs and it struck me that I am missing some new features, right/wrong?
For example, I tried to make a cargo drop and could not implement it. Is that dependent on DLC Chains of War?
Other features that I should expect being DLC-dependent?

I have no problem buying new content, but rather have limited time to explore all new missions. However, the new features I would very much like to explore in the scenario editor.

So, in short, what DLCs adds new features (if any)?


< Message edited by bromstarzan -- 2/9/2018 10:35:46 AM >
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RE: Feature differences? - 2/9/2018 12:15:05 PM   

Posts: 9847
Joined: 11/28/2001
From: Finland/Israel
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DLC Chains of War (note that these features are available only in CoW scenarios or those that have been modified to it by scen authors.)

NEW! Communications disruption by network/cyber attack or any other arbitrary factor: Isolated units realistically limit their tactical awareness to only what they themselves can detect and engage, and are completely of their parent side's control. Say goodbye to Borg-view of the battlefield!

NEW! Cargo, landing and airdrop operations. Load mobile forces on ships, aircraft and even submarines, and unload them on any suitable point on the battlefield. Platforms are realistically limited by volume, weight and crew on what they can transport.

NEW! Comprehensive damage model for aircraft. Aircraft may be shot down outright or receive damage that will still allow them to limp back home. Different aircraft can absorb different punishment on their fuselage, cockpit and engines. Depending on the amount of damage received a plane may be "mission killed" if its repairs take so long that it misses the fight.

NEW! Advanced weapons for the new age of war. Tactical EMP weapons, railguns, high-energy lasers and more


"To meaningless French Idealism, Liberty, Fraternity and Equality...we answer with German Realism, Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery" -Prince von Bülov, 1870-

(in reply to bromstarzan)
Post #: 2
RE: Feature differences? - 2/9/2018 2:19:05 PM   


Posts: 61
Joined: 9/3/2010
Status: offline
Thanks for response.
Seems like I need the Chains of war DLC to make use of the cargo drop feature.

(in reply to Sardaukar)
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