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Arracourt is released.

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Arracourt is released. - 3/4/2018 5:06:19 AM   

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Arracourt is released.

Arracourt was the largest tank battle involving U.S. forces on the Western Front until the Battle of the Bulge. It has been used as an example of how tactical situations and crew quality can be far more important factors in determining the outcome of a tank battle than the technical merits of the tanks themselves.

Definitely in beta; definitely going to be tweaked over the next few days.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by bru888 -- 4/2/2018 10:09:22 PM >
Post #: 1
RE: Arracourt is released. - 3/4/2018 11:31:54 PM   

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Arracourt new version 1.1 uploaded:

- Added artillery for both sides (U.S.: M7 Priest, 155mm Long Tom / Germany: Hummel).
- Reduced StuG III's and added German BA-10 armored cars and Nashorn and Elefant tank destroyers.
- Changed secondary objective from destroying just StuG III to "self-propelled guns" (artillery and tank destroyers).
- Clarified some of the wording in the briefings.

< Message edited by bru888 -- 3/4/2018 11:56:09 PM >

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Post #: 2
RE: Arracourt is released. - 3/5/2018 1:57:26 AM   

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Wow, this is way too hard now. Working on it.

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Post #: 3
RE: Arracourt is released. - 3/5/2018 3:02:47 AM   

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The 1.1 version got to be too hard because I ratcheted up the German artillery and tank destroyers but I am trying not to use resource points in this one. So, in 1.2, I compensated by dialing back the German unit experience from 5 to 4. I also introduced a commander, more to make use of the jeep than anything else, but I did select a guy who is good with artillery so maybe keep him close to the Long Toms. Also, don't forget the improvised armor feature on the Sherman tanks. Anyway, see how this is now, if you want.

Arracourt new version 1.2 uploaded:

- Added a U.S. commander, Major General John S. Wood.
- Reduced experience level of all German units from 5 to 4.

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Post #: 4
RE: Arracourt is released. - 3/5/2018 12:56:47 PM   

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Thanks to input in the Slitherine forum, look for another version soon. I fiddled around with a "motor pool repair" thing but maybe I just bring back resources and let you guys do some repairs. It's boring to have tanks limping around at 1 or 2 strength, doing nothing. But that means the Germans get ratcheted up again a notch in experience! The Elefants come out, I think - too strong - unless I can match them with a comparable U.S. tank - Erik suggested the Pershing? But I don't want to get too far away from the actual OOB on both sides. Include historical unit names like I usually do, maybe use core units, add an interesting mission, some other tweaks.....Guys, I'm sorry, but I cannot make a simple bare-bones scenario! You'll just have to take me as I am.

< Message edited by bru888 -- 3/5/2018 12:59:37 PM >

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Post #: 5
RE: Arracourt is released. - 3/7/2018 9:23:41 PM   

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After some research, here is the Order of Battle that I will use in the rewrite of Arracourt (upcoming version 2.0):

United States

84th Fighter Wing

365th/405th Fighter Groups, each with three squadrons (386th/387th/388th / 509th/510th/511th), each with:
1 P-47D Thunderbolt (6 total)

4th Armored Division

35th/37th Tank Battalions, each with three companies (A/B/C), each with:
3 Sherman M4A2 (18 total)
1 Sherman M4A3 76(W) (6 total)
1 Sherman M4A3E2 Jumbo (6 total)
1 M5A1 Stuart (6 total)

10th/53rd Armored Infantry Battalions, each with three companies (A/B/C), each with:
1 Heavy Infantry '44 (6 total)
1 M3A1 Halftrack (transport)

704th Tank Destroyer Battalion with three companies (A/B/C), each with:
2 M18 Hellcat (6 total)

66th/94th Armored Artillery Battalions, each with:
3 M7 Priest (6 total)

191st Field Artillery Battalion with:
3 155MM M1 Long Tom (3 total)
3 Studebaker Truck (transport)

Willys MB .50 Cal (1 total)
Major General John S. Wood (assigned)


5th Panzer Army

11th Panzer Division with six battalions (I/II/III/IV/V/VI), each with:
1 PzKw V Panther G (6 total)
1 PzKw IV H (6 total)
1 StuG III G (6 total)
1 Nashorn (6 total)
1 Hummel (6 total)
1 SdKfz 7/1 (6 total)

25th Panzergrenadier Division with six battalions (I/II/III/IV/V/VI), each with:
1 Heavy Infantry '44 (6 total)
1 SdKfz 251 (transport)

111th/113th Panzer Brigades, each with three battalions (I/II/III), each with:
1 PzKw V Panther G (6 total)
1 PzKw IV H (6 total)
1 StuG III G (6 total)

SdKfz 222 (1 total)
Gen. Hasso von Manteuffel (assigned)


Some notes:
- It's not exactly accurate, of course, although the structures and units are fairly historical. For one thing, there must have been over 500 tanks and guns involved in the Battle of Arracourt.
- One is a division and the other is an army. I have read that the division was strong while the army was understrength. I tried to make them comparable in numbers of units.
- However, the Germans will again have an advantage in the strengths of their armored units. This is what I am trying to get at and adjust for so the Americans have a chance.

< Message edited by bru888 -- 3/9/2018 2:54:10 AM >

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Post #: 6
RE: Arracourt is released. - 3/11/2018 11:52:18 PM   

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The OOB for Arracourt has expanded a bit more:

United States

84th Fighter Wing

365th/405th Fighter Groups, each with three squadrons (386th/387th/388th / 509th/510th/511th), each with:
1 P-47D Thunderbolt (6 total)

4th Armored Division

35th/37th Tank Battalions, each with three companies (A/B/C), each with:
3 Sherman M4A2 (18 total)
1 Sherman M4A3 76(W) (6 total)
1 Sherman M4A3E2 Jumbo (6 total)
1 M5A1 Stuart (6 total)

10th/53rd Armored Infantry Battalions, each with three companies (A/B/C), each with:
1 Heavy Infantry '44 (6 total)
1 M3A1 Halftrack (transport)

704th Tank Destroyer Battalion with three companies (A/B/C), each with:
2 M18 Hellcat (6 total)

66th/94th Armored Artillery Battalions, each with:
3 M7 Priest (6 total)

191st Field Artillery Battalion with:
3 155MM M1 Long Tom (3 total)
3 Studebaker Truck (transport)

2nd Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron with:
6 M20 Scout Car (6 total)

Willys MB .50 Cal (1 total)
Major General John S. Wood (assigned)


5th Panzer Army

11th Panzer Division with six battalions (I/II/III/IV/V/VI), each with:
1 PzKw V Panther G (6 total)
1 PzKw IV H (6 total)
1 StuG III G (6 total)
1 Nashorn (6 total)
1 Hummel (6 total)
1 SdKfz 7/1 (6 total)

25th Panzergrenadier Division with six battalions (I/II/III/IV/V/VI), each with:
1 Heavy Infantry '44 (6 total)
1 SdKfz 251 (transport)

111th/113th Panzer Brigades, each with three battalions (I/II/III), each with:
1 PzKw V Panther G (6 total)
1 PzKw IV H (6 total)
1 StuG III G (6 total)

614th Flak Battalion with:
3 88MM Flak 37 AT (3 total)
3 SdKfz 7 (transport)

SdKfz 222 (1 total)
Gen. Hasso von Manteuffel (assigned)


I'm looking to get version 2.0 out with this OOB soon.

< Message edited by bru888 -- 3/11/2018 11:55:11 PM >

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Post #: 7
RE: Arracourt is released. - 3/13/2018 3:17:50 PM   

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Arracourt new version 2.0 uploaded:

- Both sides now have resource points to start with and income per turn.
- I altered the OOB and expanded it to include armored infantry and recon units. All units now have historical names.
- Forces are more logically arranged at scenario start. Americans are halted in a salient but with coherent organization and Germans are approaching along roads.
- U.S. airpower is now included but without being overwhelming and ruining the challenge for the U.S. player. The German side was provided with mobile AA guns to balance.
- Corrected the error in talking about short-barreled Sherman tanks in the briefing while using only a later long-barreled version. Now there are three types of Sherman tanks in the scenario but most of them are still the short-barreled M4A2 which is historically correct.
- Provided supply in all towns across the map to discourage behind the lines excursions just to cut off supply from a main base.
- Adjusted secondary objectives to correspond with the amounts of German armored units in the scenario.
- Created a secondary mission to kill Gen. Hasso von Manteuffel to break German morale (eliminate resource income).

Now what I need help on is gameplay balance and proper number of turns. Any suggestions on those would be appreciated.

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Post #: 8
RE: Arracourt is released. - 3/13/2018 3:58:29 PM   

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Heh, this reminds me of what happens at work. As soon as I hit "Send" on an e-mail message, I see a typo or I remember something that I left out.

In this case, I remembered what Erik had said about this situation:

A road must cross a river "cleanly" for a bridge to form, else the bridge is out. I rearranged the scenery accordingly.

Then, as I am taking a last look around, I discovered the reason for the hashtag (#) in objective descriptions. Being the neatnik that I am, I would erase these if there was nothing to be said but that would make the blue question mark and "no reward for this objective" appear. The hashtag is a placeholder so that no blue question mark appears, which is, well, neater.

Arracourt new version 2.1 uploaded:

- Corrected bridge crossings outside of Arracourt and in two other places on the map.
- Used hashtag (#) to indicate there are no descriptions for several secondary objectives.

Attachment (1)

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Post #: 9
RE: Arracourt is released. - 3/13/2018 10:18:05 PM   

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Arracourt new version 2.2 uploaded:

- Increased and equalized resources on both sides: 500 to start, 25 per turn.
- Maximized German AI aggression.
- Swapped three 15cm sFH18 artillery for three 88 Flak 37 AT guns.

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Post #: 10
RE: Arracourt is released. - 3/15/2018 12:59:22 AM   

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Arracourt new version 2.3 uploaded:

- Three German artillery units were not assigned to an AI team when 2.2 was first uploaded; this was fixed a little later and is definitely good in 2.3.
- Provided more redeploy exit hexes for P47d Thunderbolts and moved their spawning hexes off those exit hexes in case they are not moved and thus exit immediately.
- Fixed two more river crossings in which bridges did not form because the road did not intersect the river cleanly; i.e., two road segments and a river in the same hex.

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Post #: 11
RE: Arracourt is released. - 3/21/2018 8:24:46 PM   

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Arracourt new version 2.4 uploaded.

The consensus seems to be that 2.3 was a bit too easy and ended too early after a frenzied battle royal. So I went ahead and did the following:

- Increased German experience from 4 to 5. This alone should make the challenge more difficult.
- Dialed AI aggressiveness from 99 back to 50. This will make the Germans hang back a bit, plan the battle better, and take more advantage of their resource income.
- Gave the Germans recon units. I did not give them free rein, however, because they just charge into battle and get slaughtered. Instead they are guarding key points.
- Moved the P47s appearance up a few turns. Three to be exact, the equivalent of one day in the scenario (three turns per day).
- As compensation, gave the Germans two more SdKfz 7/1 anti-aircraft guns.
- Included several contemporaneous historical events.

This is now the scenario order of battle:


84th Fighter Wing

365th/405th Fighter Groups, each with three squadrons (386th/387th/388th / 509th/510th/511th), each with:
1 P-47D Thunderbolt (6 total)

4th Armored Division

35th/37th Tank Battalions, each with three companies (A/B/C), each with:
3 Sherman M4A2 (18 total)
1 Sherman M4A3 76(W) (6 total)
1 Sherman M4A3E2 Jumbo (6 total)
1 M5A1 Stuart (6 total)

10th/53rd Armored Infantry Battalions, each with three companies (A/B/C), each with:
1 Heavy Infantry '44 (6 total)
1 M3A1 Halftrack (transport)

704th Tank Destroyer Battalion with three companies (A/B/C), each with:
2 M18 Hellcat (6 total)

66th/94th Armored Artillery Battalions, each with:
3 M7 Priest (6 total)

191st Field Artillery Battalion with:
3 155mm M1 Long Tom (3 total)
3 Studebaker Truck (transport)

2nd Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron with:
6 M20 Scout Car (6 total)

Willys MB .50 Cal (1 total)
Major General John S. Wood (assigned)


5th Panzer Army

11th Panzer Division with six battalions (I/II/III/IV/V/VI), each with:
1 PzKw V Panther G (6 total)
1 PzKw IV H (6 total)
1 StuG III G (6 total)
1 Nashorn (6 total)
1 Hummel (6 total)
1 SdKfz 7/1 (6 total)

25th Panzergrenadier Division with six battalions (I/II/III/IV/V/VI), each with:
1 Heavy Infantry '44 (6 total)
1 SdKfz 251 (transport)

111th/113th Panzer Brigades, each with three battalions (I/II/III), each with:
1 PzKw V Panther G (6 total)
1 PzKw IV H (6 total)
1 StuG III G (6 total)
1 SdKfz 7/1 (per brigade) (2 total)

638th Heavy Artillery Battalion with:
3 15cm sFH18 (3 total)
3 SdKfz 7 (transport)

5th Panzer Reconnaissance Squadron with:
8 Panzerspähwagen P204 (8 total)

SdKfz 222 (1 total)
Gen. Hasso von Manteuffel (assigned)

(in reply to bru888)
Post #: 12
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