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RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A)

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RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/13/2018 12:51:00 AM   
Mike Solli

Posts: 15792
Joined: 10/18/2000
From: the flight deck of the Zuikaku
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ORIGINAL: rustysi


Yeah, I was surprised at the inability to kill Hellcats today.

Keep in mind that fighters assigned to escort duty are at a disadvantage. That coupled with a superior A/C and you can't expect too much. Besides as you said they did their jobs and kept his fighters off your bombers. OTOH your fighters should do a bit better against his escorting fighters. Don't expect miracles, but you might get 1:1 if you have a numbers advantage over him. Its why I like the Zero 5c, good firepower against a disadvantaged opponent. At least I hope it works. Looks good on paper. At any rate you don't really want to down fighters do you? Its bombers you want.

Yeah, I know escort is tough on fighters. I'm always torn. Good pilots are shredded as much as mediocre pilots. It's a necessary evil.

I have Soryu carrying the M5c. They were set to 0 distance, to be used just for CAP over the TFs. Their range sucks. But in this case, the enemy carriers were all 2-4 hexes from my carriers. They would have flown escort. I wonder how they would have done?


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 3301
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/13/2018 12:57:32 AM   
Mike Solli

Posts: 15792
Joined: 10/18/2000
From: the flight deck of the Zuikaku
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ORIGINAL: rustysi


ORIGINAL: Mike Solli

Ok, next topic of discussion: IJA fighters

Here's what I have producing. Note that the Frank will start producing in a few days.


Ki-44-IIc Tojo / 63 / 120
Ki-43-IIIa Oscar / 67 / 128
Ki-100-II Tony / 56 / 120
Ki-84a Frank / 0 / 120

What should I change? scrap? increase? keep?

Keep in mind that I'm in late '42 in my game.

This is how I see it. Too many Oscars. When Frank comes online cut them in half or less and put 'em to Frank. I like the Oscar for late war escort, but you shouldn't need too many. BTW the Ki-43-IIIa has the longest range of all the Oscars. As for the Tojo and Tony, I'd probably reduce them by 25% and put that to Frank as well. Remember as you start to field Franks the other model pools will grow and the more limited use will mean less loss as the Franks take over. Just my .02 Mike. Let's see what the pros say, and then make a more educated choice.

People love the Frank. In all my years of playing this game, I've never had a Frank! This will be a first. I was planning on reducing the Oscar to about 100 in the pool and switch half or so of the factories to probably the Frank. I have only 2 sentai fielding the Oscar right now, one in China strafing troops with very good success and the other at Truk doing nothing. The Tony has been awful so far. They get shredded by the P47. The Tojo still is doing well against everything the Allies throw at them. They haven't fought the Hellcat yet though. The vast majority of the IJAAF is fielding the Tojo, but that'll change to the Frank soon.


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 3302
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/13/2018 12:58:56 AM   
Mike Solli

Posts: 15792
Joined: 10/18/2000
From: the flight deck of the Zuikaku
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ORIGINAL: rustysi

I've got a question for you. Where's that CVL that builds in November '42 without its air groups. They inexplicable come in a year later, mistake I assume, but whatever. That's another 30 plane CVL that could have some LBA fighter group on it to up your CAP.

That's the Ryuho. She's currently at Ambon with 3 CVEs, in case Ted gets frisky there. Hosho will eventually move down there as well.


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 3303
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/13/2018 1:00:00 AM   
Mike Solli

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From: the flight deck of the Zuikaku
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ORIGINAL: rustysi


ORIGINAL: ny59giants_MatrixForum

Many of us had suggested and you agreed to get all your CV/CVLs back together. So I know you are kicking yourself for not following that "self" advice.

At least Mike had his other CVs within supporting distance. Ted didn't; he could have had the last strike if his other 2 or 3 CV/CVLs were closer.

Yep, I made a mistake, but salvaged it. Fortunately, it was MKB and 2 carriers survived. They're currently at Truk repairing damage.


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to Zorch)
Post #: 3304
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/13/2018 1:50:13 AM   

Posts: 22133
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ORIGINAL: Mike Solli


ORIGINAL: rustysi


ORIGINAL: Mike Solli

Ok, next topic of discussion: IJA fighters

Here's what I have producing. Note that the Frank will start producing in a few days.


Ki-44-IIc Tojo / 63 / 120
Ki-43-IIIa Oscar / 67 / 128
Ki-100-II Tony / 56 / 120
Ki-84a Frank / 0 / 120

What should I change? scrap? increase? keep?

Keep in mind that I'm in late '42 in my game.

This is how I see it. Too many Oscars. When Frank comes online cut them in half or less and put 'em to Frank. I like the Oscar for late war escort, but you shouldn't need too many. BTW the Ki-43-IIIa has the longest range of all the Oscars. As for the Tojo and Tony, I'd probably reduce them by 25% and put that to Frank as well. Remember as you start to field Franks the other model pools will grow and the more limited use will mean less loss as the Franks take over. Just my .02 Mike. Let's see what the pros say, and then make a more educated choice.

People love the Frank. In all my years of playing this game, I've never had a Frank! This will be a first. I was planning on reducing the Oscar to about 100 in the pool and switch half or so of the factories to probably the Frank. I have only 2 sentai fielding the Oscar right now, one in China strafing troops with very good success and the other at Truk doing nothing. The Tony has been awful so far. They get shredded by the P47. The Tojo still is doing well against everything the Allies throw at them. They haven't fought the Hellcat yet though. The vast majority of the IJAAF is fielding the Tojo, but that'll change to the Frank soon.

Ok, you didn't give us engine production and pools.

I would be loathe to eliminate any fighter production, especially if engine production and pools are strong. You simply need so many fighters!

You will want 250 plus Franks,plus you will want the Frank R (much better high altitude fighter).

As good as the Frank is, you need multiple frames to eke the most of your defense. Nowhere should you rely upon only one model of fighter, with the possible exception of deep defense versus long legged enemy bombers.

The A6M5c and Ki100 are your bomber killers. SR1 they can be sandwiched by Franks and Oscars for protection and can do very good work. The Oscar is your low altitude CAP and Escort when you need numbers. Tojo IIc flies at the 2nd highest CAP altitude setting ready to climb and dive.

Franks and Georges both make great escort fighters too, as do the Tojo IIc if you don't need range. 4 Squadrons of George escorting in a high altitude torpedo strike can penetrate Allied carriers at present and perform as a mild sweep against Hellcats.

The Oscar IIIa is a great long range escort, and especially valuable paired up with torpedo bombers and restricted search arcs to lay a deep strike on Allied shipping. I can't believe you only have two of them!

Your strongest defense against sweeping Jugs is a structured low altitude CAP with Georges and Franks although you can use many other combinations too. It is hard not to keep the George as a sweeping beast.

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 3305
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/13/2018 9:22:03 AM   
Mike Solli

Posts: 15792
Joined: 10/18/2000
From: the flight deck of the Zuikaku
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Here's the engine info:

Type / Pool / Production

Ha-32 / 499 / 270
Ha-33 / 574 / 420
Ha-34 / 708 / 360
Ha-35 / 606 / 540
Ha-45 / 976 / 660
Ha-60 / 380 / 0 - mistakenly built a bunch of these. Using them for the D4Y1/2.

Ha-43, in R&D, 4 factories on it (all I have for R&D), currently 5/45, will become operational 5/44.

Edit: Just starting the Frank-r. Will be operational 2/44.


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to Lowpe)
Post #: 3306
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/13/2018 2:45:04 PM   

Posts: 22133
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How about fighter bombers? What are you making - r&d'ing there?

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 3307
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/15/2018 12:10:20 AM   

Posts: 7472
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From: LI, NY
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Just a few things I wanted to say the other day, but forgot/ran out of time.


I bombarded again today. I’ve noticed their AV increased to about 15k while mine is still at 6k. I’ll let the supply replenish and then try a deliberate attack to see what I’m really up against. In the mean-time, I bomb daily with 130 or so Sallies.

I think you may be a little premature here. Think I wait a while and just keep bombing/bombarding for a bit more.


I suspected that was the case. Not sure which one though. First thought would be Wasp because she's the smallest. But look at the hits:

Yorktown: 2x500kg, 1x250kg, heavy fires, fuel storage explosion, don't think she sank.
Wasp: 2 torpedoes, 2x500, 1x250, heavy fires, heavy damage, fuel storage explosion.
Saratoga: 2 torpedoes, 5x500, 1x250, fires, heavy damage.

I'll take any (or all ) of them.

Been thinking about this as well. I still think its Wasp that went down, but the other two are in serious trouble. My guess is he looses at least one more even with no other attacks. I would suggest you try to dog 'em with whatever subs you have in the neighborhood, and from your screen shot there seem to be quite a few.

On a final note... I know I watch pilot fatigue closely, as I'm sure the rest of us do. One thing I learned the hard way a while back was to also keep an eye on CV A/C's fatigue levels. These really seem to ramp up after serious CV ops.


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 3308
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/15/2018 12:16:34 AM   

Posts: 7472
Joined: 2/21/2012
From: LI, NY
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Something else I just remembered.....


CVLs Mizuho and Nisshin (21 F and 9 TB each)

You don't really need TB's on either of these two, they have no torp capacity. I'd either fill them with fighters or some combo of fighters and DB's.


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 3309
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/15/2018 12:20:28 AM   

Posts: 7472
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From: LI, NY
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That's the Ryuho. She's currently at Ambon with 3 CVEs, in case Ted gets frisky there. Hosho will eventually move down there as well.

Remember her air groups will arrive in Nov. '43.


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 3310
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/15/2018 12:27:51 AM   

Posts: 7472
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From: LI, NY
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I have Soryu carrying the M5c. They were set to 0 distance, to be used just for CAP over the TFs. Their range sucks. But in this case, the enemy carriers were all 2-4 hexes from my carriers. They would have flown escort. I wonder how they would have done?

They are the first Zero with armor. Don't know how much that'll help, but....


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 3311
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/15/2018 9:24:14 AM   
Mike Solli

Posts: 15792
Joined: 10/18/2000
From: the flight deck of the Zuikaku
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ORIGINAL: rustysi

Something else I just remembered.....


CVLs Mizuho and Nisshin (21 F and 9 TB each)

You don't really need TB's on either of these two, they have no torp capacity. I'd either fill them with fighters or some combo of fighters and DB's.

Didn't know that! Mizuho will get fighters and Nissan (the slow poke) will get DBs for ASW for escort duty. Thanks!


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 3312
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/15/2018 9:24:51 AM   
Mike Solli

Posts: 15792
Joined: 10/18/2000
From: the flight deck of the Zuikaku
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: rustysi


I have Soryu carrying the M5c. They were set to 0 distance, to be used just for CAP over the TFs. Their range sucks. But in this case, the enemy carriers were all 2-4 hexes from my carriers. They would have flown escort. I wonder how they would have done?

They are the first Zero with armor. Don't know how much that'll help, but....

I am aware of that. Short range but armor. CAP duty primarily.


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 3313
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/15/2018 9:27:42 AM   
Mike Solli

Posts: 15792
Joined: 10/18/2000
From: the flight deck of the Zuikaku
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ORIGINAL: rustysi

Just a few things I wanted to say the other day, but forgot/ran out of time.


I bombarded again today. I’ve noticed their AV increased to about 15k while mine is still at 6k. I’ll let the supply replenish and then try a deliberate attack to see what I’m really up against. In the mean-time, I bomb daily with 130 or so Sallies.

I think you may be a little premature here. Think I wait a while and just keep bombing/bombarding for a bit more.


I suspected that was the case. Not sure which one though. First thought would be Wasp because she's the smallest. But look at the hits:

Yorktown: 2x500kg, 1x250kg, heavy fires, fuel storage explosion, don't think she sank.
Wasp: 2 torpedoes, 2x500, 1x250, heavy fires, heavy damage, fuel storage explosion.
Saratoga: 2 torpedoes, 5x500, 1x250, fires, heavy damage.

I'll take any (or all ) of them.

Been thinking about this as well. I still think its Wasp that went down, but the other two are in serious trouble. My guess is he looses at least one more even with no other attacks. I would suggest you try to dog 'em with whatever subs you have in the neighborhood, and from your screen shot there seem to be quite a few.

On a final note... I know I watch pilot fatigue closely, as I'm sure the rest of us do. One thing I learned the hard way a while back was to also keep an eye on CV A/C's fatigue levels. These really seem to ramp up after serious CV ops.

I haven't spotted the carriers up close since the battle. Still looking. Finding other ships though.

Aircraft fatigue is something I know nothing about. Can it decrease without maintenance? (Don't think so, but I really have no idea.) Anything in the manual I've missed? How about the forum?


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 3314
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/15/2018 9:28:08 AM   
Mike Solli

Posts: 15792
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From: the flight deck of the Zuikaku
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How about fighter bombers? What are you making - r&d'ing there?

I'll give you those numbers tonight after work.


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to Lowpe)
Post #: 3315
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/15/2018 9:28:55 AM   
Mike Solli

Posts: 15792
Joined: 10/18/2000
From: the flight deck of the Zuikaku
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ORIGINAL: rustysi


That's the Ryuho. She's currently at Ambon with 3 CVEs, in case Ted gets frisky there. Hosho will eventually move down there as well.

Remember her air groups will arrive in Nov. '43.

Yep, I know. Been watching them inch close to arriving.


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 3316
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/15/2018 1:30:12 PM   

Posts: 9869
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CV/CVL air group management - I monitor both pilot fatigue and plane damage (time to repair). After prolong activity, I often have to fly off and transfer groups to a base to speed up recovery time. Often you will see 5 days or more time for planes to repair if on CVs. This is a very slow process. So, they go ashore. Your Judy and Jill with SR 2 or 3 need the extra time ashore to repair and recover, IMO.

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 3317
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/15/2018 2:39:42 PM   

Posts: 24520
Joined: 6/29/2002
From: San Antonio, TX
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ORIGINAL: Mike Solli


ORIGINAL: rustysi

Just a few things I wanted to say the other day, but forgot/ran out of time.


I bombarded again today. I’ve noticed their AV increased to about 15k while mine is still at 6k. I’ll let the supply replenish and then try a deliberate attack to see what I’m really up against. In the mean-time, I bomb daily with 130 or so Sallies.

I think you may be a little premature here. Think I wait a while and just keep bombing/bombarding for a bit more.


I suspected that was the case. Not sure which one though. First thought would be Wasp because she's the smallest. But look at the hits:

Yorktown: 2x500kg, 1x250kg, heavy fires, fuel storage explosion, don't think she sank.
Wasp: 2 torpedoes, 2x500, 1x250, heavy fires, heavy damage, fuel storage explosion.
Saratoga: 2 torpedoes, 5x500, 1x250, fires, heavy damage.

I'll take any (or all ) of them.

Been thinking about this as well. I still think its Wasp that went down, but the other two are in serious trouble. My guess is he looses at least one more even with no other attacks. I would suggest you try to dog 'em with whatever subs you have in the neighborhood, and from your screen shot there seem to be quite a few.

On a final note... I know I watch pilot fatigue closely, as I'm sure the rest of us do. One thing I learned the hard way a while back was to also keep an eye on CV A/C's fatigue levels. These really seem to ramp up after serious CV ops.

I haven't spotted the carriers up close since the battle. Still looking. Finding other ships though.

Aircraft fatigue is something I know nothing about. Can it decrease without maintenance? (Don't think so, but I really have no idea.) Anything in the manual I've missed? How about the forum?

Another approach is to 'downgrade' and then 're-upgrade' the airframes while in port. They'll act as if all the 'new' airframes are at "0" for maintenance once they're back on board. It may take a week or so to have all of them uncrated and available, so don't do this workaround if action is imminent.


(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 3318
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/15/2018 2:40:45 PM   

Posts: 24520
Joined: 6/29/2002
From: San Antonio, TX
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ORIGINAL: rustysi

Something else I just remembered.....


CVLs Mizuho and Nisshin (21 F and 9 TB each)

You don't really need TB's on either of these two, they have no torp capacity. I'd either fill them with fighters or some combo of fighters and DB's.

Will the TBs have access to 800kg bombs while on either of them?


(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 3319
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/16/2018 2:43:55 PM   

Posts: 7472
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ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: rustysi

Something else I just remembered.....


CVLs Mizuho and Nisshin (21 F and 9 TB each)

You don't really need TB's on either of these two, they have no torp capacity. I'd either fill them with fighters or some combo of fighters and DB's.

Will the TBs have access to 800kg bombs while on either of them?

AFAIK that's determined by unit exerience, so it wouldn't matter. If they pass the checks for said load it should just come from the ships' ops supply. Personally I'd rather have a dive bomber carry them for the better accuracy. To my knowledge though that won't happen until one of the last Judy versions. Not yet available, so...


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

(in reply to Chickenboy)
Post #: 3320
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/16/2018 3:01:43 PM   

Posts: 7472
Joined: 2/21/2012
From: LI, NY
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Aircraft fatigue is something I know nothing about. Can it decrease without maintenance? (Don't think so, but I really have no idea.) Anything in the manual I've missed? How about the forum?


CV/CVL air group management - I monitor both pilot fatigue and plane damage (time to repair). After prolong activity, I often have to fly off and transfer groups to a base to speed up recovery time. Often you will see 5 days or more time for planes to repair if on CVs. This is a very slow process. So, they go ashore. Your Judy and Jill with SR 2 or 3 need the extra time ashore to repair and recover, IMO.

I've learned to do exactly as 'ny59giants' says. If you are unfamiliar with this I storngly suggest you check as I suspect your CV A/C are quite 'tired'. To do this simply click on the airgroup to bring up its page, and in the lower left corner where you'd check your pilots check the 'planes' heading (is that what it says, at any rate the third choice). My guess is you'll find a bunch of planes >50 fatigue. Remember to fly off you A/C (don't dock) or they'll all need to 'repair'. Put as many as possible 'onshore' and leave the rest on the carrier. If needed I'll even swap the two to get a better 'repair' rate.


Can it decrease without maintenance?

I pulled this out for more clairity. The answer is yes, if the unit is 'stood down', but the process onboard can be slow (as stated above). Also as soon as you 'stand the unit down' you'll notice a bunch with high faitgue will go into maintenance (red). Seems an act of trying to keep everything 'flying' while ops are occurring, rather than bringing half your group down. I guess a fatigued airframe is better than none.

Edit:Not to mention a factor of the planes' SR rating. So an SR1 A/C will stay in action 'til what? Is it as high as 75 fatigue? I forget but is in the manual.

Edit2: I know I've read this somewhere, but doing a cursory search of the manual I couldn't find it. I'll use the search funtion in the manual later as I don't have access to the game currently. Hope I remember.

< Message edited by rustysi -- 3/16/2018 3:44:29 PM >


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 3321
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/16/2018 3:10:03 PM   

Posts: 7472
Joined: 2/21/2012
From: LI, NY
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I haven't spotted the carriers up close since the battle. Still looking. Finding other ships though.

They couldn't have gone far with all that damage. Maybe 'Davy Jones' locker'.

At any rate it looks to me like you've insured CV supremacy well into '44. (Don't get too cocky though). Those two damaged ships even if they survive should be out for at least six months, including transist time.

Nice work!!!!


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 3322
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/16/2018 3:25:30 PM   

Posts: 7472
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From: LI, NY
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Another approach is to 'downgrade' and then 're-upgrade' the airframes while in port. They'll act as if all the 'new' airframes are at "0" for maintenance once they're back on board. It may take a week or so to have all of them uncrated and available, so don't do this workaround if action is imminent.

That's certainly another option, though I've never tried it, and I doubt it'll be any faster than the other method. Besides doesn't it expend supply to 'swap' A/C?


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 3323
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/16/2018 3:33:44 PM   

Posts: 24520
Joined: 6/29/2002
From: San Antonio, TX
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ORIGINAL: rustysi


Another approach is to 'downgrade' and then 're-upgrade' the airframes while in port. They'll act as if all the 'new' airframes are at "0" for maintenance once they're back on board. It may take a week or so to have all of them uncrated and available, so don't do this workaround if action is imminent.

That's certainly another option, though I've never tried it, and I doubt it'll be any faster than the other method. Besides doesn't it expend supply to 'swap' A/C?

I think it does take supply. But I also believe that the 'uncrating' of new aircraft takes considerably less time than waiting for them to repair spontaneously. Plus, when you're done, you have aircraft with no residual airframe fatigue.


(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 3324
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/16/2018 3:37:07 PM   

Posts: 7472
Joined: 2/21/2012
From: LI, NY
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Yeah, I know escort is tough on fighters. I'm always torn. Good pilots are shredded as much as mediocre pilots. It's a necessary evil.

At least some of the 'good pilots' should return with their damaged planes due to their experience. It may not be much, but its something.


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 3325
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/16/2018 3:43:04 PM   

Posts: 7472
Joined: 2/21/2012
From: LI, NY
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But I also believe that the 'uncrating' of new aircraft takes considerably less time than waiting for them to repair spontaneously.

As you say though, it takes about a week. TBH I've never had the other method take longer than that, and that was when I first noticed it and had some serverly fatigued airframes. At a major base such as Truk, with good amounts of AS you'd be surprised at how quickly fatigue can be shed.


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 3326
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/17/2018 1:35:32 PM   
Mike Solli

Posts: 15792
Joined: 10/18/2000
From: the flight deck of the Zuikaku
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Morning guys. This fatigued aircraft stat is curious. I still can't figure out what it means, but that's ok. I just checked and my carrier aircraft are pretty fatigued. I need to make sure they're all stood down.

Someone asked about my FBs. I don't use them much. I have I sentai of Nick a, producing 30 a month with 8 in the pool right now. I'm researching only the Ki-102b Randy. The 3 factories are at 26(4), 21(9) and 18(12).

Ok, I'm ready for the FB litany.


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 3327
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/17/2018 2:17:24 PM   

Posts: 9869
Joined: 1/10/2005
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I just checked and my carrier aircraft are pretty fatigued. I need to make sure they're all stood down.

Move them ashore!

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 3328
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/17/2018 2:23:31 PM   
Mike Solli

Posts: 15792
Joined: 10/18/2000
From: the flight deck of the Zuikaku
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Yes, Boss!



Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to ny59giants)
Post #: 3329
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 3/17/2018 4:33:54 PM   

Posts: 7472
Joined: 2/21/2012
From: LI, NY
Status: offline

This fatigued aircraft stat is curious. I still can't figure out what it means, but that's ok.

Its really quite simple. Just look at it as a 'tired' airframe. Stress cracks, popped rivits, frayed cables, worn tires, battle damage, etc. Landings on carrier decks are rough on planes, even today, so over time the airframe weakens. Happens to all aircraft, moreso for carrier planes, and AE being the game it is takes this into account.

Edit:Ultimately it'll mean more battle and op losses unless its reduced.

< Message edited by rustysi -- 3/17/2018 4:35:38 PM >


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 3330
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