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Terrain modifiers

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Terrain modifiers - 3/28/2018 3:58:55 PM   


Posts: 32
Joined: 8/29/2002
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I'm currently trying the 2nd Alamein scenario as Axis, but I'm somewhat confused about the influence of terrain on a unit's defense values.

For example, when I move an infantry unit around during setup, it shows a defense value of 18 in open desert and a defense value of 21 in rough terrain (roughly corresponding to the hex info, showing a 1.25 modifier for rough terrain).

However, if I move the same unit into rough terrain containing additional entrenchments, its defense value drops to 7 (the hex info shows a 0.25 modifier).

Also, moving a unit from open desert to the same terrain containing entrenchments has no visible effect on defense values.
Post #: 1
RE: Terrain modifiers - 3/31/2018 7:43:17 PM   

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In a related but slightly different vein, I have noticed that some of the hexes in the Operation E scenario don't match up artistically with game effects as plotted in the terrain right-click. The hexes in and around Halaya Pass (near Sollum) come to mind, but I think I've seen some others.

These two issues may be overlapping?


"Pratt creates a real, hard, dirty world that is somehow still fantastical and full of magic and mystery. Daunting, but worthwhile." -- Vanessa Lee for Front Street

(in reply to Thales99)
Post #: 2
RE: Terrain modifiers - 4/3/2018 2:07:20 PM   
Saint Ruth

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Hi Thales, can you tell me the hex numbers and what scenario and I'll have a look.
(Press Y to see hex numbers).

(in reply to JasonPratt)
Post #: 3
RE: Terrain modifiers - 4/3/2018 2:07:36 PM   
Saint Ruth

Posts: 1070
Joined: 12/16/2009
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Thanks Jason. Will take a look.

(in reply to JasonPratt)
Post #: 4
RE: Terrain modifiers - 4/3/2018 5:45:07 PM   


Posts: 32
Joined: 8/29/2002
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ORIGINAL: Saint Ruth

Hi Thales, can you tell me the hex numbers and what scenario and I'll have a look.
(Press Y to see hex numbers).

My observations are from the 2nd Alamein scenario as Axis. When I move one of the Ramcke para regiments during setup I see the following defense values for the unit depending on terrain type:

Desert (e.g. hex 29,24):
defense value = 18 (no modifier displayed in hex info)

Desert + Entrenchment (e.g. hex 30,24):
defense value = 18 (no modifier displayed in hex info)

Rough (e.g. hex 30,31):
defense value = 21 (1,25 modifier displayed in hex info)

Rough + Entrenchment (e.g. hexes 29,31; 32,31; 33,31):
defense value = 7 (0,25 modifier displayed in hex info)

(the modifier refers to the value displayed over the green shield symbols when the hex info is opened)

(in reply to Saint Ruth)
Post #: 5
RE: Terrain modifiers - 4/4/2018 9:11:42 AM   
Saint Ruth

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That's a bug.
A lot of the Forts/Entrenchments don't have defensive values (or mangled ones like in hex 29,31).
Will fix in patch, thanks.

(in reply to Thales99)
Post #: 6
RE: Terrain modifiers - 4/5/2018 12:34:34 AM   

Posts: 43
Joined: 5/17/2010
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For my observation, I'm on the map for Operation E (playing as the allies), and I'm asking about hex 26,22, with its connections to 25,21 (up to its left), 26,21 (up to its right) and 27,22 (to its right).

26,22 is the squiggly road hex of the pass itself. It shows one road leaving the upper-right face (to 26,21). It reads however as though roads are coming in from upper left (25,21) and rightward (27,22) faces (at 1/2 of a movement point cost), and _not_ from the "artistic" road at 26,21, which instead reads as though units would be going upslope without a road (at 2 points cost) to enter 26,22. (I don't recall whether roads are supposed to help attacks up slopes or not, but all attacks into 26,22 through those faces read as 1/2 strength regardless of where the roads truly are.

Hex 25,21 artistically shows road junctions upper left, and rightward; but reads as though roads are upper left and lower right, with rightward face being normal desert terrain no road.

Hex 26,21 looks artistically as though it has roads coming in from left face, lower-left, and lower right; but it reads as though it has no roads at all, and an uphill slope leading into it from lower-left.

Note that 26,21 thus reads as though 26,22 has an upslope (ridge) leading to it; and 26,22 also reads as though 26,21 has an upslope (ridge) leading to it! IT'S UPHILL BOTH WAYS, JUST LIKE WHEN GRANDPA WALKED TO SCHOOL IN THE SNOW! {g}

Hex 27,22 visually shows a road on the right face (which reads correctly); a road on the upper left face (which reads like normal desert); and an uphill/ridge on the left face, which should be going up to 26,22, but which reads like a road (1/2 movement point) Of course the ridge effect only applies from 27,22 to 26,22, but still: there is no road shown artistically between those two hexes, only ridgeslope.

The evidence suggests that originally 26,21 was just a desert hex, perhaps downhill from 26,22, and the road didn't pass through 26,21 but through 26,22 instead. Then the art was changed with the intention of making 26,21 a little more strategically important, and perhaps realistic (with the coastal road winding AROUND the hex with the descending path down the escarpment, not going uphill to join it). But the hex-checker didn't get the memo.

The art and face-readings on the other three sides of 26,22 seem fine (with a path between two gullies).


"Pratt creates a real, hard, dirty world that is somehow still fantastical and full of magic and mystery. Daunting, but worthwhile." -- Vanessa Lee for Front Street

(in reply to Thales99)
Post #: 7
RE: Terrain modifiers - 4/5/2018 12:12:48 PM   
Saint Ruth

Posts: 1070
Joined: 12/16/2009
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Great, thanks! Will sort those out!

(in reply to JasonPratt)
Post #: 8
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