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Joined: 2/8/2018 Status: offline
By February, central command committed to the pre-emptive strike on Germania. Unfortunately, only half the air and naval assets were ready, there were no marine units finished, and half the expected equipment had not yet been developed. Oil production was also not yet at a good point. But, with Leninburg and Stalinburg both cut off and surrounded, it was a situation of attacking now, or waiting until the Germans were too powerful to stop. The date of March first was selected for the opening barrage on East Berlin. Corps commander Middleton protested . . . his anti-tank unit had no AT guns, and his artillery had yet to receive any artillery pieces. Thanks to modest gains by the encircled communists, command decided to delay and increase gun production, hoping for a target date of June/July, or when the first communist city fell. By May, the communists recaptured Fort Lenin, almost re-linking the twin cities. June. Disaster strikes. While the commies have advanced in the south, breaching Fort Dresden, BOTH Stalinburg & Leninburg fall to Germania on the same day, with the Red Army trapped at Fort Lenin. Even with General Middleton’s objections & the supply situation at a critical low, Boston is forced to join the war . . . even though the marines are not yet ready. All efforts must now fall to a single axis of attack . . . right through the Berlin Isthmus. German air power, despite outnumbering our 3-1, suffered 2-1 casualties after the initial bombardment caught several planes on the ground, followed by our airstrike. The counter attack launched on West Berlin suffered over 50 platoons worth of casualties, with our numbers 10% of that. To compensate, the Germans moved GHQ to East Berlin, including a massive reserve and AAA force. INVASION, PROVIDENCE. Two large brigades land in providence and supply is cut by the Kriegsmarine. Attempts by the navy to reach the city prove fruitless and many aircraft are lost trying to break the siege. After two months, the reserve garrison there falls to the Germans . . . but takes almost 250 platoons worth of the Huns with them! April. Now 10 months into the war, the battle over “the Meat Grinder,” as troops are calling Berlin, continues. In the south, we managed to take the enemy fortifications and tank factory, but the communists beat us to the resources and the city. So far, we are down one city and one source of oil—Germany is up a net 1 city and source of raw materials. Each month, defenses in Berlin weaken, though enemy counter barrage—especially air bombardment—has devastated rear-area troops needed to exploit any breakthrough. Admiral Nimitz is ordered to send the last of his naval forces to West Berlin, hoping the extra guns will help hasten victory in the East . . . or, if the fleet arrives intact, perhaps allow the Marines a shot at Cologne. In the first attempt by the Kriegsmarine to ambush our fleet, over 20 aircraft and two surface ships were destroyed, with no losses of our own. Unfortunately, the land attack led to the greatest single loss of life since the fall of Providence. At this point, im actually pretty sure I’ve lost the war. Bad decision to jump the gun (also, forgot to put a port in providence when I made the map, so my defenders had no supplies all game). I’ll keep at it for a while, but it looks doomed (unfortunately). Losses have doubled as kills have been cut in half. Any ideas?