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RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis

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RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/26/2018 7:10:10 AM   

Posts: 1304
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20th November 1943

Operation Flytrap continues....

There is success in the south as the 36th US Division surrounds and destroys the unfortunate 211th Coastal Division along with KG Baumunk at Pizzo and the line up the West coast is clear and the main US forces race North to relieve the 9th Free French Colonial Division that landed near San Marco now only 40 Km away....

The Free French themselves successfully took San Marco itself along with destroying some Panzer Grenadiers that were holding the second of the three ports. The final remaining southerly port is held by dug in infantry which is now caught between the French and advancing Americans and should call next turn.

In the East the British 5th Division managed to destroy the Engineering Unit that was trying to blow the bridge and the bridge was captured intact and the British have now hit the roadblock Larry referred to which sees some very strong Panzer Grenadier regiments from the Herman Goering Division dug in across the main road North on the east coast.

The only "fly in the ointment" (excuse the pun!) in Operation Flytrap was the attempt to seal the jar as it were with an invasion by the 45th US Division at the small port East of Cantanzaro which was repelled after heavy fighting by the garrison of Panzer Grenadiers....operations are continuing in this area...


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Post #: 121
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/26/2018 7:59:07 AM   

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This is what it looked like just before I ended my turn. Ian is making
rapid progress and I've been forgetting to blow the bridges and that just
helps him out.

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If we're all created in the image of god then why aren't we all invisible?

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Post #: 122
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/26/2018 8:00:43 AM   

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Here's an indication of how severe the fighting is currently.

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If we're all created in the image of god then why aren't we all invisible?

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Post #: 123
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/26/2018 8:01:27 AM   

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Well what do you know....35K posts already.

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If we're all created in the image of god then why aren't we all invisible?

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Post #: 124
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/26/2018 1:00:00 PM   

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This is what it looked like just before I ended my turn. More landings and
he's outflanked my units and will destroy them next turn. Most of the Axis
units are in garrison mode and so there's nothing to prevent Ian from making
rapid progress.

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If we're all created in the image of god then why aren't we all invisible?

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Post #: 125
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/26/2018 2:31:13 PM   

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23rd November 1943

(Apologies for the delayed report....carrier pigeon got shot down by a rogue ME109)

There was great rejoicing among the Senegalese Regiment of the 9th Free French Division who found their attacks on the last German port garrison west of San Marco were assisted by the arrival from the south of the US 36th Division as the western side of "Operation Flytrap" ends in complete success. The idea now is that the East/West rail line that runs across the map towards Cantanzaro and then joins the east coast rail line north can provide supply to British forces driving north which eliminates the need to repair the line all the way up from Reggio up to Cantanzaro in the East.

British and Indian Divisions operating temporarily with the Americans drive west from San Marco to snap shut the trap behind the dug in German Panzer Grenadiers from the 26th and Herman Goering Divisions near Rossano and the Panzer Regiment at Cantanzaro itself. Supply issues should help reduce the power of these strong German units...

Two more Axis fighter squadrons were completely destroyed this turn and it is believed the Axis air force must be close to collapse.


"I do not agree with what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it"

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Post #: 126
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/26/2018 3:18:08 PM   

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26th November 1943

In the west 36th US Div Recon elements almost reach Lauro and the considerable German garrisons around Cantanzaro, Rossano and east of San Marco are subjected to encirclement and bombardment.

Cantanzaro in particular is important because of its position on the east/west route so needs to be cleared sooner rather than later.

Annoyingly the Free French garrison units in Sardinia report that bridges are being blown up regularly on the island in the interior hampering supply and it is suspected some pro fascist units may have decided to ignore the official surrender ....orders are given that no quarter should be given to any units discovered.

Good progress is being made on rail repair though the Allies have become very fond of blowing bridges so these also will need sorting out in due course.

< Message edited by devoncop -- 5/26/2018 4:34:05 PM >


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Post #: 127
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/26/2018 4:39:08 PM   

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30th November 1943

Likely suspects for the sabotage on Sardinia are discovered skulking in the central mountain village of Ozieri in the unpleasant form of KG Hudel and its full collection of tanks. The Free French garrisoning the island have some work to do.

On the west coast advance elements of the US 3rd Division approach Policastro now around 150Km from Salerno so one of Larry's "brick walls" of defence lines is due very soon.

On the east coast the minor port held by the 67th Panzer Grenadier Regiment from the 26th Division is overrun east of Corigliano allowing 1st US Armoured Division to start arriving so the Corigliano garrison can be cleared out. Some progress was made this turn with assaults and heavy casualties caused to another Panzer Grenadier regiment there.


"I do not agree with what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it"

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Post #: 128
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/26/2018 5:04:06 PM   

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Soldiers from the 10th Panzer Division make their way past a destroyed tank
destroyer on their way to the front. They are to be an outpost tonight 100
yards in front of the German line from midnight to 04:00 and they will take
turns watching and napping all that time. A human being can only stay awake
for so long and it was found that two-man outposts are better than one-man
outposts because fewer troops are found in the morning with their throat slit.

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If we're all created in the image of god then why aren't we all invisible?

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Post #: 129
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/26/2018 9:53:06 PM   

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2nd December 1943

Some luck for the Allies. The fleet having rested for a few turns to regain strength was despatched to off Salerno where it was noted some Axis air was apparently based ...on conducting the airfield strike the remaining ships did a speculative strike on what appeared to be a large number of troops at the same location....several rounds of gunfire later and the strong Gerbigs Division had lost almost 40% of its strength....

Further South the 3rd US Armoured reaches Policastro unimpeded and the remaining elements of 1st US Armoured arrive on the West coast by troop transport. The German forces around Corigliano are split in half with over 40 Panzer VI tanks destroyed.

Supply should receive a big boost next turn as the rail line is repaired up to within 40Km of the front lines in the centre.


"I do not agree with what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it"

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Post #: 130
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/27/2018 6:04:06 AM   

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Here's what it looked like just before I ended my turn.

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If we're all created in the image of god then why aren't we all invisible?

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Post #: 131
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/27/2018 6:47:09 AM   

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Here's what it looked like just before I ended my turn.

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If we're all created in the image of god then why aren't we all invisible?

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Post #: 132
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/27/2018 6:50:24 AM   

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10th December 1943

Catanzaro finally calls after heavy fighting to the British Royal Tank Regiment and the New Zealand 2nd Division whilst the Free French Mountain Division clear German resistance in and around Casenza.

In a huge tank battle around the town of Corigliano the entire 2/26th Panzer Regiment of 26th Panzer Division is destroyed, losing 93 tanks to the Allies 27.

This importantly clears all east/West Axis roadblocks and engineers are trying hard to improve supply.

The unfortunate Gerbigs Division at Salerno gets more heavy punishment from naval guns and the next operation is being planned ....


"I do not agree with what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it"

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Post #: 133
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/27/2018 8:50:52 AM   

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13th December 1943

3rd US Division recon meets some German infantry on its long trek up the west coast so I suspect the heavy fighting will resume again soon. This is only 100Km from Salerno so is to be expected. More shelling of the Gerbig Divn in the port brings another 18% loss to the defenders and the naval tak force is then withdrawn to resupply and help further south.

Airborne units are being returned to their airbases ready for Operation "Tough Nut" and two fresh Divisions are prepared once the supply situation improves further.

KG Hudel is finally destroyed by a combination of the Free French and starvation in Sardinia which is finally Axis free it is hoped.


"I do not agree with what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it"

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Post #: 134
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/27/2018 12:28:56 PM   

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Here's what it looks like when I ended my turn. Ian is slowly making his way north.

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If we're all created in the image of god then why aren't we all invisible?

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Post #: 135
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/27/2018 12:58:59 PM   

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21st December 1943

As Operation "Tough Nut" swings into action a tragedy as the New Zealand Paratroops were dropped directly on top of 26th Panzer Division armour and were obliterated east of Senise on the route to Taranto. Thankfully the drops by 82nd Airborne went more to plan and the 9th Panzer Grenadier Regiment garrisoning the port to the east of Senise are now surrounded and cut off from the rest of 26th Panzer. Ist US Armoured Div has landed at the same location and once the port is seized the ability to move more troops quickly up from the south is available.

In the west the front line is now at Altavilla and Pisciotta and again the garrison at Pisciotta has been isolated and surrounded.

There is now a debate underway as to how ambitious the next encirclement should be. One group of advisors wants to stick to the current "Salami slice" approach whilst the other argues that with the losses incurred on Sicily and in the south the Germans may be weakened sufficiently for a bolder move to take out all defenders around Taranto and/or Salerno....

The debate continues........

< Message edited by devoncop -- 5/27/2018 12:59:25 PM >


"I do not agree with what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it"

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Post #: 136
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/27/2018 3:48:52 PM   

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25th December 1943

Happy Christmas everyone !

Altavilla falls to the US 34th Division with bridge intact and bombarding of the garrison at Pisciotta continues. More naval manoeuvres are underway and more punishment is handed out to the Gerbigs Division at Salerno.

More Ist Armoured Division troops land South of Taranto and the task is now to take out the 26th Panzer Division .


"I do not agree with what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it"

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Post #: 137
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/27/2018 4:53:47 PM   

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Ian is up to the Salerno area and is sneaking up on Tranto in the east. He's
using his shlps to bombard and help get his troops ashore and he's making good
progress. There's been no bridge busting going on here lately. I've got most
of the Axis aircraft stood down, saving them for the end times.

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If we're all created in the image of god then why aren't we all invisible?

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Post #: 138
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/27/2018 5:00:29 PM   

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29th December 1943

More success for the US 34th Division which with naval and air support overwhelms the isolated garrison at Pisciotta and forward elements are now only 10Km from Salerno in the west. The naval task force then bombarded some artillery guarding the beaches and in its way back to safety was repeatedly dive bombed by Stukas sustaining slight damage to a light cruiser but with 25 of 38 Stukas shot down.

In the East the Ist Armoured Division destroyed the 9th Panzer Grenadier Regiment of 26th Panzer Division in the small port South of Taranto and lead elements here are now only 10Km from the Taranto ports and airfields.

Taking stock it seems Larry may have stripped the defences around both cities and be consolidating either around Rome or further North on the Gustav or Gothic fortified lines. Either way I am encouraged that the Allies have advanced 350 of the 1350 Km needed to reach the Brenner Pass since landing on the mainland 60 days ago.....


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Post #: 139
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/27/2018 6:27:25 PM   

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Here's what's going on currently. Ian is determined to get some more troops
ashore in the Salerno area and has made it all the way east to Taranto and
is developing the battlefield. His supply situation can't be ample yet.

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If we're all created in the image of god then why aren't we all invisible?

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Post #: 140
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/27/2018 6:37:53 PM   

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1st January 1944

A turn of little progress other than moving additional forces forward to relieve the frankly tired 3rd,34th and 36th US Divisions with fresh troops. I am desperate to avoid a forced landing because as the defender in our last game I same the carnage that can cause if it is unsuccessful and Larry has 4 dug in strong regiments in the port areas with some artillery support.I may simply have to unload the fresh Canadian Divn for example on an Allied controlled none port hex and uses them to capture a port which can then allow other Divisions to steam in ......

The supply situation is not brilliant as i am only able to repair 3 or so rail hexes a turn and I have been moving much faster than that. Salerno and Taranto will help a lot in this regard.


"I do not agree with what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it"

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Post #: 141
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/27/2018 6:47:24 PM   

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Note to Ian:
There's a trick that you might be able to put to good use:
Float your infantry, armor, or whatever unit adjacent to the
land hex you want to land on and then NEXT turn disembark the
unit and walk ashore.


If we're all created in the image of god then why aren't we all invisible?

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Post #: 142
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/27/2018 7:03:48 PM   

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Thanks Larry....yes that was what I was referring to in relation to the Canadians....I had to use that with 1st US Armoured in the east.....

< Message edited by devoncop -- 5/27/2018 7:28:55 PM >


"I do not agree with what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it"

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Post #: 143
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/28/2018 12:41:21 AM   

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Ian and Larry,

Great stuff, thanks for sharing,



Retired Gunner

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Post #: 144
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/28/2018 6:04:30 AM   

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4th January 1943

As the snow falls in the New Year the 4th Indian Division and 3rd Karrapitch Division storm ashore at the southern most port at Salerno covered by Naval guns and a simultaneous limited assault from the Americans already landside and the port falls giving the Allies a crucial foothold at the city....
Assaults also go in at Paestum which is still holding out slightly to the south and this should fall within the week.

Around Taranto the FJ positions just to the north of Taranto town itself are forced back onto the city and the New Zealand Division is ready to complete the capture of the city imminently...

These two cities are crucially important to help supply and I can then look at taking Foggia airbase in the east as well as readying the fight for Rome......


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Post #: 145
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/28/2018 8:54:05 AM   

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Here's what it looks like when I ended my turn.

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If we're all created in the image of god then why aren't we all invisible?

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Post #: 146
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/28/2018 11:33:24 AM   

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8th January 1944

Paestum is captured and the 71st Infantry Divn garrisoning it is destroyed whilst more ground is gained at Salerno. More would have been accomplished but for massed artillery in Salerno town itself which covered the adjoining port area and checked the Allied advance. This artillery concentration will need to be taken out as a priority. Taranto is in the process of being surrounded as the New Zealand Divn has started landing to its east.

No progress can be made on destroying 26th Panzer Division SW of Taranto until it can be surrounded and cut off from supply.Good progress is made on improving supply as more rail repair units are now available.


"I do not agree with what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it"

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Post #: 147
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/28/2018 2:45:46 PM   

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Here's what it looks like currently. Ian is making progress.

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If we're all created in the image of god then why aren't we all invisible?

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Post #: 148
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/28/2018 3:25:41 PM   

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15th January 1944

Furious fighting around Taranto and Salerno continues.

The Herman Goering and Gerbigs Divisions are in particular putting up heroic resistance in Salerno to repeated attacks from the Canadian and Indian Divisions and this turn another port hex was gained only for a counter attack from the Herman Goering Division to immediately win the port back.

Taranto is almost secured with just two isolated garrisons in the outskirts of the city continuing to resist.

Thoughts are turning to the fight for Naples and Rome ahead and the toughness of the fights further south does not bode well for an easy time.

The air war still goes well and all Allied units are in good shape so they may need to do more of the heavy lifting going forwards.

To the south west of Taranto the 26th Panzer has been cut off and hopefully will start to wither away.


"I do not agree with what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it"

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Post #: 149
RE: Yet Another Sicily t BP Ian Allies me Axis - 5/28/2018 6:14:07 PM   

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Here's the Salerno area currently and the Allies are attempting an outflanking
maneuvor by going through the mountains and it worked...I need to pull back
and set up an MLR somewhere else.

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If we're all created in the image of god then why aren't we all invisible?

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Post #: 150
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