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Dump the properties of Lua wrapper

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All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Command: Modern Operations series >> Mods and Scenarios >> Lua Legion >> Dump the properties of Lua wrapper Page: [1]
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Dump the properties of Lua wrapper - 7/19/2018 10:27:49 AM   

Posts: 13500
Joined: 5/5/2001
From: Melbourne, Australia
Status: offline
I may have mentioned this in passing before, but I thought I would update it.
You can get a list of the property names of a Lua wrapper by a query on the wrapper.fields. This is handy sometimes to see what is available in case the WIKI is not up to date.

local a = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name='LST 4001 Osumi', guid='8269b881-20ce-4f2e-baa0-6823e46d55a4'})

print(a.fields) -- shows you a list of all the property and method names associated with the wrapper (in this case the unit one)

You can use this to show a list all the properties and their current values.

for k,v in pairs(a.fields) do
if string.find(k,'property_') ~= nil then
local t = string.find(v," , ") -- location of first ,
print("\r\n[object] = " .. string.sub(v,2,t-1) ) -- property name
print( a[string.sub(v,2,t-1)] ) -- value of property

< Message edited by michaelm75au -- 7/19/2018 10:53:35 AM >


Post #: 1
RE: Dump the properties of Lua wrapper - 7/19/2018 10:31:02 AM   

Posts: 13500
Joined: 5/5/2001
From: Melbourne, Australia
Status: offline
Example of output:

{ property_38 = '.condition , String , False', property_16 = '.sprintDrift , Boolean , True', property_22 = '.side , String , False', property_26 = '.airbornetime , Object , False', property_29 = '.damage , LuaTable , False', property_47 = '.targetedBy , Object , False', property_8 = '.throttle , Object , True', property_5 = '.speed , Object , True', property_15 = '.base , LuaWrapper_ActiveUnit , True', property_3 = '.autodetectable , Boolean , True', property_20 = '.name , String , True', property_4 = '.altitude , Object , True', property_14 = '.OODA , LuaTable , True', method_4 = ':inArea , System.Boolean', property_32 = '.weather , LuaTable , False', property_27 = '.readytime , Object , False', property_6 = '.manualAltitude , Object , True', property_48 = '.firingAt , Object , False', property_25 = '.holdfire , Object , True', method_3 = ':rangetotarget , System.Single', property_13 = '.heading , Object , True', property_37 = '.components , LuaTable , True', property_34 = '.magazines , LuaTable , True', property_45 = '.areaTriggersFired , LuaTable , False', method_1 = ':delete , System.Void', property_50 = '.isOperating , Boolean , False', property_49 = '.firedOn , Object , False', property_46 = '.hostedUnits , LuaTable , False', property_28 = '.loadoutdbid , Object , False', property_18 = '.type , String , False', property_2 = '.longitude , Double , True', property_44 = '.hostFacility , LuaWrapper_Facility , False', property_12 = '.formation , LuaTable , True', property_43 = '.weapon , Object , False', property_42 = '.weaponstate , String , False', property_41 = '.fuelstate , String , False', property_24 = '.holdposition , Boolean , True', property_39 = '.condition_v , String , False', property_36 = '.sensors , LuaTable , True', property_35 = '.mounts , LuaTable , True', property_33 = '.proficiency , String , True', method_2 = ':filterOnComponent , NLua.LuaTable', property_10 = '.fuel , LuaTable , True', property_23 = '.mission , Object , True', property_31 = '.desiredheading , Object , True', property_9 = '.course , LuaTable , True', property_30 = '.ascontact , LuaTable , False', property_21 = '.guid , String , False', property_40 = '.unitstate , String , False', property_1 = '.latitude , Double , True', property_7 = '.manualSpeed , Object , True', property_19 = '.dbid , Int32 , False', property_17 = '.subtype , String , False', property_11 = '.group , Object , True' }

[object] = condition
[object] = sprintDrift
[object] = side
[object] = airbornetime
[object] = damage
{ dp = 1490, fires = 'NoFire', startdp = '1490', flood = 'NoFlooding' }
[object] = targetedBy
[object] = throttle
[object] = speed
[object] = base
[object] = autodetectable
[object] = name
LST 4001 Osumi
[object] = altitude
[object] = OODA
{ detection = 15, evasion = 2, targeting = 15 }
[object] = weather
{ rainfall = 0, undercloud = 0, seastate = 0, temp = 25 }
[object] = readytime
[object] = manualAltitude
[object] = firingAt
[object] = holdfire
{ Land = 'Inherit', SubSurface = 'Inherit', Air = 'Inherit', Surface = 'Inherit' }
[object] = heading
[object] = components
{ [1] = { comp_guid = 'e9de3642-205a-44b1-a619-4bad9877e92d', comp_name = 'J/OPS-14C', comp_type = 'Sensor', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2994 }, [2] = { comp_guid = '33496d54-eb05-40ba-9b12-e6463246d186', comp_name = 'J/OPS-18A', comp_type = 'Sensor', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 1177 }, [3] = { comp_guid = '33e91ecc-198f-4f2f-8358-0739344fb69e', comp_name = 'J/OPS-20', comp_type = 'Sensor', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 1036 }, [4] = { comp_guid = 'd6f22747-5ad1-4ba3-b3ae-bfe9cf667c0e', comp_name = 'J/OPS-28C', comp_type = 'Sensor', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 1180 }, [5] = { comp_guid = '6ac912bc-dbf5-41ce-99dd-8037ac8ed835', comp_name = 'Mk1 Eyeball', comp_type = 'Sensor', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 0 }, [6] = { comp_guid = '1a6583ae-e225-4635-a889-dc5521516d9b', comp_name = 'AN/VPS-2 Search/Track [Mk16 CWIS]', comp_type = 'Sensor', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 1650 }, [7] = { comp_guid = 'f5008eca-ae1f-4f53-85e3-48523cd0a634', comp_name = 'AN/VPS-2 Search/Track [Mk16 CWIS]', comp_type = 'Sensor', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 1650 }, [8] = { comp_guid = 'fa6f6e50-af94-4fc2-aefd-44c3909c8194', comp_name = '12.7mm/50 MG', comp_type = 'Mount', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 561 }, [9] = { comp_guid = 'e791d810-b777-4050-bca1-4e9bce55c424', comp_name = '12.7mm/50 MG', comp_type = 'Mount', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 561 }, [10] = { comp_guid = '2c0ce75a-b307-4e80-b390-ec4d26f9c654', comp_name = '20mm/85 Mk15 Phalanx Blk 1 CIWS', comp_type = 'Mount', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 542 }, [11] = { comp_guid = '96da87de-5476-4ca5-bd4b-ea77209b80e4', comp_name = '20mm/85 Mk15 Phalanx Blk 1 CIWS', comp_type = 'Mount', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 542 }, [12] = { comp_guid = '7b2a8bf1-b7fb-43cc-af64-97603a278621', comp_name = 'Mk36 SRBOC', comp_type = 'Mount', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 565 }, [13] = { comp_guid = 'fbd82461-4dd8-4106-a7a8-0cc973f690a5', comp_name = 'Mk36 SRBOC', comp_type = 'Mount', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 565 }, [14] = { comp_guid = '6abdae96-0168-49cc-b553-d0a02f413e70', comp_name = 'Mk36 SRBOC', comp_type = 'Mount', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 565 }, [15] = { comp_guid = '6a97dfbb-ff0c-4db9-8825-7d6ccf007b7a', comp_name = 'Mk36 SRBOC', comp_type = 'Mount', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 565 }, [16] = { comp_guid = 'dfa22829-693a-4239-bb97-c91f90d263d4', comp_name = 'VHF Radio [Secure]', comp_type = 'CommDevice', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 209 }, [17] = { comp_guid = '0faf4083-b3ef-4b0d-9887-9d1eabeb61f2', comp_name = 'AN/WSC-3 FLTSATCOM SHF Shipboard Transceiver', comp_type = 'CommDevice', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 218 }, [18] = { comp_guid = 'a227de13-de1b-4bb3-baa3-af1164d9961e', comp_name = 'Link 14', comp_type = 'CommDevice', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 219 }, [19] = { comp_guid = '09f88b30-e00f-4745-9c09-fe65bcfdfbb4', comp_name = 'MILSTAR SATCOM UHF', comp_type = 'CommDevice', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 222 }, [20] = { comp_guid = 'b7c2067f-0c0a-478d-ac73-d20e550434c1', comp_name = 'UHF Radio [Secure]', comp_type = 'CommDevice', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 264 }, [21] = { comp_guid = '2babbe24-0ebb-4413-ba54-4245a8ba9f6a', comp_name = 'Dock Well (2x Large Dock (LCU/LCAC, 25.1-45m Long))', comp_type = 'DockFacility', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 7 }, [22] = { comp_guid = '317d2e0b-0fa2-4e62-bf82-d4195b71c7c6', comp_name = 'Pad (1x Medium Aircraft (12.1-18m Long))', comp_type = 'AirFacility', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 57 }, [23] = { comp_guid = '4debec89-b073-4895-b990-03b15d247c98', comp_name = 'Pad (1x Medium Aircraft (12.1-18m Long))', comp_type = 'AirFacility', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 57 }, [24] = { comp_guid = '74147cfb-df6b-4053-b275-9486962e8b12', comp_name = 'Open Parking (2x Medium Aircraft (12.1-18m Long))', comp_type = 'AirFacility', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 21 }, [25] = { comp_guid = '8b7d836e-9944-4e0f-bfb1-b17c4f1a5b1f', comp_name = 'Infantry Section [7.62mm MG/Unguided Infantry Anti Tank Weapon]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2884 }, [26] = { comp_guid = '306a04a2-4145-46c0-b4a6-3af2815b8644', comp_name = 'Infantry Section [7.62mm MG/Unguided Infantry Anti Tank Weapon]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2884 }, [27] = { comp_guid = '449d3053-4c3c-4bfd-8fd2-eb65384a5beb', comp_name = 'Infantry Section [7.62mm MG/Unguided Infantry Anti Tank Weapon]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2884 }, [28] = { comp_guid = '2604a87d-f855-4ad4-a5f6-a724f301d4e1', comp_name = 'Infantry Section [7.62mm MG/Unguided Infantry Anti Tank Weapon]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2884 }, [29] = { comp_guid = '12459b2c-ebaf-4229-91fa-c9c1f80109e6', comp_name = 'Infantry Section [7.62mm MG/Unguided Infantry Anti Tank Weapon]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2884 }, [30] = { comp_guid = 'd929ad86-ffa8-4a62-ace3-f0f3c5d93542', comp_name = 'Infantry Section [7.62mm MG/Unguided Infantry Anti Tank Weapon]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2884 }, [31] = { comp_guid = 'd640be95-95e6-4ead-aa42-cc5d52ecc1c9', comp_name = 'Infantry Section [7.62mm MG/Unguided Infantry Anti Tank Weapon]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2884 }, [32] = { comp_guid = '5888bf98-876d-418d-ad24-1ae8a78d5e59', comp_name = 'Infantry Section [7.62mm MG/Unguided Infantry Anti Tank Weapon]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2884 }, [33] = { comp_guid = '2b46cb02-5a86-4171-bc0b-e34cfbab295d', comp_name = 'Infantry Section [7.62mm MG/Unguided Infantry Anti Tank Weapon]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2884 }, [34] = { comp_guid = '53e86349-967c-479f-920a-2f6bb5a0f33d', comp_name = 'Infantry Section [7.62mm MG/Unguided Infantry Anti Tank Weapon]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2884 }, [35] = { comp_guid = 'a8f565d1-79d5-46f8-8da4-6eccdf4d3597', comp_name = 'Infantry Section [7.62mm MG/Unguided Infantry Anti Tank Weapon]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2884 }, [36] = { comp_guid = 'e876e161-d77c-4648-8f6f-05a08e01967b', comp_name = 'Infantry Section [7.62mm MG/Unguided Infantry Anti Tank Weapon]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2884 }, [37] = { comp_guid = '671a9039-707f-4052-9069-544637b5e467', comp_name = 'Infantry Section [7.62mm MG/Unguided Infantry Anti Tank Weapon]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2884 }, [38] = { comp_guid = 'f782e200-4b13-4952-81a5-97901c97aff0', comp_name = 'Infantry Section [7.62mm MG/Unguided Infantry Anti Tank Weapon]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2884 }, [39] = { comp_guid = '0bfbc39b-7a74-4057-acae-4261fc37c6b4', comp_name = 'Infantry Section [7.62mm MG/Unguided Infantry Anti Tank Weapon]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2884 }, [40] = { comp_guid = '2bc6f08c-e732-49e6-a8de-dc57f0632942', comp_name = 'Infantry Section [7.62mm MG/Unguided Infantry Anti Tank Weapon]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2884 }, [41] = { comp_guid = 'a04daaf5-e001-4686-a403-b35ff6c4f23c', comp_name = 'Infantry Section [7.62mm MG/Unguided Infantry Anti Tank Weapon]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2884 }, [42] = { comp_guid = 'eb8636fa-315e-44cb-bf61-fdcbdfffab5d', comp_name = 'Infantry Section [7.62mm MG/Unguided Infantry Anti Tank Weapon]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2884 }, [43] = { comp_guid = '6a2b25a4-93e3-4462-9fc2-9ba9d2423210', comp_name = 'Infantry Section [7.62mm MG/Unguided Infantry Anti Tank Weapon]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2884 }, [44] = { comp_guid = 'b518d1f7-b54f-47bc-ad50-500f096cf253', comp_name = 'Infantry Section [7.62mm MG/Unguided Infantry Anti Tank Weapon]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2884 }, [45] = { comp_guid = 'e68dfee9-c7eb-42e7-a64a-fcc04f9a9691', comp_name = '81mm Mortar', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 132 }, [46] = { comp_guid = 'b3936b09-77a5-47c0-8072-d603fa0f3960', comp_name = '81mm Mortar', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 132 }, [47] = { comp_guid = '547d146a-b5d3-4b33-894d-5fdd21fcf49b', comp_name = '81mm Mortar', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 132 }, [48] = { comp_guid = '89277140-b477-4efa-9d92-f97f0d3cc457', comp_name = '81mm Mortar', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 132 }, [49] = { comp_guid = '609b792b-8562-445d-9fa3-518b8bd95a7e', comp_name = '81mm Mortar', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 132 }, [50] = { comp_guid = 'd01ad060-0ac8-4c2a-a34b-0ab17f9097f7', comp_name = '81mm Mortar', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 132 }, [51] = { comp_guid = '4581abea-35d3-439a-80a8-2ec7d05a2dc5', comp_name = 'LAV-25 [25mm/75 M242 Bushmaster]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2234 }, [52] = { comp_guid = '82180f9d-d19d-4718-a482-ca4a56878b9e', comp_name = 'LAV-25 [25mm/75 M242 Bushmaster]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2234 }, [53] = { comp_guid = '0da09656-7b52-41eb-8f7e-e5cea70e040e', comp_name = 'LAV-25 [25mm/75 M242 Bushmaster]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2234 }, [54] = { comp_guid = 'c972511d-7659-4882-8b8a-d777b4cb30ea', comp_name = 'LAV-25 [25mm/75 M242 Bushmaster]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2234 }, [55] = { comp_guid = 'ddfef949-26fc-4f81-bb9f-ebb22fe456b5', comp_name = 'LAV-25 [25mm/75 M242 Bushmaster]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2234 }, [56] = { comp_guid = '9962a277-4f6c-4666-8f54-fb3ec534b03a', comp_name = 'LAV-25 [25mm/75 M242 Bushmaster]', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 2234 }, [57] = { comp_guid = '8f17fbae-2fb5-4b7f-a57a-12af0d2a9aa7', comp_name = 'M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 754 }, [58] = { comp_guid = '47fdfb43-7eaf-46be-bc3d-4e5b49574482', comp_name = 'M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 754 }, [59] = { comp_guid = 'f8a74463-8833-4514-8c00-73a42c7210c8', comp_name = 'M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 754 }, [60] = { comp_guid = '99227e14-e3b1-4c54-afb9-fdb26eafe408', comp_name = 'M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 754 }, [61] = { comp_guid = 'b2073e15-77e3-4335-88b6-152a46095fc7', comp_name = 'M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 754 }, [62] = { comp_guid = 'd9b062be-a7f3-4c22-b346-aa49c8a8cdf0', comp_name = 'M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank', comp_type = 'Cargo', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 754 }, [63] = { comp_guid = 'b584aba1-2ebc-43b1-84cf-a9abc3c96b8c', comp_name = '2x Mitsui-SEMT-Pielstick 16V42M-A Diesels', comp_type = 'Engine', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 1026 }, [64] = { comp_guid = '59d07524-47be-4663-b5ae-b34911b42238', comp_name = '12.7mm/50 MG', comp_type = 'Magazine', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 761 }, [65] = { comp_guid = '194ad06a-6a60-41a1-95e0-b93140a0ab55', comp_name = '20mm/85 Mk15 Phalanx Blk 1', comp_type = 'Magazine', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 545 }, [66] = { comp_guid = '90bdecb4-b294-47a2-8141-79395965b53c', comp_name = 'Helicopter Magazine', comp_type = 'Magazine', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 1302 }, [67] = { comp_guid = 'd97c16d2-b895-4a61-b7b7-0588c854b5fb', comp_name = 'Mk36 SRBOC', comp_type = 'Magazine', comp_status = 'Operational', comp_dbid = 597 } }
[object] = magazines
{ [1] = { mag_weapons = { [1] = { wpn_guid = '8c12a4a9-731d-4cf3-9b84-5f0b896cfd1d', wpn_maxcap = 200, wpn_default = 200, wpn_dbid = 1695, wpn_name = '12.7mm/50 MG Burst [10 rnds]', wpn_current = 200 } }, mag_name = '12.7mm/50 MG', mag_dbid = 761, mag_guid = '59d07524-47be-4663-b5ae-b34911b42238', mag_capacity = 200 }, [2] = { mag_weapons = { [1] = { wpn_guid = 'e9f3a062-b893-4d3b-98ac-db64c568f68e', wpn_maxcap = 20, wpn_default = 20, wpn_dbid = 1630, wpn_name = '20mm/85 Mk15 Phalanx Blk 1 Burst [300 rnds]', wpn_current = 20 } }, mag_name = '20mm/85 Mk15 Phalanx Blk 1', mag_dbid = 545, mag_guid = '194ad06a-6a60-41a1-95e0-b93140a0ab55', mag_capacity = 20 }, [3] = { mag_weapons = { [1] = { wpn_guid = '8674170e-fe67-4c6f-913d-8ce28d614d61', wpn_maxcap = 24, wpn_default = 24, wpn_dbid = 617, wpn_name = 'AGM-114M Hellfire II', wpn_current = 24 }, [2] = { wpn_guid = '3477a79c-0240-4165-998f-bcfd2bef992d', wpn_maxcap = 40, wpn_default = 40, wpn_dbid = 1647, wpn_name = 'Mk46 NEARTIP Mod 5', wpn_current = 40 } }, mag_name = 'Helicopter Magazine', mag_dbid = 1302, mag_guid = '90bdecb4-b294-47a2-8141-79395965b53c', mag_capacity = 10000 }, [4] = { mag_weapons = { [1] = { wpn_guid = '2a99c0b4-724b-46bb-8a2e-3e5d70c785e7', wpn_maxcap = 80, wpn_default = 64, wpn_dbid = 232, wpn_name = 'Mk182 SRBOC Chaff [Seduction]', wpn_current = 64 }, [2] = { wpn_guid = '5e5af0e1-3cf6-4d09-a228-7c688af61605', wpn_maxcap = 80, wpn_default = 16, wpn_dbid = 233, wpn_name = 'Mk186 TORCH Flare [Seduction]', wpn_current = 16 } }, mag_name = 'Mk36 SRBOC', mag_dbid = 597, mag_guid = 'd97c16d2-b895-4a61-b7b7-0588c854b5fb', mag_capacity = 80 } }
[object] = areaTriggersFired
{ }
[object] = isOperating
[object] = firedOn
[object] = hostedUnits
{ Boats = { [1] = '2e324031-e62c-4bb7-8351-cba87d1d867e', [2] = '0bbdc89f-3312-418e-b130-d835a9a8fbec', [3] = '3544790b-19ef-464e-9a77-a2d48f851495', [4] = '7bd658f0-83b5-4e85-8431-a4b6101a1802', 4 = '7bd658f0-83b5-4e85-8431-a4b6101a1802', 1 = '2e324031-e62c-4bb7-8351-cba87d1d867e', 2 = '0bbdc89f-3312-418e-b130-d835a9a8fbec', 3 = '3544790b-19ef-464e-9a77-a2d48f851495' }, Aircraft = { [1] = '7a3b7dce-abe1-4b60-b0d5-b0f27510d4de', [2] = 'e7bb5afe-033d-4f9f-a248-067484d6168c', 2 = 'e7bb5afe-033d-4f9f-a248-067484d6168c', 1 = '7a3b7dce-abe1-4b60-b0d5-b0f27510d4de' } }
[object] = loadoutdbid
[object] = type
[object] = longitude
[object] = hostFacility
[object] = formation
[object] = weapon
[object] = weaponstate
[object] = fuelstate
[object] = holdposition
[object] = condition_v
[object] = sensors
{ [1] = { sensor_isactive = 'No', sensor_type = 2001, sensor_guid = 'e9de3642-205a-44b1-a619-4bad9877e92d', sensor_maxrange = 120, sensor_dbid = 2994, sensor_status = 'Operational', sensor_name = 'J/OPS-14C', sensor_role = 2003 }, [2] = { sensor_isactive = 'No', sensor_type = 2001, sensor_guid = '33496d54-eb05-40ba-9b12-e6463246d186', sensor_maxrange = 40, sensor_dbid = 1177, sensor_status = 'Operational', sensor_name = 'J/OPS-18A', sensor_role = 2023 }, [3] = { sensor_isactive = 'No', sensor_type = 2001, sensor_guid = '33e91ecc-198f-4f2f-8358-0739344fb69e', sensor_maxrange = 25, sensor_dbid = 1036, sensor_status = 'Operational', sensor_name = 'J/OPS-20', sensor_role = 2028 }, [4] = { sensor_isactive = 'No', sensor_type = 2001, sensor_guid = 'd6f22747-5ad1-4ba3-b3ae-bfe9cf667c0e', sensor_maxrange = 110, sensor_dbid = 1180, sensor_status = 'Operational', sensor_name = 'J/OPS-28C', sensor_role = 2103 }, [5] = { sensor_isactive = 'No', sensor_type = 2003, sensor_guid = '6ac912bc-dbf5-41ce-99dd-8037ac8ed835', sensor_maxrange = 50, sensor_dbid = 0, sensor_status = 'Operational', sensor_name = 'Mk1 Eyeball', sensor_role = 2016 }, [6] = { sensor_isactive = 'No', sensor_type = 2001, sensor_guid = '1a6583ae-e225-4635-a889-dc5521516d9b', sensor_maxrange = 2.70000004768372, sensor_dbid = 1650, sensor_status = 'Operational', sensor_name = 'AN/VPS-2 Search/Track [Mk16 CWIS]', sensor_role = 2133 }, [7] = { sensor_isactive = 'No', sensor_type = 2001, sensor_guid = 'f5008eca-ae1f-4f53-85e3-48523cd0a634', sensor_maxrange = 2.70000004768372, sensor_dbid = 1650, sensor_status = 'Operational', sensor_name = 'AN/VPS-2 Search/Track [Mk16 CWIS]', sensor_role = 2133 } }
[object] = mounts
{ [1] = { mount_guid = 'fa6f6e50-af94-4fc2-aefd-44c3909c8194', mount_name = '12.7mm/50 MG', mount_status = 'Operational', mount_dbid = 561, mount_weapons = { [1] = { wpn_guid = 'fcdfe056-8502-46bf-aac5-c4a854605aa7', wpn_maxcap = 10, wpn_default = 10, wpn_dbid = 1695, wpn_current = 10, wpn_name = '12.7mm/50 MG Burst [10 rnds]', wpn_type = 2004 } } }, [2] = { mount_guid = 'e791d810-b777-4050-bca1-4e9bce55c424', mount_name = '12.7mm/50 MG', mount_status = 'Operational', mount_dbid = 561, mount_weapons = { [1] = { wpn_guid = 'c421783c-3d75-423b-a1f9-4c49a21fbae7', wpn_maxcap = 10, wpn_default = 10, wpn_dbid = 1695, wpn_current = 10, wpn_name = '12.7mm/50 MG Burst [10 rnds]', wpn_type = 2004 } } }, [3] = { mount_guid = '2c0ce75a-b307-4e80-b390-ec4d26f9c654', mount_name = '20mm/85 Mk15 Phalanx Blk 1 CIWS', mount_status = 'Operational', mount_dbid = 542, mount_weapons = { [1] = { wpn_guid = '3cf06dbb-ce3d-4901-b06a-f338a9dd2c38', wpn_maxcap = 5, wpn_default = 5, wpn_dbid = 1630, wpn_current = 5, wpn_name = '20mm/85 Mk15 Phalanx Blk 1 Burst [300 rnds]', wpn_type = 2004 } } }, [4] = { mount_guid = '96da87de-5476-4ca5-bd4b-ea77209b80e4', mount_name = '20mm/85 Mk15 Phalanx Blk 1 CIWS', mount_status = 'Operational', mount_dbid = 542, mount_weapons = { [1] = { wpn_guid = '6f22aa0a-d433-41dd-a622-421022c7d2ba', wpn_maxcap = 5, wpn_default = 5, wpn_dbid = 1630, wpn_current = 5, wpn_name = '20mm/85 Mk15 Phalanx Blk 1 Burst [300 rnds]', wpn_type = 2004 } } }, [5] = { mount_guid = '7b2a8bf1-b7fb-43cc-af64-97603a278621', mount_name = 'Mk36 SRBOC', mount_status = 'Operational', mount_dbid = 565, mount_weapons = { [1] = { wpn_guid = '495854aa-5ecc-4f56-8c77-268a848f63ac', wpn_maxcap = 6, wpn_default = 4, wpn_dbid = 232, wpn_current = 4, wpn_name = 'Mk182 SRBOC Chaff [Seduction]', wpn_type = 2005 }, [2] = { wpn_guid = '0a42d61b-3825-4011-a820-6b1175272457', wpn_maxcap = 6, wpn_default = 2, wpn_dbid = 233, wpn_current = 2, wpn_name = 'Mk186 TORCH Flare [Seduction]', wpn_type = 2005 } } }, [6] = { mount_guid = 'fbd82461-4dd8-4106-a7a8-0cc973f690a5', mount_name = 'Mk36 SRBOC', mount_status = 'Operational', mount_dbid = 565, mount_weapons = { [1] = { wpn_guid = 'ed8bc25a-f872-4dfa-87bc-4ad2517ec04a', wpn_maxcap = 6, wpn_default = 4, wpn_dbid = 232, wpn_current = 4, wpn_name = 'Mk182 SRBOC Chaff [Seduction]', wpn_type = 2005 }, [2] = { wpn_guid = 'a1cd8e44-5141-4b07-b3bd-d3deb5cef874', wpn_maxcap = 6, wpn_default = 2, wpn_dbid = 233, wpn_current = 2, wpn_name = 'Mk186 TORCH Flare [Seduction]', wpn_type = 2005 } } }, [7] = { mount_guid = '6abdae96-0168-49cc-b553-d0a02f413e70', mount_name = 'Mk36 SRBOC', mount_status = 'Operational', mount_dbid = 565, mount_weapons = { [1] = { wpn_guid = '37cec8ce-8e07-4943-899e-c880a8b74962', wpn_maxcap = 6, wpn_default = 4, wpn_dbid = 232, wpn_current = 4, wpn_name = 'Mk182 SRBOC Chaff [Seduction]', wpn_type = 2005 }, [2] = { wpn_guid = '19d319f8-8315-4fb0-a890-1609e79876f1', wpn_maxcap = 6, wpn_default = 2, wpn_dbid = 233, wpn_current = 2, wpn_name = 'Mk186 TORCH Flare [Seduction]', wpn_type = 2005 } } }, [8] = { mount_guid = '6a97dfbb-ff0c-4db9-8825-7d6ccf007b7a', mount_name = 'Mk36 SRBOC', mount_status = 'Operational', mount_dbid = 565, mount_weapons = { [1] = { wpn_guid = '2f54b5da-3cee-42db-a8c8-926a1b8761b5', wpn_maxcap = 6, wpn_default = 4, wpn_dbid = 232, wpn_current = 4, wpn_name = 'Mk182 SRBOC Chaff [Seduction]', wpn_type = 2005 }, [2] = { wpn_guid = '920c0c15-e53b-4126-8567-330cd01834f6', wpn_maxcap = 6, wpn_default = 2, wpn_dbid = 233, wpn_current = 2, wpn_name = 'Mk186 TORCH Flare [Seduction]', wpn_type = 2005 } } } }
[object] = proficiency
[object] = fuel
{ [3001] = { name = 'DieselFuel', max = 26667, current = 26667 } }
[object] = mission
[object] = desiredheading
[object] = course
{ }
[object] = ascontact
{ }
[object] = guid
[object] = unitstate
[object] = latitude
[object] = manualSpeed
[object] = dbid
[object] = subtype
[object] = group



(in reply to michaelm75au)
Post #: 2
RE: Dump the properties of Lua wrapper - 7/19/2018 4:52:49 PM   


Posts: 664
Joined: 6/20/2018
Status: offline
Thanks - I had seen something about this, maybe on commandlua but I didn't quite understand what it was getting at - this is a clear example and shows exactly what it is.

Also, nice example with an LST loaded with boats and cargo.

(in reply to michaelm75au)
Post #: 3
RE: Dump the properties of Lua wrapper - 7/31/2018 1:35:24 PM   

Posts: 2257
Joined: 3/8/2006
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What is meant by a "wrapper" from a programming POV?


< Message edited by kevinkin -- 8/2/2018 4:46:45 PM >

(in reply to Whicker)
Post #: 4
RE: Dump the properties of Lua wrapper - 7/31/2018 2:01:29 PM   

Posts: 2428
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Is there a way to dump this to a text file?


Remember that the evil which is now in the world will become yet more powerful, and that it is not evil which conquers evil, but only love -- Olga Romanov.

(in reply to kevinkins)
Post #: 5
RE: Dump the properties of Lua wrapper - 8/1/2018 3:30:11 AM   


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I'm no Lua expert, but to me the `wrapper` is just the container for something like a unit which has tons of possible attributes/properties. In the game a unit is a living thing that has lots of things pertaining to it - like within that wrapper (for a unit) could be things like damage, which is its own table of items, or cargo, or weapons etc. I kinda think of it as an object, though I think that is technically incorrect and refers to something similar in other languages like JS.

(in reply to tjhkkr)
Post #: 6
RE: Dump the properties of Lua wrapper - 8/1/2018 3:43:02 AM   


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as for writing that to a text file, if you run that (or anything) in the lua console it is already in a txt file - the LuaHistory_[date].txt file found in /logs. Should be easy to find it in there and paste it into its own doc. or just copy it from the lua console into its own file.

The lua language supports writing to a file but I tried to do that and it didn't work (no surprise, I don't really know what I am doing). Maybe cmano-lua didn't include the io library.

(in reply to Whicker)
Post #: 7
RE: Dump the properties of Lua wrapper - 8/1/2018 1:56:41 PM   

Posts: 1497
Joined: 6/26/2014
From: Hansville, WA, USA
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Hi all.

Just an FYI FWIF (don't you just love acronyms). I would compare the "wrapper" to a "structure" found in other programming languages such as C/C++.

Specifically, "Structure is a collection of variables of different types under a single name." (

Probably more information than most forum members are interested in.

-Wayne Stiles

(in reply to Whicker)
Post #: 8
RE: Dump the properties of Lua wrapper - 8/2/2018 6:24:58 PM   

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ORIGINAL: stilesw
Hi all.
Just an FYI FWIF (don't you just love acronyms).
-Wayne Stiles

I say this in fun:
No, because I do not know what FWIF means!


Remember that the evil which is now in the world will become yet more powerful, and that it is not evil which conquers evil, but only love -- Olga Romanov.

(in reply to stilesw)
Post #: 9
RE: Dump the properties of Lua wrapper - 8/2/2018 6:41:12 PM   

Posts: 1497
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From: Hansville, WA, USA
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Once again I prove that I cannot spell - even acronyms. Sigh!

FWIF should be (obviously) FWIW (For What It's Worth).

Thanks for the catch.


(in reply to tjhkkr)
Post #: 10
RE: Dump the properties of Lua wrapper - 2/9/2019 10:59:30 PM   


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another version of how to get all of a units properties.
video explanation:

local u = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name='LPD 17 San Antonio', guid='63917afb-6cdb-47b5-9f2a-ffd3e9e86224'})
local tables = {}
for k,v in pairs(u.fields) do
local t = string.find(v," , ")
local t2 = (string.sub(v,2,t-1))
if type(u[t2]) ~= 'table' then
print(t2..': '..tostring(u[t2]))
table.insert(tables, t2)
end --end check type

end -- end main pairs loop

print'==================== Table Data ======================'
for k,v in pairs(tables) do
print(v..': ')
for k,v in pairs(u[v]) do
end --inner table

print('---------- End '..v..' table data ------------------')
end --end tables loop

(in reply to stilesw)
Post #: 11
RE: Dump the properties of Lua wrapper - 8/2/2019 3:37:28 AM   


Posts: 664
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when you run this now there is an error on a new field called Launch - and if I just do print(u.Launch) I get an error:ERROR: [string "local function index(obj,name)
..."]:7: unknown member name Launch

I get that error on both my script above and the one by Michael at the top.

I'm guessing Launch is the new way to use lua to launch a unit? I noticed this a few weeks ago but didn't pay any attention.

(in reply to Whicker)
Post #: 12
RE: Dump the properties of Lua wrapper - 8/3/2019 2:34:41 AM   

Posts: 13500
Joined: 5/5/2001
From: Melbourne, Australia
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I'll have a look.



(in reply to Whicker)
Post #: 13
RE: Dump the properties of Lua wrapper - 8/3/2019 3:33:58 AM   

Posts: 13500
Joined: 5/5/2001
From: Melbourne, Australia
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The properties Launch and RTB don't have values. They are write-only properties that set flags to force launching and RTBing. May need to to ignore these properties when building table property values.
Actually better to add as method instead of a property.

< Message edited by michaelm75au -- 8/3/2019 7:10:54 AM >



(in reply to michaelm75au)
Post #: 14
RE: Dump the properties of Lua wrapper - 4/29/2020 5:40:28 PM   

Posts: 365
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ORIGINAL: stilesw

Once again I prove that I cannot spell - even acronyms. Sigh!

FWIF should be (obviously) FWIW (For What It's Worth).

Thanks for the catch.


For what it's worth, even though the acronym was spelled incorrectly - I didn't notice it, and READ it as


Maybe that helps some??


USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) 1990-1994.

(in reply to stilesw)
Post #: 15
RE: Dump the properties of Lua wrapper - 6/25/2020 7:18:44 PM   

Posts: 250
Joined: 12/7/2015
From: San Francisco, CA
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Getting a crash with this on [object] = base
ERROR: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

This is for a an aircraft dump.

(in reply to michaelm75au)
Post #: 16
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