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RE: Human Monarchy AAR

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RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/13/2018 2:50:42 PM   


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Snuira - temporary Mobile Infantry HQ. Second week after invasion begun.

"Lord General!" young man entered planning room and saluted.

"At ease Henric. Report for me?" Lord general streched his arm.

"Yes sir." Henric gave data slate to the general and went out of room.

General put in his permision code and data slate allowed him to acces its content. He quickly went through all what was written in there - many young officers didn't read reports. They just liked to plug slate into holografic display and see current situation. But not he. He was old and ugly eoungh to understand that simply looking at simulation doesn't tell him all the details. So he quickly went through report and than inserted data slate into his display. Once he did that symbols and colors on hologram changed so that they could represent current situation. At least according to latest report that is. Who knows how many details are not reported?

But what holographic display was telling now? Mobile Infantry quickly managed to break every resistance in vicinity of landing zone. All small and medium population centers were quickly occupied. Number of casualities was high at Teekans' side and very low at human side. That disparity was so big that at first days Lord General was absolutly sure it must be mistake. But it wasn't. Not only human forces had numerical advantage but also effectivenes of individual soldiers looked greatly in human favour. And that was despite Teekans being at first in fortified possitions. Fighting was going on just for a two weeks, and already large amount of land was under Kingdom's controll.

Another thing that one could notice is that supply lines were already quite streched. Logistic department was simply not prepeared for such fast advancment of human forces. Yet, despite that there was no reason to slow down. Teekans seemed to completly ignore supply transports. They ignored flanking opportunities. They even stopped any tries to counter attack despite odds being every now and than in their favour.

Why was that a case? There were few reasons. First, and main reason was that Teekans seemed to not really understand war correctly. They lacked - as a race - proper expirience in that regard. In their past most of problems were solved with trade and exchanges. Sometimes, when things went very far - with bribes. There were only few instances of war in their history, and even than most of those were rarely fought with deadly weapons. Which leads us to another reason, why Teekans were unable to properly defend their own planet. Their weapons. From technological point of view, Teekans seemed to have upper hand in that regard. But in reality, that advantage simply didn't mattered. Most Teekan small arms were designed to disarm another Teekan. It lacked force to kill in one shoot fully grown human. Even if used against avarange 12 years old boy it wouldn't be able to deliver death with one shoot - unless aiming at some vital organs or in head. Their small arms were ment to injury those on reciving end, so that their life may be yet saved after fighting ends. Were they not capable of building better and more deadly weapons? Of course they could! But way they understood world - it was better to hurt than to kill. And while that philosophy might be right under most circumpstances, in fight against fully grow human being that was just not going to work. In same time, standard issue AR used by Mobile Infantry soldiers was capable of bringing down an elephant with one, well aimed shoot.

It was not equall fight. And Teekans understood it well after first four days of war. According to some prisoners, their pack leaders saw only possibility of victory at sticking to population centers, fortifying them and hoping that it will discourage humans. One can not balme them for that attitude to be honest - they found themselfs fighting beings twice the size of them, equipped with weapons that they would have to either mount on smaller vehicles or deploy on field and numericaly superior. It was brutal.

Yet, despite that, those Teekan units that were defending populated aeras were resisting bravely. They might have no courage to take initiative but when war camed to them - they stood up and fought as hard as they could.

Snuira was a big planet. That alone made fighting last long time. For whole year Teekans were trying to resist. When their effort failed and they had to surrender and accept Kingdom's administration pirates finnaly decided to activate their armed cells. Yet they lacked strenght and discipline to defeat human armies and force them off the planet. In the end, after three months of heavy fighting, pirates' hidden bases and planetary leadership were eradicated. Their organisation was rooted out from Snuira. Six batalions were left as occupation garrisons. It was finest victory in mankind's history for now. It was also new challange that Kingdome had to overcome - how to integrate this alien race into its social structure? It was a new battle - one that was not fought with guns...


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Post #: 31
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/13/2018 7:52:26 PM   

Posts: 18715
Joined: 10/28/2002
From: Graham, NC, USA
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ORIGINAL: EuropaJupiter


(USSAmerica - congratulations! Character you created did acomplished few things and I decided it is good time to "level up" him. He is still a ship capitan, but You are free to desighn his ship now - with certian limitations. Max size 250, class is Frigate. Currently Missiles and Torpedoes are most advanced weapon systems I have, with both of them being at baisic level. I have also Blasters and Fighters/Bombers. Baisic armor and shields are an option. As well as first tier reactor and FTL Engine (note that worst reactor and FTL Engine are of tier zero). No damage controll yet. Targeting and Counter aviliable. Life Support and Hab upgraded once. Baisic Trooper Hangar aviliable. Grav Weapons aviliable at baisic level as well as starting railguns. Boarding pods also aviliable at baisic level. Same with Point Defence. Uhh... I hope that is full and good description. Also, you can decide how this ship has to look like. Have fun! :) )

Very cool!!!

The opportunity to design a ship is a fun one, alas, I don't currently have the game installed. I'll give you my preferences and let you squeeze the most out of the 250 size based on them:

1. Speed! Best available FTL drive is a given, but also sub-light speed is important to me. I'll generally go for more reactors and engines over lots of armor and multiple weapon systems.

2. Shields - the most that are practical to fit into the size.

3. Torpedoes - primary armament.

4. Blasters - a couple for secondary armament.

5. Directional thrusters - key for maneuverability, small and cheap.

6. Armor - maybe some minimal if there is room.

No other weapon systems, fighters, troops, etc. Focus on fast, punch the enemy with torpedoes, enough shields to hold up for an attack run, and then fast enough to turn and open distance if needed. Shields over armor for me, as they can recharge if I'm faster than the enemy.



"Good times will set you free" - Jimmy Buffett

"They need more rum punch" - Me

Artwork by The Amazing Dixie

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Post #: 32
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/14/2018 12:32:25 AM   
Hattori Hanzo

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From: Okinawa
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I would like to add a character:

Lady Susan Storm, the only daughter of the old Jacob Storm a very small noble from Artemisia, an ancient city home to a famous university.

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Post #: 33
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/14/2018 7:33:52 AM   


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USSAmerica - noted. This is nice and clear list. Hmm... In that case your ship will remain Escort (in my games Frigates and Escorts are of equal size, Escort is fast and agine while Frigate is more beefy and DPSy - and they function on equal standing).

Hattori Hanzo - your character has been also noted and will be added... Well, soon :)


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Post #: 34
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/14/2018 3:32:38 PM   

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From: Graham, NC, USA
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It's a party in space!



"Good times will set you free" - Jimmy Buffett

"They need more rum punch" - Me

Artwork by The Amazing Dixie

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Post #: 35
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/15/2018 9:08:38 AM   


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RSN HQ - Grand Admiral's private chambers

Lord Nelson Willington was Grand Admiral for as long as Royal Space Navy existed. Before that he was captain of exploration ship. And before that, he was an admiral of sea fleet. He was now well over 100 years old, but thanks to miracles of modern medicine, his biological age was still at his forties. He was lucky in that regard. Avarange person can have their life expanded by thirty to fourty years. His lifespan will be more than doubled as it seem. But than again - there were those whose lifespan could not be extended by gene therapy at all and had to live with what time was given to them by more traditional ways. So even avarange person could call themselfs lucky. He looked at his guest - Dean of Military Academy. They knew each other pretty well, though none of them would call it a friendship. So if Dean decided to pay him private visit, he knew that it was done for a reason related to their work. As custom demanded he made sure his quest had place to sit, glass full of Loros Fruit Wine (one bottle costed him small fortune! Sekurans may not be sharpest traders in sector, but even they knew value of it!) and invitation for a meal - that one was politely refused as dean was a busy person.

"Allright. So... What brings you to me this time? I guess it is related to one of my new cadets. Am I right?"

Dean didn't looked surprised by that question at all."What? He did something already? I swear... I knew he will be troublesome. But on his first day?"

Grand Admiral just laughted hearing it "Relax a bit. Nobody did anything yet. I just guess that is the case, because that is only thing that connect our roles in Kingdom. You produce soldiers and I use them. What else could bring you here? It is not like you have time for social visits and I hardly have time for them either." he poured some of Loros Wine to his glass "So when occasion happens, at least I hope to get best out of it. Cheers! To king's health! May he live long!" both men rose their glass and drunk wine. It was delitious, but that was to be expected. Expensive stuff.

"You like him, don't you? This new king I mean."

"He is still young and unexpirienced. But you are right. I like him. He has guts. He is not affraid to do what needs to be done. And he takes risks, you know? Sometimes it hurts, but believe me. Those who are not taking risks usually suffer most in the end. Beside that, he is persistent. Just look at our situation with pirates. Three months passed and not a single raid! After our third assault at their base... And third failure by the way - most previous monarchs would just give up and paid pirates off. His father would! I know that for sure. But not this kid. He found just another way in. Took pirate planet, setup monitoring stations to have constant intell on what happens in pirate system. Let First Engineer finish new version of torpedoes and than, when fleets got retrofitted he gave me free hand to launch fourth assault at their base. But you know that, don't you? And that is not a reason you are here.."

That was truth. Destruction of pirate base at Andat Prime was covered by all media in the Kingdome. It was major event. Full week of celebration was ordered. During that time only most crutial offices and institution worked. Everybody else - be it noble or commoner - were free of work. Of course, RSN never rests and is always working. Admirality encouraged by their succes quickly launched assaults against other three pirate stations that were further away from human space. Every assault was a major victory. Mankind lost only few destroyers in the process. Pirate's looses were countless. Since then, only type of pirates that showed in human space were smuglers delivering goods otherwise unobtainable. And they were welcomed to do so as far as Kingdom was concerned.

"Yea... You are right of course." dean put on table two data slates "Here are recruits I wanted to talk about with you. Especially this one... Lord William Wentz. Oh gosh, that boy is walking nightmare. Keep an eye on him. His father sent him to us to just get rid of him. He wasn't even trying to hide it! Can you imagine? Look Nelson! Such things happen. Sure. It wasn't first time that nobility wants to get rid of one of their child. Sending them to military is better than causing them to die for many reasons. But most of time they like to keep it hidden behind more ideological reasons... Serving the King! It is our duty for Kingdom! And all that. With William? No. His father visited my office and told me openly that he doesn't care if his good-for-nothing son will live through it or not. He just want him away. He also warned me about his... More shadowy activities so I could pay attention for it. God! I was such a fool to not listen back then!"

"Come on. It can't be that bad... Beside it we have..."

"No Nelson! Don't be like that! It is exacly what I thought when his father spoke to me. Trust me, that boy is just a problem. Keep an eye on him. If your cadets will suddenly have acces to drugs, alcohol or something else that is not acceptable here - I can bet my all money that Lord William either played major part in it OR he knows who did. If one of your cadets will get syphilis than it is almost sure that Lord William opened a borthel in your basement! If somebody will miss his duty - than it was either Lord William himself slacking off, or somebody was slacking off together with him. I can not think what will happen with ship that he will become captain off."

"If things with him are as bad as you are saying than why did you..."

"Why did I let him graduate? I will tell you WHY! Because unlike you I can not just execute him for his incompetency, and because of an Act Of Leadership I cannot sent him home either. So I am giving him to you. He is your problem now. Not mine. Beside, he passed examps with perfect score. I don't know how. I don't even care. I am happy he did so I can push him away. Not my problem. I just need to find out now who accepted bribe, what was bribe and make him expeled. Or give him a raise. Haven't decided yet on that."

"Allright, all right. I get it. I will pay attention to him. I will warn stuff about him and won't underestimate problem. You have my word on it. And what about her?" Lord Nelson points out at second data slate he was given. "Perfect score... In history of warfare she was considered to be above teachers. Science and economy also as if she would be studying in some dedicated scool... What is wrong with her? Also pushing your problems on my shoulders?"

"Oh, stop being annoying will you? That is Lady Susan Storm. Yea... I need to talk to you about her. You see... She doesn't fit into military. I mean... No. That is not what I ment. She fits in very good, but... I think she will waste her potential here. I mean no offence of course. Don't get me wrong. But people with her knowledge and her skills? Lord Antiliusz could make great use of her! Who knows? She might take his possition after him! Or lead science division! But insted she decided to join Space Royal Navy! I don't get it! I tried to convince her to do otherwise. I tried to make her life harder so she would just give up. I even went as far as sending her on duties with William to discourage her. But no. She decided to join navy and die in some backwater system while fighting some nameless low-life pirate. Listen... I failed. If you could find reason to... I don't know. Expel her from miltary and sent to Lord Antiliusz insted... Or just make sure she will not waste her talents here. Anyway! That is all I wanted to talk to you about. I don't want to waste anymore of your time. And it is not as if I have time either. It has been pleassure."

"Wait! Look..." Grand Admiral stood silend for a moment, as if conflicted inside "Listen, this must stay betwen two of us. I appritiate that you come here and warn me about possible problems with some of graduates. You know how many deans did it before? None. So... I wanted to thank you, and also share something with you. But it stays betwen two of us, as I really should not be talking about it to anybody else. We might be needing more new cadets pretty soon. So make sure to put more attention at practical skills than theoretical ones. King and his court gave us instructions. I think that he is seriously considering invading Teekans after that buissnes with pirate colony. We haven't informed public yet, but our fleets are being moved toward the border as we speak. So... Make sure that next month graduates will get as much practical skills as possible in that time. And next month as well... But remember - this conversaion, it stays betwen us. Allright? Good. Take care."

Both men shook their hands, said good byas and get back to their work again.

< Message edited by EuropaJupiter -- 8/15/2018 9:21:46 AM >


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Post #: 36
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/15/2018 9:25:19 AM   


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"You were supposed to make me just barely fail!" William waved his graduation document in the weaselly commoner's face. The man was filthy and far beneath his station, but he was also an excellent sneak-thief with a gambling problem.
"You said to copy Lady Storm's paper! I did that!"
"And then change the answers of 41% of the marks so I just barely fail and have to repeat next year! Weren't you listening?"
The man blinked at him in confustion.
William sighed. "I'll take that as a no. Now I'm going to get saddled with my own ship and sent to the front lines, instead of kept back nice and safe in the Academy. Nicely done, dumbass."
"Is my debt still cancelled?" the man asked with hope in his voice.

< Message edited by Rabidmuskrat -- 8/15/2018 11:50:39 AM >

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Post #: 37
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/15/2018 10:29:52 AM   


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I like that! Allright people! If any of you want to add small RPing that includes their characters in various situations (sometimes providing more light to what exacly happened) you are welcomed to do so. But I must ask you to follow two things. First is to follow universe (so for example when describing space battle that your character was in, keep in mind that in DW space battle takes days if not months, projectiles fly for hours or even days betwen targets, phasers hit instantly, but take hours/days to be ready for another shoot etc.), second I would like you to follow pattern of format I do. Which means...

Place of action/Title of post
Thouts/Written Logs etc.
"Speach of characters"

While it is not absolutly needed and in most of times there is no harm in not following it, I believe that following same format is better way of doing things and so I would kindly ask to do so.


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Post #: 38
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/15/2018 11:43:05 AM   


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Royal Pallace - King's office

It was four at the morning. They woke him up at four at the morning. This never happened before. He could tell by that alone that whatever happened, it was serious. Really serious. Sir Magnus was already here, but he knew nothing yet. Lady Recca and few high ranking officers from Internal Security were on their way. Whatever happened, they would be ones to inform him. Internal Security... That was new to him. They usually kept to themselfs, rarely informing anybody about anything. And for most of time everybody (including himself) was happy to leave them alone and let them work their stuff. For many reasons... But this time it was diffrent. This time it must have been serious if they were comming. What scared him more was that Lady Recca took her interest in that to the point that she paid them visit. It had to be really important.

He looked at his desk. It was almost empty beside small table lamp, royal seal and one document lying there. War declaration for Teekan Ambassador. Only thing it missed to be in effect was his royal seal and signature... Why he didn't sighted it yesterday again? Fleets were in possition. RSN HQ was well informed. Land army was ready - reainforced and suplemented by ten armor divisions... He planned to summon Teekan Ambassador tommorow and... Technicly today, and give it to him. But he didn't sighned it yesterday. No. He had strange feeling that made him wait for last moment. And now here he was sitting. Four at the morning... Doors opened. Lady Recca and three other man - Internal Security officers - entered his office. Lady Recca bowed before him, while unknown officers dropped on one knee.

"Stand up please. It is first time I have been woken up so early. So I think it is serious. Let's get to the buissnes."

"Yes your majesty. I am Sir Roland, those are Sir Alexander and Sir Peter. We all work in Office of Internal Security under leadership of Lord Magnus..." young officer must have seen surprise on King's face so he instantly explained "No, not with SIR Magnus that is your adviser. We work with LORD Magnus. Coincidence your majesty..."

Right. It was easy to forget such a details. "Lord" ment that men was from noble family. "Sir" ment that person was of common birth, but was granted position of higher importance, that normally was granted only to those of noble births. It wasn't uncommon practice actually. Especially these days, with size of the Kingdom. More and more people were needed at high positions. And while it never happened that somebody of Noble Birth was working under leadership of commoner, there was more and more commoners at higher possitions - earlier it would be unthinkable. Now it was getting a norm. Diffrent thing was with women. Noble or common in high position - they were just "Lady" and one would have to know noble lines to notice if there is noble blood or common one.

"Look... It is unoficial all here. Just... Just skip to important part please."

"Of course your majesty... Space Port at one of our colonies has been blowed up. From within. We could not find who was responsible by that attack... But than one of our Resort Stations was also targetted. This time security was on alert and managed to capture terrorist alive before he managed to do any damage. He was one of Ketarovs. At first he claimed to be citizen of our Kingdom... One from minority on Snuira. While Teekans made majority of population, there was Ketarov minority living there."

King's face became pale. He just thought of any harm happening to one of resort stations... All those noble families there... All foreighn dignitaries and rich people who like to spend their time in such places... And finnaly, families of those who joined RSN by using Act Of Leadership... If anything would happened to them... How much is worth a King that can't protect his subjects? How would history remembered him? As a coward who wasn't able to protect his people? No. Ne won't stand for that. King Juran made a mental note for himself to severly punish whoever was responsible for that attempt. Not just a person who tried to executed - no. It could not just stop here.

"I understand that you don't believe that story, right?"

"Your majesty, that is no longer matter of belief. Lord Magnus made sure to learn everything from prisoner before he... Expired. As it turns out, he was an agent from Great Ketarov Domain. Bombing Space Port was also their work. And more is incoming, though we have no idea when and where exacly."

Greater Ketarov Domain... But why? It didn't made sense. Both of them had Free Trade Agreement. And shared solid amount of trade income! Though... Lately relations with them grew colder as we refused to trade Crystals with them... It seems that there was some sense in this. Meeting took some more time. Later this day, War Declaration document changed its place from King's Desk to rubbish bin. New document was quickly formed - one that canceled Free Trading agreement. It was formed and delivered to Ketarov Ambassador.

Two months later another sabotage action was stopped by Internal Security agents - this time they didn't managed to capture guilty party. But there was no need to. Everybody knew who was behind it. As a responce official warning was sent to Ketarov's Monarch, demanding that he will stop his covert activity against Baxter Kingdom. When demands were refused, Trade Sanctions were declared on Great Ketarov Domain. During all this time Royal Space Navy was quickly moving it's fleets from southen borders with Teekans toward north and nort-west. Additionally, deep inside of Ketarov territory one ressuply ship has been anchored to serve as refueling point - but also as a spying device since it was equiped with long range scanner. Immidietly after Trade Sanctions camed into effect, both human fleets ("King's Wrath" and "Royal Anger") were moved in orbits of two Ketarov planets, blocking them from trade.

Such actions brought a lot of attention from galactic community and few other empires decided to immidietly intervene. In matter of few days King's Office was filled with demands of lifting Trade Sanctions. This didn't happened though. Baxter Kingdome and Great Ketarov Domain were on crash course and nothing could stop it from happening.

One month after Trade Sanctions were in effect, Baxter Kingdom officially decided to declare war on Great Ketarov Domain. It was first stellar conflict with another empire in history of mankind.


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Post #: 39
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/16/2018 9:44:39 AM   


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Human - Ketarov "Corridor War" (17th December 2158 - 17th August 2161)

"Corridor War" was a conflict betwen Baxter Kingdom and Great Ketarov Domain. At start of war both sides had their advantages and disadvantages, but their military strenght and economic power were on similar levels - with Great Ketarov Domain having upper hand in military and Baxter Kingdom in its economy. Great Ketarov Domain controlled over twenty colonies (for comparison Baxter Kingdom had only six), however humans had larger population, meaning that their worlds were more developed. Ketarov had upper hand when it camed to spy network - they managed succesfull sabotages during the time of war, while two human agents were captured and executed while trying to do so.

One serious advantage however that Baxter Kingdom had over Great Ketarov Domain was its level of readiness for war. The Kingdome was already planning to declare war against Teekans, so its fleets were ressuplied and aproprietly strong. Mobile Infantry was already on troop transport ships, and were supported by ten armored divisions. The only thing that was needed for humans to do, was to change their possition, from south to north-west of the Kingdom, which was quickly done. Additionaly, at very begining of war, two of Ketarov planets were blocaded by Royal Space Navy. Once state of war has been declared, RSN ships began quick and brutal sterilisation of space around those planets. Space superiority was achieved quickly, and ground invasion followed. It was almost bloodless conquest, as enemy was not prepeared to defend its underdeveloped colonies.

Within first three months of war Great Ketarov Domain lost three of its planets without much resistance. This howerver caused Royal Space Navy admirality to grow overconfident and take risks that were not needed - and as time showed, costly in nature. Great Ketarov Domain was large empire, with over twenty colonies. When looked at map, one could notice that it consited of four regions. Its "Core Systems", "Corridor Systems" and two "Rim Sectors" - northen and eastern. Each of those regions were separated by deep space, that took considerable amount of time to travel. "Core Systems" were most developed and highly militarised. They also were composed of six diffrent star systems in close proximity to each-other. "Corridor Systems" composed of four star systems, each possesing one inhabited planet. Like with "Core Systems", "Corridor Systems" were closely packed together. One of planets in "Corridor System" was used as Regional Capital and was protected by medium-sized space port. RSN HQ decided that it would have positive inpact on war effort if "Core Systems" could become also field of battle. This ment that Kingdom's forces needed to be divided. And so, one fleet (King's Wrath) was sent into long jorney toward "Core Systems", while second fleet (Royal Anger) remained in "Corridor Systems" and tried to sieze complete controll over it - three out of four planets were after all occupied so far.

Unfortunatly there were three factors that RSN HQ didn't take into account. Firstly, its admirality underestimated firepower of space port protecting last Ketarov presence in region. Secondly, by that time Ketarov Imperial Fleet managed to organize itself and launch counter-offensive. Thirdly, "Corridor Systems" were in reach of pirate raiders - a problem that humanity managed to forget by that time.

Human assault at last Domain controlled planet in sector was a success - its space port was destroyed and planet was easy to invade. Unfortunatly for RSN, its fleet suffered heavy looses during that battle. One ship was destroyed and over half of ships was damaged. Facing this situation, fleet was ordered to pull back and repair in nerby space port - at Snuira. Without its fleet controlling the space around Ketarov world, invasion fleet could not take a risk and insted was moved into deep space. At that time other fleet (King's Wrath) managed to get into Ketarovs' "Core System" region and begun hitting their mining industry - system after system. They met some resistance from local defence fleets, but those were no match. Unfortunatly, damage caused by them was too small to impact enemy's war economy, while heavy looses suffered by "Royal Anger" fleet and dimnishing fuel supply forced "King's Wrath" to pull back in order to refuel.

In middle of all this, local pirates decided to use situation for their advantage and begun raiding helpless colonies on regullar baisis. In fact, they were so vicious in their raids that Mobile Infantry had to dispatch on every occupied planet four additional divisions just protect civilians from pirates. As if that would be not eoungh of setback, first Ketarov fleet reached their destination - Snuira. Luckily, "Royal Anger" just managed to fully fix their ships and was reinforced with new destroyer. What happened next was biggest space battle of "Corridor War". Both sides fielded equal amount of space warships - fifteen. Human fleet was supported by Snuira's space port - which was lightly armed. On avarange human destroyer had bigger firepower and more shields than Ketarov ships. But Ketarov also had an ace in their sleeve. Three out of fifteen of their ships were Carriers. Those proved to be most deadly and dangerous opponent Royal Space Navy ever met. In fact, four out of six lost ships during that fight was attributed to enemy's fighters and bombers. In addition to that, Snuira lost its space port during fight and was invaded by enemy ground forces. It was second time in history that war has camed directly to planetary surface. Thanksfully most of enemy's troop transports were destroyed before they managed to enter planet's atmosphere, so invading forces were quickly defeted. In space "Royal Anger" managed to force enemy to disengage and retreat, but not before taking heavy looses. It was a costly victory for Baxter Kingdome, but it was a victory nontheless.

At that time it became obvious that this war will not end quickly. Ketarov managed to rebuild spaceport over their last planet in "Corridor Systems". Pirates forced RSN to call in ships that would patrol occupied systems and fend off any potential raider (this task was given to Lord Baltimore, Lord William and Lady Susan Storm - something that will be covered in next post). And second Ketarov fleet finnaly managed to reach "Corridor". Humanity learned from its previous mistake however and as soon as carriers were comfirmed to be part of that enemy fleet - they avoided open battle. War lasted for two years. In that time RSN managed to destroy second space port and completly occupy whole "Corridor Systems", as well as one undefended colony in "Rim Sector". After that both sides agreed to case fighting. Peace Treaty was sighned by both empires. When all dust settled Baxter Kingdome got bigger by five colonies.

< Message edited by EuropaJupiter -- 8/16/2018 11:52:29 AM >


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Post #: 40
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/16/2018 10:12:27 AM   


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Woo! Baxter Kingdom GO! Long Live the King! Kick those filthy aliens upside whatever passes for a rear end!

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Post #: 41
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/16/2018 5:02:24 PM   

Posts: 18715
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From: Graham, NC, USA
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Well done! I especially liked that the "Royal Anger" fleet managed to get back to Snuira and repaired in the nick of time to save the planet.



"Good times will set you free" - Jimmy Buffett

"They need more rum punch" - Me

Artwork by The Amazing Dixie

(in reply to Rabidmuskrat)
Post #: 42
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/16/2018 6:37:00 PM   


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I also liked it! It saved me effort to retake it :D Pure accident and coincidence! Even with early warning I got (my every system with colony has monitoring station) none of my fleets could get there in time. But since one fleet was already there problem was solved :)

Tommorow I will write about your characters' doing during war time. Will be some glory, some boredome and some shame (or diffrent kind of glory if you wish to call it that way, but that tommorow - mine tommorow that is :) ).


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Post #: 43
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/17/2018 9:35:06 AM   


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Three months have passed since begining of "Corridor War" betwen Baxter Kingdom and Great Ketarov Domain. So far humanity was very succesfull and managed to occupy three Ketarov colonies, but during last battle one of fleets - "Royal Anger" suffered heavy looses, while another fleet was on its way deeper into enemy's territory. In same time, collonies that were occupied earlier found themselfs targeted by pirate raiders. To deal witht his problem Royal Space Navy HQ decided to send three escort ships that would provide some protection against singular raider ships...

Lady Susan Storm

It was late evening according to shipboard time. Captain Susan Storm was at her private quters when her computer informed her about incoming message. She finished entry in Captain's Log and checked on message, expecting it to be either engineering report, automated message send from nerby mining ship or just standard greeting from captain of another ship that happens to patrol same system as she. But no - this message was diffrent. First of all, it was marked in red, which ment it is of big importance and ugrency. Secondly, sender was named as RSN HQ. She took deep breath and opened message. It was exacly what she did expected to happen sooner or later, since she heard about looses suffered by "Royal Anger". Message was short and on topic. Orders were crystal clear. She immidietly contacted her first officer and passed orders on him. He was a good man. Competent and willing to learn. She knew that he can be trusted with command, despite man's lack of expirience.

With all her duties done she opened "Royal Anger's" battle report and read through it again, slowly and carefully analyzing it bit by bit and finding any and all flaws in tactical approatch of both sides... Fools, fools and one more time fools! Can't they really see it? If our fleet would have carrier or two on its side than it would be possible to destroy that damn space port without major looses. All data is here, yet nobody seems to notice it. Nobody important at least... All damage suffered is atributed to heavy weapons mounted by space port. Bombers could just dodge most of that while delivering destructive playloads while fighters would keep enemy busy long eoung... Maybe I should write another letter... Ehh... No. No sense with that. They ignored my last three letters. They will ignore this one. She prommised herself that when she will get up in command ladder, she will raise subject once more. But only when people will have to listen to her, not just ignore as they did so far.

Lord William Wentz

"Lord Captain! We just got a message..."

"First of all William is eoungh. No need for all those titles. Secondly, didn't I told you that I am busy and to not distrup me while I am investigating?" he said into his radio while smoking cigar and throwing dices in same time. Luck was at his side again... Of course, he didn't leave it all just to luck, but nobody had to know about it. As long as he will loose big bets, nobody will notice that he wins twice as much by winning smaller ones. It was old, but effective trick! Works every single time!

"But my Lord... I mean... William... It is from HQ. It says it is ugrent! You need to comfirm it."

"Ok. Consider it comfirmed. Thank you very much." he said annoyed by interruptions and made another dice roll - as planned, this one was lost. His opponent was clearly happy to take huge mountains of credits that was placed in middle of table. This is how it was ment to be... Win all small bets and loose all big ones. No one will notice. "Out of curiosity... What does message say?"

"I don't know. I don't have permision to read it."

"4e52wiv8 - now you have my permision. Just enter the code, read message and tell me shortly what it says. I will change codes as soon as I will be back. Untill that time, make sure to patrol space around and... You know, do stuff that usually we do." he said with dissmisive tone while drinking from bottle of Vodkol.

"Emm... One moment... There it is... Hmm... My Lord! They send us to front!

Upon hearing those words, Lord William spit all the Vodkol he had in mouth, making whole table and other players sprayed with it. "Gentelmens... I might need a small favour to ask... I am willing to let you have all my winnings from today if you agree to do one simple thing for me." He looked at them, and despite not saying a single word, it was obvious that they all were interested. "All I need you to do is to fake pirate attack somewhere in this sector in a month or two from today. So what do you say? Are you in? Or should I take my credits elswere?"

Two hours later Lord William's ship begun it's preperations to enter hyperspace.

Lord Baltimore

He was standing on his bridge in ceremonial uniform. All high ranking officers were present there, and those of lower ranks could hear what he has to say through series of speekers and monitors. Crew knew well their captain and they knew that it must be something important if he chooses to adress ship in that manner.

"My dear crew, I know that you have duties to perform and we don't have much time. So I will try to keep it short. But what I am going to tell you is very important. Few days ago, one of our fleets - "Royal Anger" - engaged Ketarov Space Port. And while victorious, it suffered heavy looses and needed to retreat for repairs. With another fleet on its way toward Ketarov Core Systems, Corridor remains unguarded and we have already reports of increasing pirate activity in that region. His Majesty and Royal Space Navy Admirality decided to give us honour of serving on front lines as territory guards. Our ship is to enter orbit of one of occupied planets and protect it from both - Ketarov and pirate ships."

Short pause - let it sink into them.

"I will do my best to fufill my both duties. To the King but also to you. And I will do all that is in my power to finish our assigment while keeping all of you alive. But I can't do that alone. I will expect all of you to do the same. Give me your best. You depend on me, but I depend on you even more. Without you and your work I am nothing. So I ask you to give your best during next crutial months. If we are to win this war, we must make sure that all we do is of best quality. Wars might be won by huge ships in huge battles, but those are small deeds of small ships as our that make those big deeds possible in first place. Lord Captain Baltimore over and out."

Preperations for jump begun immidietly after captain's speech.


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Post #: 44
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/17/2018 2:36:32 PM   


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I must say, I feel you capture the "essence" of William so perfectly ^^

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Post #: 45
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/17/2018 7:45:54 PM   


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Lady Susan Storm Captain Log

War Zone Patrol Duty day 1
We arived at our designated system. According to ship's sensors there is no enemy activity here. As a matter of fact we didn't detected any short of activity in space, beside our own. Communication with planetary occupation forces established. This is essentian in our situation as our single ship won't be capable of stopping whole pirate fleet or Ketarov armada. In such case we must at lest warn planet about situation so they can get ready for it.

War Zone Patrol Duty day 17
Nothing to report. Seems like all the fighting takes place in other, more significant systems. I am getting reports of terrorist attacks within Kingdom. That was to be expected - enemy such as Ketarov will use any and all resource to fight us. I predict also that, even if highly succesful, those actions will have minimal impact at war.

War Zone Patrol Duty day 21
This is twenty-first day of our duty here and so far we haven't seen single hostile ship. I made additional research on planet we are ordered to protect, and now I understand why this place is mostly left alone. To be fair I am surprised that we invaded it in first place. No strategical value. Local planets are rich in common resources only. Finnaly, colony itself is devoid of any and all resources. This place is backwater station. Nevertheless, I helped local garrison to formulate most effective defence plans in case of land invasion. Just in case.

War Zone Patrol Duty day 62
We had multiply contacts today - all civilian. Most of them freighters carrying needed resources for colony development. At least they can get profit from my work. Because I can assure everybody that otherwise our time here is just time wasted. I am getting reports that Snuira is being targetted by enemy fleet. Luckily "Royal Anger" is already there. I just hope they will manage to repair all the ships before enemy arrives. I wish I could be there, even if just as an observer.

War Zone Patrol Duty day 83
Our system is as usually calm. Nothing happens here. But we are getting conflicting reports from Snuira. Some claim that system has been invased and conquered by Ketarov. Others are reporting that their fleet has been broken and forced to retreat. I do not consider my sources to be reliable though. Better to wait for official update on situation before jumping to conclusions.

War Zone Patrol Duty day 87
Finnaly official information that can be trusted. Looks like battle for Snuira is still going on. Enemy managed to destroy space port, and indeed landed few dropships, but most of invasion forces were shoot down before they even got close to planet. Unfortunatly, my worst fears camed true. Ketarovs are using carriers in their fleets. I expect heavy looses on our side in this battle. If it would be up to me, every fleet would be equiped with at lest three carriers and each carrier would have at lest three hangar bays. That would give our forces eoungh strenght to defend against enemy bombers and inflict heavy damage against their ships.

War Zone Patrol Duty day 95
Battle at Snuira has ended. I can't call it lost, but I would not use term "Victory" to describe it either. Though maybe now RSN HQ will listen to my criticism of our fleets composition.

War Zone Patrol Duty day 137
We just got a message that Lord Baltimore engaged enemy. Looks like pirates launched another wave of raiding parties. My ship entered yellow allert status. If enemy will show up - we will be ready to face them.

War Zone Patrol Duty day 142
So far there is no sight of anybody comming into this system. Not that I am surprised honestly. Lord Baltimore apparently is still fighting his foe, but from what I can see in his reports, he managed to get solid upperhand. We also got report that Lord William Wentz left his designated system about month ago. He claims to be answering to disstress call incoming from one of mining stations in another sector, deeper into human space. I find it hard to believe in pirate activity in that place."

Lady Susan Storm made her duty well. Regardless of anything, she guarded her designated system and maintained high causion while doing so. Despite ongoing war, her system was never targetted by opposition - be it pirates or Ketarov Domain.

Lord Baltimore

"I want it on visuals!" and moment later whole bridge was illuminated by hologramic display in the middle showing hostile space warship.

"My Lord... Judging by insignia and used technology it belongs to Ketarov Imperial Fleet. Escort judging by its size."

Lord Captain Baltimore was standing there silently, looking at display of hostile, as if measuring something in his head. After minute or two he broke the silence.

"Keep our shields low. Start turning our ship away from enemy. Ten percent of maximum thrust. Power down our weapons and engage our FTL Engine. And turn off all non-essential systems. Make them think we are out of fuel. Hopefully they will catch the bait."

It lasted several hours but finnaly bridge crew could comfirm that enemy escort started to gain velocity toward them. So they managed to fool enemy into attacking them. Good.

"How long it will take them to catchup with us?"

"Five days Lord Captain. After that time we will find ourself within their blaster range."

"I see. Battle station! Start charging our weapons in three days. Make everything ready for continous salvo when time is right. Egnine team! In three days powerdown our FTL Drive and increase thrusters power to 100%. We will need all the speed we can get. Same with our manuvering thrusters." he camed there to his navigation officer "This is what I want you to do. As soon as we start powerfing our weapons and thrusters I want you to turn our ship as fast as possible toward their direction. I want us to just fly over them while droping as many torpedoes as possible. When we find ourselfs directly over them we will begin blaster salvos. If everything will go right, we should win this one without taking any signivicant damage to our shields and, what is more important - without letting that escort run away."

"Understood my Lord. But if I may suggest something... If we could slowly lower our thruster power from 10% to 7% we might use planet gravity well to slow down our ship considerably. It would allow us to reach full speed once we perform one hundred eighty turn to face our enemy."

"That is great suggestion. Engineering team! Change of plans. In ten hours start gradually lower our thrust power so that by third day it will reach 7%. Make sure that process is as slow and gradual as possible. We don't want them to notice that."

For three days Lord Baltimore was making sure that his ship will act helpless. All this time they tried to spot any diffrence in behavior of opposing ship. And despite fact that they weren't in any real danger - enemy was lighter ship with weaker weapon systems, smaller shields and even with slower thrusters - atmosphere was tense. They could of course just engage enemy, but than he would just disengaged and jumped out of system. No. Lord Baltimore wanted to make sure that this ship won't run away from system. At lest not in one piece. Finnaly, after three days which felt like whole eternity it was time to strike...

"Lord Captain! Weapons are ready. Thrusters at full strenght. We are turning toward enemy ship now"

"Exellent. Battlestation! Fire at will! Do not stop without order to do so! Engeenering Team! Full spead!"

Baltimore Escort opened full torpedo salvo at its target. One after another - every two, three hours new torpedoes were fired. After one day of travel, first salvo reached enemy, succesfully dropping 13% of their shields. Ketarovs seemed to be in panick, not fully believing in what is going on. In the end, they must have realised that at current situation it was impossible to run away into hyperspace, so they insted accepted challange and started to fight back. They died bravely and with honor. But still they died. This day belonged to Lord Baltimore and his crew.

Two months later his system was attacked by two pirate destroyers. Both were armed and protected better than his modified escort. Unfortunatly for pirates, Baltimore's Escort had two huge advantages. It was way faster and its shields were regenerating rapidly when out of combat. Moreover, pirate ships didn't acted as one team. Insted they both looked focussed on sending raiding team toward planet surfface before other will. Given situation, Lord Baltimore decided to gamble and engaged one of destroyers. As future showed, it payd off. One of pirates simply send raiding party and jumped away, leaving other alone. Fight lasted over two weeks. It was not easy, and on few occasions Baltimore's escort had to run away by jumping out of system and spending few days regenerating its shields. It was fight of attrition, but eventually pirate ship didn't managed to keep up. And as it was prepearing its FTL Engine, random hit from Maxon Blaster penetrated ship's armor and destroyed reactor. Blowing it apart after this was just a formality.

Lord William Wentz

Lord William was sitting in Gran Admiral's office.

"I swear on my honor admiral! We just recieved SOS signal from one of mining stations in the system! Nobody was there so I decided it is better to intervene and protect it. Afterall system we were patrolling was safe at that time. So why be there doing nothing while one of our space stations is under attack by pirates? As soon as I showed up they runned away so I decided to pursue their ship with hopes that it may lead us toward their base of operation. You can check that yourself! All data should be in black box! It will comfirm what I am saying Lord Admiral!"

And so he was talking, talking and talking... Of course Lord Admiral didn't believed single word he said to him. But it didn't mattered. Lord William knew that is the case and he was perfctly fine with it. He was also fine with this conversation being recorded. That ensured he will not be put before trial for abbandoning his duty. Will he manage to dodge consequencess completly? Of course not! But that also didn't mattered. For him battle was won if he was alive by the end of it. That is all that mattered after all, isn't that right? He is there, able to tell his story and will be able to walk away. By his own strenght. And there are many who can not say the same...

(soo... What happened here is I ordered all three "heroes" to patrol conquered planets and put them on AUTO immidietly after. For some reasons William didn't continued his given task after being put on AUTO, and insted he went to guard some mining station in distant system. Lord Baltimore indeed destroyed two ships by himself, and Lady Storm had boring duty without anything happening in that system).


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(in reply to Rabidmuskrat)
Post #: 46
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/20/2018 4:10:33 PM   


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(for everybody who is wondering why there are no new posts and if I abbandoned AAR - No, I didn't abbandoned my AAR. I just made a break from it as I am busy with Graveyard Keeper for now. AAR will continue - even if not today or tommorow it will continue)


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(in reply to EuropaJupiter)
Post #: 47
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/21/2018 8:37:42 PM   

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From: Graham, NC, USA
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Very fun to follow, Europa!



"Good times will set you free" - Jimmy Buffett

"They need more rum punch" - Me

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(in reply to EuropaJupiter)
Post #: 48
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/22/2018 8:43:44 PM   
Hattori Hanzo

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ORIGINAL: EuropaJupiter

(for everybody who is wondering why there are no new posts and if I abbandoned AAR - No, I didn't abbandoned my AAR. I just made a break from it as I am busy with Graveyard Keeper for now. AAR will continue - even if not today or tommorow it will continue)

Graveyard Keeper.. ?????

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Post #: 49
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/23/2018 7:05:18 AM   


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Yes Hattori. Graveyard Keeper :) Really, really fun game. If somebody likes Stardew Valley he will also like Graveyard Keeper ;) Anyway... Will continue now :D


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Post #: 50
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/23/2018 8:24:52 AM   


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Aftermatch - situation overwiev after "Corridor War".

End of the "Corridor War" brought few major changes for both - humans and ketaros. Most obvious change was of course change of borders. The Baxter Kingdom grew larger at north (if we can call it north in space that is). With those additional colonies camed their influence aera as well as sources of many resources - those remained largery unmined. Reason behind lack of massive resource exploitation is simple - everything that was captured during "Corridor War" was already quite common within original borders of The Kingdome. With increased territory there was need for more military, especially those for escort and patrol duty.

On international scale, Corridor War and its outcome brought little to none. Nobody really cared much about it - why it was the case? Nobody really has clear answer. Some political analysts say that other empires didn't cared much because it wasn't only conflict that was going on in galaxy, and it was overshadowed by other wars. Others say that it remained largery unnoticed because The Baxter Kingdome is one of major suppliers of Deneba Crystals for two major powers in galaxy (Sekurans and Kaidians). And yet some say that nobody cared because both The Baxter Kingdome and Great Ketaros Domain tend to keep to themselfs for most of time and didn't formed any strong connections with others. Finnaly there are those who dissmis question saying just that nobody took interest in this war and its outcome because nobody did and there is no deep reason here.

For Great Ketaros Domain things looked diffrently - they lost few of their planets. By size of their empire, it was nothing but minor annoyance. However this war brought to them internal instability. First of all their fleet sufferet heavy looses (despite the fact it managed to inflict heavy looses to its opponents) and were not fit to defend their whole territory from pirates. Unlike humans, ketaros could not gather eoungh economic resources to replenish their looses quickly and in efficient manner. This led to internal struggle and slow decay in stability and integrity of their empire. Fact that public was outraged about lost war definietly didn't helped. In fact, Ketaros Domain slowly started to loose grasp on its less developed worlds as they were silently taken over by pirate organisations.

For The Baxter Kingdome war ended in victory and was celebrated as such. Newly conquered worlds were quickly assimilated under Royal Administration. In fact, this process prooved to be extremly easy - population of those planets was already living under monarchic system, so it mattered little for them who sits on throne. Their life went as usual under reign that showed it is stronger than one that was ruling before. War devastation was minimal due to lack of strong garrisons on planets and trade quickly returned into Corridor Systems. Victory in war was quickly and effectively used by King and Great Noble Families. Mankind's confidence never was greater than before. Not everything was perfect though... This war showed flaw in Royal Space Navy - lack of carriers. Something that young Lady Storm was pointing out time and time again to her superior in HQ. This time however (especially afte looses taken by fleet) her analisys were taken seriously and ten new carriers were constructed. Five for each fleet, capable of launching hundreds of fighters and bombers on battlefiend to support destroyers. Another problem for The Kingdome that showed after Corridor War was pirate activity. Just because humanity was safe-heaven for a long time when it camed to pirates, didn't mean that they didn't existed. Quite the opposite - they still existed and were growing more powerfull. And now, with newly conquered land, Kingdom's borders were open for raids again... This time however pirates were much more clever. Insted of hiding in strong fortresses, they were launching their raids from many locations - often unknown for everybody but other pirates. Realisation camed very quickly for everybody in The Kingdom - end of war with Ketaros was begining of new war with the pirates.

Victory Celebration - RSN QH and Military Academy

Fleet admirals, captains of Destroyers from both "King's Wrath" and "Royal Anger", Land General as well as his officers and few warship captains - all of them were standing in perfect row along the road that connects RSN HQ with Military Academy. People gathered around to watch and cheer for those who brought victory to their country. King Juran Bentu III, Lord Magnus and Grand Admiral Lord Nelson Willington were slowly moving down the road, awarding with medals standing officers. Starting from Fleet Admirals near RSN HQ and going toward the Academy to reward those of lower and lower ranks. Together with them there came Royal Guards - an elite group of soldiers, highly trained whose loyality was unquestioned. They were the only people allowed to carry weapons in presence of the King. After the King and his retinue there were marching captains whose were serving at front, but never took part at fighting. Lady Susan Storm was marching amongs them. She still remembered her long service at front - long and boring, as never happened to her. At some point she could see Lord Baltimore being awarded with medal and handshake from the King. No wonder. she thought to herself He managed to sink two hostile ships. One of them was destroyer at that. Competent captain, one that plays to his strenght and doesn't run from fight without reason. Yea... He deserve that. And as she moved foward she could not help but to notice that she was jelaous. First time in many, many years she was honestly jelaous. She could not stop to think, to analyse... "Maybe if I... Maybe if they... Could I insted... Was it my mistake to..." and so and on. By the end of parade, one question remained for her unanswered - where is now Lord William?

Royal Space Navy HQ

Tall and muscular man was standing in doors. He was wearing Military Police uniform, and in his hands there was a baton. He stood there with his arms crossed. He honestly looked more as a wall than just a man. On another side there stood Lord William. Not so muscullar, wearing working clothes and in his hand there was toilet brush...

"I don't care who you are, what you do and what you think of it. His Lordship told me to not let you out untill all is shining here. So better get to work. And don't even try anything stupid... I am hungry and that pisses me off. So make sure to hurry up, so I can finnaly go and eat."

Lord William wanted to say something, he opened his mouth and...

"No. Not interested in what you have to say. Get to work now. Or do you need special encouragment?"

He looked at guards muscular arms, few scars on his face and that baton in his hand. And than without a word he procceded to do as he was told. In few hours all toilets in HQ were shining. Next day all toilets in Military Academy were shining as well...

< Message edited by EuropaJupiter -- 8/23/2018 8:25:24 AM >


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Post #: 51
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/23/2018 8:51:00 AM   


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Just check the toilet paper. William probably nicked the supplies and sold it off as budget pillows.

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Post #: 52
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/23/2018 2:50:03 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Rabidmuskrat

Just check the toilet paper. William probably nicked the supplies and sold it off as budget pillows.



"Good times will set you free" - Jimmy Buffett

"They need more rum punch" - Me

Artwork by The Amazing Dixie

(in reply to Rabidmuskrat)
Post #: 53
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 8/24/2018 1:17:16 PM   


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Arteeta... Small planet orbiting weak star, far in north from human space. When it was discovered for first time, it didn't grabbed anybody's attention. Surfface was covered in tick ice, never ending winter was ruling over that world and life could only exist with usage of expensive technology. Technology that would need to be maintained all the time. If anybody back then would say that Baxter Kingdom will risk war over that very planet, nobody would believed. However, as planet was properly explored it was discovered that it has endless supply of one of rarest substances in entire galaxy. Deneba Crystals... The Kingdome was quick in establishing mining operation and distributing precious crystals all over its colonies.

Royal Palace - King's office

King Juran was sitting behind his desk. In front of him stood four nobleman. Each represented one Great Noble Family. At his side stood Lady Recca. Grand Admiral Lord Nelson Willington was also present, even if just by view screen, as he could not leave his place of work at RSN HQ. All this meeting was organised because Quameno Technocracy managed to colonise Arteeta and forced miners out of planet. Now Technocracy claimed whole this system and space around it to be their. Moreover they refused to trade Deneba Crystals with Baxter Kingdome. This situation not only hurted whole Kingdom, but also was humiliating and undermined authority of Great Noble Families and King himself.

"I contacted few times Quameno ambassador in recent days. But negotiations didn't led to anything really. They assure us that their colony ship was send way before our mining station was established and that they didn't mean us any harm, but in same time they refuse to share crystals with us. And that is not going ot change. Of course... I can not allow that to go without response. Our supplies should last for two... Maybe three years. Sekurans are still selling us Loros Fruits, so it is not as if could not support our economy for longer time. Nevertheless, it is highly profitable to controll our own supply of such rarity. Diplomacy has failed. What are our options? Any suggestions?"

Representatives of Nobility looked at each other nodding slowly. Than one of them steeped foward, kneeled down before King "Your Majesty... I am affraid that given situation our only chance of regaining supply of Deneba Crystal is by war. We all here wish to assure you of total support comming from our families. Crystals have been our major income source for a very long time now. We are willing to pay huge price just to get it back."

That was truth. Nobility was holding its possition of power more by its ownership over land and right to exploit natural resources than by their "birth right". In fact, many, many smaller noble families were forced to WORK for commoners that managed to accumulate big fortunes. Such situations of course never happened in state organisations - here "birth right" was sacred and even if commoner obtained rank higher than somebody from nobility, it was made sure that noble will never ever end up under commoner's command. Great Noble Families were of course still richest and most powerfull organisations in whole Kingdom, second only to King and his court. But as time went it was harder and harder for state organisations to keep nobility separated from high-ranked commoners. Whether they liked it or not - change was comming. Slowly, but surely. And they knew it. And will do everything to stop it from comming or at very least, slow it down. Loosing acces to Deneba Crystals was major blow for them - which might be good for King himself, if not for the fact that it was also major blow to The Kingdom itself.

"My Lord..." started Lady Recca "Perchaps there is another way to consider here... One that would avoid us a war. What if we will simply send in our forces and takeover Quameno colony silently? No war declaration. No colony-release diplomacy."

"Uff... If we do that our reputation will..." started one of nobles, but other put hand on his shoulder.

"Yes, it will suffer. But we will regain acces to Deneba Crystals. And we will send message that we are not going to sit silent when somebody robs us. Your Majesty... Whatever you decide, know that you have full support of Great Noble Families, as long as it will lead to regaining controll over crystal's supply."

King sat there for a moment thinking. Than he stood up and walked toward display, where Grand Admiral was present "Admiral. Do we have forces that could handle this kind of task?"

"Your Majesty, we are currently fighting at least five pirate clans that are raiding our planets and attacking traders. But yes. According to last data, Arteeta should be relatively unguarded, and it should take few years for local population to form non-dissmisive land forces. Taking that planet over should be a cake walk. Even more if they do not expect us to do it."

"Exellent. Prepeare troops and sent them there. We can always abort mission should something unpredictable happen. Of course... Such action on our behalf may cause Technocracy to declare war against us. I want you to keep that in mind. Whatever happens, make sure that our fleets are ready to defend our space in case of retaliation."

"I understand Your Majesty. I will make sure that our fleets will remain in orbit of Crown when our troops will land on Arteeta's surface, and will stay there for month or two. If Technocracy choose to declare war on us, we will be ready. Though I doupt they will bother. Space betwen us is too big for that."

"Are you saying Lord Nelson that they aren't capable to reach our space with their fleets?"

"No, no... Of course they are capable of that My King. But it won't be efficient war for them. Moving fleets will take a lot of time. Tons of fuel and supply. And every fleet they will send against us will be one fleet less to protect their own systems from pirates and other enemies. What I am saying is that from my point of view, they will be better off not starting war." after some thoughts he quickly added "Of course... Alien mind is alien to us. And I heard that they have access to some crazy technology that makes such trips cheaper... Still, I think that in case of war we will have serious advantage when defending."

"Allright. That is settled than. Begin operation Lord Admiral. I consider this meeting to be over. Lady Recca... Please, stay. I would like to ask for your advice on other matters." he looked at his guests. Admiral Nelson simply cut connection after meeting has ended - he was too busy to waste time for politics anyway. Not that he cared - he choose military service exacly to run away from all plotting. For him it was simple - there was enemy and so there fleet went to combat it. Period. Nobles on other hand, if they could, they would stayed there forever listening to everything that is being said. Of course, now that he looked at them in silence, they had no other choice but to bow gently and move out of his office. He waited few minutes, and only then he started.

"Lady Recca... I will be honest with you. So please, be honest with me and tell me what you think about what I am going to say to you."

She noded her head in silence.

"I will retake Arteeta. But I won't give it to any of Great Noble Families. I don't want any of them to have it." he looked at her, seeing great surprise in her eyes "I will let local Quameno to controll mining operations on land they managed to develop with their own work. And later on, any colonist that will decide to emigrate there will get same rights. We will supply that colony with what they need to survive there. They in return will supply us with Deneba Crystals and other goods. But none of Great Noble Families will put their hands on that planet."

"Your Majesty... That is very bold move... And..."

"Just say it. I know you were helping my father loyaly. Just like Sir Magnus. I know you were helping my grandfather. And his father as well. You and Sir Magnus... How old are you two again? Gene therapy was extremly succesfull in your cases. You managed to gain expirience that is beyond most. Funny, isn't it? I am the king. I am ruler of many worlds... And I know that I am helpless against time. My genes decided of it. All royal line... My grandfather, father, now I... And in future my children. We will all die out of old age in natural order. While some nobles and high-ranking commoners will get to outlive them. And you two... You two will get biologiclly older only by what? A month?"

"Five years Your Majesty. Five years. Heh... Around five years. Can't say for sure. And I don't know how old I am. Stopped counting my Liege."

"Right... Five years while two generations of royal family will die out of old age... Yet those are our shoulders that have bear burden of leadership. So... If I am to carry it sucessfully, please, be honest. Just say what you want to say. I must know what you think will happen after they will learn about my decision."

"Your Majesty... If you indeed will do what you say, please, be very carefull about yourself. Otherwise you may not live even long eoungh to have childrens. I saw people dying for lesser reasons. Even with all the power granted to you by your authority, if they will want your blood they will eventually get it. Neither I nor Sir Magnus will be able to help much."

"I know... Thank you for honesty. You may go now. I will need to think. But way I see it, Great Noble Families already existed longer than they should. No more patronage from my person. If they want to remain in their position, they will have to work for it."

Half year later human soldiers landed on Arteeta, capturing colony without a single shoot. Quameno population - which surrendered without fight was offered place in Kingdom. Only thing they had to do was to acknowledge King Jurand Bendu III as their rightfull ruler and protector, which they did. To be honest, they didn't had any other choice if they wanted to continue their work and have easy acces to Crystals.

War with Quameno Technocracy never broke out. Grand Admiral Lord Nelson Willington was right on every single thing - they were just not able to fight such conflict even while possesing superior technology.


I love my cat!

(in reply to USSAmerica)
Post #: 54
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 9/1/2018 8:59:07 AM   


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Ketarov Prime - Hierarch Palace, throne room.

High Magir Ashen was standing in his robes before High Hierarch who was sitting on his throne. Room was barely lit - to the point that it was hard to really see who is who. He knew why it is that. He knew that betrayal and assasination attempts were common occurance within Domain. As it should be. Only smartest, most cunning and bravest shall survive to rule. Current High Hierarch was already ruling longer than last three High Hierarchs taken together. Badly lit throne room during audiences was one of reasons why that was the case. He was sure that person sitting on throne was not even High Hierarch himself - just somebody simmilar in size. Hierarch was propably standing somewhere behind throne... With his guards.

"High Magir Ashen, at your service my sovereign! I bring you dire news from our worlds." he knew High Hierarch quite well. One of things that he didn't tolerated was when people tried to make things look better than they really were. It was paradoxial situation - High Hierarch expected total honesty from his subjects when whole Domain was build on principle that cunningness, duplicity and ability to lie without getting cought were considered virtues. Nevertheless, he proved to be more than capable to catch lies and half-truth with relative ease. And when he did that, he usually stopped at nothing to punish offenders. It was just not worth to try and lie to him. Especially since there was no instance of somebody punished for telling truth. Throne room was just like diffrent world wich had its own set of rules, so detached from rest of Domain.

"Ah... High Magir. I didn't suspected to see again so early. I can't say I like it either. Last time when you stood before me, I have learned that our fleets were pushed back and that Baxter Kingdome managed to gain controll on all our planets in Corridor Sector. Something tells me that this time you also won't bring me any good news." his voice was flooding whole room. Wonderfully crafted acoustics. You could not tell whether it was person sitting on a throne that was speaking, somebody directly behind throne, or even somebody who is sitting in darkest corner of a room. It was just as if voice would surrounds you from every possible angle.

"I wish I could deny it. But truth is that some of our Core Sector colonies are falling under pirate rules. During war with humans we suffered heavy looses. And even if our brave warriors managed to defeat many times more enemies, fact is that humans easily replenished what they lost. We on other hand struggle with that. Our fleets are underwhelming. Moreover they must patrol new borders with Baxter Kingdom. We can't let them see weakness or they will hit us again and again. They might be not as cunning and clever as we are, but their agression, brutality and dedication to violence reminds me more of gigant insects than mammals. As our fleets are weakened and busy guarding borders, pirates managed to establish strong presence on few of our planets. They corrupted local Hierarchs and their administration. Two planets already declared their independence from Domain and joined pirate clans insted. We... We don't have strenght to retake them."

That was truth - Domain didn't possesed eoungh strenght to retake planets which fallen under pirate controll. But that was not all - something that High Magir didn't knew - pirates that took controll of two Domain planets was regullary being paid "Protection Fee". But with war camed higher expenses and it became impossible to pay off all protection fee. It was why two planets were taken over by pirate clans. Nobody could see that, but in corner of room High Hierarch was sitting and folding his fists with anger. He was frustrated. So much frustration. He faced many, many obstacles on his way. Yet recent years proved to be worse than everything that happened before taken together and doubled. Now he saw his empire, his Domain. He saw it all falling appart. Piece by piece. Slowly, but surely he was loosing controll. He underestimated humans. Those mammals... They looked clumsy to him, yet intelligent eoungh to pose threat in longer run. So he decided to crush them before that would happen. He sent his best spies to destabilise their small Kingdom. To undermine their belief in themselfs. To make them affraid. But than one of his spies was captured. Now he saw how stupid and risky was his plan. He believed in his agents too much. His plan was perfect at first glance... But it was plan that needed perfection. Once one part went wrong, everything went wrong. Humans learned who stood behind sabotage. And they retaliated without hesitation. It was a shock to everybody in Domain. He underestimated wrong opponent. And now... Now everything he managed to build was slowly rotting away. Could there be anything worse than that?

"Is... Is that all High Magir? Or is there something else you wish to report?"

"High Hierarch... After our colonies declared independence and joined pirate clans... A short pause. He knew that what he needs to report will surely anger High Hierarch, but there was no way of not reporting it. "After that we detected fleets comming in from Baxter Kingdome and blocading them. And than they managed to land sizable land forces to take controll of them. Our Diplomatical Entourage already pushed demand to return those planets under Domain administration but in reply human ambassy only warned us that any and all intervention from our side will be seen as act of an agression and will lead to another war."

There was sudden noise of broken glass and wooden furniture striking floor. And after that there was uncontrollable stream of curses...

(Sadly, everything that is good ends at some point. With holidays ending, my work at school begins. So updates and posts will be made during weekend time)

< Message edited by EuropaJupiter -- 9/1/2018 9:00:52 AM >


I love my cat!

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Post #: 55
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 9/1/2018 2:57:10 PM   
Hattori Hanzo

Posts: 734
Joined: 3/21/2011
From: Okinawa
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I can't wait to read the next chapter..

(in reply to EuropaJupiter)
Post #: 56
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 9/9/2018 12:14:24 PM   


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Royal Space Navy HQ - converence room

Room was dark, with only source of light being holographic display of galaxy in middle of great hall. Everybody could see it nice and clear. Usually it is used to track activity of all known significant fleets, ships and individuals (such as Fleet Admirals, Generals or more renowed Ship Captains). But not today. Today there were only five coloured entities visible. One, in middle of galaxy - blue - was obvious. "The Baxter Kingdom" was already well known in galaxy as major central power. Only two other pretenders to that title were Teekans and Ketarovs. First lacked economic power (due to small amount of controlled planets) and latters recently just lost war with Kingdom. Another colour marked on galaxy display was grey. It covered whole galaxy, apart of those small parts marked in other colors. And its meaning was also easy to understand - it ment "Not important now". What was important for RSN Admirality, were aeras marked in Red, Yellowish and Dark Green colors. Those were Disparyi Federation - Mortalen Kingdom, Zita Passolos Minor Consortium - formed by Haakonish Mercantile Guilds and finnaly Anzat Prime Commonwealth, which was Atuukan Kingdom.

"Your Majesty... Esteemed Lords and Grand Admirals..." Lady Recca stood in front of display "As you know tensions betwen Kingdom and Disparyi Federation are rising rapidly in recent months. Few days ago they reached point when Mortalens decided to declare trade embargo on us. In return we choose to stop selling them our precious Deneba Crystals. There was a hope that this will help them reconsider their decision. But unfortunatly it was not the case. Insted level of hostility betwen us and them rose to the point where our intelligence agency started sabotaging each-other industries. So far we seem to have an upper hand in that game, but it is not important today."

She took few steps away from display and pointed with long stick at Red space "Disparyi Federation is small Feudal empire. They controll nine planets, which are mostly clustered in one group. Only two other planets are outside of their Core Cluster. Their fleet is way smaller than our. All in all, Mortalens are not opponent we should be affraid. Not as much as Ketarov at least. Even in their broken state, they field fleet way larger and stronger than Mortalens do."

That was truth - everybody knew that Ketarov Imperial Fleet was not to be underestimated. During last war, they managed to "sink" many ships that belonged to RSN. It was never strenght of ships that won that war - it was industrial and economic power that allowed to accept high looses and just carry on that won the war. A stain on honor that many high ranking admirals of RSN were ashamed of and longed for chance to wash it away. It was even worse - there were students and low-ranking ship captains that pointed out weaknesses to RSN HQ. Weaknesses that they in their pride refused to notice. From official point of view they were not held responsible to anything. Not even one reprimend from royality camed... But in their hearts they knew how it looked. They knew their honour was stained and they need to work hard to proove it was just minor incident that won't happen again.

"Unfortunatly... They are not alone. What you can see here and here" Lady Recca pointed with her long stick at two other colours - yellowish and dark green "Those are two other empires that simmilarily to Mortalens, would like to see our downfall. Haakonish and Atuuks, together with Moralens formed alliance, which is known in region as "Rim Coalition", and whose full military might is twice as strong as our." suddenly all three hostile empires changed their color into Dark Red "And as you may see, their territory is quite larger than our. Higher population... More colonies."

"Your Majesty... Lady Recca... Fellow Admirality..." Lord Nelson Willington stood up and greeted everybody "As I understand it correctly, we may be facing enemy that is, at least according to statistics, way stronger than we are. My guess is that His Majesty expect us to prepeare for eventuality of war. I would like to ask a question though. How likely is that war to come?Reason I am asking is that our fleets are operating currently in outer rim og galaxy, fighting pirates. It would take considerable time to retreat them into our space in case of war. What is worse, some of pirat structures are inside of this Rim Coalition space. Given situation, their presence there might be causing more tentions... But also, in case of sudden war, such isolated fleet may become easy target for opponent."

"Grand Admiral Lord Nelson... Let me answer to your question." King Juran said without even bothering to stand up "You misunderstood situation here. It is not they who will declare war on us. It is we who will declare war on them. So chances for war, as it stands now at least, are 100%. Make sure to position your fleets well. Aim of this meeting is not to disscus matters of defence in case of war. Its aim is to inform admirality about every variable they need to know in order to win offensive war against such opponent."

There was a moment of silence.

"I see Your Majesty... Of course, admirality will do its best regardless of circumpstances."

"We know it Grand Admiral. Nobody here has any doupts. So... This is what we know for sure. quickly said Lady Recca and returned to main topic "Combined strenght of "Rim Coalition" is far greater than our own. But its members are not as united as one might think. Their fleets will suffer greatly from logistic problems. Further more - their territories are not bordering directly, meaning that time needed for military intervention that their fleets will need is quite large. Their land forces are predicted to be significant. Especially Moralen and Haakonish are considered to be major threat in that regard."

"Question!" small woman at the back of room rouse her hand high up.

"Granted. Ask please."

"Excuse me for such rude interruption, but I feel that this may be important. When two sides go war with each other, usually they have some some gains on their minds. So my first question is this - what gains are expected from this war? I mean... Mortaleans aren't only race out there we have bad relations with. Yet we don't even consider going war against them, despite us having upper hands. So I am sure that there is paticular thing we want to acomplish by going to war with Mortalens. And... And second question if I may? I prommise to make it quick..." It was obvious that she was very nervous and propably fought with herself to find courage to speak up "Second question I have... Would it be possible to avoid war with any other member of "Rim Coaliton"? By analizing history we can clearly notice certian trends. For example, nations are not willing to directly help their allies is they themself can feel safe from harm's way. Another important fact will be ability to support economically - nations are more willing to help their allies economically and in that way claim that they did their obligations. Sometimes they try to do it even cheaper, by declaring solidarity with their ally, but not doing anything else. History showed us time and time again that groups that are not well integrated are way less efficient at their work than singular entities, despite their upper hand in numbers. I... I am sorry. I think I went bit far away with it. Anyway... Those are two questions I wanted to ask."

Lady Recca stood there for moment, looking at that person "I was planning to come into that later on, but since questions were asked... And those were good questions to ask in first place... We hope to take controll of whole Mortalen space. Including their homeworld. But our main objective is to get our hands on Korribean Spice source. That one planet is more worth for us than rest of Mortalen space. As for avoiding fight with other empires... That is interesting idea. We can't prommise anything, but our diplomats will do what they can to put at least Atuuks out of war. Now... If you excuseme... I didn't heard your name. Could you please repeat it?"

It was of course not true. Lady Recca didn't heard woman's name, because she didn't said it. It was just a polite, even though strict way of reminding her to introduce herself properly next time.

"Yes. I am sorry Lady. I forgot to tell it. I am just a ship captain, but Grand Admiral Lord Nelson requested my participation. I am Lady Susan Storm."

"Suzan Storm... Ship Captain... I see. Grand Admiral... You have tallented and wise captain in your ranks. Do not let her waste her talents. Anyway... There is one more variable that you might want to hear about. This one will surely work on our benefit. From what I know... Lord Antillius Hassari and his team managed to create primitive, yet functional maintendence and repair AI, that is capable to fix damaged ships while in space. This means there is no need to withdrawn damaged warships to space ports for repairs. It should reduce time needed betwen offencives. Our only limitation now will be a fuel."

Conference lasted for few more hours, with admirals disscusing various possibilities and events that may happen. One of things that was decided, was to build up land armies, so that both fleets - Royal Anger and King's Wrath can secure and invade planets at same time. Everybody believed that in this war speed was true key to victory. The sooner Disparyi Federation will collapse, the higher chances that Haakonish and Atuuk will just decide to give up. Plans were drawed. Now they only needed to execute them.


I love my cat!

(in reply to Hattori Hanzo)
Post #: 57
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 9/9/2018 7:37:57 PM   


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Joined: 8/13/2018
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Oh my! So much war! Why can't we all just live in peace with our brothers in space? Why can we all not just... get along? ;)

(in reply to EuropaJupiter)
Post #: 58
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 9/10/2018 2:33:02 AM   
Hattori Hanzo

Posts: 734
Joined: 3/21/2011
From: Okinawa
Status: offline
time to go for Korribean Spice.. and a little hunting for Mortalens.. !!!!!

post-scriptum: nice to see little Susan Storm to come alive in your galactic AAR and become almost real

(in reply to Rabidmuskrat)
Post #: 59
RE: Human Monarchy AAR - 9/25/2018 1:16:08 PM   


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Joined: 9/25/2018
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Can you add story about intelligent agent? Ex: (i can't give name), professional thief/prince of crimes in kingdom, street is his home, both his parents were killed when he was kid.
captured, then king see his potential, then get recruited as agent.

love to see action/adventure/thriller story :) and for name i hope russian? or pakistani since current best intel agency is in pakistan
*sorry for my bad english

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