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Need help? (got the help ? resolved) - 10/31/2018 4:43:24 PM   

Posts: 3158
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Love gaming, however I am some what computer illiterate. Recently started collecting screenshots to be posted in an upcoming pbem CTGW AAR. The screenshots (shift+P) go directly to the CTGW file (Doc/My game/CTGW) (no need for editing app, photo shop, that kind of service). The CTGW file has the capacity of 50 or so large pic icons before having to put screenshots into folders. So each pbem turn screenshots got their own numbered folder, later to be edited with paint. Usually open a screenshot in either the CTGW file or one of it's folders to start the editing process when there is free time. First I want to identify the SS (screenshots) by writing down the png number to each SS, what turn it is, with a very brief description, all in sequential order for the AAR. Mind you I have done a number of AARs. However last night opened up the 13th turn folder, edited all the SS maps with paint converting each from png to jpeg then send to desktop for later uploading. However last night finished editing 13th turn folder then decided to trash all the pngs, then the folder itself, it's something I usually do not do. As a result when I either open the CTGW file SSs or any of the other folder SSs they only open to editing (paint), which does not allow me to go left or right (arrow) to view other SSs. The problem is: I can not get rid of paint to do a normal review of SSs (no arrows). If anybody knows what I am talking about can you please help me...!!! Posted here instead of some IT tech support who may or may not have a clue about our games here and what to look for. Thanks

< Message edited by operating -- 11/2/2018 2:25:59 PM >
Post #: 1
RE: Need help? - 10/31/2018 5:05:33 PM   


Posts: 1355
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Right click on the SS (Screeenshot) and "open with". There should be options to open with other apps, as paint, photos ect. You can also use "windows snipping screen capture tool"...

Free "Jing" screen capture...

Or use "Snagit" or other similar apps (paid for)...



(in reply to operating)
Post #: 2
RE: Need help? - 10/31/2018 5:35:09 PM   

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Don't get me wrong, I have /had been perfectly content with using paint, The point is: That unlocking paint edit problem would still exist. If I can get the paint process back to where it was by default, I'd be happier than a five year old. As it is now I am now busier than a 3 legged cat trying to cover it's crap to do one SS. Mind you I did view those sights you suggested. I had tried similar sites before some years back, but they seemed later to try and find a way into your wallet. You can take a guess which way I leaned..

Thanks for your input

(in reply to Red2112)
Post #: 3
RE: Need help? - 10/31/2018 6:20:43 PM   


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Well for one, the snipping tool is free because itīs part of windows, but yeah I understand that some like Snagit are paid for and you might not fancy that. You can have a look at GIMP which is a free open source app...

Aside from that, I might have not understood what your having issues with. Pre-viewing you .png files by scrolling through your folders (arrows)?


(in reply to operating)
Post #: 4
RE: Need help? - 10/31/2018 7:17:51 PM   

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First off I'm just trying to get back to my Paint "default" status, the more I monkey around clicking this and that with a png up/or not I feel as though I am creating more problems, further complicating the original problem. I did something unwittingly that I do not know the answer for on how to make it right. The answer is right in front of me, I just can not see the path to making to making it right, I'm very frustrated. I've built and operated some of the biggest machines on the planet, mainly TBMs, things like this, where I cannot physically put my hands on it can be a challenge for me. There's always the reset switch, the bolt that needs tightening, that's my world. Today I'm in another place and just want to enjoy it. Just looked around for the paint app in programs (win 10), could not find it.
Yes, not able to scroll through folder pngs or jpegs. To me scrolling is looking at a SS after opening it and seeing these "< >" arrow symbols on either side SS border, at present these arrows do not show up, because I am stuck in the paint edit mode. Usually hit the close box top right hand corner to exit paint then either the png or speg will reappear without paint, but that's not happening, every time I double click a SS it opens up in paint again, thus no "< >".

(in reply to Red2112)
Post #: 5
RE: Need help? - 10/31/2018 8:00:58 PM   


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Ok, letīs see...

- First, in order to be able to scroll images with the arrow keys, you need to have more then one image in such folder, otherwise scrolling can not be done because thereīs no images to scroll. That makes sense and sounds stupid, I know, but hey sometimes we forget such simple things like to plug in to the wall outlet. No electricity no lights!

- Second, make sure you save your edit screenies...

- Third, choose what default app will open your images, no matter what format...

Itīs in spanish but itīs "open with".

Use as default app to open images (choose)...

If "Paint" is persistent, then you might want to choose "photos" instead which is the default windows photo browser and if folder/images+ is meet as stated above, arrows will show to on either side.

I have to say I donīt like "Paint", and would rather learn GIMP, or use other apps. I did buy Snagit in a Humble Bundle but before that I always used the "snipping tool" with windows as I have had Paint not save and/or paste a screenshot via "print screen".

Hope it helps in some way...



(in reply to operating)
Post #: 6
RE: Need help? - 10/31/2018 10:52:30 PM   

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Just got finished writing you a detailed post then hit the post OK button, only to lose the whole post, talk about going ballistic, surprised you did not hear me screaming...

(in reply to Red2112)
Post #: 7
RE: Need help? - 11/1/2018 1:53:19 AM   


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ORIGINAL: operating

Just got finished writing you a detailed post then hit the post OK button, only to lose the whole post, talk about going ballistic, surprised you did not hear me screaming...

In cyberspace nobody can hear you scream, as the movie says...

(in reply to operating)
Post #: 8
RE: Need help? - 11/1/2018 2:22:25 AM   

Posts: 5368
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From: South Carolina, USA
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[SelectAll] [Copy] then press Post.

Cheap insurance so you can Paste it back if it goes wrong.


PS : Windows Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C Mac Command-A, Command-C.
I know it is too late now, but I have been burned too often and I do this on all longish posts.

(in reply to Zorch)
Post #: 9
RE: Need help? - 11/1/2018 3:18:02 AM   

Posts: 3158
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Hello Red2112,

Thanks for your post and did some of what you suggested. Your third SS maybe where my problem lies, for I did click the little white box sometime yesterday accepting paint as my go to app. As you suggested, I went into pictures, clicked open pictures, everything worked fine, no paint issues, same with the 100 or so SSs at desktop, everything was OK. Then it dawned on me that all those pics and SSs are jpeg..! Sure enough went back to the CTGW file clicked a SS png icon it automatically has paint. Why you say? When I selected paint and checked that white box I did not realize that the app would always apply when opening a png, no if's and's or but's, the app did not say this is the way it would work. I thought it would remain a manually selected app each time used, not the case with png's. Now all I have to do is figure out how to undo that little white box check mark, so far no success.

(in reply to Red2112)
Post #: 10
RE: Need help? - 11/1/2018 3:28:34 AM   

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ORIGINAL: cpdeyoung

[SelectAll] [Copy] then press Post.

Cheap insurance so you can Paste it back if it goes wrong.


PS : Windows Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C Mac Command-A, Command-C.
I know it is too late now, but I have been burned too often and I do this on all longish posts.

Thanks for the hint. There must be a timer to how long it takes, or is allowed to compose a post in order for it to be viable for posting. Like you this has happened to me in the past, however seldom. If I am concious of it I will copy and paste, but all too often I get lulled into complaciancy for a period of time to forget consequnences.

(in reply to cpdeyoung)
Post #: 11
RE: Need help? - 11/1/2018 3:54:05 AM   

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Well for one, the snipping tool is free because itīs part of windows, but yeah I understand that some like Snagit are paid for and you might not fancy that. You can have a look at GIMP which is a free open source app...

Aside from that, I might have not understood what your having issues with. Pre-viewing you .png files by scrolling through your folders (arrows)?

This snipping app: Does it allow you to do the same functions as paint? My painted SSs usually consist of pointers (arrows), circles of different colors to indicate units in repair, upgraded, having just placed unit on map, units attached and from what direction. Box out locations to write in comments. All to aid detailing my narrative for an AAR.

(in reply to Red2112)
Post #: 12
RE: Need help? - 11/1/2018 1:01:58 PM   


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I want to introduce you to the company that helps me in education.

(in reply to operating)
Post #: 13
RE: Need help? - 11/1/2018 1:35:05 PM   


Posts: 1355
Joined: 9/9/2006
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ORIGINAL: operating



Well for one, the snipping tool is free because itīs part of windows, but yeah I understand that some like Snagit are paid for and you might not fancy that. You can have a look at GIMP which is a free open source app...

Aside from that, I might have not understood what your having issues with. Pre-viewing you .png files by scrolling through your folders (arrows)?

This snipping app: Does it allow you to do the same functions as paint? My painted SSs usually consist of pointers (arrows), circles of different colors to indicate units in repair, upgraded, having just placed unit on map, units attached and from what direction. Box out locations to write in comments. All to aid detailing my narrative for an AAR.

Yes it does...

Also, you can try CyberBoard and use it for AAR. Itīs free...

and for writting on screen "the free version of Epic Pen" works great too...

Sorry to read about your lost long post! Unfortunately, this has happend to me alot of times with this forum/format. I do as @cpdeyoung stated above, just in case.



(in reply to operating)
Post #: 14
RE: Need help? - 11/1/2018 4:27:10 PM   

Posts: 3158
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Hello Red2112.!

I like your arrows and how they rotate and stutter, they are a lot better than the technic I am currently using. Question(s): Is the paint in snipping both 3D and 2D? 2D is my favorite, also like it's geometric selection as well vs 3D. Your arrows: Are they a snipping product?

(in reply to Red2112)
Post #: 15
RE: Need help? - 11/1/2018 4:28:37 PM   

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ORIGINAL: teffscapo

I want to introduce you to the company that helps me in education.

No, I'm more into beer and pretzels than CE....

(in reply to teffscapo)
Post #: 16
RE: Need help? - 11/1/2018 10:02:32 PM   


Posts: 1355
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ORIGINAL: operating

Hello Red2112.!

I like your arrows and how they rotate and stutter, they are a lot better than the technic I am currently using. Question(s): Is the paint in snipping both 3D and 2D? 2D is my favorite, also like it's geometric selection as well vs 3D. Your arrows: Are they a snipping product?

Hi Operating,

The edit option is for "Paint 3D" in the Snipping Tool. No, the arrows are from my "Snagit 13 app. Snagit 13 came with Camtasia 9 in a Humble Bundle I bought some months ago. Paid like €25 for the bundle which was totatlly worth it, at least for me.

Hereīs a review and what you can do with Snagit 13...

Iam afraid the bundle is no longer available, but If I see a similar sale, I will let you know, just in case your interested in the future.

Snipping Tool:

Havent tried this but "ShareX" is a free open source screen capture app...



(in reply to operating)
Post #: 17
RE: Need help? - 11/1/2018 10:07:11 PM   

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Hello Red2112,

Getting a little closer to solving the paint problem with pngs. When double clicking a png from either a file or folder to be worked on, the site tool bar will be still seen above the png SS. Next to properties icon is a paint icon with a drop down arrow, after clicking arrow a short selection of apps appears, one of them being photos. If I click photos the png is released from paint editing complete with the scrolling arrows in place to go to next png, however once you close the SS, all the png's go back to paint edit. There should have had an example or explanation of all this when checking the white box in your #3 SS from your prior post. Not your fault and not my fault for not understanding the process. Today is a better day than yesterday.

(in reply to Red2112)
Post #: 18
RE: Need help? - 11/1/2018 10:48:39 PM   


Posts: 1355
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ORIGINAL: operating

Hello Red2112,

Getting a little closer to solving the paint problem with pngs. When double clicking a png from either a file or folder to be worked on, the site tool bar will be still seen above the png SS. Next to properties icon is a paint icon with a drop down arrow, after clicking arrow a short selection of apps appears, one of them being photos. If I click photos the png is released from paint editing complete with the scrolling arrows in place to go to next png, however once you close the SS, all the png's go back to paint edit. There should have had an example or explanation of all this when checking the white box in your #3 SS from your prior post. Not your fault and not my fault for not understanding the process. Today is a better day than yesterday.

Hi Operating,

Glad itīs working out better now. Yes, thatīs why I said "persistent" because sometimes "windows" will either reset itīs preferences to with what app it will open images and/or a certain type of image, or will maintain your choice of app choosen with the tick-mark box. PC (software) are very logical, but sometimes they do there own thing or "illogical" moves!

I would not know how to tell you why. But just insist in your choice, and maybe it will keep it that way.


< Message edited by Red2112 -- 11/1/2018 10:51:49 PM >


(in reply to operating)
Post #: 19
RE: Need help? - 11/1/2018 11:49:30 PM   

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Hi Red,

Once again I want to "Thank you" for your help. As it is I think I can get by with the paint app for now. Your thoughts about other apps has left an impression on me, for the reason that I can only take screenshots within the game or maybe other limited areas vs where your screenshots/photos can be taken "anywhere" the screen takes you. There is a ton of editing to do atm and my pbem opponent should be online anytime after 7pm est, we are 20 turns into a 118 turn match, if it should go that far (many screenshots down the road). I'd like to pick your brain later on a more suitable app than paint. For now I have to sign-off.

All the best, Bob

(in reply to Red2112)
Post #: 20
RE: Need help? - 11/2/2018 11:31:19 AM   


Posts: 1355
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Hi Operating,

Your welcome, glad to be of some sort of help. Feel free to reach me if needed, and good luck with your PBEM match.

Good care,



(in reply to operating)
Post #: 21
RE: Need help? - 11/2/2018 6:43:08 PM   


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I knew this from way back but could not remember the name. While helping someone else with a similar request it came to mind and I happen to have it marked in my browser favs...



< Message edited by Red2112 -- 11/19/2018 8:53:25 AM >


(in reply to Red2112)
Post #: 22
RE: Need help? - 11/2/2018 7:53:53 PM   

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Interesting.! Just checked it out, liked the arrows, but was not crazy about the units. Still keeping an open mind brother..

(in reply to Red2112)
Post #: 23
RE: Need help? (got the help ? resolved) - 11/3/2018 5:35:32 AM   


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setup yourself first

(in reply to operating)
Post #: 24
RE: Need help? (got the help ? resolved) - 11/3/2018 9:17:23 AM   


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just for kidding man!

(in reply to JulietJane)
Post #: 25
RE: Need help? (got the help ? resolved) - 11/3/2018 10:24:58 AM   

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If I knew where you were coming from, I would have responded. Figured you were just getting your feet wet, Welcome Aboard.!

(in reply to JulietJane)
Post #: 26
RE: Need help? - 11/14/2018 5:40:47 AM   


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ORIGINAL: operating


Don't get me wrong, I have /had been perfectly content with using paint, The point is: That unlocking paint edit problem would still exist. If I can get the paint process back to where it was by default, I'd be happier than a five year old. As it is now I am now busier than a 3 legged cat trying to cover it's crap to do one SS. Mind you I did view those sights you suggested. I had tried similar sites before some years back, but they seemed later to try and find a way into your wallet. You can take a guess which way I leaned..

Thanks for your input

well said

(in reply to operating)
Post #: 27
RE: Need help? - 11/19/2018 8:14:57 AM   


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Nice Post

(in reply to miajacob098)
Post #: 28
RE: Need help? - 11/19/2018 10:06:02 AM   

Posts: 2840
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Good info on screenshots. I always have problems with screenshots of png.


What do you guys do for a basic question on a forum using a screenshot?

Easiest way to post

< Message edited by demyansk -- 11/19/2018 10:07:14 AM >

(in reply to edubirdie)
Post #: 29
RE: Need help? - 11/19/2018 11:21:48 AM   

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Hello demyansk,

Here is a thread where I learned from to post screenshots at this forum: How to take screen shots tutorial ! If you have any further questions, Please ask.. If anybody has a better solution to help demyansk please do so.

Should add: That OS has changed since this thread was first introduced..

Thanks operating

< Message edited by operating -- 11/19/2018 11:30:00 AM >

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