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Joined: 9/28/2010 Status: offline
Mmm. Maybe I'm being unfair. It's true that the AI tried approaches (with armoured recon, I think - tanks, at any rate) down both flanks, and, as you point out, blackcloud6, were hammered in tank ambushes. So maybe I'm criticising the AI for doing what my defence tried to get it to do - be funnelled into the open. That wouldn't be very fair. What would I have done, Capn Darwin? Got killed. Lost the battle hands down (in real life, or even in real life gaming, as I'm not much good...), but, being ideal, I would have stuck to the forest and least open routes to get recon elemnts slowly into place (after all, there's no time limit, as such) in positions where they could detect my forward recon, then bring up limited assets to eliminate my forward recon and try as much as possible to assure myself of a more covered approach to the belt of town/forest/undergrowth in the middle of the map. Then so on further down the map. Try to detect him first, then do something about it. Slower, I guess. Which is what people are saying might be good. But what people are also saying is that is not soviet doctrine. What the AI may have done in that game is detected both forward recon that I had, eliminated one of them, flanked the other, ran into an ambush, retreated. Then came down the middle anyway. I had an HQ further back with eyes on that middle ground, and hence there were many AI losses to arty. But these are all great and interesting points people are making. That said, I believe from Vietikka's points, made more than once, in this thread and elsewhere, that the AI is perhaps not so capable of finesse. I believe Vietikka is saying that 'if Infantry then cover', 'if Armour then out into the open'. Which would suggest it doesn't do anything as sophisticated as assess and reassess then choose between trees and fields. Sounds like he means if it's tanks it goes for fields, if it's feet they go for trees. Regardless? Though, in my example above I have - as you can see - lots of infantry caught out in the open too. I realise these things are complicated. I will mess around more. I'm assuming that it's nothing to do with soviet doctrine, in fact, but that the US AI will behave the same. I will have to try that out.
< Message edited by Phoenix100 -- 12/11/2018 2:24:07 PM >