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Will it be released on Stream

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Will it be released on Stream - 12/3/2018 12:12:53 AM   


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From: Altoona Pa
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Any plans to release this game on steam ?
Post #: 1
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 12/3/2018 12:41:44 AM   

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From: Newark, OH
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Word is not at the moment. May change early next year. Have to wait and see.


OTS is looking forward to Southern Storm getting released!

Cap'n Darwin aka Jim Snyder
On Target Simulations LLC

(in reply to Vikingjohn)
Post #: 2
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 12/15/2018 4:10:57 PM   

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+1 for steam.

(in reply to CapnDarwin)
Post #: 3
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 12/15/2018 9:36:24 PM   


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+1 for steam

(in reply to Graymane)
Post #: 4
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 12/16/2018 4:53:51 AM   

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Yeah, just given the update debarkle that happened, Steam would help with that nonsense.

(in reply to lancer)
Post #: 5
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 12/16/2018 5:18:06 AM   


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I have so many issues with Matrix FTP updates & downloads that unless the game is released on Steam I have no choice but to pass.

(in reply to JiminyJickers)
Post #: 6
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 1/16/2019 6:47:21 PM   

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Well lads… +1

(in reply to lancer)
Post #: 7
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 1/16/2019 11:35:39 PM   

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Let's just understand that Steam may not fit into every independent developers business model. Steam's services don't come cheap and they are notorious for demanding schedules indies are hard pressed to keep. Many developers consider going with Steam like making a pact with the Devil.


“The study of history lies at the foundation of all sound military conclusions and practice.”
― Alfred Thayer Mahan

(in reply to TheCabal)
Post #: 8
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 1/17/2019 4:45:55 PM   

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Kevinkin put it down perfectly.

The game will be released on Stream, no doubt. But we are keen on selling it as long as possible on Matrix site only, as otherwise we are gifting something like 30% of our profit to Steam for nothing in exchange.

(in reply to kevinkins)
Post #: 9
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 1/18/2019 12:18:08 AM   

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You lose 100% of the profit for sales you don't make because it's not offered on Steam.


(in reply to nikolas93TS)
Post #: 10
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 1/18/2019 1:51:14 AM   

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I think Steam is perfect for this release..more so than say GGWITE which was put on Steam.


(in reply to nelmsm1)
Post #: 11
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 1/18/2019 11:49:25 AM   

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Nelmsm1, the issue is way more complex than that and it is all incorporated into the sale business model that was created for our game. The whole way Steam handles reviews and revenue sharing tier since last 3 months or so is very brutal and backbreaking to indie developers.

I understand all the valid points of having the game on Steam from user-end, but keep in mind that by delaying the Steam release a bit helps us recover at least part of the resources we invested into making this game. Also, Matrix key will be valid for Steam too.

(in reply to wodin)
Post #: 12
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 1/24/2019 11:21:15 PM   


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ORIGINAL: lancer

I have so many issues with Matrix FTP updates & downloads that unless the game is released on Steam I have no choice but to pass.


Just got around to listening to the 3 moves ahead podcast on this game

Came home jumped on steam still flush with Holiday gift card money I'd been saving for an impulse buy to only end up without the game.

(in reply to lancer)
Post #: 13
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 1/25/2019 3:41:24 AM   


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CapnDarwin. Are you working on this title as well as Southern Storm? This is filling the gap between Red Storm and the forthcoming - hopefully - sequel.

(in reply to Vikingjohn)
Post #: 14
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 1/25/2019 10:21:26 AM   

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@baldbrother, no, I'm just commenting here and there when I know something based on the subject matter. My free time is focused on Southern Storm.


OTS is looking forward to Southern Storm getting released!

Cap'n Darwin aka Jim Snyder
On Target Simulations LLC

(in reply to baldbrother)
Post #: 15
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 2/1/2019 9:35:10 PM   


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I understand your reluctance to put the game on Steam but that's where the majority of the customers are.

The time to do it is when you've got a measure of activity around the game, eg. Youtube gameplays

If you leave it too long you'll list on Steam and just fade into the crowd.

(in reply to CapnDarwin)
Post #: 16
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 2/2/2019 12:27:17 AM   

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"We are in the real estate business, not the hamburger business."
Ray Kroc

I suppose we are to believe the developers are smart enough to create a nice wargame but too dumb to understand the arithmetic of their own business model. Guys let the Steam thing go and play the new Combat Mission Shock Force 2. Oh sh*t, that's not available on Steam either. Sorry. Now you are missing two great recent hard core titles.



“The study of history lies at the foundation of all sound military conclusions and practice.”
― Alfred Thayer Mahan

(in reply to lancer)
Post #: 17
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 2/2/2019 1:41:25 AM   

Posts: 2614
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Does Steam actually have a significant wargaming community?


People shouldn't ask themselves why schools get shoot up.
They should ask themselves why people who finish schools burned out due to mobbing aren't receiving high enough compensations to not seek vengeance.

(in reply to kevinkins)
Post #: 18
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 2/2/2019 2:47:32 AM   


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I couldn't say if Steam has a 'significant' wargaming community but it's certainly larger than the customer base found exclusively at Matrix/Slitherine.

< Message edited by lancer -- 2/2/2019 2:48:03 AM >

(in reply to Perturabo)
Post #: 19
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 2/2/2019 7:53:26 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Perturabo

Does Steam actually have a significant wargaming community?

I don't care about if steam has a wargaming community or not. What I care about is how easy it is to install and update a game

The issues around the very first patch shows how bad Matrixs system is.

And you also don't have to bother with serial codes.

< Message edited by varangy -- 2/2/2019 7:56:25 AM >

(in reply to Perturabo)
Post #: 20
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 2/2/2019 4:49:58 PM   

Posts: 1304
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From: Finland
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Just to bring up another point of view: If Steam goes down, for whatever reason, you lose all your purchases. It's more like renting software, not buying.


Know thyself!

(in reply to varangy)
Post #: 21
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 2/2/2019 5:41:26 PM   

Posts: 198
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Don't worry I won't be playing during the third world war anyway

(in reply to Veitikka)
Post #: 22
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 2/3/2019 4:26:12 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Veitikka

Just to bring up another point of view: If Steam goes down, for whatever reason, you lose all your purchases. It's more like renting software, not buying.

That's why I think it's best to buy on publisher's website and just add the key to steam library.

Steam is cool because it's a social network. To be honest my main interest in AB being on Steam is getting to have, like, 500+ hours in it on my so that people could see how monocle I was after I pass away or something XD .


ORIGINAL: varangy

Don't worry I won't be playing during the third world war anyway

What about Epic taking on Steam, though? It's possible that Steam may collapse at some point.


People shouldn't ask themselves why schools get shoot up.
They should ask themselves why people who finish schools burned out due to mobbing aren't receiving high enough compensations to not seek vengeance.

(in reply to varangy)
Post #: 23
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 2/5/2019 1:47:44 PM   

Posts: 872
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From: Brentwood, California (not the OJ one)
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Worrying about Steam going out of business is like worrying about Amazon going out of business. It ain't gonna happen.

As Oddball would say, Steam is a mother beautiful cash cow, and it's gonna be there.

(in reply to Perturabo)
Post #: 24
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 2/5/2019 2:02:04 PM   

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The Epic features an eye-opening 88/12 % revenue split in favour of developers.

This is a much better deal for developers than currently available from Steam, which is taking around a 30% cut of revenue, unless you are a AAA title.

I agree Matrix should try to improve its update system.

(in reply to FroBodine)
Post #: 25
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 2/5/2019 9:10:44 PM   


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Worrying about Steam going out of business is like worrying about Amazon going out of business. It ain't gonna happen.

As Oddball would say, Steam is a mother beautiful cash cow, and it's gonna be there.

I agree. Worrying about Steam going out of business is kinda like worrying that WW3 is going to happen. At that point you could probably play Armored Brigade in real life rather than on the computer.

(in reply to FroBodine)
Post #: 26
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 2/6/2019 5:17:22 AM   

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Worrying about Steam going out of business is like worrying about Amazon going out of business. It ain't gonna happen.

As Oddball would say, Steam is a mother beautiful cash cow, and it's gonna be there.

All major publishers are pushing for their own launchers/stores and now Epic is giving a much better offer to indies.
Steam may die through choices of publishers and developers pursuing their own interests just like all the DRM stuff became a norm through choices of publishers.


People shouldn't ask themselves why schools get shoot up.
They should ask themselves why people who finish schools burned out due to mobbing aren't receiving high enough compensations to not seek vengeance.

(in reply to FroBodine)
Post #: 27
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 2/6/2019 9:50:44 AM   


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ORIGINAL: Veitikka

Just to bring up another point of view: If Steam goes down, for whatever reason, you lose all your purchases. It's more like renting software, not buying.

Actually you never buy software, you buy a license to use it, quite different. And if Steam is down you don't lose your games, you can still play off line

(in reply to Veitikka)
Post #: 28
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 2/6/2019 10:25:58 AM   

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From: Finland
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Even the biggest ones can come crashing down fast. As a Finn I still remember what happened to Nokia.


Know thyself!

(in reply to gerardo)
Post #: 29
RE: Will it be released on Stream - 2/7/2019 5:46:00 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Veitikka

Even the biggest ones can come crashing down fast. As a Finn I still remember what happened to Nokia.

Steam has an advantage of already having a captive audience with massive game collections, profiles, achievements, play times, contacts, etc.
So, that audience has a vested interest in keeping buying on Steam. Like, there are people who have over 1000 games.

Though I wonder what will happen if Developers will start leaving Steam en masse.


People shouldn't ask themselves why schools get shoot up.
They should ask themselves why people who finish schools burned out due to mobbing aren't receiving high enough compensations to not seek vengeance.

(in reply to Veitikka)
Post #: 30
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