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newbie question - 1/27/2019 8:42:55 AM   


Posts: 15
Joined: 8/20/2010
Status: offline
is my first game.
What does the red/blue dot appear near subs?
Post #: 1
RE: newbie question - 1/27/2019 9:27:13 AM   

Posts: 1149
Joined: 8/28/2000
From: Bremen, Germany
Status: offline
Red means that this sub is running in "silent" mode

Quote manual:

"Submarine Movement
Subs have a mode option that can be set by right clicking the unit and
selecting the appropriate mode from the drop down menu:
Hunt – Set to automatically raid Convoys. This is a Sub’s default status
and it will display a small blue button when in this mode.

Silent – Set to run silent and pass through enemy naval units undetected,
though with only 2/3 their normal number of Action Points.
Subs in Silent mode will display a small red button when in this mode.
Changing from Hunt to Silent mode or vice versa can only be done
before the Sub moves or attacks.
Hunt mode is faster and a Sub can Cruise while in Hunt mode, so it is
useful for rapidly getting to a good raiding position, though at greater risk
of being spotted or encountering enemy naval units.
In Silent mode a Sub cannot attack a Convoy route, but it can attack
enemy naval units. To attack enemy Convoy routes it will need to switch
to Hunt mode, but in this mode it will not be able to pass through enemy
naval units unseen.
Silent mode allows Subs to pass through enemy naval formations and
Convoy routes with a good chance of not being detected, but it reduces
their normal speed to 2/3 and they cannot Cruise in this mode.
Subs that are attacked while running in Silent mode, will have their
potential losses reduced by 50%. They will also have the effectiveness of
their defensive return fire reduced by 50%, with no hits possible against
attacking aircraft.
Note: Subs in Port that are in Silent Mode will not benefit from being in
Silent Mode if attacked. Nor will they be hidden from enemy spotting like
they would if at sea. However, if a Sub is attacked while in Port, the damage
it receives is automatically halved.
The Sub’s Silent mode represents movement beneath the surface
where Subs can pass through any enemy units unless they end their move
next to one, or they pass through a hex occupied by an enemy Destroyer.
If they do encounter an enemy Destroyer while in Silent mode then
they have a 50% chance of being discovered by that Destroyer. If they are
discovered then their turn will immediately end with a Surprise Encounter.
When attacked, Subs have a % chance of diving.
They have a 20% starting chance, increasing by 10% with every upgraded
level of Advanced Subs.
However, each new level of Anti-Submarine Warfare upgrade reduces
an attacked Sub’s dive percentage by 10%.
If they do dive then they will generally move 1-2 hexes away, and if they
were in Hunt mode then they will automatically switch to Silent mode. This
means that the attacker will probably have to relocate the Sub before it can
be attacked again."


"You will be dead, so long as you refuse to die" (George MacDonald)

(in reply to caldy)
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