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Scale /unit size?

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Scale /unit size? - 2/16/2017 7:17:53 PM   


Posts: 11
Joined: 2/16/2017
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What is the scale of the game? Unit sizes for infantry, naval and air. The only one I feel generally comfortable that I know is that the larger ships are individuals. What is the diameter of a hex?
Post #: 1
RE: Scale /unit size? - 3/19/2017 4:26:09 PM   

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One of the remarkable things about this game is that, once you get past the relative sizes of units compared to each other - and that seems to be easy to do - map scales can be flexible and accommodate everything from platoons to divisions. In the mind, that is, and with the aid of custom unit names.

(in reply to krakoburger)
Post #: 2
RE: Scale /unit size? - 5/9/2017 5:45:12 PM   

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Joined: 8/14/2011
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How do attack values relate to defense values? I.e. what is the "expected" outcome when both values are equal (say 10 to 10). Also, why
do some units have two different attack or defense versus the same type target?

(in reply to bru888)
Post #: 3
RE: Scale /unit size? - 5/9/2017 10:12:41 PM   


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All of this is laid out (and moddable) in the units.csv file found in Order of Battle Pacific/Order of Battle WW2 Data/Content/Data folder.

Obviously, make a copy of the file before changing anything.

Have fun.

(in reply to AceDuceTrey)
Post #: 4
RE: Scale /unit size? - 5/10/2017 10:29:01 PM   

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Thanks rosseau! But when I go to this file I only find the game's units stats- nothing dealing with combat results. Also no explanation for attack values with two different numbers for the same type of attack. I did copy and modify some values that were wrong but then the revised units.csv file doesn't allow the game to play!

(in reply to Rosseau)
Post #: 5
RE: Scale /unit size? - 5/11/2017 8:43:41 AM   


Posts: 786
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From: Oslo, Norway
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The units.csv needs to be saved as a 'comma separated value' file. And any errors in the file will cause the game to hang.
I've found the best editing tool is the free Open Office.
Excel wouldn't work correctly for me.

Here's a screenshot of the start page, you get a preview of the units file.
BTW, the Slitherine Scenario Forum has a number of discussions going and lots of custom scenarios/campaigns.
Someone's even got a Modern War modding project.
OOB Scenario Forum

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by Erik Nygaard -- 5/11/2017 9:19:09 AM >

(in reply to AceDuceTrey)
Post #: 6
RE: Scale /unit size? - 5/11/2017 7:23:07 PM   

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Joined: 8/14/2011
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Erik, thank you so much! I'm not sure what I did but It worked!

(in reply to Erik2)
Post #: 7
RE: Scale /unit size? - 2/4/2019 7:27:48 PM   


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I've been thinking about my question for a long time - 2 years now - and I've played through a number of scenarios in several modules, and I wonder why it wouldn't be more obvious. Certain issues, such as logistics, e.g. supply, are much more difficult and important to monitor IRL for large units across wide areas, whereas smaller units' logistics are more easily managed across small distances. For instance, since playing through most of Winter War, I've read a couple of books and some papers on aspects of the war, and it is clear that there are big differences in unit size and morale between the Soviet and Finnish armies but the scenarios don't let the player "feel" this. Also, it is hard to know your own army, let alone understand something about the opponent, without a better sense of scale.

(in reply to AceDuceTrey)
Post #: 8
RE: Scale /unit size? - 1/13/2020 4:48:29 PM   

Posts: 69
Joined: 12/24/2008
From: Maryland, USA
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In reply to Krakoburger, Sorry for the delay, But I find this game to be Regimental in scale. So I play accordingly.



"He who dares, wins!"

(in reply to krakoburger)
Post #: 9
RE: Scale /unit size? - 3/8/2020 2:45:34 PM   

Posts: 132
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Actually, one of its strengths is the way OOB does not force any sense of scale. This flexibility allows the designer to go all the way from division level down to company. The trick is to impart what the scale actually is supposed to be by references in the scenario description, briefings, messages, and unit labels.

(in reply to KingHunter3059)
Post #: 10
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