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RE: Witness to World War 2.

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RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/13/2019 2:51:15 AM   

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Turn 10. Mar/Apr 1941. Production. Great Britain.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 481
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/13/2019 2:51:43 AM   

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Turn 10. Mar/Apr 1941. Production. Free France.

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Post #: 482
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/13/2019 2:52:04 AM   

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Turn 10. Mar/Apr 1941. Production. USA.

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Post #: 483
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/13/2019 2:52:27 AM   

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Turn 10. Mar/Apr 1941. Production. USSR.

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Post #: 484
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/13/2019 2:52:47 AM   

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Turn 10. Mar/Apr 1941. Production. Summary.

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Post #: 485
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/13/2019 2:53:12 AM   

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Turn 10. Mar/Apr 1941. Production. 1-Year (6-Turns).

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Post #: 486
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/13/2019 2:56:22 AM   

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Turn 11. May/June 1941.

Trade. No changes from last turn.

Initiative. Axis lose ties but have a +2 die roll modifier. Axis lose the first roll 3+2=5 to 10 and elected NOT to re-roll. The allies elect to move first.

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Post #: 487
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/13/2019 2:56:56 AM   

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Turn 11. May/June 1941.

Weather (Allied #1).

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Post #: 488
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/13/2019 2:57:22 AM   

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Turn 11. May/June 1941.


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Post #: 489
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/13/2019 2:57:53 AM   

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Turn 11. May/June 1941.

Japanese-Soviet Neutrality Pact.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 490
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/13/2019 2:58:19 AM   

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Turn 11. May/June 1941.

Western Europe.

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Post #: 491
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/13/2019 2:59:13 AM   

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Turn 11. May/June 1941.

Yugoslavia Conquered by Germany. Almost forgot to mention.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 492
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/13/2019 2:59:43 AM   

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Turn 11. May/June 1941.

Eastern Europe.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 493
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/13/2019 3:00:09 AM   

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Turn 11. May/June 1941.

North Africa.

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Post #: 494
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/13/2019 5:13:58 AM   
brian brian


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You know Ronnie, your idea of dropping the Fallschirmjaegers in the hex row beyond Brussels is the handiest development for German operational tactics that I have seen in some time. Using their PARA in Belgium can be an excellent thing, with very nice strategic knock-on potentials all round the globe, even. But I have always seen it done, and used the idea myself, with the idea of keeping the Allies off the Dyle line by dropping them right on the Belgian capital.

Putting them a little farther out front and telling the Allies - come n git it - is a different approach. Risk goes up, but so does reward. I am still trying to decide if I would pull that trigger on a sudden burst of sunshine in March or April, knowing the rain might slow down the Panzers on a potentially sehr gut riposte a fortnight later. I know what Kurt Student would have said about the whole thing; he would volunteer.

Now if only they could land a whole bunch of Anti-Tank guns, like the Red Devils could with their gliders later in the war. But I think I figured out a work-around there...

Anyhow in your current game I wanted to comment that Stalin is putting too many rubles into his truck infantry. Uncle Joe needs 76.2mm PAK to back up his rifle squads, and T-34s. Lotsa T-34s. Let Uncle Sugar send mass quantities of Ford Trucks along later.

Also remember that Uncle Joe was both right and wrong at the same time when he told Churchill "In the Soviet Army, it takes more courage to retreat than to advance." You need the MOT on the advance, but there is a lot of retreat coming along shortly.

(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 495
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/13/2019 12:13:48 PM   

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From: Hoorn (NED).
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Thing is, if the Germans drop the PARA in Belgium, simply decline the notional so that it will be alone in the hex it occupies. The Germans can't put in more the 4 points of ground support for the PARA. If the French or the CW army is in good order (not disorganized) there's a high probability that one of those will kill the PARA and retake Brussels (or the hex it has landed in)...



(in reply to brian brian)
Post #: 496
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/13/2019 1:48:22 PM   
brian brian


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True. But the Allies could also fail at that, which is where the German reward could be reaped. And the Luftwaffe can accomplish a lot in 1940...

(in reply to Centuur)
Post #: 497
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/15/2019 9:38:03 PM   

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ORIGINAL: brian brian

You know Ronnie, your idea of dropping the Fallschirmjaegers in the hex row beyond Brussels is the handiest development for German operational tactics that I have seen in some time. Using their PARA in Belgium can be an excellent thing, with very nice strategic knock-on potentials all round the globe, even. But I have always seen it done, and used the idea myself, with the idea of keeping the Allies off the Dyle line by dropping them right on the Belgian capital.

Putting them a little farther out front and telling the Allies - come n git it - is a different approach. Risk goes up, but so does reward. I am still trying to decide if I would pull that trigger on a sudden burst of sunshine in March or April, knowing the rain might slow down the Panzers on a potentially sehr gut riposte a fortnight later. I know what Kurt Student would have said about the whole thing; he would volunteer.

Now if only they could land a whole bunch of Anti-Tank guns, like the Red Devils could with their gliders later in the war. But I think I figured out a work-around there...
Interesting ... what would be the "work-around"? (Adjacent) HQ support? (Adjacent) Artillery? Well, artillery would be part of ground support the total of which would be limited to 4 factors in this case.



(in reply to brian brian)
Post #: 498
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/15/2019 9:41:42 PM   

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Turn 11. May/June 1941. Allied #1.


USSR - combine.

China - land.

Great Britain - naval.

France - naval.

USA - combine.

Great Britain/RN (Turn) Objectives:

1. Protect/maintain production (i.e., ASW escorts and patrols).

2. Blockade the Italian Coast.

3. Capture Tripoli, and rest of Libya.

4. Attrict Italian RM.

Allied Convoys and Production.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 499
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/15/2019 9:46:43 PM   

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Turn 11. May/June 1941. Allied #1.

Axis Submarine Threat Matrix, RN ASW Escorts and Patrols.

Note that RN dispositions in the West and East Med include forces allocated to to object 3 (i.e., captured of Tripoli).

Where applicable, intended or potential ASW air reactions, all of which would be to the 0-box, are shown. Situations where an air group is assigned to multiple sea areas are indicated by the letters A & B. Of course, if reacted, the air unit could only manage to react to only one of the two (i.e., A/B) designated sea areas.

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< Message edited by rkr1958 -- 2/15/2019 9:49:24 PM >



(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 500
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/15/2019 9:50:59 PM   

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Turn 11. May/June 1941. Allied #1.

RN. The Italian Coast. Round 1.

The RN working to achieve objectives (2) blockade Italian Coast and (4) attrit the Italian RM.

Note. The reaction of the Sunderland NAV group was intended as an AA soaker. This is, AA = lowest 1/4, it was extremely unlikely that all 4 rolls would be a 10. However, there's a 13% chance that all 4 AA rolls would be 5 or highers, which without the Sunderland would mean the loss of a CVP air group. However, with the Sunderland, and assuming not all 4 rolls are a 10, this would result in the Sunderland being aborted thus saving the carrier planes.

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< Message edited by rkr1958 -- 2/15/2019 9:54:31 PM >



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Post #: 501
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/15/2019 9:55:26 PM   

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Turn 11. May/June 1941. Allied #1.

RN. The Italian Coast. Round 2.

Neither side finds. That is, both sides failed to maintain contact. Combat ends (for now at least).

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 502
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/16/2019 3:50:47 PM   

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Turn 11. May/June 1941. Axis #2.

Japanese. Strategic Bombing. China.

An all out Japanese offensive in China targeting both the Nationalist and communist starts of with two ineffective strategic bombing raids.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 503
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/16/2019 3:59:42 PM   

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Turn 11. May/June 1941. Axis #2.

Japanese. Army Group Yomomoto. Land Combat #1.

Even aided by the Nationalist decision to elect to fight on the Blitz CRT, AG Yomomoto's attempt to turn the southern flank of the Nationalist army in southern China is stopped cold.

Note. The reason the Nationalist elected to fight on the Blitz and not the Assault CRT was that if lost the Peking MIL could not be rebuilt until the Chinese regained control of Peking, if ever, from the Japanese. The election to fight on the Blitz vs Assault CRT increased the chance that this MIL would survive from 13 to 60%. As it turned out, the roll was one of those rare cases that produced the same result on both CRT's.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 504
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/16/2019 4:01:11 PM   

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Turn 11. May/June 1941. Axis #2.

Japanese. Army Group Yomomoto. Land Combat #2.

Admiral Yomomoto wishes his first land combat, which was more critical, went this well.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 505
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/16/2019 4:03:16 PM   

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Turn 11. May/June 1941. Axis #2.

Japanese. Army Group Terauchi. Land Combat #1.

Terauchi's (true) blitz combat is also stopped cold! So much for the Japanese general offensive across China.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 506
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/16/2019 4:05:21 PM   

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Turn 11. May/June 1941. Axis #2.

Japanese. HQ Reorg.

Admiral Yamoamoto and General Terauchi reorg what troops they can in the hopes of getting their general offensive against the Chinese started. Of course, next weather roll will play a big part also in the chances of this happening.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 507
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/16/2019 4:06:15 PM   

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Turn 11. May/June 1941. Axis #2.

The Western Front.

Wehrmacht and Italian forces quickly deal with the French partisan.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 508
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/16/2019 5:34:54 PM   

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Turn 10. May/June 1941. Allied #3.

Weather. The weather does not cooperate with the Japanese. It goes from fine across the globe to bad across the globe. In addition to impacting Japanese plans, it (i.e., the rain) impedes the advance of the British 8th army on the march in Western Libya and closing on Tripoli.


USSR - combine.

China - land.

Great Britain - land.

Free France - naval.

USA - combine.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 509
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 2/16/2019 5:37:59 PM   

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Turn 10. May/June 1941. Allied #3.

Nazi-Soviet Pact.

There's no way that the Soviets see their neutrality pact with Germany lasting beyond this turn. On the upside, the horrible weather allows the USSR to use all their land moves "adjusting" units on the border with Germany instead of having to use them for Mao and his communists defending against the Japanese. Though the restriction on the number of Soviet land moves will be lifted very soon (i.e., next turn).

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