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Windows 10 High DPI Scaling

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Windows 10 High DPI Scaling - 6/17/2019 5:06:32 PM   


Posts: 3
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Text size in DW au naturale on my 2560x1440 display is largely unbearable. I can drop my native resolution but that gets messy. My peepers demand action! Lo, there is a solution!

Navigate to the DW executable (mine's in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Distant Worlds Universe), right-click the 'DistantWorlds.exe' file and go to 'Properties'.

In the pop-up window, select the 'Compatibility' tab.

Check the 'Run this program as an administrator' option if you haven't done already. Then click 'Change high DPI settings'.

In the new pop-up window, tick the 'High DPI scaling override' and flip this option to 'System'.

I've tried 'System (Advanced)' and it lead to some missing button graphics. Your mileage may vary. 'Application' does nothing for your peepers AT ALL.

'Ok' everything. Go ahead and play DW - all font sizes should be roughly as the designer intended, I guess. Although probably a little bit blurry. Using 'System (Advanced)' may solve the blurry. Try it and see!

In my experience, and unlike other games I've tried this with, the setting is saved and you won't have to come back here again :)

One caveat is that screenshots now only seem to grab the top-left corner, and in my case at 1707x960. I'll let you decide what is more important to you

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RE: Windows 10 High DPI Scaling - 6/17/2019 5:35:27 PM   

Posts: 18715
Joined: 10/28/2002
From: Graham, NC, USA
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My monitors on both the desktop and laptop are 1920x1080. I can read the text and such ok, but it is pretty small in some places. I'll have to give your suggestion a try! Thanks!

Now, please don't turn out to be a 'bot.



"Good times will set you free" - Jimmy Buffett

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(in reply to JudgeDreadlock)
Post #: 2
RE: Windows 10 High DPI Scaling - 6/17/2019 6:11:16 PM   

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they don't last long if they are, as i'm a bot killer

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RE: Windows 10 High DPI Scaling - 6/17/2019 6:14:57 PM   


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I am not a bot! Just a SpaceChum with a nice tip. May your eyeballs live forever

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RE: Windows 10 High DPI Scaling - 6/17/2019 6:25:16 PM   

Posts: 22687
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welcome to the forum JudgeDreadlock and thanks for the tips and glad you enjoy the game

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RE: Windows 10 High DPI Scaling - 6/17/2019 6:39:32 PM   


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ORIGINAL: zakblood

welcome to the forum JudgeDreadlock and thanks for the tips and glad you enjoy the game

Well I doff my cap humbly. Thank you. However...

The unreadable text and UI has thus-far prevented me from properly getting into a good ol' SpaceFight/Conquest/Shenanigans. Indeed, my Steam playtime sits at a paltry 5 hrs. My eyes, they just can't take it!

That's why I was so happy about this little trick, I immediately needed to share it (after doing the due diligence of making sure nobody had beat me to the SpacePunch, of course).

I'm not a social person in the slightest, so this thread may be all you see of me, no promises

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Post #: 6
RE: Windows 10 High DPI Scaling - 7/7/2019 6:26:19 AM   


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I'm kind of curious on this as well. There's a few spots where the text is crisp and then some areas it's more difficult to read. Not sure if this is going to be a windows specific setting or a resolution issue. I haven't tried it on my 4k monitor, i've been running it on my 1080 monitor thus far. It's still readable, just a bit odd in some spots.

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Post #: 7
RE: Windows 10 High DPI Scaling - 7/7/2019 6:30:29 AM   


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Ok I tried the compatibility mode and it seems a /little/ better. Tried it on enhanced as well and it's about the same for me. I haven't tried it in 4k mode yet.

(in reply to corse)
Post #: 8
RE: Windows 10 High DPI Scaling - 7/7/2019 6:32:59 AM   


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Ok... tried it on my 4k monitor in enhanced compatibility mode and it is crisp and clear as crystal. So i'm guessing my other 1080 monitor needs some adjustment on my font settings. I'm going to have to play with it a bit then because the on/off blurry/crisp on my other monitor drives me nuts, looks gorgeous on the other. However, it won't actually display at 4k and shrinks to part of the monitor, but it's clear as day.

(edit) tried all the compatibility options I could, unfortunately on my 1080 monitor it's just not as crisp as i'd like but it's all good.

< Message edited by corse -- 7/7/2019 6:52:41 AM >

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Post #: 9
RE: Windows 10 High DPI Scaling - 11/6/2019 7:10:25 PM   


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Wrong thread...

< Message edited by Jorgen_CAB -- 11/6/2019 7:17:55 PM >

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