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All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> The Operational Art of War IV >> Tech Support >> Newbie questions Page: [1]
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Newbie questions - 7/19/2019 7:09:30 AM   


Posts: 5
Joined: 7/18/2019
Status: offline

Hi all. TOAW newbie here. I'm a long-time player of Combat Mission and was looking to also play something more operational, with supply, etc.

I've read part of the TOAW manual and played through the small Arracourt 44 campaign and have some questions.

1) The Attack Planner is described in the manual as "a way to avoid causing the attacker to Retreat Before Combat". Does this mean that no attack arranged with the Attack Planner will result in an RBC? Or do I need to do something specific within the Attack Planner to avoid an RBC?

2) Tactical and Local Reserve, react vs. support: the manual describes TR as "The unit will attempt to react to enemy attacks into adjacent locations. Headquarters and artillery units assigned to Tactical Reserve will not react (but will still support)." What is the distinction between react and support? Is reaction movement and support fire? Is support only bombardment? Can an infantry unit one hex behind another unit being attacked provide support?

LR is described as "The unit will attempt to react to enemy attacks into locations within a movement radius defined by the unit’s remaining Movement Allowance. Regardless of the radius, the reaction movement is only one hex per combat." This sounds like the same thing as TR, if movement will only be one hex. TR reacts to adjacent hexes and LR can only move one hex - is this not basically the same thing? Under what circumstances would one choose one over the other?

3) Disband unit: The manual says "Disbanded units are removed from the map and return their equipment to your Supply Pool. It is not possible to disband units that are Routed, Reorganizing, Unsupplied, or 'In Garrison.'" Is the Supply Pool the same as the Replacement Pool? If not, how does it work?

Thanks all !
Post #: 1
RE: Newbie questions - 7/19/2019 11:53:22 AM   

Posts: 9511
Joined: 5/3/2007
From: east coast, usa
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'React' = Moves. 'Support' = Adds a Portion of it's combat strength to the combat.


return their equipment to your Supply Pool.

Does 10.4.2 really say Supply Pool? I wonder why that happened? It should say Replacement Pool.

(in reply to axelessbaum)
Post #: 2
RE: Newbie questions - 7/19/2019 12:45:57 PM   

Posts: 6668
Joined: 2/23/2009
From: United States
Status: offline
Yes the manual is in error:

Disbanded units are removed from the map and return their equipment to your Supply Pool.

Changed locally...


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(in reply to sPzAbt653)
Post #: 3
RE: Newbie questions - 7/19/2019 1:42:46 PM   

Posts: 5104
Joined: 8/8/2013
From: Third rock from the Sun.
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1. Nothing specific has to be done in the attack planner to prevent an RBC. An RBC can be caused if an attack is initiated on the map by clicking an enemy unit while a friendly unit adjacent is the currently selected unit. Easy one to test.

2. Tactical Reserve the unit will react to adjacent combats depending on support scope. Local Reserve a unit will react to combats within it's remaining movement allowance depending on support scope but will move only one hex per round.

3. Yeah, a snafu. Replacement Pool is correct. We don't have a real Supply Pool...yet.

< Message edited by Lobster -- 7/19/2019 1:43:40 PM >


Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity and I’m not sure about the universe-Einstein

Q: What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back?
A: A stick.

(in reply to axelessbaum)
Post #: 4
RE: Newbie questions - 7/20/2019 9:39:43 AM   


Posts: 5
Joined: 7/18/2019
Status: offline
Great, thanks for the clarifications everyone!

(in reply to Lobster)
Post #: 5
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