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The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE

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The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 6:56:17 AM   


Posts: 481
Joined: 12/13/2013
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is not the clicking, the godawful UI, my hand bleeding as I do a 4 hour 1st turn...

It is the SYNCH BUG.

This is inexcusable. This SHOULD be fixed.
When I watch a replay, it should not be fake news.

I am reading an AAR now, and the synch bug just reared its ugly head. It ruins the game, as a programmer (....not a master, a decent one) I cannot fathom HOW this could occur when all a replay is is basically a reading of a txt file.....right?

How can this synch bug be fixed?

Can I, as a player, do something to get rid of it 100% or at least lower the chance of it occuring?


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Post #: 1
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 7:07:43 AM   

Posts: 2311
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AFAIK Japan player using esc key to skip combat animation is causing this.

(in reply to Timotheus)
Post #: 2
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 8:38:28 AM   

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You should take a break often.


(in reply to 821Bobo)
Post #: 3
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 11:27:25 AM   

Posts: 7704
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Yea, add this to the list of reasons why I don't PBEM.



(in reply to Rising-Sun)
Post #: 4
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 11:31:07 AM   

Posts: 21100
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From: Northwestern Georgia, USA
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Which is like saying, "I prefer my blow-up doll over dating Charlize Theron, because she sometimes is snappish."

(in reply to HansBolter)
Post #: 5
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 11:38:51 AM   

Posts: 4552
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From: Poland
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PBEM sucks
AI is broken
Theron is old
Underrail Expedition is 07/22/2019

(in reply to Canoerebel)
Post #: 6
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 11:50:32 AM   


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Theron is old

Aren't we all, aren't we all...

(in reply to Yaab)
Post #: 7
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 11:56:29 AM   

Posts: 194
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It is advisable not to play simultaneously with different players at one game-folder. They can have mods or beta patches installed.

Create for each opponent a new game in a different folder. With same patch or mod.

(in reply to GetAssista)
Post #: 8
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 12:01:44 PM   


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AFAIK Japan player using esc key to skip combat animation is causing this.

Have you tested it?

I think (I am a programmer) that for some reason the Allied side is running the turn with a different random seed or the two sides use different versions (and mods, and etc.) of the game.

If the developers used a random number generator from the OS, that would cause different turns on different computers, but I doubt that this is the cause. They should have the pseudo random number generator shipped with the game.


I do not know what is scarier: that I do understand nothing of this demonic script or that I am starting to see the demons that it evokes.

Me, studying for a PHD entry exam in Applied Mathematics.

(in reply to 821Bobo)
Post #: 9
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 12:44:55 PM   

Posts: 2226
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From: Ashington, England.
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Whatever the reason, it really should have been sorted out a decade ago when it was happening in UV and the original WITP, but I guess it's here forever. However, not a problem if you only play as the Japs.

(in reply to tarkalak)
Post #: 10
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 1:33:21 PM   

Posts: 21100
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To minimize the effect of the sync bug, the Japanese player sends the written combat report to the Allied player, who reviews it first. That written report is always accurate.

The sync bug can be an intel boon to the Allied player, giving him a look at things that didn't happen/weren't visible in the real turn. This is usually tactical info, like an air battle that didn't happen real turn (because of weather) that takes place in the sync turn with results that "teach" the player something.

The bug can be eliminated by the proper sequencing of updates, which is covered at length in previous major posts somewhere around the Forum.

(in reply to Miller)
Post #: 11
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 1:38:34 PM   

Posts: 9973
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From: Mass. USA. now in Lancaster, OHIO
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I personally haven't seen the sync bug more than 2 times in 8 years of pbem's. Just lucky I guess....GP


Intel i7 4.3GHz 10th Gen,16GB Ram,Nvidia GeForce MX330

AKA General Patton

WPO,WITP,WITPAE-Mod Designer/Tester
DWU-Beta Tester
TOAW4-Alpha/Beta Tester

"Do everything you ask of those you command"....Gen. George S. Patton

(in reply to Canoerebel)
Post #: 12
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 1:38:45 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Which is like saying, "I prefer my blow-up doll over dating Charlize Theron, because she sometimes is snappish."

Please put this tired, disgustingly denigrating reference to rest.



(in reply to Canoerebel)
Post #: 13
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 1:40:19 PM   

Posts: 21100
Joined: 12/14/2002
From: Northwestern Georgia, USA
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No way. It's the best analogy I've ever come up with!

(in reply to HansBolter)
Post #: 14
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 2:07:41 PM   


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Sorry to hear you obsess about inflatable dolls

(in reply to Canoerebel)
Post #: 15
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 2:09:06 PM   

Posts: 7704
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ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

No way. It's the best analogy I've ever come up with!

So you actually have no problem with implying that solitaire players prefer sex with blow up dolls?

Isn't that a violation of the forum rules?

I enjoy following your AARs too much to want to have to use the green button on you.

And surely you can come up with someone more enticing than Charlize...she is far to androgenous (sp?) for my taste.

And, furthermore, the correct period reference would be "like kissing your sister".

< Message edited by HansBolter -- 7/19/2019 2:16:23 PM >



(in reply to Canoerebel)
Post #: 16
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 2:18:28 PM   

Posts: 926
Joined: 4/12/2005
From: 519 Redwood City - BASE (Hex 218, 70)
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AFAIK Japan player using esc key to skip combat animation is causing this.

It's why I use the fast forward option when wanting to finish animations, even when playing allies.

Very handy.


(in reply to 821Bobo)
Post #: 17
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 2:20:02 PM   

Posts: 926
Joined: 4/12/2005
From: 519 Redwood City - BASE (Hex 218, 70)
Status: offline
why the hell is there a photobucket watermark all over my sig?

EDIT: ok, thats better.

< Message edited by Treetop64 -- 7/19/2019 2:36:24 PM >


(in reply to Treetop64)
Post #: 18
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 2:26:43 PM   

Posts: 21100
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From: Northwestern Georgia, USA
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Somebody's taking banter far too seriously, but I'll drop the Charlize similes.

(in reply to Treetop64)
Post #: 19
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 2:28:53 PM   

Posts: 4552
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From: Poland
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Perhaps there is this UNS Copyright submarine that prowls the web's waves and stalks those unwilling to pay? UNS as in United Nations Ship.

(in reply to Treetop64)
Post #: 20
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 2:36:38 PM   


Posts: 289
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From: Bulgaria
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ORIGINAL: Treetop64

...why the hell is there a photobucket watermark all over my sig?

Did you upload it to photobucket?


I do not know what is scarier: that I do understand nothing of this demonic script or that I am starting to see the demons that it evokes.

Me, studying for a PHD entry exam in Applied Mathematics.

(in reply to Treetop64)
Post #: 21
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 2:42:32 PM   

Posts: 926
Joined: 4/12/2005
From: 519 Redwood City - BASE (Hex 218, 70)
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: Timotheus hand bleeding as I do a 4 hour 1st turn...

Can I, as a player, do something to get rid of it 100% or at least lower the chance of it occuring?

It only takes you four hours to do a first turn?

Me? Four weeks. At least.

No joke.

...and if you're using michaelm's patch, press the [Z] key to fast forward through animations instead of the [Esc] key. Might help.


(in reply to Timotheus)
Post #: 22
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 2:48:40 PM   

Posts: 926
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From: 519 Redwood City - BASE (Hex 218, 70)
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ORIGINAL: tarkalak


ORIGINAL: Treetop64

...why the hell is there a photobucket watermark all over my sig?

Did you upload it to photobucket?

I guess I did. Had forgotten that I ever used PB. Got annoying and stopped using it a long time ago...


(in reply to tarkalak)
Post #: 23
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 3:26:55 PM   

Posts: 4443
Joined: 9/23/2000
From: Hessen, Germany - now living in France
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ORIGINAL: Timotheus

is not the clicking, the godawful UI, my hand bleeding as I do a 4 hour 1st turn...

It is the SYNCH BUG.

This is inexcusable. This SHOULD be fixed.
When I watch a replay, it should not be alternative facts.

Fixed that for you...


(in reply to Timotheus)
Post #: 24
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 3:55:42 PM   

Posts: 1127
Joined: 7/27/2012
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Try a better brand of for me!! I just grimace at this happening and attribute it to FOW.

(in reply to Timotheus)
Post #: 25
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 6:01:39 PM   

Posts: 18046
Joined: 8/4/2010
From: Winnipeg, MB
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ORIGINAL: tarkalak



AFAIK Japan player using esc key to skip combat animation is causing this.

Have you tested it?

I think (I am a programmer) that for some reason the Allied side is running the turn with a different random seed or the two sides use different versions (and mods, and etc.) of the game.

If the developers used a random number generator from the OS, that would cause different turns on different computers, but I doubt that this is the cause. They should have the pseudo random number generator shipped with the game.

I don't play PBEM, but in playing the AI I find that things start to go wonky if I have been playing a lengthy time without restarting the game. It seems like clicking on any item or just doing a mouseover causes the game to access the info from disc/SSD and then keep it in RAM for reference. The after a while the accessing info from disc/SSD starts to take longer and the "disc spinning" busy signal is visible for a few seconds. Presumably this means data is being swapped out of RAM and new data retrieved, both of which take time.
Around the time this starts happening I get missing pictures on TF info screens and even missing icons at bases. For example the base screen might show no LCUs at all but the map shows the LCU dot icon. Clicking on the dot icon brings back the individual LCU icons on the base screen. When this happens, I save my game and restart it, which clears the odd behavior for some time - 2 or 3 turns (I check a lot of stuff during each turn because I micromanage and I forget stuff).

EDIT: Meant to add that something similar could be causing the synch bug by loading up RAM so much that not all the display connections are updated with data swapping. Just a wild speculation ...

< Message edited by BBfanboy -- 7/19/2019 6:03:33 PM >


No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth

(in reply to tarkalak)
Post #: 26
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 6:26:20 PM   

Posts: 18715
Joined: 10/28/2002
From: Graham, NC, USA
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Almost all synch bug issues are caused by both players not having exactly the same patch/beta/mod update versions of the game installed. It's critical to be exactly the same or you will almost always see the synch bug. I have almost never seen it in my games over the last 9 years, 11 months, and 21 days of owning this great game.

Memory issues for the Allied player can also make a difference as BB mentioned above. As a rule, the Allied player should always reboot the computer before running a turn replay.



"Good times will set you free" - Jimmy Buffett

"They need more rum punch" - Me

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(in reply to BBfanboy)
Post #: 27
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 7:31:34 PM   

Posts: 14863
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ORIGINAL: HansBolter


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Which is like saying, "I prefer my blow-up doll over dating Charlize Theron, because she sometimes is snappish."

Please put this tired, disgustingly denigrating reference to rest.

His blow-up doll is actually better than Charlize Theron? Not that I would ever want to denigrate anyone's blow-up doll.

(in reply to HansBolter)
Post #: 28
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 7:35:22 PM   

Posts: 14863
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From: St. Louis
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Anyone who plays this game to watch the combat replays is certifiable. ESC ESC ESC ESC.

But yes, you should arrange with your PBEM opponent to be using the same update or the same beta version. If you don't do that, don't whine.

(in reply to geofflambert)
Post #: 29
RE: The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE - 7/19/2019 7:47:11 PM   

Posts: 1277
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From: Bedlington, Northumberland, UK
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Sometimes I video the replay so I can look at bits of it over and over again......



An unplanned dynasty: Roger Neilson, Roger Neilson 11, Roger Neilson 3 previous posts 898+1515 + 1126 = 3539.....Finally completed my game which started the day WITP:AE was released

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