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Joined: 6/24/2017 From: Germany Status: offline
ORIGINAL: Sammy5IsAlive I'm going to stick my head above the parapet here and say -1 :o In an ideal world surely almost all of the stuff in bold is a good thing for a strategy game? You certainly want to reward people for planning ahead and making good decisions in terms of juggling competing priorities? The AP issue is maybe more arguable but I would argue that it is consistent with an overall game design that holds that making changes has a cost - discouraging (or at least adding a cost to) a pure turn by turn 'min/max' approach. Yes, you do want to reward people for planning ahead but there is no indication that the system was designed to "encourage planning". Even if we assume that this is the case, why doesn't this rule apply to all other SUs? And why does it apply to Construction battalions which add so very little to the game? Changes that the player does to improve his situation (changing leaders, changing unit HQs, transferring Armies from their Army Groups etc) should carry a cost, no one is disputing that. Planning means: I want X Corp belonging to the 4th Army to have 4 Pioneer Battalions in 2 weeks. I gather those assets, put them in the 4th Army HQ (where they will stay) and then assign them to the Corps next week. Easy. Don't have to jump 100 hoops. Don't have to lock every HQ so that I can move 4 Pioneer Battalions around. Don't have to worry about the AI assigning these battalions to a random Corps HQ. The Battalions stay where I put them and I don't have any headaches. The current system has nothing to do with planning. Its only purpose is to give every Corps HQ 2 Pioneer and 2 Construction Battalions (for whatever reason). It does not encourage anything, it simply forces you to have these numbers of Pioneer and construction units whether you want/need them or not. You are reading too much into it. quote:
ORIGINAL: Sammy5IsAlive That leaves the complaint that dealing with it is 'a pain'. I'll be completely honest and say that this complaint strikes me as being a little disingenuous - in other areas of the game (the air war in particular) it seems that players are happy to spend large amounts of time and 'clicks' micromanaging things to gain an advantage. It is not disingenuous at all and I have expressed the reasons why I don't like it in the post above. It is a pain for me, since I need to jump through 100 hoops to get a Pioneer Battalion where I need them and I cannot do so without it affecting so many other units since I need to put all HQs on locked (thus leaving all other SUs locked to said HQs, offering me 0 flexibility), transfer the Pioneer Battalion to the OKH and then next turn transfer it to the HQ/unit just to prevent the stupid AI from moving said Pioneer Battalions. And please do not equate players micromanaging the airforce with us wanting to change a system that is broken and serves no purpose whatsoever. I am happy to spend time managing the air force because I do a better job than the AI does and can save myself from silly mistakes. I actually enjoy learning about the air war, I like the system both in WitE and in WitW and have spent many hours experimenting on it. If I didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't do it. If you haven't noticed: this is a WARGAME, the intention of it is to win the war and have fun doing so. If a player is not into "micromanaging" the air force, that is that players problem and you cannot accuse his opponent for trying to get an advantage. You can play against an opponent who is not fond of micromanaging the airforce. And since you went there, there are players here who are either not interested or not bothered to manage many other aspects of the game (HQ placement for better supply, improving the chain of command, keeping HQs under their limits, garrisons, planning ahead for upcoming operations, keeping track of losses and industry etc). The fact that they don't do that, doesn't mean that their opponent "is trying to get an advantage". It means that if you are not willing to put in the effort and time to master the game, you will be beaten by a better player. Seems quite a simple thing to me. Player A put more effort and work into achieving their goal (winning the game), player B doesn't like to put that much effort and spend that much time so he is at a disadvantage. Just like in life. When did it become a bad thing to be better than others by putting in hard work and actually working on something???