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Joined: 2/21/2012 From: LI, NY Status: offline
ORIGINAL: DHRedge Its funny how the AI attempts to rewrite history to try and maintain a narrative shown flawed. Clark airbase was bombed days after pearl harbor, and part of why there was so much anger by FDR when it was a successful raid where Clark Field had not prepared for the attack, planes were still on the runway and were not flying cap. Of coarse this is because war planners expected a period of time where Japan tried to make some argument, and did not expect them to quickly calculate that being framed for attack on Pearl Harbor was not something they were going to be able to discuss with diplomacy as USA mobilized and had already declared war with such an infamous act of framing. Interesting how control of media limits some actions to only the path of warfare instead of dialog. If only the USA people knew who was responsible for Pearl Harbor bombing, things would have been different, but when has the public been part of actual accurate information... such as the date of attack on Clark Field. The interesting thing is how Gandhi who later supported breaking away from British Empire control knew that any act of violence would never achieve a victory, and focused all his effort on letting the British people know what was being done in there name. While competition of German fuel production with syth fuels was much of hostilities in europe, Japan modernization was considered a threat to British Empire, and in the same way of outlawing clothing factories in India, they wanted to control competition in production in other parts of the world. However the Indian ideas of going to the people of Britain were successful, a method not available to Japan in ww2, and a question some of you should be asking today, Do you hear the real story and the real history? Would ghandi be described as a violent terrorist if he did the same thing in today's media culture? It is more interesting when you see the entire picture. Once again... quote:
WTF. I don't have time for this.
It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb