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CS:ME and 4k displays ?

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CS:ME and 4k displays ? - 10/20/2019 12:38:21 AM   

Posts: 117
Joined: 8/3/2007
From: Germany
Status: offline

have an 32 zoll 4k monitor .. nice ....
but CS:ME is very hard to play on it ....
The toolbar is "o.k." in large (but could be bigger too ...)
But text ... infos .... all are way to small ...

Any help for this .... or only wait for an update ....
(and look for workarounds ... sad the game runs on the desktop - if it would run fullscreen, an resolution that better fitt [FullHD] have been selected ..)

Post #: 1
RE: CS:ME and 4k displays ? - 10/20/2019 8:29:10 AM   

Posts: 17372
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Hello R_TEAM, sorry to hear about your troubles.

I have a 21:9 4K(wish) monitor that I use for development and gaming. I originally used 125% desktop scaling, which for me atleast magnifies both the graphics and fonts to that proportion. Lately I have reverted to no desktop scaling, where fonts are a bit on the small side, but work for me. Now, there's a setting to magnify fonts only, too, as of was it this spring's major W10 update.

What is your windows version, what settings do you use?




have an 32 zoll 4k monitor .. nice ....
but CS:ME is very hard to play on it ....
The toolbar is "o.k." in large (but could be bigger too ...)
But text ... infos .... all are way to small ...

Any help for this .... or only wait for an update ....
(and look for workarounds ... sad the game runs on the desktop - if it would run fullscreen, an resolution that better fitt [FullHD] have been selected ..)



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Post #: 2
RE: CS:ME and 4k displays ? - 10/20/2019 9:00:13 AM   

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Here's what I've got, from my post on page 32 of the Sneak Peeks thread:


ORIGINAL: Crossroads

Build time again for all games under development, meaning new BETAs for CS Vietnam and CS Middle East (2.01 UPDATE), and new ALPHAs for CS East Front and CS Cold War.

Or, new builds for our Modern and WW2 game engines, put another way. As we work towards the eventual release of the Vietnam game, with all new code, graphics, and features added, we keep the other versions up to date and run automated tests on those as well.

Here's a fresh look for the current BETA for the CS Middle East 2.01 UPDATE. I've resized the original 3440x1440 screenshot, but otherwise what you see is what you will get, too. This is the 3D Zoom-in view, with large toolbar. Also note the unit list on the right - edit: err, on the left - is extended as there's more screen estate than compared to the regular HD monitors with 1920x1080 screen sizes.

it is, at CS Legion.


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Post #: 3
RE: CS:ME and 4k displays ? - 10/20/2019 10:47:00 AM   

Posts: 117
Joined: 8/3/2007
From: Germany
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This is my looking ...
Win 10
150% Scaling ... would unlikely change anything "global" for all programms, only to run one game in readable way ...
As you see the text is very hard readable - this is the max 3D zoom level and it is way to small to count as "max Zoom"...

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Post #: 4
RE: CS:ME and 4k displays ? - 10/20/2019 4:28:09 PM   

Posts: 17372
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So the unit box on the left edge is not magnified under the scaling settings, that's strange. I can't suggest much but to try another scaling level perhaps. How does 125% work, does it magnify the unit box together with the fonts?


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Post #: 5
RE: CS:ME and 4k displays ? - 10/20/2019 4:33:20 PM   

Posts: 17372
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Here's an old thread from Tech Support subforum: LINK

Seems there was a similar issue there. Seems in that particular system setting scaling all the way up to 300% soveld the issue. Sounds like a lot, but all I can suggest is to try different scaling settings.


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Post #: 6
RE: CS:ME and 4k displays ? - 10/20/2019 5:46:15 PM   

Posts: 117
Joined: 8/3/2007
From: Germany
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Have tryed different scaling ....
Over 200% it is "readable" (but not optimal) - but sorry , we are not more in the 90'ties where i musst change my desktop color deapth or resolution to play an game .... and this is 4k, 8k is on the Horizont ....
i am not mess with all other applications only to play one game - sorry - with no change in an more flexible handling of the UI (font size/GFX size) i see no sense to buy more Titel from this nice series ... i am an fan of hardcore strategic games from the good old days of SSI and Panzer Strike on C64 ... but from an game "in development" 2019 i expect more modern handling of screen sizes .... not relay of hardcoded fonts/gfx size AND window on desktop only ...
I dont change my desktop to fit an game ....

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Post #: 7
RE: CS:ME and 4k displays ? - 10/20/2019 7:20:48 PM   

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I am sorry it is not working for you. Desktop Scaling is a Windows operating system feature, it is not something we code in to the game. Pretty much all we can do is to follow the standard Microsoft GUI programming paradigms, and to ensure the code is developed and compiled with the latest MS Studio version. We have done that.

For some reason Desktop Scaling is not working with your setup. From your screenshot it is obvious the main window is magnified, as the font size there is larger, but for some reason the Unit Bar is left in original size. I would suggest you file a support ticket to Matrix Support, they are far better equipped to support in problems such as this.


(in reply to R_TEAM)
Post #: 8
RE: CS:ME and 4k displays ? - 10/20/2019 7:28:30 PM   

Posts: 117
Joined: 8/3/2007
From: Germany
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Not only the Unit Bar - the icons and overall GFX is way to low scaled for this resolution - 4k is 3840 x 2160 (2 times FullHD in both resolutions)
The Main GFX on the battlefield is barely o.k. in the fullest 3D zoom - not very handy if i would like to zoom more in .....
Will fill an support tiket ....

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Post #: 9
RE: CS:ME and 4k displays ? - 10/21/2019 10:15:45 AM   

Posts: 17372
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I hope they can help you with the scaling issues!

Yes, 4K is a lot of pixels, and come 8K monitors, it is absolutely critical to have scaling working. It is not only games, but text editors like email and Word for instance, everything's so small with the new displays. Preferrably there'd be a chance to configure a separate scaling level at application level, for what works for one app might not work for the next.


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Post #: 10
RE: CS:ME and 4k displays ? - 10/21/2019 7:21:45 PM   

Posts: 117
Joined: 8/3/2007
From: Germany
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This -> "..Preferrably there'd be a chance to configure a separate scaling level at application level, for what works for one app might not work for the next. "
Would be nice ... but i see more sense in try to run CS on its own screen ... (but this is on your end to decide which way is more work load ....)
In the long run it would be smart to change to an independent and more modern game engine (Unity as example i self work with), before rewrite or addapt the old 2D bitmap engine forever ... so your even small team can focus on the game self and not more on the GFX/UI engine and changes in the OS/GFX-Layer behind (DirectX/OpemGL/Vulcan ...) ....

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Post #: 11
RE: CS:ME and 4k displays ? - 10/21/2019 10:17:30 PM   

Posts: 117
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From: Germany
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Req DxDiag file ;)

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