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Editor - 11/8/2019 6:11:29 PM   
Dr. Foo

Posts: 666
Joined: 8/31/2004
From: Honolulu, Hawaii
Status: offline
I wanted to remove some units from the map. I tried to removed a fleet and it would not let me remove the last unit. I also could not find any way to remove a land unit.

Am I able to clear the map of units? I tried to create a new scenario but it was a empty slate, is there a way to import the map to a new scenario?


*Warning: Dr. Foo is not an actual doctor.
Do not accept or follow any medical advice*
Post #: 1
RE: Editor - 11/8/2019 8:43:08 PM   

Posts: 9927
Joined: 7/29/2013
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There is a toggle in the editor for hot cheese that will give you an equations on how to remove units. To create a new scenario you have to set the map and create a brand new map or import from one of the images that are there you have to create two major powers on opposing sides then save that game. The editor is not easy to learn because there are a lot of details to the game and a lot of little variables do you have to modify. It would take me another year just to improve the other alone 2 something equivalent like a modern-day application. I had to develop it first before I could even write in the first scenario or seriously start coding the game mechanics.


Creator Kraken Studios
- WarPlan
- WarPlan Pacific

Designer Strategic Command
- Brute Force (mod) SC2
- Assault on Communism SC2
- Assault on Democracy SC2
- Map Image Importer SC3

(in reply to Dr. Foo)
Post #: 2
RE: Editor - 11/8/2019 8:48:21 PM   


Posts: 12
Joined: 9/24/2019
Status: offline
It is easy possible to remove Units from the Map und to add Units.
It is also possible to copy a map or an existing Scenario.

Look at the manual Folder in the installation path of the game, there is a Manual: "Scenario Modding and Creation.pdf"
It desribes three short ways to build a new Scenario and to copy an existing one.

(in reply to Dr. Foo)
Post #: 3
RE: Editor - 11/8/2019 9:14:25 PM   


Posts: 12
Joined: 9/24/2019
Status: offline


I wanted to remove some units from the map. I tried to removed a fleet and it would not let me remove the last unit. I also could not find any way to remove a land unit.

(1) Start the game, Editor -> select the 39' scenario -> Start -> File/Quit -> type in new scenario name -> Save.
This will create the new .scn name and folder for the scenario name given under the WarPlan\Campaigns folder.

The default folder for warplan is: C: User / [name] / documents / MyGames / Warplan

(2) Copy all the files from the WarPlan\UserSavedData folder in your new Campaign folder

(3) Start the game and the Editor again, choose your new campaign, select start

(4) Click the Button U for Units at the top of the screen, now you see all Units. You can remove land units with F1, air with F" and naval with F3

(5) Choose the tab "Country" and choose a land. Now you can build Units with the "Unit Build" Option for this land.

(in reply to Dr. Foo)
Post #: 4
RE: Editor - 11/9/2019 12:27:21 PM   

Posts: 9927
Joined: 7/29/2013
Status: offline
Just read my own post. That's what I get for using voice to text.

Hot cheese is hotkeys


Creator Kraken Studios
- WarPlan
- WarPlan Pacific

Designer Strategic Command
- Brute Force (mod) SC2
- Assault on Communism SC2
- Assault on Democracy SC2
- Map Image Importer SC3

(in reply to alaska47051)
Post #: 5
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