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Can't allocate the DIB handle

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Can't allocate the DIB handle - 9/11/2019 10:27:36 PM   


Posts: 90
Joined: 7/17/2006
From: Frankfurt, Germany
Status: offline
Hi there,

how to deal with this error message:

Can't allocate the DIB handle

In the editor everything seems fine, but shortly after starting the game - selfmade scenario with selfmade unit database - i get this error.

Eiterfeld Map with approx 950 german runners and 1900 soviet runners - is it realy too much?

Game version is 2.0.14. Computer with 32GB RAM, 4k-Display!

Thanks in advance

< Message edited by Bigfish -- 9/11/2019 10:28:22 PM >
Post #: 1
RE: Can't allocate the DIB handle - 9/11/2019 11:53:13 PM   

Posts: 8467
Joined: 2/12/2005
From: Newark, OH
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That might be too big on the 32bit engine code. How many counters and map objects are you running? I want to say windows can only deal with 3000-4000 handles (working on getting a more definitive answer from the guys). The Fulda scenario is a good one to look at becasue it sit right up on the safe limit and it can crash if there are too many kill or crater or smoke markers dumped on the map.


OTS is looking forward to Southern Storm getting released!

Cap'n Darwin aka Jim Snyder
On Target Simulations LLC

(in reply to Bigfish)
Post #: 2
RE: Can't allocate the DIB handle - 9/12/2019 7:53:49 AM   


Posts: 90
Joined: 7/17/2006
From: Frankfurt, Germany
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Ok thank you for your fast response. Next questions:

Is this behavior more map size related or more unit count related?

With "Southern Storm" (I think 64bit?) - will it be possible to import old scenarios?
If not - is it possible to use the old maps?
Is it possible with "Southern Storm" to create own databases like it is done in FPRS?

< Message edited by Bigfish -- 9/12/2019 7:54:30 AM >

(in reply to CapnDarwin)
Post #: 3
RE: Can't allocate the DIB handle - 9/12/2019 10:23:55 AM   

Posts: 8467
Joined: 2/12/2005
From: Newark, OH
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1). The handles issue is graphics issue and it is impacted by both map size (number of hexes) and then graphic elements (number of counters and map markers).

2). Southern Storm is based on our new Cold War game engine. That is a 64bit code that runs a bit quicker and can handle slightly larger maps and unit counts, but still has some windows limits on object handles. We have done some code changes to hopefully deal with the limit hit in Red Storm.

3). Compatibility. The quick answer there is no. The game engine code has changed, the map files format has changed, and the data structures and number of elements has changed. Unfortunately, that means scenarios and maps need to be rebuilt to meet the new structures. We would have liked to have been compatible, but the shear number of changes to improve the game meant there was no going back. On our end, we are planning after the release of Southern Storm to work on a number of expansions and one will be a reboot of the Red Storm/Germany Reforged content.

4). Modding. Fully supported as before, but with more documentation and a validation tool for data file editing. You will still be able to make scenarios and campaigns. Like Red Storm, map making will still be an external process. We have more detailed documentation,but there should is no push a button map maker and won't be one for the foreseeable future. There will be a new map values editor though. There are other items that can be edited and a few new things I can't talk about right now.

I hope that answers the questions. Let us knock w if you have any more.


OTS is looking forward to Southern Storm getting released!

Cap'n Darwin aka Jim Snyder
On Target Simulations LLC

(in reply to Bigfish)
Post #: 4
RE: Can't allocate the DIB handle - 9/12/2019 11:15:30 AM   
Jo van der Pluym

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About Work on Southern Storm continues and we will hopefully have news about our new website and even whispers of Beta Testing soon!

Is it all possible for sign up for beta testing?


Greetings from the Netherlands

Jo van der Pluym

(in reply to CapnDarwin)
Post #: 5
RE: Can't allocate the DIB handle - 9/12/2019 11:58:29 AM   

Posts: 8467
Joined: 2/12/2005
From: Newark, OH
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Jo, once we are ready to go that way we will let folks know and I am sure there will be the basic Matrix Beta announcement, sign up, and then NDAs to sign. Good chance we may have a small start group early and then add more down the road later in the year as well. We will note your interest.


OTS is looking forward to Southern Storm getting released!

Cap'n Darwin aka Jim Snyder
On Target Simulations LLC

(in reply to Jo van der Pluym)
Post #: 6
RE: Can't allocate the DIB handle - 9/12/2019 6:53:55 PM   


Posts: 90
Joined: 7/17/2006
From: Frankfurt, Germany
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OK thanks - so i have to deal with it...

(in reply to CapnDarwin)
Post #: 7
RE: Can't allocate the DIB handle - 9/14/2019 2:39:59 PM   

Posts: 4132
Joined: 2/25/2002
From: Burlington, Ontario
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I'm a little late on this, but how far into the game is it throwing this error? If it is close to the beginning then we are out of luck - there are just too many units. If you have gotten well into the game then we might be able to 'fix' it by purging the save game file of discarded graphics info. I believe we did that before for someone else. Post your save file here or send me a dropbox link or whatever and I will take a look.

< Message edited by IronManBeta -- 9/14/2019 2:41:19 PM >

(in reply to Bigfish)
Post #: 8
RE: Can't allocate the DIB handle - 9/15/2019 8:55:04 AM   


Posts: 90
Joined: 7/17/2006
From: Frankfurt, Germany
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Hi and thank you.

It happens directly at startup before Turn 1. Now i lowered the number of runners from both sides - i try to do not zoom close into the map. (It happens while i zoomed into the map 160% +)

So i was able to play some few turns. I hope this is enough to get through. Otherwise i have to rewrite the story from my aar

I hope not to encounter this error again in late game...

(in reply to IronManBeta)
Post #: 9
RE: Can't allocate the DIB handle - 11/21/2019 3:02:36 AM   


Posts: 4
Joined: 12/24/2014
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I'm getting this error and all I'm doing is starting up The Bear Attacks scenario and scrolling/zooming around. I haven't hit "start" on the battle. Is there any fix to this?

(in reply to Bigfish)
Post #: 10
RE: Can't allocate the DIB handle - 11/21/2019 7:01:17 PM   

Posts: 8467
Joined: 2/12/2005
From: Newark, OH
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The Fulda map and the high unit count unfortunately cause this issue with Red Storm's 32 bit game engine. You can avoid this in some cases by not zooming the map. Saving often wan running is a good idea as well as other markers like wrecks and craters will push other DIB limits to failure. Sorry there is not a better answer.


OTS is looking forward to Southern Storm getting released!

Cap'n Darwin aka Jim Snyder
On Target Simulations LLC

(in reply to sirfulcrum)
Post #: 11
RE: Can't allocate the DIB handle - 11/21/2019 7:03:50 PM   

Posts: 513
Joined: 3/27/2009
From: Eindhoven, the Netherlands
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ORIGINAL: sirfulcrum

I'm getting this error and all I'm doing is starting up The Bear Attacks scenario and scrolling/zooming around. I haven't hit "start" on the battle. Is there any fix to this?

I'm sorry, we don't have a solid fix for this. "Don't zoom" is the best advice.
The DIB error results from memory address fragmentation in the 2GB address space that the Win32 process has available. This fragmentation is hard to predict, except that the less you do, especially loading scenarios and zooming in/out, the less fragmentation you'll have.
We didn't start to fully appreciate this problem until far down the Southern Storm road, where we ended up making the switch to 64bit because of this.



On Target Simulations LLC

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Post #: 12
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