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nuke bombs - low level

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nuke bombs - low level - 11/24/2019 3:27:44 AM   


Posts: 7
Joined: 11/9/2019
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I'm playing wargasm scenario. When I preform a low altitude nuke bomb drop the aircraft is destroyed in the blast. I think in real life there is a fuse delay that allows the aircraft to escape. Am I missing something?
Post #: 1
RE: nuke bombs - low level - 11/24/2019 5:24:49 AM   


Posts: 129
Joined: 7/14/2019
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Is the B-52 destroyed while egressing the area, or waiting around for detonation?

I have noticed in C:MANO that after delivering nuclear payloads, the aircraft orbits nearby. I think this is to see if the first one will malfunction, necessitating another bomb drop, but am not sure either if this is correct, or this is behavior you are referring to.

In any event, one solution would be to micromanage nuclear missions after the bomb drop: unassign the aircraft from any mission it is on, set the throttle to max, and plot a course away from the target. Then, after the bomb detonates, manually set the aircraft to RTB.

(in reply to stoltz)
Post #: 2
RE: nuke bombs - low level - 11/24/2019 6:24:26 AM   

Posts: 1473
Joined: 6/28/2008
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Typically low altitude strikes involved lob-toss bombing but CMO does not model this type of attack as yet. Airbursts provide maximum potential damage with less potential fallout, surface bursts from low-altitude delivery would almost certainly put the aircraft at risk. 20-40 KT weapons might have allowed low altitude delivery with some sort of retarding system, usually a parachute. Strategic weapons of the >200 KT yield would almost certainly not allow enough time for the aircraft to escape if delivered from a low altitude even if retarded and fuzed for impact. As I recall the gravity weapons provided in Wargasm 62 are universally high yield and so low altitude attacks are essentially suicidal.

F1do81 is correct and micromanagement of attacks using nuclear gravity weapons increases the probability of survival. Approach the target at low altitude, climb at full military power, drop the weapon and then exit the target area at full military power. The usual real world technique was a 150 degree diving turn away from the wind to gain any tailwind component immediately after weapon release but CMO does not model aircraft acceleration in a dive or head/tail winds so running straight through the target at maximum possible speed is a poor option. Turning away is better because it does model the ballistic descent of a gravity bomb along the aircraft course at the time of weapon release.


< Message edited by Randomizer -- 11/24/2019 6:26:38 AM >

(in reply to Fido81)
Post #: 3
RE: nuke bombs - low level - 11/24/2019 5:50:35 PM   


Posts: 7
Joined: 11/9/2019
Status: offline
Thanks guys, I will try your ideas.

(in reply to Randomizer)
Post #: 4
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