Posts: 60
Joined: 8/4/2017 Status: offline
I've tested the air war results, and I found some interesting question/mechanics. Maybe I'm wrong, but my last opponent was beaten by german air forces, with around 1:2 ratio damage. I found, if the german interceptors goes first (for example to bomb units, or airstrike, whatever...), and they are countered by allied planes, another german interceptor will rush to protect, and the allied fighters must deal with two of them. First with the intercept forces, and second time, with the attacking forces. If a bomber group attcak, they air fighting power is lower, so they could be damaged, but the fighter vs fighter results are severe for allied. One fighter groups vs. 2 german fighter groups cause huge looses. And in a long run, for example 4-5 turns with constans air fight, the allied side could be cripples in an easy way. Of course the german planes are out of the range of the french/GB fighters, and they not intercept at will, on the allied turns. Due my humple test result, I found, 1 vs 1 result gives balanced rate, 1:1, 2:3, so on... not a huge difference, but with 2 vs 1 fighter, the damages increase significant. On clear weather 4:7, 3:8, and other, much higher results came. The same result could be attached to the allied side, of the german wanted to contest for air superiority.
< Message edited by Almeron -- 12/2/2019 2:49:06 PM >