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RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Application

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RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 12/21/2018 6:39:18 PM   


Posts: 263
Joined: 9/1/2014
From: Wales UK
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Thanks for that
Will see how it goes

(in reply to Korvar)
Post #: 31
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 3/15/2019 7:02:41 PM   


Posts: 140
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bump - I needed it for another computer I was setting up :-)

p.s. worked great too !

< Message edited by MBF -- 3/15/2019 8:29:42 PM >

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Post #: 32
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 5/23/2019 10:45:12 PM   

Posts: 1127
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I just did a re-install on new computer using SeaBee. It was certainly helpful since I'm a computer Luddite. I am still having problems however. I play the DBB scenarios and with much screwing around I have the proper map showing up ie with the extra hexes. I cannot for the life of me get the stacking limits to take. It worked fine on old computer and I have attempted to duplicate everything used there. Any ideas? This new computer is a hot Dell i7 windows 10. The other funny glitch, maybe related or maybe not, is that the Aden base no longer open up...not the base, port or air. I haven't checked every last base to see if there are any others.

(in reply to MBF)
Post #: 33
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 5/24/2019 5:27:08 AM   

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What version of DBB are you trying to set up?

It sounds to me like you successfully replaced the default map graphics files (i.e. the 'WPEN' and 'WPEH' files in the ART directory), but you still need to update the map data files. The process is explained on this page of the DBB site, and the files are available on this page. Keep in mind that there are data files available WITH and WITHOUT stacking limits, so make sure to grab the right one (Babes_Extended Map Data With SL

If you run into snags, let me know what specific scenario you'd like to play, and I can then provide more specific guidance.


(in reply to pontiouspilot)
Post #: 34
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 5/24/2019 3:15:14 PM   

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I'm playing DBB #28. I guessed as you did. I tried the process all over with the data files and still no luck. I wonder if it is extracted into correct place? What does your installed directory look like?

Some day, hopefully the SeaBee can cover these add-ons and the enhanced art work too!! I'll owe you a nice whiskey.

(in reply to Korvar)
Post #: 35
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 5/24/2019 3:57:39 PM   

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Here is my directory - only a couple small files are missing from view, but they're not relevant:

What you may have done is extract the map data files into the ART subdirectory. The map art files go there, but the data files go into the main WitP:AE directory (see the 'pw' files in the image above - pwhexe.dat, pwzone.dat, and pwzlink.dat are the relevant ones).

I've also attached my stock map data files in a .zip file. You can try extracting that to the main WitP:AE directory which may save you from a complete reinstall.

And thanks - I do plan to continue development of SeaBee to eventually do a "one button install" of WitP:AE plus handle art mods, etc.

Attachment (1)


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Post #: 36
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 5/24/2019 3:58:00 PM   

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I just tried my first turn on new rig/new install. The extended hexes are definitely correct but here are no stacking limits appearing. Also, the problem with Aden is evident in Abadan also. In the result no orders can be given to air, naval or troops at these bases. The other "off board" bases appear fine.

(in reply to Korvar)
Post #: 37
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 5/24/2019 4:02:07 PM   

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Ok, if you're definitely using the extended map w/ stacking limits, then don't use my stock files. Download and extract the "Babes_Extended Map Data With SL" link I provided a few posts above into your main WitP:AE directory. That *should* do it.


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Post #: 38
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 5/24/2019 4:28:52 PM   

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After doing some more reading on the DBB site, you want to make sure you got all the files extracted from the Scen #28 extended map "B" .zip file into your SCEN subdirectory.

From the readme:


All files same as standard AEScen028, except locations file. Locations file has the new bases using the modified map. Requires new Map Art and new pwhexe.

Version-A Version-B Version-C
Aei028.dat std DBB std std
Cam028.dat std DBB std std
Wpa028.dat std DBB std std
Wpc028.dat std DBB std Cargo Cut
Wpd028.dat std DBB std std
Wpg028.dat std DBB std std
Wph028.dat std DBB std std
Wpl028.dat std DBB New Map New Map
Wpp028.dat std DBB std std
Wps028.dat std DBB std std
Scn028.cmt std DBB std std

The highlighted file as part of the scenario files in the SCEN folder interacts with the extended map pwhexe file in the main directory.

< Message edited by Korvar -- 5/24/2019 4:29:41 PM >


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Post #: 39
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 5/24/2019 6:51:01 PM   

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Another item to check - make sure your shortcut doesn't have "Beta2" in both the "Target" and "Start in" fields of the shortcut you use to run the game when you right-click the shortcut and click on "Properties".

The shortcut I created with SeaBee on the left works, on an "old" shortcut in my Beta2 folder on the right DOES NOT WORK and pulls the "PW data" error:


(in reply to Korvar)
Post #: 40
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 5/24/2019 9:05:20 PM   

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Short-cut correct. I had the proper Scen 28 files in right place. I'm also noticing that the screen has 3 layers of red hexes running all along the border, including running over Aden and Abadan. Could an improper sreen resolution affect things? The game appeared to populate the screen very nicely using px1366 x py768

(in reply to Korvar)
Post #: 41
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 5/24/2019 9:55:32 PM   

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I went through the process of installing a new, separate "Extended Map dedicated" copy of the game on my computer.

Everything seems to be working OK, and I didn't bother to update the switches or enhance the art, etc. I'm only using the "-w" switch for windowed mode. Here are some screenshots:

Confirmation of stacking limits:

I followed these steps:

1. Download and install the "WarinthePacificAdmiral'sEdition-SetupRelease-v10079DR.exe" file available in the member's section.
2. Download and install the "AEupdate1126b.exe" file available on the forums here. Make sure to point to the correct WitP:AE directory.
3. Download and extract the files from DBB Scen #28 to the SCEN folder of my new WitP:AE install directory.
4. Download and extract the extended map art files into the ART folder of my new WitP:AE install directory. Confirm overwrite of old files.
5. Download and extract the extended map data files into my new WitP:AE install directory. Confirm overwrite of files.
6. Run game using the new Beta shortcut on the desktop.

Note: I didn't follow any of the precautionary steps to back-up the original files, since this was a dedicated "test install" and I was trying to do it as quickly as possible.

Maybe try a separate install from scratch like I did and see if you get different results?

< Message edited by Korvar -- 5/24/2019 9:57:22 PM >


(in reply to pontiouspilot)
Post #: 42
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 5/25/2019 7:45:03 PM   

Posts: 1127
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Well I got it fixed!! What seems to have solved it was making it run in windowed mode....I had never done this before as it created other problems in past. This fixed the stack limits deficit and allowed me to open Aden and Abadan. This may be noteworthy for others with new Dell tablet/laptop, W10. I will yet have to adjust the x/y axis to make it comfortable in windows mode.

Thank you for your taking me by the hand. It is these efforts by you and others that keeps this game alive. when you can get the DBBs and optiomal art into the AeaBee this will attract or keep many more players who get frustrated and walk away now. Where do I send the nice bottle of scotch??!!...seriously.


(in reply to pontiouspilot)
Post #: 43
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 5/26/2019 2:58:47 AM   

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I'm glad to hear that you got it running well! Nothing more frustrating than when the game won't cooperate to allow play time.

Since windowed mode fixed it for you, you got me thinking about how many players have had problems with fullscreen mode in the last year or so. I made a new thread, How to Run WitP:AE in Fullscreen Windowed Mode, that you'll want to check out which should help many players avoid the primary drawback of windowed mode - loss of screen space.

As for the Scotch, I'm a Lagavulin guy myself, but instead of that think about someone you know who might be a good candidate as a new player. Wait until the next sale and consider surprising them with a copy of the game (maybe show them your copy or some of the YouTube videos out there to confirm their interest). New players are always welcome, as it helps keep the PBEM ecosystem healthy.

You hit the nail on the head as far as my design intent for SeaBee. I want to take the technical barriers out of the way as much as possible so that more players will be attracted to the game and will stick around once they see how much it can be customized and modernized from the stock configuration. I just finished a side project which expands upon the ship insignia/patch collection created & curated by Halsey, so now would be a good time to pick up the needle again and see the full design intent of SeaBee fulfilled.


(in reply to pontiouspilot)
Post #: 44
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 5/30/2019 4:11:19 PM   

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Pls PM me so I can arrange where to send that bottle!!....I'm impressed that you can choke down Lagavulin. I'm into more "girlie" scotches. I might have a great idea for a cross-over you might like.


(in reply to Korvar)
Post #: 45
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 6/16/2019 10:18:52 AM   


Posts: 481
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THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have tried and tried to make this game run in 1920x1080, but no matter what (apparently wrong) switches I put in it always defaulted to 1024x768.

I was using px and py... apparently, I should have been using pxf and pyf...

Because of the game defaulting to 1024x768, whenever I tried to record using OBS the mouse position on OBS was offset (due to resolution, duh). Now, it the mouse cursor is synced in. And I have glorious 1920x1080, finally !!!

Thank You very, very much.


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(in reply to pontiouspilot)
Post #: 46
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 6/16/2019 11:56:52 AM   

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You're welcome! I had the same issue when I first began playing WitP:AE; it felt as if I was peering through a keyhole to play this extremely detailed game. FYI, if the title bar at the top bothers you, check out the thread How to Run WitP:AE in Fullscreen Windowed (Borderless Windowed) Mode.


(in reply to Timotheus)
Post #: 47
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 8/3/2019 8:06:10 PM   

Posts: 1546
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2 hours fighting with the setttings and this app solved the trouble in 5 minutes.

(in reply to Korvar)
Post #: 48
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 8/5/2019 4:32:32 PM   

Posts: 2625
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From: El Paso, TX
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ORIGINAL: traskott


2 hours fighting with the setttings and this app solved the trouble in 5 minutes.

A timely reminder that my thanks are long overdue for this! The learning cliff is steep enough for the GAME, much less requiring new (and even experienced) players to learn the esoteric tricks necessary to have it display and perform properly.


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Post #: 49
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 8/9/2019 4:17:17 PM   


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New PC, managed to transfer over the game which reverted to the vanilla setting when first run, added the latest patch which required the serial number, then added the beta patch.
Ran SeaBee, superb, so simple to use but so effective, absolute joy and relief when the game started and I could resume play.
Thank you.


(in reply to Kull)
Post #: 50
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 8/14/2019 1:41:59 PM   

Posts: 1277
Joined: 4/12/2012
From: Bedlington, Northumberland, UK
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Wow this works brilliantly, and I have a windowed game that is a decent size. One minor issue I hope I might get advice on?

I am running it on W10 in Parallels, not a problem, it is running fine. However the game window is marginally bigger that the W10 window and if I try to stretch the W10 window the game window also stretches and the game locks up. I know I can simply move the game window around, but surely I must have something slightly wrong on the properties.

This is what Seabee gave me: "C:\Matrix Games\Randy\War in the Pacific Admiral's Edition\Beta2\War in the Pacific Admiral Edition.exe" -wd -pxf1920 -pyf1080 -deepColor -dd_sw -altFont -skipVideo -archive

Attached SeaBee screen settings and possible display settings - currently at 1920/1080

I am used to working in W7 so still finding my way round W10



Attachment (1)

< Message edited by Roger Neilson 3 -- 8/14/2019 1:49:40 PM >


An unplanned dynasty: Roger Neilson, Roger Neilson 11, Roger Neilson 3 previous posts 898+1515 + 1126 = 3539.....Finally completed my game which started the day WITP:AE was released

(in reply to Korvar)
Post #: 51
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 8/15/2019 4:07:23 AM   

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If the game window is a bit too large for your Parallels window, then use SeaBee to reduce the game window to the next smallest size which divides evenly. For a 16:9 ratio, that would be 1904 x 1071 and would look like this:

If that doesn't work, try 1888 x 1062 (and keep trying smaller 16:9 sizes until you find the right fit).


(in reply to RogerJNeilson)
Post #: 52
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 8/15/2019 6:25:12 AM   

Posts: 1277
Joined: 4/12/2012
From: Bedlington, Northumberland, UK
Status: offline
Brilliant thank you, that sorted the issue for me.



An unplanned dynasty: Roger Neilson, Roger Neilson 11, Roger Neilson 3 previous posts 898+1515 + 1126 = 3539.....Finally completed my game which started the day WITP:AE was released

(in reply to Korvar)
Post #: 53
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 9/29/2019 2:02:20 PM   

Posts: 4781
Joined: 10/12/2006
From: USA now in Brasil
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This is great! Solved my issues with ease. Many thanks!



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

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Post #: 54
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 11/30/2019 1:52:45 PM   

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I started the program and it creates a partial shortcut and when I click on it it does a search. I tried it manually but can't find the exe file?

Not working now I am not running the beta patch of war in the pacific, it gives me a white shortcut like its not finished.

I am spending over an hour on this and can't get it to create a shortcut for me on the desktop. It creates a icon that is unfinished, can't figure this one out and also was unable to get the map files in the art folder to work from the kamikaze map mod. Man this is frustrating.

I went back into seabee and I unchecked the Beta version on the bottom with a checkmark on "No" created a shortcut and it moves fast on the map. I justc an't get those map files to be updated.

< Message edited by demyansk -- 11/30/2019 3:05:27 PM >

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Post #: 55
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 11/30/2019 10:03:31 PM   

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ORIGINAL: demyansk

I started the program and it creates a partial shortcut and when I click on it it does a search. I tried it manually but can't find the exe file?

Not working now I am not running the beta patch of war in the pacific, it gives me a white shortcut like its not finished.

I am spending over an hour on this and can't get it to create a shortcut for me on the desktop. It creates a icon that is unfinished, can't figure this one out and also was unable to get the map files in the art folder to work from the kamikaze map mod. Man this is frustrating.

I went back into seabee and I unchecked the Beta version on the bottom with a checkmark on "No" created a shortcut and it moves fast on the map. I justc an't get those map files to be updated.

Map file "updates" are user-created changes, not part of the initial game setup. It is a mistake to start changing maps without getting the game running smoothly first. There are separate threads about installing different maps, and not all maps work with every game version/scenario out there.


No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth

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Post #: 56
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 12/7/2019 3:51:08 PM   


Posts: 75
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From: uk
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Many thanks for making this app, I just bought game and run W10 your app made it work a treat, I did have sluggish scroll etc and no planes in visible in air to air and air to sea, your settings that are already on less the beta one sorted it all , thanks to you 🍺🍺🍺👍

(in reply to Korvar)
Post #: 57
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 12/7/2019 3:54:25 PM   


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I had same prob untick the use beta box then press make shortcut and a normal PAC war shortcut will appear

(in reply to demyansk)
Post #: 58
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 12/16/2019 7:40:25 AM   

Posts: 6668
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Hey just found this application. I have had WitP-AE since it came out. I installed it on a machine and played it many many years ago (just the tutorial) and moved on to be a play tester for WitE and other projects.

So I downloaded this app and installed it locally.

So some very dumb and newbie questions follow:

Do I need to install WitP-AE first?

Do I then run this app to make the shortcut?

Or do run this app and it installs WitP-AE also?

Sorry for my dumb questions.


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Post #: 59
RE: SeaBee Alpha - WitP:AE Install & Configuration Appl... - 12/16/2019 7:44:16 AM   

Posts: 6668
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So I could not wait for answer and fired up the Seabee app, and boy am I lost already, how do I know if I need mult-core hybrids, core affinity 1-4, or any of the many settings?

Looks like I do need to install WitP-AE first though...


Beta Tester for:
Flashpoint Campaigns: Sudden Storm
War in the East 1 & 2
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