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Senkaku/Diaoyu Island Conflict, 2019

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All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Command: Modern Operations series >> After Action Report >> Senkaku/Diaoyu Island Conflict, 2019 Page: [1]
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Senkaku/Diaoyu Island Conflict, 2019 - 2/3/2020 9:30:13 PM   


Posts: 93
Joined: 6/5/2015
From: Austria
Status: offline
Senkaku/Diaoyu Island Conflict, 2019

Created Under Version 1.14.5 - Build 998.12 – Database 475

Al “Beirutdude” Sandrik

The Time Is: 29 November 2019 14:00 Zulu/22:00 Tokyo Time

Senkaku Islands/Diaoyu Islands/East China Sea Sea

Playable as the Japanese/U.S. Side


2x 35mm/90 Twin Type 90 [China Type 902 FC]
7x A/C Hangar (2x Large Aircraft)
9x A/C Hangar (2x Medium Aircraft)
1x A/C Hangar (2x Very Large Aircraft)
117x A/C Hardened Aircraft Shelter (1x Large Aircraft)
2x Ammo Pad
45x Ammo Shelter
1x Building (Airport Terminal)
7x Building (Control Tower)
1x DDG 136 Hangzhou [Pr.956E Sovremenny]
8x DF-15C TEL [CSS-6 Mod-3]
12x DF-16A [Conventional] TEL
4x DF-16B [Submuntions] TEL
12x DF-21D ASBM TEL [CSS-5 Mod-4]
8x DF-26C [Conventional] TEL
60x H-6G Badger [H-6M]
8x HY-6D Badger [H-6DU]
12x HY-6U Badger [H-6U]
24x Infantry Section [7.62mm MG/Unguided Infantry Anti Tank Weapon]
28x J-10C Vigorous Dragon
36x J-11D Flanker B [Su-27SK Copy]
26x J-15 Flying Shark [Su-33 Copy]
28x J-20 Mighty Dragon
1x Ka-28 Helix A
4x KJ-2000 Mainring [A-50]
1x Radar (Bar Lock A [P-37])
2x Radar (Big Bird C [64N6])
2x Radar (China JY-11B)
2x Radar (China JY-27 Wide Mat)
4x Radar (Tin Shield B [5N59S/36D6])
27x SA-16 Gimlet [9K310 Igla-1] MANPADS
12x SA-20a Gargoyle [5P85SE] TEL
24x SA-20b Gargoyle [5P85SE] TEL
1x Type 001 Liaoning [16 Liaoning, Shi Lang, Ex-Varyag]
1x Type 051G Luda III [165 Zhanjiang]
4x Type 052C Luyang II [170 Lanzhou]
1x Type 052D Luyang III [173 Changsha]
1x Type 053H3 Jiangwei II [564 Yichang]
1x Type 054A++ Jiangkai II [576 Daqing]
1x Type 056 Jiangdao [582 Bengbu]
1x Type 071 Yuzhao [998 Kunlun Shan]
1x Type 073A Yunshu [941 Shengshanhao]
2x Type 091 Han
1x Type 093 Shang
4x Type 726 Yuyi [LCAC]
2x Type 903A Fuchi [889 Taihu]
7x Vehicle (Cheese Board [96L6E])
6x Vehicle (China Type 352 Square Tie)
1x Vehicle (China Type 902)
3x Vehicle (Clam Shell [5N66])
3x Vehicle (Tombstone [30N6])
7x Vehicle (Tombstone [30N6E])
24x YJ-62 Triple
8x Z-18FQ Super Frelon
4x Z-18YJ Super Frelon [Black Bat]
6x Z-8J Super Frelon [Transport & Amphibious Assault]
10x Z-9C Dauphin 2

10x 100mm/55 H/PJ-87 HECVT
1x 130mm China H/PJ-38 HE
1x 23mm Type 23-3 Burst [40 rnds]
22x 30mm China H/PJ-12 [Type 730, 240 rnds]
25x 30mm China H/PJ-14 [Type 1130, 500 rnds]
2x 30mm China H/PJ-17 [20 rnds]
1x 30mm Gsh-30-1 Burst [30 rnds]
9x 37mm/63 Twin Burst [20 rnds]
10x AK-630M 30mm/65 Gatling Burst [400 rnds]
2x AS-17 Krypton C [Kh-31P, ARM]
12x DF-15C [Penetrator, CSS-6 Mod-3]
12x DF-15C RV [Penetrator, CSS-6 Mod-3]
12x DF-16A [Conventional]
12x DF-16A RV [Conventional]
24x DF-16B [Submunitions]
24x DF-16B RV [Submunitions]
24x DF-21D [ASBM, Conventional, CSS-5 Mod-4]
24x DF-21D RV [ASBM, CSS-5 Mod-4]
12x DF-26C [Conventional]
12x DF-26C RV [Conventional]
8x Generic Acoustic Decoy
157x Generic Active Directional Sonobuoy
101x Generic Chaff Rocket
519x Generic Chaff Salvo [4x Cartridges]
19x Generic Flare Rocket [Single Spectral]
28x Generic Flare Salvo [4x Cartridges, Single Spectral]
104x HQ-10 [FL-3000N]
55x HQ-16A [SA-17 Semi-Copy]
192x HQ-9A
48x HQ-9B
13x PL-10
120x PL-12
253x PL-15
58x SA-20a Gargoyle [48N6E]
94x SA-20b Gargoyle [48N6E2]
24x YJ-100 [CJ-10A Mod] ASCM
14x YJ-12
2x Yu-6

SIDE: Japan-US

3x B-52H Stratofortress
4x B-52H Stratofortress
4x CH-53E Super Stallion
2x F/A-18D Hornet
5x F-15C Eagle
8x F-15DJ Eagle J-MSIP
7x F-16CM Blk 52 Falcon
4x F-22A Raptor
3x LCAC 1
1x LPD 17 San Antonio
4x P-3C Orion Update III
1x P-8A Poseidon [LSRS]
2x RQ-4B Global Hawk Blk 40 UAV

37x 20mm/85 M61A1 Vulcan Burst [100 rnds]
21x 25mm GAU-22/A Equalizer Burst [30 rnds]
9x 30mm GAU-8A/B Burst [195 rnds]
21x AAM-3 [Type 90]
156x AAM-4B Kai [Type 99]
8x ADM-160C MALD-J [Stand-In OECM]
416x AGM-158A JASSM [Penetrator]
192x AGM-158B JASSM-ER
71x AGM-65K Maverick IR
66x AGM-84D Harpoon IC
24x AGM-84N Harpoon II+
24x AGM-86D Blk II CALCM [1200lb Penetator]
162x AGM-88C HARM
114x AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM P3I.3
605x AIM-120D AMRAAM P3I.4
2x AIM-9M Sidewinder
11x AIM-9X Sidewinder
6x AN/ALE-50 [RT-1646/ALE]
118x AN/SSQ-77B VLAD
76x CBU-89/B GATOR [45 x BLU-91/B Bomblets + 15 x BLU-92/B Mines]
60x CBU-97/B SFW [10 x BLU-108/B Anti-Tank Bomblets]
114x GBU-31(V)3/B JDAM [BLU-109/B]
120x GBU-39/B SDB
18x GBU-54(V)1/B LJDAM [Mk82]
92x Generic Chaff Salvo [5x Cartridges]
26x Generic Chaff Salvo [8x Cartridges]
12x Generic Flare Salvo [3x Cartridges, Dual Spectral]
238x J/HQS-12 DIFAR
299x J/HQS-33B DICASS [AN/SSQ-62]
9x MIM-104C Patriot PAC-2
31x MIM-104E Patriot PAC-2 GEM+
16x Mk214 Sea Gnat Chaff [Seduction]
12x Mk234 Nulka
6x Mk48 Mod 7 ADCAP CBASS
4x Mk50 Barracuda Mod 0 ALWT
3x Mk54 HAAWC Mod 0
4x Mk59 Mod 0 Floating Decoy
112x RGM-109E Tomahawk Blk IV TACTOM
20x RIM-161B SM-3 NTW Blk IA
20x RIM-161E SM-3 NTW Blk IIA
4x RIM-162A ESSM
3x RIM-7P Sea Sparrow
31x THAAD C-2
6x Type 89 [G-12]
166x UGM-109E Tomahawk Blk IV TACTOM
20x UGM-109E Tomahawk Blk IV TACTOM
8x UGM-84D Harpoon IC

SIDE: Biologics



11.30.2019 18:23: Score changed from 18440 to 18465. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0025' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC J-11D Flanker B destroyed')

11.30.2019 18:23: Score changed from 18465 to 18490. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0025' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC J-11D Flanker B destroyed')

11.30.2019 18:23: Score changed from 18490 to 18515. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0025' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC J-11D Flanker B destroyed')

11.30.2019 18:25: Score changed from 18515 to 18525. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 18:25: Score changed from 18525 to 18530. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0005' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC-6U Badger tanker destroyed')

11.30.2019 18:25: Score changed from 18530 to 18535. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0005' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC-6U Badger tanker destroyed')

11.30.2019 18:26: Score changed from 18535 to 18560. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0025' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC J-11D Flanker B destroyed')

11.30.2019 18:26: Score changed from 18560 to 18585. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0025' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC H-6G Badger [H-6M] destroyed')

11.30.2019 18:26: Score changed from 18585 to 18610. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0025' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC H-6G Badger [H-6M] destroyed')

11.30.2019 18:26: Score changed from 18610 to 18620. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 18:27: Score changed from 18620 to 18645. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0025' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC H-6G Badger [H-6M] destroyed')

11.30.2019 18:57: Score changed from 18645 to 18655. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 19:01: Score changed from 18655 to 18665. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 19:05: Score changed from 18665 to 18675. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 19:23: Score changed from 18675 to 18700. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0025' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC H-6G Badger [H-6M] destroyed')

11.30.2019 19:23: Score changed from 18700 to 18725. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0025' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC H-6G Badger [H-6M] destroyed')

11.30.2019 19:28: Score changed from 18725 to 18735. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 19:30: Score changed from 18735 to 18745. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 19:31: Score changed from 18745 to 18755. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 19:32: Score changed from 18755 to 18765. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 19:36: Score changed from 18765 to 18775. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 19:42: Score changed from 18775 to 18785. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 19:42: Score changed from 18785 to 18795. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 19:42: Score changed from 18795 to 18805. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 19:42: Score changed from 18805 to 18830. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0025' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC J-10C fighter destroyed')

11.30.2019 19:42: Score changed from 18830 to 18840. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 19:53: Score changed from 18840 to 18850. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 19:53: Score changed from 18850 to 18860. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 19:53: Score changed from 18860 to 18885. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0025' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC H-6G Badger [H-6M] destroyed')

11.30.2019 19:53: Score changed from 18885 to 18895. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 20:04: Score changed from 18895 to 18920. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0025' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC J-11D Flanker B destroyed')

11.30.2019 20:04: Score changed from 18920 to 18945. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0025' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC J-11D Flanker B destroyed')

11.30.2019 20:04: Score changed from 18945 to 18970. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0025' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC J-11D Flanker B destroyed')

11.30.2019 20:04: Score changed from 18970 to 18995. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0025' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC J-11D Flanker B destroyed')

11.30.2019 20:05: Score changed from 18995 to 19005. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 20:08: Score changed from 19005 to 19015. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 20:13: Score changed from 19015 to 19025. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 21:00: Score changed from 19025 to 19035. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 21:08: Score changed from 19035 to 19045. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 21:10: Score changed from 19045 to 19055. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 21:17: Score changed from 19055 to 19065. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 21:22: Score changed from 19065 to 19075. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 21:24: Score changed from 19075 to 19085. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 21:32: Score changed from 19085 to 19095. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 22:14: Score changed from 19095 to 19105. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 22:14: Score changed from 19105 to 19115. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 22:14: Score changed from 19115 to 19125. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 22:14: Score changed from 19125 to 19135. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 22:14: Score changed from 19135 to 19145. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 22:14: Score changed from 19145 to 19155. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 22:14: Score changed from 19155 to 19165. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 22:15: Score changed from 19165 to 19175. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 22:23: Score changed from 19175 to 20175. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +1000' has been fired (part of Event: 'Victory USS Blue Ridge in Senkaku Islands')

11.30.2019 22:43: Score changed from 20175 to 20185. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 22:43: Score changed from 20185 to 20195. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 22:43: Score changed from 20195 to 20205. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 22:44: Score changed from 20205 to 20215. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 22:44: Score changed from 20215 to 20225. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 22:44: Score changed from 20225 to 20235. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

11.30.2019 22:44: Score changed from 20235 to 20245. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 00:43: Score changed from 20245 to 20255. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 02:06: Score changed from 20255 to 22255. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +2000' has been fired (part of Event: 'Victory USS Bonhomme Richard in Senkaku Islands')

12.01.2019 02:14: Score changed from 22255 to 23255. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +1000' has been fired (part of Event: 'Victory USS Ashland in Senkaku Islands')

12.01.2019 02:36: Score changed from 23255 to 23265. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 02:36: Score changed from 23265 to 23275. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 02:36: Score changed from 23275 to 23285. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 02:36: Score changed from 23285 to 23295. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 02:37: Score changed from 23295 to 23305. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 02:39: Score changed from 23305 to 23315. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 02:39: Score changed from 23315 to 23325. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 02:40: Score changed from 23325 to 23335. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 02:42: Score changed from 23335 to 23345. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 02:42: Score changed from 23345 to 23355. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 02:46: Score changed from 23355 to 23365. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 02:46: Score changed from 23365 to 23375. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 02:46: Score changed from 23375 to 23385. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 02:46: Score changed from 23385 to 23395. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 04:47: Score changed from 23395 to 23420. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0025' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC H-6G Badger [H-6M] destroyed')

12.01.2019 05:14: Score changed from 23420 to 23430. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 05:16: Score changed from 23430 to 23455. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0025' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC J-10C fighter destroyed')

12.01.2019 05:16: Score changed from 23455 to 23465. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 05:17: Score changed from 23465 to 23475. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 05:17: Score changed from 23475 to 23485. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 05:17: Score changed from 23485 to 23495. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 05:17: Score changed from 23495 to 23505. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 05:17: Score changed from 23505 to 23515. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 05:18: Score changed from 23515 to 23525. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 05:18: Score changed from 23525 to 23535. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 05:18: Score changed from 23535 to 23545. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 05:27: Score changed from 23545 to 23555. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 05:27: Score changed from 23555 to 23565. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 05:27: Score changed from 23565 to 23575. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')

12.01.2019 06:32: Score changed from 23575 to 23585. Reason: Event Action: 'Japan-US +0010' has been fired (part of Event: 'PRC Land Facility destroyed')


< Message edited by benefant -- 2/3/2020 9:38:52 PM >


Post #: 1
RE: Senkaku/Diaoyu Island Conflict, 2019 - 2/3/2020 9:38:28 PM   


Posts: 93
Joined: 6/5/2015
From: Austria
Status: offline

Ideas for Updates

the JPN/US Airbases have soooo much weapons of many types -too much ???? 1500 JASSM-ER ..... etc....

jpn coast guard ships ? - chinese coast guard ships ?

(in reply to benefant)
Post #: 2
RE: Senkaku/Diaoyu Island Conflict, 2019 - 2/8/2020 10:12:53 PM   

Posts: 2625
Joined: 4/27/2013
From: Jacksonville, FL, USA
Status: offline
Yes in retrospect they are overloaded. That is something I've tried to be better on more recently, number of PGM in the Mags. Working on a Straits of Hormuz Scenario right now, but might look at this one for revision on the Magazines.

< Message edited by BeirutDude -- 2/8/2020 10:13:26 PM >


"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem."

I was Navy, but Assigned TAD to the 24th MAU Hq in Beirut. By far the finest period of my service!

(in reply to benefant)
Post #: 3
RE: Senkaku/Diaoyu Island Conflict, 2019 - 2/22/2020 10:21:54 PM   

Posts: 2625
Joined: 4/27/2013
From: Jacksonville, FL, USA
Status: offline
Looking at the scenario I have to say, "Yeah, did I really do that!" So this is a major modification where the Americans/Japanese don't have enough munitions to take on, and beat, both the Cylons and the Galactic Empire. Think you will find this scenario to be a bit more challenging now!

Attachment (1)


"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem."

I was Navy, but Assigned TAD to the 24th MAU Hq in Beirut. By far the finest period of my service!

(in reply to benefant)
Post #: 4
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