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Bug or Feature II

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Bug or Feature II - 5/16/2000 10:08:00 AM   
Paul Vebber

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That other thread is getting a bit long, I'll start a new one and close that one out...


Post #: 1
- 5/16/2000 6:19:00 PM   


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I just played the 'Bordj Toum Bridge' as Germans and I noticed that the 75mm gun in the M3A1 Lee tanks behaved as it would be a turret gun, I was receiving it's fire at the 7 o'clock position. The firing sector of this gun should be about same as a hull machine gun. (and no, the Lee's that fired at 7 o'clock didn't turn their hulls) Voriax


Oh God give Me strength to accept those things I cannot change with a firearm!

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Post #: 2
- 5/17/2000 8:08:00 PM   


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In those scenarios that I've played to the end(4-5 scens) game always ended at the exact turn given in the scenario briefing. Now in previous SP games there has been a random factor that possibly lenghtens the game. Is this feature removed or was it just a coincidence that games ended as 'announced'? Voriax


Oh God give Me strength to accept those things I cannot change with a firearm!

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Post #: 3
- 5/17/2000 10:16:00 PM   
Larry Holt


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Originally posted by Voriax: In those scenarios that I've played to the end(4-5 scens) game always ended at the exact turn given in the scenario briefing. Now in previous SP games there has been a random factor that possibly lenghtens the game. Is this feature removed or was it just a coincidence that games ended as 'announced'? Voriax
I read that this was intentional to make scenarios less uncertain. I can't remember if I read it in the manual (I think so) or online.


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Post #: 4
- 5/17/2000 10:43:00 PM   


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Originally posted by Larry Holt: I read that this was intentional to make scenarios less uncertain. I can't remember if I read it in the manual (I think so) or online.
Ahhh...indeed. Another case of RTFM Perhaps I should read it more thorougly instead of skimming... Voriax


Oh God give Me strength to accept those things I cannot change with a firearm!

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Post #: 5
- 5/17/2000 11:32:00 PM   


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I am playing the long campaign WWII. In 1940 I was upgrating my units and noticed that I can buy panzer III with the fording capabilty(propably because of operation sealion) with a 50mm KwK short version gun. But I did not see the standart panzer III with a 50mm KwK short version at that time. Should it be the other way around first the standart tank then its modified version. Also after examening a couple of sources I found a few pictures of these vehicles and I think the fording tanks had the 37 mm KwK guns.


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Post #: 6
- 5/18/2000 2:07:00 AM   


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It's possible to deploy vehicles/tanks to buildinghexes.


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Post #: 7
- 5/18/2000 3:17:00 AM   
Juha Kerätär


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I encountered a strange bug when playin the Back with Vengeance campaign. After the first scenario, I had my infantry had lost men, few halftracks were immobilized and few destroyed. When the scenario ended, I saved the game and quit. When loading the game later, I was presented with the upgrade screen. The weird thing was, only the two halftracks that were destroyed were listed as having damage, and could be fixed. When the next scenario began, those units that had been immobilized in the first scenario couldn't move at all. Infantry squads were listed as having both 10 men damage from previous combat. -Lunael


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Post #: 8
- 5/18/2000 4:58:00 AM   


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Campaign Generator - seems to do one of either of the following every time at the end of a battle: A) Pass over the upgrade/fix screen completely, placing you at the purchase support units screen for the next battle. Going to the battle from this screen finds you deployed as you were at the end of the previous battle; or B) Go to the upgrade screen, but allow you access to it twice - soon as you click done for it the first time, you go back to the screen with a fresh bunch of points and all upgrades/fixings from the previous screen kept. In both cases the campaign score appears very funny (this is after the first battle of a campaign, decisive victory) - reporting 1 decisive for a total score of 20. I see that A0 is ranked as a colonel (bug/oversight? I'd have thought it would be back down at major like SP1 & 2 again?), and I know that the campaign gives 10 points per promotion above major (hence in SP3, presumably SP WaW as well, 20 points right off the bat for colonel), but even so, points should be 23 after the first one. German OOB - the 10.5cm RCL has the MG42 LMG as it's crew weapon rather than the Kar 98k rifle like the 7.5cm RCL - whatever crew weapon it's actually supposed to have (MP44, Kar98k, etc), I figure it's safe to assume it's not the MG42 .


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Post #: 9
- 5/18/2000 5:13:00 AM   
Jon Grasham


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they must have seen To Hell and Back... After seeing Murphy runnin around with that thing, all the Germans wanted to do it. :-) I seem to remember in SP1, majority of the Soviet tank crews "bailed out" and were toting around PTRD AT Rifles... Funny that in some cases, I had to be more carefull of the enemy crews than infantry! :-)



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Post #: 10
- 5/18/2000 6:25:00 AM   


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Offboard artillery unable to be upgraded. As designed, or an oversight? Would be nice to at least be able to upgrade that 75mm battery to 105mm.

Originally posted by Jon Grasham: they must have seen To Hell and Back... After seeing Murphy runnin around with that thing, all the Germans wanted to do it. :-) I seem to remember in SP1, majority of the Soviet tank crews "bailed out" and were toting around PTRD AT Rifles... Funny that in some cases, I had to be more carefull of the enemy crews than infantry! :-)
Heh, I can just see it - "Full platoon of elite guardsmen, no problem!" Couple of minutes later, "Ack, driver, get us outta here NOW! Crewman advancing and he looks pissed!"


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Post #: 11
- 5/18/2000 8:33:00 AM   


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Some feel that in SP1 and SP3 artillery was too powerful especially against vehicles. However, if even the large caliber artillery was this ineffective against armored vehicles, why would all the countries invest in it. The smaller caliber mortars and artillery would take care of infantry. Also, while the plane chances of hitting something probably should be increased, as others have pointed out, the fact that the planes do not expend ammo makes up for their inaccuracy.


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Post #: 12
- 5/18/2000 9:28:00 AM   


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Helecopter Bug: When you order a helicpoter to move the game makes the mouse clicking sound 4 times before the helicopter actually starts moving. I can see how this was missed since there were no helicopters in SP, but it might become important for the Nam version.


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Post #: 13
- 5/18/2000 9:29:00 AM   


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In Win2k most of my desktop and taskbar icons reverted to windows "generic exe" icons or the picture (not text) disapeared - this could not be fixed by changing the Icon in properties or multiple reboots. I re started SP WAW to the Play/Exit screen and they all came back fine. Also SP WAW will not run if the CD player icon is visible in the systray in Win2k For info.


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Post #: 14
- 5/19/2000 5:07:00 AM   
Winston Smith


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Originally posted by Paul Vebber: That other thread is getting a bit long, I'll start a new one and close that one out...
----------------------------------- Thanks for a terrific game and a terrific website! I'm going to do my best to give you helpful comments in return.... I've been working my way through the smaller scenarios. So far I really appreciate the enhancements to the system, especially the targetting, penetration and spotting changes. The game seems a lot more realistic to me now. I've run across a couple of things that seemed odd in the Betio scenario, but I'll put them in another post as it may be that I just don't understand the amphibious equipment well enough. I've been having a lot of problems with the sound. It's like the soundtrack gets 'stuck' in a spot - I get lots of reverb and silly noises. It seems to happen almost all the time with artillery if I have fast-art off. Also whenever there is a lot of stuff going on - fire and return fire, etc. It will also freeze the screen while it's trying to sort the sound out - makes the movements all jerky. Basically, I just can't use the sound. I know this won't be an easy one to figure out. In case you are interested, I'm using a Dell, P2-300mz, 128 ram, SoundBlaster AWE64 soundcard, and a 3dfx 'voodoo 3000' graphics adapter. I've spent quite a bit of time poking around the system settings looking for something that would cure this, but haven't gotten any closer. This is the only application that I have this trouble with. Thanks again for a TERRIFFIC game! ws


(in reply to Paul Vebber)
Post #: 15
- 5/19/2000 5:24:00 AM   
Winston Smith


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Originally posted by Paul Vebber: That other thread is getting a bit long, I'll start a new one and close that one out...
OK, here's my other post. I've been playing the 'Brave Men at Betio' scenario as the US. Maybe I just don't understand Alligators and LVCP's well enough, but they do some things that I find to be unexpected. - The crew and/or passengers keep abandoning their vehicles when they take HMG fire, even though they are still 100 yards or more from the beach! I mean, I can understand jumping out of a vehicle that is drawing a lot of fire, but would you jump into the water to be shot at unprotected? Sometimes I can rally the units, reboard and continue towards the beach. Other times units are too suppressed to load. Worse is when the crew takes a casualty - then I can't reload. Oddest is when my units start 'retreating' towards deeper water. - Are you supposed to be able to drive the Alligators out of the water and onto the 'wooden bridge'? Seems like cheating. I thought the bridge was supposed to be more of a pier - I've used it to offload some of the troops from the LVCP's but didn't think I could drive onto it from the water. - When an LVCP takes a solid hit it just disapears. Sinks instantly with all hands, I guess. It didn't seem like they were being hit with big guns, but I haven't peeked at what the defenses are yet. Is that supposed to happen? Thanks again for a great game. ws


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Post #: 16
- 5/19/2000 5:56:00 AM   
Desert Fox


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This goes along with Jean-Luc's post about immobilized vehicles in the campaign. If a unit is damaged in the campaign battle, but not destroyed, it will show up in the upgrade/repair screen with 0 damage. This obviously leads you to believe that they are fully refitted after the battle, which they are not. They retain their damage in the next battle, even though it would have cost 0 to fix them. This is fixed, of course, by pressing the 'fix all' button, but I believe there should be costs for fixing damaged units as in the other SP games.


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Post #: 17
- 5/19/2000 4:03:00 PM   

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There is something strange about some of the armament of the US infantry in the Corregidor scenario. The offenders are the "CA" reinforcement infantry and they all have 2 60mm mortars each (at positions 2 and 3). Fortunately they do not have any ammo for said mortars. ------------------ Wait for Death. There's a choice? Recon


Let me make the superstitions of a nation and I care not who makes its laws or its songs either.
-- Mark Twain

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Post #: 18
- 5/20/2000 7:28:00 PM   


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I don't know if it is was written, I don't know how to abort the replay in SPW@W. I just can't interrupt it and have to watch all of it even if I pressed the V key by mistake . Is there any way to abort replay ? Please add it to the game or remove the 'V' hotkey. It is so close to the C key . Or maybe do the both .


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Post #: 19
- 5/20/2000 7:45:00 PM   
Pack Rat


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Oh yeah, well I had one worse. I hit the VCR button twice during an Arty. test with single fire on. The computer remembered it and ran it agian. I would have just turned it off but it took me along time to set up. Sheeeze. I'm glad I didn't hit the V key trying to turn it off. ------------------ Hell On Wheels



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Post #: 20
- 5/21/2000 1:57:00 AM   


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Finally, I've played my first game (tutorial). I found that the sound (music) starts jerking when units moves (AMD K6 333/64MB RAM/AWE64 ISA). Sometimes it occured at the beginning of the move (whan I clicked on new hex) and sometines during move. Even worse: I figured out that the music start to jerking (during the move) when my units are spotted by enemies. So I knew if I were spotted even if I didn't spot the observer itself (eg. I got PanzerSchreck squad hideout (approximately) before it had shot). I assume that the procedure for checking if the OpFire should be open is calculating something too long. Maybe put some WinAPI PeekMessage() calls in this procedure ? It should help the Windows breathing. [This message has been edited by ASDN (edited 05-20-2000).]


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Post #: 21
- 5/21/2000 2:02:00 AM   


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This might be a stupid question/obsarvation, but i'll have to ask. Why all the duplicate sound files. Exampel 1000.wav = 1022.wav Mvh Daniel E. [This message has been edited by Dice4Eyes (edited 05-20-2000).]


Divide et Impera Daniel E

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Post #: 22
- 5/21/2000 3:50:00 AM   


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Originally posted by JimY: [Also, while the plane chances of hitting something probably should be increased, as others have pointed out, the fact that the planes do not expend ammo makes up for their inaccuracy.[/B]
After finishing 1st scenario, I found out how to play with ammo limits. This fixed airplane ammo. Planes still recon hidden units.


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Post #: 23
- 5/21/2000 10:56:00 AM   

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A few minor things- The British Centurion tank formations are spelled with an A (Centurian). Babylon 5 aliens with funny hairstyles? Light tractors and such on the info screen are described as "Can SMALL load guns......" not 'Can load small guns......' The Japanese aircraft in the Corregidor scenario have no bomb ammo at the start. Should Naval guns be able to fire smoke? I never heard of any smoke rounds being developed for them. [This message has been edited by Recon (edited 05-21-2000).]


Let me make the superstitions of a nation and I care not who makes its laws or its songs either.
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Post #: 24
- 5/21/2000 1:18:00 PM   


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Dice4Eyes(Mvh Daniel E.) - you wrote: "Why all the duplicate sound files. Exampel 1000.wav = 1022.wav" Michael Wood wrote the answer in another thread - here's what he wrote: "Some one asked why we have a lot of duplicate sound files in the game. It is because I programmed the game to randomnly choose one of 3 to 6 sounds for each sound effect. This comes to hundreds of sounds. The sound folk are hard at work, even as we speak, producing new sounds to flesh out all the sound file possibilities. These new sounds will be released, once they have enough of them." That is great news - that means more sounds in the update and those files will no longer be duplicate sounds - great idea.


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Post #: 25
- 5/21/2000 11:29:00 PM   


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Originally posted by Bondy: Dice4Eyes(Mvh Daniel E.) - you wrote: "Why all the duplicate sound files. Exampel 1000.wav = 1022.wav" Michael Wood wrote the answer in another thread - here's what he wrote: "Some one asked why we have a lot of duplicate sound files in the game. It is because I programmed the game to randomnly choose one of 3 to 6 sounds for each sound effect. This comes to hundreds of sounds. The sound folk are hard at work, even as we speak, producing new sounds to flesh out all the sound file possibilities. These new sounds will be released, once they have enough of them." That is great news - that means more sounds in the update and those files will no longer be duplicate sounds - great idea.
Thanks Bondy, so they are just placeholders then until we get more sound files. The Background music, battle sounds are so great, there so much feling of being in a gigantic battle. Cool man, more sound man. ------------------ Mvh Daniel E.


Divide et Impera Daniel E

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Post #: 26
- 5/22/2000 5:09:00 PM   


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A small sound issue, don't know if it has been mentioned: The GE M34 MMG uses a single shot rifle sound.


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Post #: 27
- 5/22/2000 9:14:00 PM   
Larry Holt


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I find that when I get close to a towed AT gun it fires its gun at me but also rifles too. Now I assume the rifles belong to the crew. It seems that they can't crew the gun and run over to fighting positions to fire their rifles at the same time. I think these should be mutually exclusive. ------------------ An old soldier but not yet a faded one.


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Post #: 28
- 5/22/2000 11:04:00 PM   


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Plus, why in God's name would you get up and blaze away at a T-34 with your trusty popgun? The gun crews do seem to be awfully fearless. In SP1 you could get truly absurd supression on tanks by having your infantry bounce bullets off the sides. Maybe the AI still thinks this is a good idea? I get shot at at fairly long range quite a bit, ith weapons that couldn't hurt me point blank. I have also had AT teams use up all their shots by firing the pistols after the AT rifle ran out.


(in reply to Paul Vebber)
Post #: 29
- 5/23/2000 12:04:00 AM   
Desert Fox


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Well, as bad as it might be to have infantry firing rifles at tanks, I think it is even worse that tanks do not fire their machine guns at infantry. They only fire with all their weapons when the target is within 5 or so hexes. While I understand that it is pretty silly to be firing machine guns at longer ranges to kill tanks, I want them to fire every bloody weapon they have at infantry targets, no matter what range they are at. This is something I hate, especially when fighting the Japs. On the plus side, it saves ammo so that there is plenty to explode for when the enemy infantry gets close enough to assault the tank.


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Post #: 30
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