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Shadow Empire Gameplay videos

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Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/8/2020 8:38:33 AM   


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From: The UK (wot wot ole bean)
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Here are my first two Shadow Empire Videos!
Post #: 1
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/8/2020 2:39:55 PM   


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(in reply to Greyhunterlp)
Post #: 2
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/9/2020 6:46:15 AM   


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From: The UK (wot wot ole bean)
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Here is the third video!

And here is a link to the playlist for simplicity!

I'm really loving the game - it's hard as hell atm, but as I'm learning its rules I'm getting better - the world generation is amazing!

(in reply to Plumbersmack)
Post #: 3
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/10/2020 6:53:00 AM   


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Fourth video!

This is a fairly empty world. But the gree folk are strong!

(in reply to Greyhunterlp)
Post #: 4
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/10/2020 1:37:57 PM   


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From: Maryland
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Super entertaining, thanks. Some questions when you have time;
(1) will you need 1 machinery to complete the industrial center, I see a red triangle with 0 in inventory.

(2) about the Government mechanic.., that seems to be super important because of all of the decisions. Can you explain how that works? I still do not understand the math that is going on with the three branches and their individual three sub-branches. There was one point where I believe you said Democracy could not increase because it was limited by one of the sub-branches.

(3) my biggest question -- I have not played ATG in a looong time, I can see from your videos that you are a veteran of ATG. So with that said, you attacked those marauders piecemeal (2 different attacks). Is that more effective then one large, multiple-hex attack?

(4) I saw Tortuga using bombard as a separate type of attack. You are not individually doing that, you are going in with all forces and hitting the ATTACK button. My question is on the attack mechanic: If you have a mix of ground troops and artillery, when you do a single attack, does the game know to fire arty indirect first? Or do you have to (like Tortuga) individually order units to fire indirect, then go in with ground attacks?

Thanks again for these great videos.

(in reply to Greyhunterlp)
Post #: 5
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/11/2020 5:30:10 AM   


Posts: 371
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From: The UK (wot wot ole bean)
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Super entertaining, thanks. Some questions when you have time;
(1) will you need 1 machinery to complete the industrial center, I see a red triangle with 0 in inventory.

(2) about the Government mechanic.., that seems to be super important because of all of the decisions. Can you explain how that works? I still do not understand the math that is going on with the three branches and their individual three sub-branches. There was one point where I believe you said Democracy could not increase because it was limited by one of the sub-branches.

(3) my biggest question -- I have not played ATG in a looong time, I can see from your videos that you are a veteran of ATG. So with that said, you attacked those marauders piecemeal (2 different attacks). Is that more effective then one large, multiple-hex attack?

(4) I saw Tortuga using bombard as a separate type of attack. You are not individually doing that, you are going in with all forces and hitting the ATTACK button. My question is on the attack mechanic: If you have a mix of ground troops and artillery, when you do a single attack, does the game know to fire arty indirect first? Or do you have to (like Tortuga) individually order units to fire indirect, then go in with ground attacks?

Thanks again for these great videos.

1 - Yes, I'll need the machinery.
2 - I'm not fully sure on the maths either - but the top rated system gives you access to bonuses, but its limited by the one below it - so to get the top bonuses, you need to suppress the ideology that limits it. so there is a trade off in events, you may have to give up a short term goal or bonus in the pursuit of your ideology, or allow ideological drift to get things done.
3 - it depends - there is a stacking limit - I've seen Das and Tortuga add troops and actually decrease their combat ratio a bit - but some of it may be just me being a bad player!
4 - not sure - I'm assuming the artillery adds to attacks. with the puny early game artillery, I'm not sure how effective the bombardment attacks are.

Anyway, here is part 5 -

I think my noobish ways have dug me into something of a corner.
I think I'm going to restart.

Is there a planet type people would like to see?

< Message edited by Greyhunterlp -- 4/11/2020 9:41:16 AM >

(in reply to balto)
Post #: 6
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/11/2020 2:17:27 PM   

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Hi Geyhunterlp.....

A Cerberus planet would be really interesting I think.

Volcanic with rivers and Magma fields.....though to be fair they all look fun !

No shame in heroic failure by the way....I find such endings much more interesting than seeing the player steamroll the AI ....a General learns only from defeat remember


"I do not agree with what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it"

(in reply to Greyhunterlp)
Post #: 7
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/12/2020 4:27:44 AM   


Posts: 371
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From: The UK (wot wot ole bean)
Status: offline Part 6 is the last report from this world, tomorrow, I begin on a Medusa world.....

(in reply to devoncop)
Post #: 8
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/12/2020 8:02:20 AM   


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From: The UK (wot wot ole bean)
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Okay, I lied, I have more of a buffer than I though so

Medusa World part 1 -

(in reply to Greyhunterlp)
Post #: 9
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/13/2020 4:16:43 AM   


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From: The UK (wot wot ole bean)
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Part 2 -

This one has had some lucky rolls - a nice boost to industry and some very nice ruins nearby.

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Post #: 10
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/13/2020 9:46:14 PM   


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Grey, looking good. Keep going. Build the infrastructure/economy then start kicking some butt!

(in reply to Greyhunterlp)
Post #: 11
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/14/2020 4:47:23 AM   


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From: The UK (wot wot ole bean)
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Part 3 - we continue to expand!

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Post #: 12
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/14/2020 12:27:11 PM   


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(in reply to Greyhunterlp)
Post #: 13
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/15/2020 4:17:53 AM   


Posts: 371
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From: The UK (wot wot ole bean)
Status: offline Part 4 - I give my people the war they desire!

(in reply to balto)
Post #: 14
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/16/2020 4:28:50 AM   


Posts: 371
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From: The UK (wot wot ole bean)
Status: offline - Part 5 - and things are still going well.

Rampaging hordes of space monsters in 5....4....3.....

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Post #: 15
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/16/2020 4:45:07 PM   


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From: Maryland
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I like your play style. Both Das and Tortuga are not being aggressive in taking enemy cities. You have been heading towards taking that city south of you, and I think that is the way to be to succeed. I say that because I think what I am seeing is that if you do not take cities, the AI can economically steam roller you.

I also like when you are faced with Decisions - you take into consideration how the Government is impacted more than who is happy or what seems easy.., etc.., I am not sure that is the way to go, but I like how you do this and Das and Tortuga seems to be more focused on keeping people happy. Not sure what is the correct way to go, but again, your style is different and is entertaining.

All three of you (Tortuga, Das, and you) are doing such a great job. Thank you

(in reply to Greyhunterlp)
Post #: 16
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/16/2020 9:43:58 PM   


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It's great to see three differing play styles in action. I feel that I am learning more aspects of the game that way.

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Post #: 17
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/16/2020 11:19:38 PM   

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Since the scope of the game is rather large, have any of the youtuber's considered making a checklist of things to look at on each turn?


Rex Lex or Lex Rex?

(in reply to Ingtar)
Post #: 18
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/17/2020 4:28:19 AM   


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From: The UK (wot wot ole bean)
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Thanks for the comments!

I tend to be an aggressive fighter - I prefer to take risks and push hard.
As for the governors, most of them are still in the positive range, so I'm not to worried about them!

Here is part 6, where the early war pays off! -

(in reply to willgamer)
Post #: 19
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/18/2020 9:54:39 AM   


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From: The UK (wot wot ole bean)
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Lets step this up a bit - there is a gap between 8 and 9 as I lost a video, but you should be able to catch up -

So! It seems like everything has gone a bit wrong at the same time.....

Part 7! -
Part 8! -

(in reply to Greyhunterlp)
Post #: 20
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/19/2020 8:10:36 AM   


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From: The UK (wot wot ole bean)
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9! -
10! -

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Post #: 21
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/20/2020 10:00:52 AM   


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From: The UK (wot wot ole bean)
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11 -
12 -

This rebellion is really starting to put a crimp in my style!

(in reply to Greyhunterlp)
Post #: 22
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/23/2020 9:09:48 AM   


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From: The UK (wot wot ole bean)
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The rebels are under control, and I start a mass construction project!

Just as the CPU fan breaks out on my computer.....

13 -
14 -
15 -

(in reply to Greyhunterlp)
Post #: 23
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 4/27/2020 5:04:39 AM   


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From: The UK (wot wot ole bean)
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16 -
17 -
18 -
19 -
20 -
21 -
22 -

I really need to remember to post these here more often. though I'm trying not to spam.

(in reply to Greyhunterlp)
Post #: 24
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 5/5/2020 2:02:51 PM   


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From: The UK (wot wot ole bean)
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So I'm still going with this, but as there is a new version out, and the AI for the major nations seems passive on the lowest level, I'm wondering about restarting with the new patch and a new world, on a higher diffculty.

Is there any world type no one has covered yet or people are interested in?

(in reply to Greyhunterlp)
Post #: 25
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 5/5/2020 4:50:18 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Greyhunterlp

So I'm still going with this, but as there is a new version out, and the AI for the major nations seems passive on the lowest level, I'm wondering about restarting with the new patch and a new world, on a higher diffculty.

Is there any world type no one has covered yet or people are interested in?

How about rolling an Unclassified planet ? More unpredictability and I would suggest with a Militia only start and only a Supreme HQ as otherwise the early turns seem a bit too easy. I would also leave the story options on 're Cults etc to keep several balls in the air you have to juggle !


"I do not agree with what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it"

(in reply to Greyhunterlp)
Post #: 26
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 5/7/2020 4:23:44 PM   


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From: The UK (wot wot ole bean)
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The Unclassified world in interesting - a N2/Co2 atmosphere, terraformed partially by the colonists, then nuked during the dissolution war.

The path back to the cradle starts here!

(in reply to devoncop)
Post #: 27
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 5/7/2020 4:29:52 PM   

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Great stuff .....watching this evening !


"I do not agree with what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it"

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Post #: 28
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 5/7/2020 9:20:50 PM   


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Liked it! Also great immersion!

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Post #: 29
RE: Shadow Empire Gameplay videos - 5/8/2020 9:50:20 AM   


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Ah great, added it to my Watch Later list. First have to get work out of the way. :)

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