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Joined: 6/17/2020 Status: offline
The wargamer review was spot on. The game has no soul. The scenarios have been created with the free editor of war across world. And they were meant to be played in war across the world. But War Across World (9 euro) was replaced by the engine of the Spanish civil war (B4S), a surrogate, dressed as the Latin-American revolution, libertad o muerte (22 euro). The result is that what costs 9 euros now costs 22 euros. why?, there is no free editor and you can't play the WAW scenarios either. This has not been said, but the buyers should know. I don't know if it can be important, but the game has worsened historically and I don't know the ultimate reason for these decisions. But the result has been that the most important thing about the campaigns in Latin America, which have been going on since 1820, are not really played. Turned point in 1820, the Spanish army revolts and does not embark to fight, and after 1820 the most emblematic battles take place in Latin America. These three small scenarios pre-1820 have their origin in the "early campaign" scenario (redundant). These scenarios tehoretically were to incorporate a Phase of Supply (WAW) essential in Frederick style and guerrilla warfare, which is the heart of this pre-1820 campaigns. But it didn't happen that way. Then, this is the reason why you do not understand the nature of the early war. 1)- Rio de La Plata 2)- Bolivar 3)- Mexico Now you have early campaign(redundant) and South-America(redundant). But two big scenarios (post-1820) also do not exist, and should explain the regular warfare, and survive by devastating, on napoleonic style: 4)-Historical post-1820 total map campaign (Historical) 5)-Fictional post-1820 total map campaign (Riego invasion). The best thing about the game is its collection of historical images, but a recognition of the original artists should be made in the manual. Look at the cover of that game. It's a soldier paint by Cesar Puliafito, argentinean illustrator, that is superimposed on the painting of "El Abrazo de Maipú" 1908 Oil by Pedro Subercaseaux, Collection, Museo Histórico Nacional de Buenos Aires, Argentina. And so on with everything else. It doesn't cost a single euro to put it in the credit manual. As it happened to Pinocchio, to have a soul, it is not enough to copy and paste and make a remix. For example was erased from the original map the historical privateers bases of the circumcaribbean, its bays and historical islands. And it was replaced by those four markers that do not represent anything that has ever happened at privateers. The player might think that something happened there, a route perhaps, but no. Nothing ever happened in those four markers, historically talking about. Again, do it right doesn't cost. But I think the worst is that this game worsened the problem of combat phase (serious design flaw) of war across world. A solution: starts by giving the result, and a button capable of rewinding and pausing, if someone has not yet tired of seeing the same animation, again and again. But now everything happens frenetically, Jiminy Cricket jump here and there, your ends with a cross-eye and alleged explanation of the combat phase, that not help to play. By the way, I don't like these combat animations, Panzer General 1 had better animations in the 80s.
< Message edited by Petermil -- 6/18/2020 12:20:09 AM >