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RE: Serbia/Galicia -- 1914

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RE: Serbia/Galicia -- 1914 - 6/13/2020 2:46:39 PM   
John B.

Posts: 3909
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From: Virginia
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I retook it (circled) and so right now it's in the Entente camp and worth 90 VP. But, I told RB that, given the state of my troops it's likely that the only way he does not retake it is if he forgets to attack. :) My troops are battered and running low on supplies, but, I hold it for now. Perhaps his brigades will pick this moment to reorganize! One can only hope!

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Post #: 31
RE: Serbia/Galicia -- 1914 - 6/15/2020 7:11:22 AM   


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No retreat!

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Post #: 32
RE: Serbia/Galicia -- 1914 - 6/15/2020 12:41:43 PM   
John B.

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ORIGINAL: StuccoFresco

No retreat!

:) Game over man. Game over.

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Post #: 33
RE: Serbia/Galicia -- 1914 - 6/15/2020 12:43:30 PM   
John B.

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Well, RB managed to push my chaps out of Belgrade but his army appears to have been battered enough to not occupy the hex. In my turn the remnant of the Serb brigades moved back into Belgrade and dug in as well as they could.

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Post #: 34
RE: Serbia/Galicia -- 1914 - 6/15/2020 12:47:54 PM   
John B.

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On the Eastern front, the Russians managed to take one more 20 VP city from the A/H but Lemberg was just out of reach. I managed to get within two hexes of it but a miss is as good as a mile. There were a lot, and I mean a lot, of dead Russians between the border and the Lemberg city limits.

So, in the end result, RB's rugged defense and the Serbs never saying die led to a draw which the author calls the historical result.

This is a fun little scenario and quick at just 11 turns. My two quibbles would be (a) the 20 VP cities don't really seem to matter all that much and (b) in Serbia the fighting is basically all around Belgrade. Nothing much happened on the other parts of the Serbian sector.

Good game and thanks to an honorable opponent for a fun time. :)

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Post #: 35
RE: Serbia/Galicia -- 1914 - 6/15/2020 1:44:29 PM   


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Somewhat underwhelming.

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Post #: 36
Intro & RB's Turn 1 - 6/15/2020 2:57:48 PM   


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Serbia-Galicia 1914 AAR from the Austrian side. This AAR was written in parallel to John B’s AAR. As the game was played, I documented the Austrian moves and battle plans prior to opening John’s next turn. After reading JB’s Russian/Serbian AAR you can enjoy the same battle from the opposing side’s perspective.

At the conclusion of the game I read JB’s take on the battle and found similarities and instances where we both miscalculated the opposition’s strength, deployment and strategy. Enjoy.

Player/Designer Notes:

This is an older scenario which has not been updated to TOAW IV standards, as such the MRB is set at 99. Even though I was penalized by turn burn I do not recommend changing (lowering) MRB to an artificial level. MRB at 99 adds an exciting level of uncertainty of how field commanders would execute orders which I believe typified WWI warfare.

The infantry and cavalry units are low in proficiency and tend to easily subdivide. A key to this scenario appears to be recombining units to maintain their maximum proficiency. This seems to be particularly important to keeping the cavalry as viable combat units.

Regards, RhinoBones

Turn 1 – Galicia

Initially the Russians are not visible, but their main objectives are obvious; the fortresses at Przemsyl and Lemberg. The Austrians throw out cavalry screens to locate enemy concentrations and blow bridges. It is expected that this will slow the enemy while the infantry dig entrenchments. There are only a few objectives in Russian territory and their value is small. The Austrians will play defense and see if the Russians exhaust themselves.

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Colin Wright:
Comprehensive Wishlist Forum #467 . . . The Norm (blessed be His name, genuflect three times and accept all values in the program as revealed truth)

Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

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Post #: 37
Turn 1 – Serbia - 6/15/2020 3:00:12 PM   


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Turn 1 – Serbia

Unlike Galicia, the objective in Serbia is clear. Invest Belgrade and drive their armies to the East. Austrians advance into Serbia using three primary routes. Two advances are directed at Belgrade and the southernmost heads due East to threaten the Serbian supply point. The Austrians are surprised to find no defenders deployed in Belgrade. Wonder if this will turn out to be a trap, a killing zone.
On the North edge of the battlefield, an infantry corps in held reserve until their best deployment is determined. North or South, depends on enemy strength and actions.

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Colin Wright:
Comprehensive Wishlist Forum #467 . . . The Norm (blessed be His name, genuflect three times and accept all values in the program as revealed truth)

Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

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Post #: 38
Turn 2 – Galicia - 6/15/2020 3:02:08 PM   


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Turn 2 – Galicia

The Russians have not appeared on the battlefield. Austria uses this quiet period to position Corps into their respective armies. All units entrench in the defense of Lemberg and Przemsyl.

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Colin Wright:
Comprehensive Wishlist Forum #467 . . . The Norm (blessed be His name, genuflect three times and accept all values in the program as revealed truth)

Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

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Post #: 39
Turn 2 – Serbia - 6/15/2020 3:03:56 PM   


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Turn 2 – Serbia

Serbian assaults have pushed back the Austrian left flank which requires an emergency rush of units to rebuild the defense. Mostly HQ and cavalry units are available. Any serious advance by the Serbs will undoubtedly require a stronger defensive front. An added problem is that VII Corps has gone into reorganization compounding defense of both the flank and Belgrade.

In the center and right (Southern) flank Austrians assault and advance over the thin Serbian defense. The status and strength of Serbian reserves is unknown, however, maybe the Serbs will need to divert troops to the center at a cost of depleting their left flank.

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Colin Wright:
Comprehensive Wishlist Forum #467 . . . The Norm (blessed be His name, genuflect three times and accept all values in the program as revealed truth)

Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

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Post #: 40
Turn 3 – Galicia - 6/15/2020 3:05:53 PM   


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Turn 3 – Galicia

Finally, the Russians are on the board. Forward outposts spot the lead elements in four columns. Three columns appear to be headed for Lemberg and the fourth toward Przemsyl. Austrians continue to establish defensive positions while additional divisions pour in from the East. Looks like a big mess, but the commander likes to think that everything is under control.

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Colin Wright:
Comprehensive Wishlist Forum #467 . . . The Norm (blessed be His name, genuflect three times and accept all values in the program as revealed truth)

Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

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Post #: 41
Turn 3 – Serbia - 6/15/2020 3:07:44 PM   


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Turn 3 – Serbia

The Serbians are threatening the Austrian left flank (East of Belgrade) where only a thin line of weak cavalry units are available for the defense. To counter the Serbs, both divisions of the IX Corps travel by rail for an assault from the North. The plan is to move North, then East and South swinging around the rear of the Serb attack. The intent is to cut them off from the main body.

The 5th and 6th Armies are pushing eastward, fighting through the Serb defenders. The 5th aims to relieve pressure on Belgrade by attacking from the South. The 6th objective is the Serb supply points which are expected to be defended at all cost. The Austrians may not be able to take the supply points, but it should be possible to disrupt the supply lines.

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Colin Wright:
Comprehensive Wishlist Forum #467 . . . The Norm (blessed be His name, genuflect three times and accept all values in the program as revealed truth)

Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

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Post #: 42
RE: Turn 3 – Serbia - 6/15/2020 5:15:48 PM   


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Nice AAR! Thanks to both for writing it.

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Post #: 43
RE: Turn 3 – Serbia - 6/15/2020 8:08:13 PM   
John B.

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ORIGINAL: MonkeysBrain2

Nice AAR! Thanks to both for writing it.

Of course. And regardless of what you think of the gameplay, it's clear that RB writes better AARs than I do. :)

(in reply to MonkeysBrain2)
Post #: 44
Turn 4 – Galicia - 6/16/2020 1:59:35 AM   


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Turn 4 – Galicia

Lead elements of the Russian forces make contact at six locations. The most serious Russian attacks occur on the right flank, Southeast of Lemberg, which is guarded by weak cavalry forces. Additional forces are sent by rail but it is evident that there is a weak spot in the Austrian defense. If the Russians are able to exploit this defensive gap they will be on the Lemberg door step in short order.

The center is another weak spot. Cavalry from II Corps form a defensive line but are too weak to hold against a determined infantry assault. Heavier units are in transit but will not be in position until next week. Looks like both sides will be feeding troops into the fight as they appear on the battlefield.

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Colin Wright:
Comprehensive Wishlist Forum #467 . . . The Norm (blessed be His name, genuflect three times and accept all values in the program as revealed truth)

Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

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Post #: 45
Turn 4 – Serbia - 6/16/2020 2:01:17 AM   


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Turn 4 – Serbia

The Serbs appear not to have seen IX Corps movements. One division of the Corps attacks the advanced Serb brigade while the second division moves into their rear area. In other action, the 5th and 6th Armies continue their march to envelope Belgrade and threaten Serb supply. Unless the Serbs have uncommitted reserves, it doesn’t look like the existing troops can hold the defense much longer.

After one combat cycle the dreaded “Failed Proficiency” genie bites the Austrians. Bad enough that follow up attacks are canceled, but the units used in assaults have no opportunity to entrench. This shouldn’t be a problem in the Galicia area of operations, but on the Serbian front quite a few units are exposed to attack.

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Colin Wright:
Comprehensive Wishlist Forum #467 . . . The Norm (blessed be His name, genuflect three times and accept all values in the program as revealed truth)

Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

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Post #: 46
Turn 4 - Situation - 6/16/2020 2:03:01 AM   


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Turn 4 - Situation

Current victory points and Austrian casualty count. From reviewing the battle reports I expected the Russian loss penalty to be higher than the Austrian. Not so, and I’m a bit surprised. Also, a bit surprised at the total rifle casualties. Expected it to be higher. After the next few rounds that should all change.

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Colin Wright:
Comprehensive Wishlist Forum #467 . . . The Norm (blessed be His name, genuflect three times and accept all values in the program as revealed truth)

Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

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Post #: 47
Turn 5 – Galicia - 6/16/2020 2:04:44 AM   


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Turn 5 – Galicia

Russians make a number of attacks, however, counter attacks against the lead elements are able to close up the gaps. Reinforcements are used to build the defense stronger. Expect that the full weight of the Russian armies has not yet fallen on the Austrian lines. Certain that more coordinated, and more desperate, attacks are yet to come.

Since last report, the Russian loss penalty has grown to 15 over an Austrian penalty of 10.

Fortunately, the Russians were unable to exploit the defensive weak spots noted earlier.

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Colin Wright:
Comprehensive Wishlist Forum #467 . . . The Norm (blessed be His name, genuflect three times and accept all values in the program as revealed truth)

Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

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Post #: 48
Turn 5 – Serbia - 6/16/2020 2:06:30 AM   


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Turn 5 – Serbia

IX Corps has been able to partially encircle the Serbian forces attacking Belgrade from the East. The Serbs will probably withdraw to better defensive positions, but at least this should relieve the threat to Belgrade.

From the South, 5th Army is slowly moving to attack the Serbs outside of Belgrade.

The Serb forces blocking the 6th Army seem to be thinning out. There is a growing possibility the Austrians will be able to cut the rail lines and separate Serb forces from their source of supply. Some of the Austrian units need to resupply for a turn, otherwise maximum effort will be applied to capturing the objective.

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Colin Wright:
Comprehensive Wishlist Forum #467 . . . The Norm (blessed be His name, genuflect three times and accept all values in the program as revealed truth)

Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

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Post #: 49
RE: Turn 5 – Serbia - 6/16/2020 2:16:35 PM   


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I love seeing a battle from both sides.

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Post #: 50
RE: Turn 5 – Serbia - 6/16/2020 5:06:17 PM   
John B.

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It is very cool to see what RB was up to!

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Post #: 51
Turn 5 – Galicia Russian Advances - 6/17/2020 1:09:10 PM   


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Turn 5 – Galicia Russian Advances

Russians conduct heavy assaults primarily against the Eastern flank; the Austrian defensive works protecting the approaches to Lemberg. Formations of the 1st Army (I and X Corps) take the heaviest attacks and are thrown into reorganization. XII Corps of the 3rd Army is also in reorganization even though no units of that formation were engaged. The Russians are able to push back a few defenders but are unable to exploit the gaps. I’m guessing that they failed a proficiency check, were unable to advance and did not dig in.

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Colin Wright:
Comprehensive Wishlist Forum #467 . . . The Norm (blessed be His name, genuflect three times and accept all values in the program as revealed truth)

Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

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Post #: 52
Turn 6 – Galicia - 6/17/2020 1:11:15 PM   


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Turn 6 – Galicia

Austrians are busy filling the holes and have no intention of wasting manpower in a battle of attrition.

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Colin Wright:
Comprehensive Wishlist Forum #467 . . . The Norm (blessed be His name, genuflect three times and accept all values in the program as revealed truth)

Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

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Post #: 53
Turn 6 – Serbia - 6/17/2020 1:12:49 PM   


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Turn 6 – Serbia

Serbians launched sustained assaults and suffered terrible casualties but were able to push VII Corps out of Belgrade. If they are to defeat the Austrians, they must hold Belgrade so it is understandable that the Serbian command will sacrifice bodies for territory. Austria knows that a frontal assault against Belgrade is almost suicidal, so they opt to close in from the South and pinch off the Serbians holding Belgrade. The Austrians do attempt some counter attacks but the cost expensive.
Further South Austrians grind away at the Serb units guarding their supply source.

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Colin Wright:
Comprehensive Wishlist Forum #467 . . . The Norm (blessed be His name, genuflect three times and accept all values in the program as revealed truth)

Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

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Post #: 54
Turn 6 – Galicia Russian Advances - 6/17/2020 1:14:56 PM   


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Turn 6 – Galicia Russian Advances

Russians conduct large scale assaults along the same lines as last turn. Again they sustain heavy losses and push the Austrian defenders back. For the most part the Russians fail to follow up on their assaults.

Russian loss penalty 26, Austrian loss penalty 16

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Colin Wright:
Comprehensive Wishlist Forum #467 . . . The Norm (blessed be His name, genuflect three times and accept all values in the program as revealed truth)

Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

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Post #: 55
Turn 7 – Galicia - 6/17/2020 1:16:56 PM   


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Turn 7 – Galicia

Austria regroups and moves back into their defensive positions. There is little in the way of reserves, so they push HQ units into the gaps. They dig in the best they can and prepare for another round of Russian attacks. Several counter attacks are performed and succeed in straightening out the line. If there is a lesson learned from this battle it is that the cavalry units should be disbanded and converted into heavy infantry units. The Austrian cavalry brigades are far too weak to serve as front-line troops.

Austrians fail the proficiency check after first round of combat. Many units had already dug in, however, the units which performed the counter attacks are unable to entrench and are caught in the “minimize” defensive posture. Will the Russians be able to capitalize?

On the far Southern end of the Austrian defense (off map) a lone Russian artillery unit is detected attempting to make an end run around the Austrian right flank. Cavalry is moved to block this move and waits to see if the Russian unit has friends on the march.

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Colin Wright:
Comprehensive Wishlist Forum #467 . . . The Norm (blessed be His name, genuflect three times and accept all values in the program as revealed truth)

Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

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Post #: 56
Turn 7 – Serbia - 6/17/2020 1:18:40 PM   


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Turn 7 – Serbia

In Serbia it is mostly a time of maneuver for encirclement of Belgrade and destruction of the logistics tail. The grand plan is to destroy the bridge just South of the Serbian front, but I doubt that the enemy will allow that to happen.

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Colin Wright:
Comprehensive Wishlist Forum #467 . . . The Norm (blessed be His name, genuflect three times and accept all values in the program as revealed truth)

Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

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Post #: 57
Turn 7 – Galicia Russian Advances - 6/19/2020 8:06:16 AM   


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Turn 7 – Galicia Russian Advances

Russians perform another barrage of assaults against X Corps, XI Corps and independent divisions. These attacks are all focused on Lemberg. Most units hold or fall back without Russian advancement. In only a few cases are the Russians able to advance into the Austrian line. The enemy advance appears to be too slow and costly to reach Lemberg by the end of the campaign.

At this point Russian loss penalty is 26, Austrian loss penalty is 16.

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Colin Wright:
Comprehensive Wishlist Forum #467 . . . The Norm (blessed be His name, genuflect three times and accept all values in the program as revealed truth)

Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

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Post #: 58
Turn 8 – Galicia - 6/19/2020 8:08:14 AM   


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Turn 8 – Galicia

Austrians rally units which have been divided during combat. Sub-units of several infantry and cavalry units have completed re-organization and are now able to recombine. Proficiency of these units has a noticeable uptick as they are moved into the main defensive line and entrench.

On the far right flank the Russians are attacking, but it does not appear to be their main effort. A couple of minor units (off map to the South) are attempting to encircle Lemberg from the South but the effort seems to be more of a distraction than a serious maneuver. None the less, a few mobile units are sent to the end of the right flank to prevent any serious trouble.

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Colin Wright:
Comprehensive Wishlist Forum #467 . . . The Norm (blessed be His name, genuflect three times and accept all values in the program as revealed truth)

Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

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Post #: 59
Turn 8 – Serbia - 6/19/2020 8:09:41 AM   


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Turn 8 – Serbia

A couple of units’ inch closer to the South side of Belgrade, however, these are weak HQ units and will retreat is attacked. An attack on these units might not be a bad thing since it could pull the Serbs out of their prepared positions and make them vulnerable to counterattack. In the meantime, several strong units pile into the area around Belgrade and get ready for the inevitable final assault. Intelligence reports that there are only two, depleted, Serbian brigades located in Belgrade. Owing to its importance I would have expected more defensive firepower. Chances are that one or more of the brigades located South of Belgrade are in “Local Reserve” status. The enemy has used this tactic before.

As expected, the Serbs reacted to the incursion by Austrian cavalry and drove off the cavalry to protect the supply line. One cavalry unit was caught and disorganized, however two more units are in the area and may still be able to disrupt Serbian supply.

So far, Austrian infantry has taken 7733 casualties (17%) and the cavalry 1599 (32%). Cavalry losses are not unexpected given that they are weak defensively and are ill-equipped to entrench. Wherever possible cavalry is being deployed in support of infantry units, but this is not always possible. Artillery losses are rather low. Artillery is generally kept out of the main line and deployed for ranged fire. This seems to be having a positive effect on the casualty count.

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< Message edited by rhinobones -- 6/19/2020 8:13:13 AM >


Colin Wright:
Comprehensive Wishlist Forum #467 . . . The Norm (blessed be His name, genuflect three times and accept all values in the program as revealed truth)

Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

(in reply to rhinobones)
Post #: 60
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