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Newbie Questions - 7/1/2020 7:08:15 PM   


Posts: 29
Joined: 12/29/2017
From: UK
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I've consulted the game manual to find the answers to a lot of questions but would still like to ask about the following:

1. I have a HQ unit showing a supply value of 5(8), rather than just a single number like other units. What does 5(8) mean?

2. I notice numbers above air units resulting from air combat (-1, -2 etc), but the numbers don't match the strength losses of my units. Is this perhaps a fog of war thing, symbolising inaccurate information instead of actual losses, or is this something else?

3. The manual states that naval surface vessels can mine enemy waters where red hatching appears. I have sent vessels to these areas but no mining occurs. I see no option to manually order a vessel to mine and it doesn't happen automatically. Can somebody please explain how mining works?

4. Sometimes, when I have a naval vessel selected (I think it may only be subs) I see blue and yellow hatched hexes. What are these?

5. When a naval vessel is in raider mode is it less effective if surface combat occurs? Or to put it another way, what penalties are there for leaving a vessel in raider mode all the time?

6.Artillery: I read comments regarding best mode for artillery be kept in, auto or silent. When is it best to use either mode and does counterfire reduce the number of shells available come your turn?


"Gentlemen, we're in the stickiest situation since Sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun" - Capt. E. Blackadder.
Post #: 1
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/1/2020 8:05:24 PM   


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1. HQ generates extra supply, 5(8) means it gets 5 supply, and than generates a supply source of 8 on its own hex, so the unit next to it can get 7 (one less for one distance), instead of 4, since it is probably toward less supply than the HQ. This can even be daisy chained, if you are willing to do manual attachemnt for HQs, so the first gets 5, and generates 8, the next HQ gets 7 from it, and generates 10 from it, a third at three distance get 7, and generates 10 again, to give 9 to its adjacent unit, at a total of 5+1+3+1=9 distance from the 10 supply source, quite nice.

2. The number appears over the unit which is getting damaged. So your losses are over your units, and the numbers over your enemy is their loss.

3. In the WWII variant it is done under the surface (as a good mining should be done), if you stops in a red strafed hex, you "mine" that hex, causing economic damage to the nearby ports, cities, and other stuff, like mines and such. No actual mines that damage actual units on the map.

4. Probably the hexes that you are not able to rech but should, if not opponent units where there.

5. Surface units has no difference on or of, but if on, and can raid, it will raid, and that eat a supply per turn, so this is why you might want to turn it off. For subs, off raider is silent, you can go under most enemy ships, but with reduced range. Also in silent mode, subs are much harder to find, unless you use destroyers.

6. Counter fire uses a shell per counter firing, so it could easily eat up all your shells. The when to use is tricky, counter fire is good for defense, but three shell before an attack can make a hard breakthrough a piece of cake.

(in reply to Janaka)
Post #: 2
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/3/2020 11:08:25 AM   


Posts: 29
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From: UK
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Thanks for the reply.

In Q2, what I was getting at is that the numbers that appear above the unit as it receives damage doesn't always match the actual strength points it loses.

Further to my mining question: How can I tell that the hex has been mined. I sent a surface vessel to an enemy red-hatched hex, but see nothing to indicate mining has occurred. Is there perhaps a minimum number of turns your vessel has to remain in the hex?

Next questions:

1. Is there any benefit to which hex a HQ is in. I get that the closer to the units it commands is better for 'pushing' supply, but does the HQ benefit itself from say being in a city rather than sat on a mountain for instance.

2. What's the general consensus on balancing reinforcement with experience loss? For instance is it always better to fully reinforce a unit, even if this removes all experience; or is it better to reinforce to a strength of say 7 or 8 in order to retain some unit's existing experience?

3. In my current Axis game (only my second attempt at playing) it is 1942 and I'm advancing into Russia. Elsewhere, British troops are landing in Italy and allied ships and bombers are softening up Cherbourg (presumably in preparation for invasion) does the Allied AI tend toward a much earlier than historical invasions in this game?

4. To the devs really: The sea defences event that fires for the Axis allows gun emplacements in northern France to deter/defend against Allied invasion - but its very noticeable how vulnerable Cherbourg becomes as it is the only likely invasion point left undefended in the same manner. Could the event be modded to include some love for Cherbourg too?


"Gentlemen, we're in the stickiest situation since Sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun" - Capt. E. Blackadder.

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Post #: 3
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/3/2020 12:51:35 PM   
Bo Rearguard

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From: Basement of the Alamo
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Further to my mining question: How can I tell that the hex has been mined. I sent a surface vessel to an enemy red-hatched hex, but see nothing to indicate mining has occurred. Is there perhaps a minimum number of turns your vessel has to remain in the hex?

When you have a ship or submarine on a red hatched hex at the end of a turn you'll receive a message at the end of your turn stating that some merchantmen were sunk in that location along with some random amount of MPP damage done to your opponent. I don't think there are any mines per se in this game. At least I've never seen them mentioned in the manual. The raiding location hexes probably just represent heavy concentrations of merchant traffic. A target rich environment so to speak.

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< Message edited by Bo Rearguard -- 7/3/2020 12:59:16 PM >

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Post #: 4
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/3/2020 1:50:19 PM   
Bo Rearguard

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From: Basement of the Alamo
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Thanks for the reply.

1. Is there any benefit to which hex a HQ is in. I get that the closer to the units it commands is better for 'pushing' supply, but does the HQ benefit itself from say being in a city rather than sat on a mountain for instance.

In general, you’ll want to move keep HQs as close as practicable to railheads and roads to ensure frontline units have Supply 5+ if you plan to reinforce them at all, 6+ for maximum reinforcement and upgrades.

In the picture below, you'll note that the more northern Japanese HQ in the roadless area near the Mongolian border is generating some lousy supply levels to the surrounding hexes. The Japanese HQ down south near Peking is providing much better numbers. Sometimes, in primitive locations you won't be able to get the most ideal spots, but for the most part you want to keep your HQs in the best possible infrastructure.

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Post #: 5
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/3/2020 2:58:22 PM   


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Mines: they are not represented as anything, it happens every turn (and you get an event message from it), it is just what the ship landing on the red hex represents, but the event is the damage to the ports and such.

1. HQ: not really, but. The HQ needs to stay as close to the supply as it can, esp in enemy territory, where you won't get 10 sources, so you capture a town, it gives you 5 supply, HQ sets up shop on it and gives 8 towards the units, great, you move one hex to a mountain, one distance, and +2 movement penalty, so a total of three lost supply, the HQ boost 2 to 5, same as the town, the HQ does nothing. HQ should be either in town, or on a road, to help it getting good supply, and good way to distribute its supply boost. Of course special situations can happen.

2. Reinforcement: damaged unit lose power, 10% per lost str, also tends to go for lower morale and readiness, further reducing its effectiveness, so in most case, a 10 unit is better than an 8 with one star, and you really cannot keep your xp. in most case, you units will have little to no xp, as the war rages on, maybe your art, or protected bombers can get some xp, but you will take damage, and you want it to be reinforced.

3. The AI has some strict scripts, but also very flexible, if you are defeated in the med by the UK, they will land before the US arrives, if you defeat them in the med, than the UK might skip Italy and focus on Normandy, and if the US AI agrees, it will do it earlier than happened, or they will do multiple small landings to harass you. If the SU struggles, they try faster landings, if SU doing well, they go for japan a bit more.

4. Europe Fortress: consider most hex unprotected unless it has a corps on it, garrisons, coastal guns and such just a speed bump for a well done landing.

(in reply to Janaka)
Post #: 6
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/3/2020 3:50:33 PM   

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When invading an enemy country, note maximum city supply is 5 [denoted by the blue 5 in the hex]. Usually your best best is to park one HQ on a city while linking it to another nearby HQ near the front/point of attack or defense, which will get a high supply level itself, which it will then share with its subordinate units. Note aircraft will NOT get any extra supply unless linked to an HQ [in Russia I typically have 2-3 HQs devoted solely to the Luftwaffe], which is what the red crosshatching indicates [not linked and in low supply]--ANNNND said air HQ can do double duty by distributing supply to other nearby HQ's as said above.

Years ago IIRC there was talk of the reinforcement algorithm being "gentler" on your experience if the unit was reinforced slowly over several turns (representing veterans training the green rookies)- not sure if or when that got changed.

(in reply to Xsillione)
Post #: 7
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/3/2020 11:58:14 PM   


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Thanks again for the replies. I have reached September 1943. I am fighting on the outskirts of Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad but definitely feel my advance has run out of steam as morale is dropping. And now the USA has landed in Sicily.

I have two more questions:

1. I'm sure I didn't notice this before, but some units have strength numbers showing in bright green, instead of the usual white. What does this signify?

2. Like I said above, the USA has landed in Sicily and took the two cities in one turn. I responded immediately with lots of German and Italian units, but its a narrow access across the strait. I was convinced it wouldn't take me long to expel the invaders. Anyway, I was disappointed to say the least, when an event soon fired regards the removal of Mussolini from power, and with that every Italian unit in the map disappeared. This left holes in my frontline in Russia. What are the triggers for this event. Surely the appearance of Allied units in Sicily (not even mainland Italy), and units I'm confident of defeating, isn't the immediate end to Italy's participance in the war?

< Message edited by Janaka -- 7/4/2020 12:01:01 AM >


"Gentlemen, we're in the stickiest situation since Sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun" - Capt. E. Blackadder.

(in reply to Elessar2)
Post #: 8
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/4/2020 12:27:12 AM   


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Green numbers: it can be reinforced (or upgraded of it is the tech lvls)

Italy: below 20% (or around) NM, italy has low starting value, and lose lot of morale for africa, i you also lose the italian navy, than you just need a bit more for the italian collapse. Sicily is a morale loss trigger, as well as one of the city in sicily too, if they even just one hex inside the mainland italy, one more trigger. Italy is quite easy to knock out, if you lose in africa. And yes, that is a bad stuff in short term (you lose lots of italian units), but can be a blessing in disguise, as you get all the italian income into Germany, better tech, better industry, better everything. Sadly the italian airforce is irreplaceable, since you probably already at max with the Germans.

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Post #: 9
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/4/2020 6:09:21 AM   

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is the green numbering something new or did I bump settings? Weeks ago, the green numbering didn't exist or maybe my new glasses kicking in


Without Him, I could do nothing
Without Him, I'd surely fail
Without Him, I would be drifting
Like a ship without a sail

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Post #: 10
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/4/2020 6:38:13 AM   
Bo Rearguard

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I believe he's referring to those green numbers that appear on the lower right of counters when you press "R" for reinforceable or "U" for upgradeable.

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Post #: 11
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/4/2020 10:23:51 AM   


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Thanks Xsillione for the Italian explanation. I lost North and East Africa early on. I didn't bother to defend them - mostly as the RN was well placed to threaten my attempts to sail transports across the med.

I had Sicily fully defended though, upgraded corps in both cities and one corps and anti-air on the island too. However, amphibious landings seem super powerful; USA destroyed all Italian defenders within 2 turns. I would thought it would make more sense that an amphibious landing would suffer a malus to combat on the turn it lands to represent the difficulties of 'hitting the beaches' (disorganisation, unable to bring full strength to bear on initial landing etc).

Even though Italians have capitulated, Germany retains all of mainland Italy, presumably as I have German units stationed throughout.

< Message edited by Janaka -- 7/4/2020 10:40:48 AM >


"Gentlemen, we're in the stickiest situation since Sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun" - Capt. E. Blackadder.

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Post #: 12
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/4/2020 10:28:11 AM   


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Regards the yellow/blue hatching I mentioned earlier. Usually its just a few hexes here and three - in this case its one large area full. I still don't understand what this signifies.

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< Message edited by Janaka -- 7/4/2020 10:42:12 AM >


"Gentlemen, we're in the stickiest situation since Sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun" - Capt. E. Blackadder.

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Post #: 13
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/4/2020 11:52:33 AM   
Bo Rearguard

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The hatching represents the area in which that Japanese carrier projects air power. You may have noticed that land-based fighter units have those same hatching areas too. Clicking once on a fighter unit unit will show its movement range. Click again to see its intercept/strike range (shown with yellow-green cross hatching), and a third time for its air escort range (shown with blue cross hatching).

With a carrier you have to click a few more times since the second click always displays the naval cruise range of the carrier.

< Message edited by Bo Rearguard -- 7/4/2020 12:45:48 PM >

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Post #: 14
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/4/2020 12:43:51 PM   
Bo Rearguard

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Thanks Xsillione for the Italian explanation. I lost North and East Africa early on. I didn't bother to defend them - mostly as the RN was well placed to threaten my attempts to sail transports across the med.

In future games you will probably want to make at least some effort in defending North Africa. Both Tripoli and Tobruk are national morale centers for Italy. Of course, I don't what your circumstances in your game were, but getting transports across the Mediterranean usually isn't difficult unless the Royal Navy is standing directly in the way. Once embarked, a transport can make the trip to a Libyan port in one go if the way is clear. Also, you can reinforce Libya before Italy goes to war with no risk at all although the window to do so is short.

Ethiopia, well that you can afford to lose although it still helps to hang on as long as possible.

(in reply to Janaka)
Post #: 15
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/4/2020 3:35:32 PM   


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My next question: How do you make best use of aircraft carriers in this game?

In the war they were the new power at sea to which even battleships were now becoming inferior, but that is definitely not the case in this game. Carriers don't use aircraft in defence, allowing enemy surface vessels to move quickly up to them to engage at close contact, and in attack air strikes launched from carriers are ineffectual. At a loss as to what to do with them. At the moment I'm considering hiding them away so they don't become a liability due to NM losses.

In the attached image I have two carriers targeting a crippled US battleship. I launched two strikes from the first carrier but caused no damage to the battleship but had several aircraft shot down (hence only 3 aircraft strength remaining). The second carrier is about to launch strikes at the same 0-1 odds (hoping for luck). Surely a carrier should have some chance of sinking an enemy ship?

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by Janaka -- 7/4/2020 3:40:49 PM >


"Gentlemen, we're in the stickiest situation since Sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun" - Capt. E. Blackadder.

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Post #: 16
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/4/2020 4:13:51 PM   
Bo Rearguard

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In the attached image I have two carriers targeting a crippled US battleship. I launched two strikes from the first carrier but caused no damage to the battleship but had several aircraft shot down (hence only 3 aircraft strength remaining). The second carrier is about to launch strikes at the same 0-1 odds (hoping for luck). Surely a carrier should have some chance of sinking an enemy ship?

What air operation mode do you have your carriers set for? It's one of those buttons down on the bottom of the screen. If it is set at CAP you will always get lousy results since you are sending fighters to do a naval bomber's job. You want it set for naval tactical or mixed if attacking ships.

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< Message edited by Bo Rearguard -- 7/4/2020 4:23:09 PM >

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Post #: 17
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/4/2020 4:20:13 PM   
Bo Rearguard

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My next question: How do you make best use of aircraft carriers in this game?

In the war they were the new power at sea to which even battleships were now becoming inferior, but that is definitely not the case in this game. Carriers don't use aircraft in defence, allowing enemy surface vessels to move quickly up to them to engage at close contact, and in attack air strikes launched from carriers are ineffectual. At a loss as to what to do with them. At the moment I'm considering hiding them away so they don't become a liability due to NM losses.

Aircraft carriers in this game shouldn't operate without a screen. They are very vulnerable to surface attack. If you don't want surface vessels sailing up adjacent to and then directly attacking your carriers with gunfire you need to physically put a barrier or screen of surface ships around them in adjacent hexes that enemy ships have to attack through first. That's the way carrier task forces work in this game. It also gives all those cruisers something to do.

< Message edited by Bo Rearguard -- 7/4/2020 4:29:12 PM >

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Post #: 18
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/4/2020 9:45:27 PM   

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My next question: How do you make best use of aircraft carriers in this game?

Carriers can be potent and versatile weapons but they need to be utilized properly. Like any air unit they are nullified by bad weather. Carrier strikes against land units can impact the land unit's morale and readiness, but usually doesn't do much physical damage. Carrier strikes against ships in port can be devastating as at Pearl harbor. You also want to be careful about a lone carrier operating by itself, especially around land based air. It's probably best to use them in groups of two or more. One carrier providing CAP, the others set on strike. You also want surface ships out in front of them to run interference against any surface marauder which might come barreling after them.

They are also greatly enhanced by any upgrades you can afford to give them.

Long range aircraft research enlarges their spotting range. With a few levels of upgrades you could probably scout out the whole eastern or western Mediterranean with a British carrier.

Advanced fighters research makes them lethal against maritime bombers on defense, and assists on escort.

Naval weaponry research increases their staying power in surface combat and increases their carrier attack power against ships.


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Post #: 19
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/4/2020 10:40:46 PM   


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Thanks guys.


I did have a screen in the situation above, but the US navy sank them all or drove them back leaving the carriers exposed. Yes, I had the carrier mode wrong; my bad. I've set it to tactical now, except for the escort carrier which is using full cap. Didn't stop a disaster though: The US navy was approaching so I set up a screen with everything I had, my carriers were held two hexes further back, but the US vessels again pummelled my screen and broke straight through, continuing directly into my carriers (no fog of war for the AI?). I had one of my carriers sunk by a land-based RAF bomber in this same turn - no CAP from my escort carrier (or any carrier) intercepted.

Next turn came and I thought at least I'll get to launch my torpedo bombers this time to see how they work and how effective they are - guess what! It poured down with rain everywhere and nothing would take to the air!!!!


If I thought my last two turns in the East were bad, Northern France was worse. Is there any point in stationed defenders on the coast of France? I watched full strength, fully upgraded corps entrenched in city-ports be destroyed in a single turn by an enemy as they landed. Defending corps were attacked from sea as the landing craft arrived for 5 damage and then the landing enemy troops immediately attack for another 5 damage. I lost several corps and garrisons in the first turn of landings. On the second turn following the Allies landing, I'm defending Paris already. I know a lot of what hasn't awry in the game is down to my mistakes as I learn the game, but amphibious invasions definitely seem over-powered - bordering on broken.

Also, the sea-wall gun emplacements I received after paying for them by event are useless. They don't fire at the approaching landing craft; they only fire manually during your own turn, which is too late. Landing craft appear, land and off-load in a single AI turn. No defensive fire takes place.

This game will be the death of me.


"Gentlemen, we're in the stickiest situation since Sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun" - Capt. E. Blackadder.

(in reply to Platoonist)
Post #: 20
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/4/2020 10:58:30 PM   


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5 damage is a bit much, but there is a big snowball style part of the game, that is very hard to catch when you starting to be on the losing side. As you lose, your morale drops, and the enemies go up, as you lose, your economy shrinks and the enemies go up, as you fall behind the tech, you start to be on the losing side, and suddenly, a normal landing that would do in an equal state only 1-2 damage, 3 if bad luck on your side, does 5, and you don't do any in return instead of equal return damage.

(in reply to Janaka)
Post #: 21
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/4/2020 11:23:45 PM   
Bo Rearguard

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Without knowing the exact circumstances of your personal global struggle I can only go with conjecture. But it might be possible that part of the reason you are facing a speedier invasion of Western Europe might have to do with your earlier decision to not defend North Africa. US and Allied forces that might have been tied up in an Operation Torch type invasion of Algeria, Tunisia and western Libya are now available to do other things earlier and differently than played out historically. I believe the AI is programmed to be a bit dynamic in that regard.



This game will be the death of me.

Yeah, but if you survive experience is an awesome teacher.

(in reply to Janaka)
Post #: 22
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/6/2020 5:36:04 PM   


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Well my first full game has ended in terrible defeat. I’ve enjoyed the game immensely and will try again soon as the other side, and hopefully will have learned from my mistakes.

I have some comments to make below. Some are possible bugs I experienced and other comments are about a few things that I didn’t like about the game.

Possible Bugs

1. I accidently moved a garrison unit over a hex containing a gun emplacement on the French coast. The garrison disappeared, never to be seen again.

2. The numbers that appear above units as they take damage don’t always match the actual damage received (which I assume is WAD to do with FOG?), but on one occasion the number above my unit was -235, which definitely isn’t right.

3. Suffered one crash. I meant to select a Japanese fighter unit to reinforce it, but accidently clicked twice on it which caused a CTD.

4. Aircraft carrier CAP. I set my carriers to use CAP but never saw it. Incoming air attacks always went undefended.

Things I didn’t like.

1. Weather system. The human player and AI player’s turns take place on different days and generate different weather. But on several occasions the weather alternated between fair and rain in which every AI turn was fair and I received all the rain. This meant my aircraft were grounded for two or three consecutive turns but the AI bombers were free to operate unhindered in between my turns. This became super annoying towards the end when my air support could take no part in defending the Fatherland or searching for/striking at US navy in the Pacific.

Lost several of my carriers because of alternating weather. Twice I gathered my Japanese navy ready for a big turn and the rains came. Next, the AI turn comes and its battleships plough through my screens straight into my carriers for surface combat, and the AI planes bomb my fleet (because the weather for the AI’s turn is now fair). Happened on both occasions and left the Japanese navy ineffectual for the remainder of the war.

2. Amphibious Landings. In other war games, amphibious landings suffer penalties when they hit the shores to simulate disorganisation, being vulnerable to defensive fire and being unable to immediately bring full strength to bear. In this game however the opposite seems true. The approaching craft gets an attack, then its passenger unit disembarks without casualties and it too gets an attack. And these attacks are uber-powerful sometimes delivering 5 damage each and destroying the defending corps in the process; even though the defending corps is full strength, fully upgraded and entrenched. It makes a farce of defending your shores. At least inland you’d only suffer one attack.

3. Gun Emplacements. These are the guns received by event in northern France. Basically there’s no point to them. They do not fire at approaching vessels. They need to have an auto-fire function during the AI turn in response to approaching craft; not unlike how defensive fire works for arty. The AI vessels approach, disembark troops and those troops get an attack; the gun emplacements did nothing. You can fire them manually during your own turn, but it’s too late - there’s no target during your own turn.

4. Who put the save button next to the quit button? I’ll say no more.

Looking forward to being humiliated as the Allies next!!

Edit: Reflecting on what I've written: My bemoaning the weather system is probably sour grapes on my part - it's just bad luck I'm sure. But when I struggle to compete with the AI (even on Green and -20%MPP), losing the backbone of my navy, including all my carriers, due to two instances of bad weather for me/good weather for the AI at the crucial moment, I just can't help feeling aggrieved.

< Message edited by Janaka -- 7/6/2020 7:41:51 PM >


"Gentlemen, we're in the stickiest situation since Sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun" - Capt. E. Blackadder.

(in reply to Bo Rearguard)
Post #: 23
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/6/2020 6:07:00 PM   


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Fighter defense: Fighters will not defend itself, and so if the CAP CV get attacked, it will also not defend itself, for ground aircraft, this is ok, for CVs not so great, but at least WAD.

Weather: it is always against you :)

Amphib: Try out on the other side, it is not as simple as seems to be, most case, you are hard pressed to land without massive air and naval preparation, yet it can be strange. The LV starts with 11 supply, so it will have 10 on its first turn (lose one per turn), but most case the defenders won't have 10 supply, so a landing is better supplied (with huge cost) than a defending unit, and will have great morale from it. Also the best part, the LV uses its own attack value (based on tech), not the units value, so an AA gun, or an HQ or a cavalry brigade will be just as good for the pre-emtive attack, as an SF, armor or army.

(in reply to Janaka)
Post #: 24
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/6/2020 7:44:36 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Xsillione

Fighter defense: Fighters will not defend itself, and so if the CAP CV get attacked, it will also not defend itself, for ground aircraft, this is ok, for CVs not so great, but at least WAD.

I lost two carriers to incoming airborne attacks (one from land-based bombers and one from US carrier strikes); shouldn't CAP engage the incoming bombers?


"Gentlemen, we're in the stickiest situation since Sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun" - Capt. E. Blackadder.

(in reply to Xsillione)
Post #: 25
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/6/2020 10:53:47 PM   

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I do have a general complaint: some information is not available from within the game itself per se. For example, nowhere can you see what your average tech progression will be per turn. Nor is there any weather forecast button. To know both of those things you have to go into the editor and check out both areas in turn-and there are a LOT of weather zones.

For my 20k map, I've been toying with the dilemma of alternating turns [Axis: June 4. Allies: June 8. Axis, June 12, etc.] or having simultaneous turns [Axis: June 4. Allies: June 4. Axis, June 12...]. The issue there is the asymmetry between the sides: the Axis, since they typically go first, can make note of the weather during their turn and prepare for when the Allies get to move, knowing the weather will be the same. But, just as obviously, the default situation isn't any more satisfying. Rain & storms probably should reduce the effectiveness of air power, but not ground them completely, esp. given that in the default scenarios we are talking about turns which can range from 2-6 weeks.

(in reply to Janaka)
Post #: 26
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/6/2020 11:32:02 PM   
Bo Rearguard

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From: Basement of the Alamo
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I lost two carriers to incoming airborne attacks (one from land-based bombers and one from US carrier strikes); shouldn't CAP engage the incoming bombers?

If your carrier's air mode is sent to CAP they will engage the incoming enemy bombers, however if those incoming bombers are escorted by fighters they will inflict some losses on your CAP and some bombers will get through to damage your carrier. If those enemy fighters are more technological advanced than your CAP fighters, your losses will be even more severe. CAP doesn't make you invulnerable.

One good tactic to use with carriers is a split move. Try to keep your carriers at arm's length 6-12 hexes from where your scouting assets like subs and destroyers are. Or use air recon to scout the area if available. If your scouts find a vulnerable naval target move your carriers in to the maximum air range they can strike at, make your two allowable air attacks and then move them back to a safer area. It lessens the vulnerability of the carriers to a counter attack.

Another good idea might be to set up a quick hot seat game against yourself with the fog of war off. Set up some carrier and air attacks and see what goes on when you control and can see both sides.

(in reply to Janaka)
Post #: 27
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/7/2020 1:25:21 AM   


Posts: 216
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I have always felt that weather should be the same for both sides during the same turn. Many times I have experienced bad weather when I needed good weather while the AI would get good weather in its turn. This can be decisive during a big naval carrier battle. I have also seen good weather over my air units while there was bad weather over the AI units that I wanted to hit. Having the same weather for both sides during the same turn solves this play unbalancing inequity.

(in reply to Bo Rearguard)
Post #: 28
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/7/2020 6:32:16 PM   
Hubert Cater


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Hi Janaka,

Just to provide some answers to your latest posts here:

1) This doesn't sound right at all, if you have a turn where you can ever repeat something like this please let me know and send it our way.
2) The numbers should match what the losses would be for the unit. There is a possibility of a +/- 1 to the unit losses, and perhaps this is what you are seeing from the prediction box in terms of differentiation? If not, please send me a turn where this might be repeatable. For something like -235 there is also the possibility of national morale loss when a unit is destroyed etc., perhaps this is what you saw being animated above the unit? If so this is normal and to be expected.
3) Same, please send a turn for this if it is ever repeatable.
4) For Carriers, they need to be in range of the targets they are defending and weather could also be a factor, perhaps stormy seas or rain/fog were in play here?

For any turns, please send to

For FoW, the AI plays under the same rules as a human player, but it can be given bonuses to increase its spotting range. This is set in the OPTIONS screen. There is also the possibility that your Carriers were simply spotted as well, either during the course of the turn and during combat, or from a Spying and Intelligence spot at the beginning of the AI turn.

Hope this helps,


(in reply to Mithrilotter)
Post #: 29
RE: Newbie Questions - 7/7/2020 6:37:31 PM   
Hubert Cater


Posts: 5199
Joined: 7/22/2013
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ORIGINAL: Mithrilotter

I have always felt that weather should be the same for both sides during the same turn. Many times I have experienced bad weather when I needed good weather while the AI would get good weather in its turn. This can be decisive during a big naval carrier battle. I have also seen good weather over my air units while there was bad weather over the AI units that I wanted to hit. Having the same weather for both sides during the same turn solves this play unbalancing inequity.

Since one side goes before the other there is never really going to be a true weather for both sides that is always the same, correct?

e.g. as Elessar noted above, Axis goes first in the default game and so the Allies are guaranteed the same weather as the Axis, but the reverse is not necessarily true.

For example, when the Allies are attacking later in the game, the Axis response turn is not guaranteed to have the same weather as the Allied attack turn, because the weather changes after the Allied turn.

So isn't the problem essentially the same then as you'll reach points in the game where the weather is not always going to be the same for both sides?


(in reply to Mithrilotter)
Post #: 30
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