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RE: Flicker's Fabulous Strategy

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RE: Flicker's Fabulous Strategy - 8/3/2020 7:17:46 PM   

Posts: 13450
Joined: 11/16/2015
From: My Mother, although my Father had some small part.
Status: offline
It is not worth repairing the Chinese Industry until the war is over. You are better off using your supplies to protect China.


Seek peace but keep your gun handy.

I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

“Illegitemus non carborundum est (“Don’t let the bastards grind you down”).”
― Julia Child

(in reply to Flicker)
Post #: 31
RE: Flicker's Fabulous Strategy - 8/4/2020 12:06:38 AM   


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Maybe someday we'll get to US Air...

Let's keep talking about supply. I know that by keeping the Burma Road open and clear that I get 500 supply points. I also run convoys full of supplies to Rangoon, which goes somewhere, hopefully China. I prefer not to manually 'pump' supplies, but I guess I could if I really needed to...

Alfred's Logistics 101:

This work clears up many questions I have about supply.

For example, Ledo sends supplies to Tsuyung via Air Transport. One of the squadrons flies the C-47 Skytrain with a Max Load of 6000 (pounds?). The Max Load is divided by 2000, so each plane delivers 3 supply points. If the squadron has ten planes, that means that 30 supply gets delivered to Tsuyung. From there, I hope that it gets delivered further into China by road, rather than looping back to Ledo by jungle. Overall, Ledo doesn't seem to help much, but every little bit helps...

In that thread, Yaab asked: "Does base development level (airfield+port) affect how much supply can be moved through a base?" The question didn't get answered. I've searched for an answer to no avail because I have the same question (I think I asked it in a different thread back in 2015?). I've been proceeding assuming that building up infrastructure is good, at least it adds points to your score, right? But do built up airfields / ports help move supply?

(in reply to RangerJoe)
Post #: 32
RE: Flicker's Fabulous Strategy - 8/4/2020 12:32:24 AM   

Posts: 13450
Joined: 11/16/2015
From: My Mother, although my Father had some small part.
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The build up allows more supply to be there. If the supply is not there it is difficult for it to be passed on.


Seek peace but keep your gun handy.

I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

“Illegitemus non carborundum est (“Don’t let the bastards grind you down”).”
― Julia Child

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Post #: 33
RE: Flicker's Fabulous Strategy - 8/4/2020 3:17:15 PM   


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US Air, plus Canada. Oh, and New Zealand.

When I do a turn, I start in Alaska, then make a big loop to Canada, GB / Canada / East Coast, West Coast, Balboa, Pearl, et cetera; ending at Abadan, Aden, and Cape Town. Since US squadrons are almost everywhere, we'll follow that practice.

Alaska is defended by the 11th Air Force, comprised of some fighters and two-engine bombers; supplemented by Catalina squadrons. The fighters were 'upgraded' from P40E to P39s, the bombers are used for ASW, and the Cats for Naval Search.

Almost all of Canada's squadrons are due to permanently withdraw, so they don't get replacement airplanes or upgrades. They are all on the west coast. Some American aircraft (Cats, 2-engine ASW bombers) are stationed at Canadian airfields.

The West Coast airfields mostly train pilots in squadrons due to permanently withdraw. Seattle and Mare Island train fighters, Alameda trains 4-engine bombers, and the rest of the 2-engine bombers provide ASW along the coast (both 'P' and those that haven't been bought out). Float plane squadron due to withdraw have been 'upgraded' to save their Kingfishers (all ships have Kingfisher patrol planes). San Diego keeps the USN squadrons due to withdraw, and San Francisco has everything else (planes due to ship to Pearl, planes that haven't been bought out, plus ASW (I use the zeppelins as ASW). I've got a pretty solid ASW air and ship combination from Victoria to LA.

Pearl currently has a huge backlog of planes needed elsewhere (to be sorted out after the ship upgrades), but also has a fighter wing on CAP and decent ASW coverage. ASW is also stationed at the other Hawaiian islands. Midway, Johnston, and pretty much all of the occupied islands in the South Pacific have Cats, sometimes supplemented by dive bombers or torpedo planes. There is a wing of B17s split between Suva and Noumea supporting the battle at Luganville.

New Zealand has some air at Suva (and Nadi), but most of their air is at home. There is a Kiwi fighter squadron on Sumatra.

Australia is home to a B17 wing at Charter Towers, plus dive bombers and 2-engine bombers at Brisbane and the Sydney metro area.

There are a lot of American fighters on Java and Sumatra, plus a wing of B17s at Lahat, and Singapore has five squadrons of P40Es, one of which is on night patrol.

The Flying Tigers are still at Rangoon for a couple more weeks, with another fighter wing at Chittagong to replace them.

Next, land units.

< Message edited by Flicker -- 8/4/2020 3:18:29 PM >

(in reply to RangerJoe)
Post #: 34
RE: Flicker's Fabulous Strategy - 8/5/2020 12:06:38 AM   


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From: Rocket City USA
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So we'll do land units, however since the topic of 'how do I do a turn' keeps popping up in the forum, we'll review land units as part of describing my process for doing a normal turn. Note that I say 'normal', because the first of the month not only encompasses each of the steps described, but I perform a monthly in-depth review (we'll get to that later).

I used to watch the turns, however now I'll let it run while I go do some housework or something.

After the turn runs, I'll save the game. I used to do a three day rolling save, but nowadays I just say, [expletive] it and drive on. First, I look at the World Map to see if there are any red dots that shouldn't be there. Then I click on 'Intelligence Reports' and look at my 'Political Points', for example I have 275 PP right now (I'm saving up to buy a division costing like 1300 PPs). Then I'll click on 'Aircraft Losses' and sort on 'Today' to see what happened. Usually, there are like five types on Japanese planes before I see one of mine (often fighters or patrols). Normally I'll go to the next step, however sometimes I'll suffer a disaster like a failed bombing raid so I'll check it out.

My next step is to check the 'List Top Pilots' menu option and sort by "Exp' (experience) to see if I have any pilots to send to TRACOM (except for the Dutch, who are still flying).

Next is to check the 'Group Withdrawal Schedule'. I don't actually check this every time, because as part of my monthly routine I withdraw squadrons at the first of the month that are due to withdraw during the next month. Occasionally there are squadrons that aren't quite ready yet, so I'll check again until I withdraw them.

Next I look at 'Ships Sunk' sorted by date. I look at 'Ship Withdrawal' once a month and withdraw ships due to withdraw during the month, after replacing the captain if advantageous and taking the toilet paper. I ensure that ships nearing their withdrawal date are at a National Base. I also look at the Intel: Ship Withdrawal screen to see if the ship returns (in which case I don't replace the captain or take the patrol aircraft or toilet paper).


< Message edited by Flicker -- 8/5/2020 11:48:22 AM >

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Post #: 35
RE: Flicker's Fabulous Strategy - 8/5/2020 11:47:24 AM   


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Once a month I look at 'Ground Withdrawal' to see which unit withdraws that month and replace the commander if advantageous.

Now the fun starts - I 'Show Combat Reports' and go to important battles or ship battle damage locations or air raid failures and tend to my forces. I "Show Operations Reports' and resolve issues such as expanding bases or arriving task forces or arriving units. Then I skim over the 'Sigint' and 'Weather'.

Next up, the hard work...

(in reply to Flicker)
Post #: 36
RE: Flicker's Fabulous Strategy - 8/6/2020 1:44:12 PM   


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From: Rocket City USA
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Good morning! It's another beautiful day here in Alabama, so let's talk about ground units. I'm going to address them as I would during a turn, starting in Alaska and ending up at Cape Town. I do this every turn, and my entire turn process takes about an hour. That, plus the about 15 minutes for turn processing constitutes my WITP AE gameplay each day. Once a month, I review each theater to see if everyone is busy and being all that they can be...

I'll address some bases in detail, either because they are in contact with enemy forces or because they are examples of a 'standard'.

Alaska is kind of a backwater for me, although I'm making it a tough nut to crack. I sorted out the initial forces (combining units where appropriate) and reinforced, especially with engineers. There is a dedicated fleet of tankers and cargo ships, which will probably be repurposed after the June upgrades, so supply and fuel are plentiful. I have the 11th USAAF augmented by Cats a small cruiser-led SCTF with short-legged destroyers; the SCTF got a workout recently when the Japanese invaded Attu Island - the SCTF sunk all of the IJN ships and escort. However, the Japanese did land a unit on Attu. Fortunately, I had landed a combat engineer unit (unrestricted and due to withdraw in a couple of years) which had built forts up to level three. The SCTF bombarded the Japanese then withdrew to repair damage and reload. I have a BB-led bombardment TF on the way, due to arrive within about a week and reinforcements (infantry, unrestricted, due to withdraw) on the way, due within about two weeks. I use unrestricted ground units due to withdraw as a 'forlorn hope'; they don't get upgraded or replacements.

After checking on Alaska, I look at GB / CAN / East Coast, West Coast (mostly Seattle and San Francisco since they're the transport ports), Balboa, Pearl (which has a backlog of troops to deploy), Christmas, Tarawa (I'm in Phase I of securing the Mid-South Pacific islands), note that I prioritize reinforcing Tabiteuea early in the game, as it's an important staging area for operations in that theater. While we're talking about the area, the small islands like Midway, Johnston, Palmyra, Canton, etc. get a USAAF base, a Marine defense battalion and a FA battalion as their standard complement. I'm engaged at Luganville, where I landed a US Infantry division as reinforcements recently - they are currently reducing fatigue and disorder before attacking - bombers from Suva and Noumea are softening up the invaders. NZ and Oz are kinda quiet. The Aussie divisions are garrisoning the major cities - Sydney and Perth are the most active cities.

I then move on the Japanese Home Islands to check on my subs, then the PI. I still hold besieged Cebu (for maybe another couple of turns) and Zamboanga. I've got a Cat squadron at Zamboanga rescuing troops from Cebu (I've got fragments from all of the units at Cebu). I'm using my US fleet subs (due to withdraw in a few years) to run supplies from Soerabaja to the PI.

Next the DEI and points west...

< Message edited by Flicker -- 8/6/2020 1:46:14 PM >

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Post #: 37
RE: Flicker's Fabulous Strategy - 8/6/2020 2:49:17 PM   
Ian R


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Do I understand you are at June 1942, playing scen 1?

If so, and you hold Singapore, I would suggest you train train train your fighter jocks, and get your US/Australian ground troops to prep for Borneo, then Hainan & Formosa and the later arrivals for Okinawa and Kyushu. Send the British Army up the railway, right turn to Saigon, and north to Hanoi. There are a bunch of level 9 airfields to build, and your airpower will turn the South China Sea into an allied lake.

As soon as you upgrade your fast carrier VFs to F6F, press the go button and send the death star bouncing up the Sth China Sea. The KB will react and if you are clever enough, will be pounded by your land based air before they even get in range of your carriers, let alone your transports

Do not bother with PM, or Rabaul, or the Marshalls/Marinias, and the PI is only useful to get the shipyard at Manila, and airbases, so take Luzon after you cut off its LOC to the Japan. Go straight up the guts. You should be on the JHI in force by the end of 43.

If you need to, in early 1944 you can assemble a borg cube that will be able to assimilate a transwarp conduit through the Marshalls and Carolines, all covered by a big blue blanket and wave through the convoys building your supply dump at Manila.


"I am Alfred"

(in reply to Flicker)
Post #: 38
RE: Flicker's Fabulous Strategy - 8/6/2020 3:30:14 PM   


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Ian, thank you for commenting. Yes, I'm in June 1942 playing Scenario 1 versus the AI.

LOL we're ahead of ourselves, and I might as well let the cat out of the bag.

I've never played the Soviets, so in this game my goal is to prolong the game to play the Soviets (activated on August 1, 1945). My 'fabulous strategy' is to (pretend to) activate the Russians by reducing the Japanese Manchukuo garrison (this only works against a human player). I'm role-playing the denial of post-war China (and Korea) to the Russians. The Brits / Indians are responsible for Sumatra and retaking Malaya, as well as taking Thailand and Indo China. While the US provides naval and air support, the US will not provide troops to retake colonial possessions (um, except their own in the PI or Dutch New Guinea - the Aussies must retake Eastern New Guinea including Rabaul, however the US will take Guadalcanal instead of the British). The Aussies are responsible for Java and then taking Borneo and the Celebes. The US is planning to take Guadalcanal, retake the PI, Taiwan, and meet up in Korea with US forces advancing from China. Chinese forces will not advance into Korea but can cross the 'border' into Manchukuo. The Russians get the rest of Sakhalin Island.

< Message edited by Flicker -- 8/6/2020 3:32:06 PM >

(in reply to Ian R)
Post #: 39
RE: Flicker's Fabulous Strategy - 8/6/2020 3:42:10 PM   
Ian R


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Well, you may able to prompt Soviet entry by putting the IJ on human control* and running down the garrison, but, you don't get the massive Soviet reinforcements (historical) until about July 45 that enable you to carry out the Manchurian operation in historical fashion. Having said that, I suspect if you trash the IJ economy by taking the "evisceration" route suggested by me, you might be able to get it done with the skeletal troops that are there in summer '43 - against the AI.

[*I am reasonably sure the AI is allowed to ignore garrison requirements.]

I am not sure of the Soviet Manchurian operation is included in the Downfall scenario; if so that would be a better way to get there.


"I am Alfred"

(in reply to Flicker)
Post #: 40
RE: Flicker's Fabulous Strategy - 8/6/2020 3:44:07 PM   

Posts: 13450
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From: My Mother, although my Father had some small part.
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Whenever I played Allies, the Japanese surrendered as soon as they could so no Soviet involvement at all.


Seek peace but keep your gun handy.

I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

“Illegitemus non carborundum est (“Don’t let the bastards grind you down”).”
― Julia Child

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Post #: 41
RE: Flicker's Fabulous Strategy - 8/6/2020 4:01:13 PM   


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Ranger Joe, I was hoping to keep playing after I win. I play as if I'm facing a human opponent for the most part, however I'll 'waste' PPs to slow my game (for example, buying out Dutch units that will never leave Java). Also, my 'house rules' slow the game a little - Canadian militia can't leave Canada, re-colonization rules, restricted units can't cross borders (except upgraded Canadian units can deploy to the US if the US 'trades' units for them - usually AA and Engineers), keeping air wings together (and buying out squadrons with different HQs). Ensuring that Air and Ground Units have the 'correct' HQs is a big waste of PPs.

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Post #: 42
RE: Flicker's Fabulous Strategy - 8/6/2020 7:39:21 PM   


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Ian, I think I might set the Japanese AI to human control when I deplete the Japanese Manchokuo garrison, then turn it back to AI after that turn. I've tried a 'hotseat' game before, and it was UNSAT. If that works, then the Allies can compete against the Soviets for territory.

To continue with ground units, we are at Soerabaja. I fortified and reinforced Soerabaja as much as possible early on, with thoughts of having a forward repair shipyard. I then decided that it would be an ideal sub base (small repair yard, big port). As one can see from the 'Sunk Ships' screen, I have been fairly successful at attriting Japanese shipping. Using the US fleet subs (the 'Blue Ball Express', cause, uh, Navy) to supply the PI has been a literal lifeline for those troops. The Java Sea side of the island has Dutch regiments with rescued-from-Borneo British Base units. The Java airfields are comfortably built up to handle the squadrons. Aussie units bolster the island's defense, Pioneering, and base units. Merak has Aussie Coastal Guns guarding the strait. Tilitjap is the main supply / fuel / transport port.

Sumatra has British and Indian units bolstering the Dutch defense. Palembang is the lifeline to Singapore, and some of the 'useless mouths' from Singapore are stationed here. HQ units with the range to cover Singapore are in Sumatra (for example, Malaya HQ is in Djambi preparing for Singapore); I think that it provides leadership bonuses to Singapore, without eating supply or suffering casualties. Some other units were transferred to Palembang to strengthen the defenses (they beat back an early Japanese division that invaded). There are Indian Coastal guns at Oesthaven, Palembang, and Sabang. Oesthaven and Sabang are the supply ports.

I reformed the Aussie Divisions at Singapore, plus shipped in an Aussie Corps HQ. Singers has been besieged for months, but I can (relatively) safely supply it from Palembang with 1000 ton XAKLs; I've lost a couple... I evacuated Georgetown early, then the garrison made itself quiet and the Japanese never attacked. I recently reinforced Georgetown with a British Brigade and have a base force on the way. Georgetown will be the jump-off point for the Malaya campaign, which will focus on trapping the Japanese at Singapore. When Malaya is fairly secure, the Aussies will take Borneo and the Celebes (focusing on the Makkasar side first).

I stopped the Japanese at Pegu, with the help of PP-purchased Chinese divisions. Currently, I have forces engaged SE of Pegu - they are my 'forlorn hope' Burmese and unrestricted troops, all scheduled to withdraw. Bombers from Rangoon and Chittagong provide support. Port Blair is a nugget - I deploy the 'Best Friends Forever' brigade there to strengthen the base - it fought off a half-hearted invasion. It is fortified and the air / port are expanding. The Burma Road is at airfield level three up to Lashio.

Next: China.

(in reply to Flicker)
Post #: 43
RE: Flicker's Fabulous Strategy - 8/6/2020 9:56:36 PM   

Posts: 13450
Joined: 11/16/2015
From: My Mother, although my Father had some small part.
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Simply set up a Fast Transport mission for the Japanese to drop rotten sushi on the coast for Stalin. That will bring in the Soviets.


Seek peace but keep your gun handy.

I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

“Illegitemus non carborundum est (“Don’t let the bastards grind you down”).”
― Julia Child

(in reply to Flicker)
Post #: 44
RE: Flicker's Fabulous Strategy - 8/7/2020 8:24:32 AM   
Ian R


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Simply set up a Fast Transport mission for the Japanese to drop rotten sushi on the coast for Stalin. That will bring in the Soviets.

Was it Lowpe that did that by mistake?


"I am Alfred"

(in reply to RangerJoe)
Post #: 45
RE: Flicker's Fabulous Strategy - 8/7/2020 2:20:15 PM   

Posts: 13450
Joined: 11/16/2015
From: My Mother, although my Father had some small part.
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Simply set up a Fast Transport mission for the Japanese to drop rotten sushi on the coast for Stalin. That will bring in the Soviets.

Was it Lowpe that did that by mistake?


If I recall correctly, he was trying to evade an American SC TF with a loaded TF and set the destination to a Soviet held shore hex. He did not set it to "Do Not Unload" so Stalin got some rotten sushi.


Seek peace but keep your gun handy.

I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

“Illegitemus non carborundum est (“Don’t let the bastards grind you down”).”
― Julia Child

(in reply to Ian R)
Post #: 46
RE: Flicker's Fabulous Strategy - 8/7/2020 4:00:01 PM   
Ian R


Posts: 3420
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From: Cammeraygal Country
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Simply set up a Fast Transport mission for the Japanese to drop rotten sushi on the coast for Stalin. That will bring in the Soviets.

Was it Lowpe that did that by mistake?


If I recall correctly, he was trying to evade an American SC TF with a loaded TF and set the destination to a Soviet held shore hex. He did not set it to "Do Not Unload" so Stalin got some rotten sushi.

And accordingly, declared war.


"I am Alfred"

(in reply to RangerJoe)
Post #: 47
RE: Flicker's Fabulous Strategy - 8/8/2020 6:44:21 AM   


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I play 'loud' China as contrasted with 'quiet' China. After the initial scramble around Hong Kong (I stayed) the Chinese stabilized their lines and sorted out their commands, as well as sending the troops that can be bought out to Burma (they saved Pegu and thereby Rangoon). The Chinese beat off attacks at Nanning, then took Canton and retook Hong Kong. I started early in Chungking repairing up China's Light Industry and Heavy Industry, which took months. I repaired Canton and Hong Kong and am now repairing Changsha. Ranger Joe, I see the trade-off between using the supply now, versus repairing now with a breakeven years down the road, however IIRC don't repaired facilities count toward your victory point score somehow? Plus, I like having indigenous supply, even though I'm shipping loads of supply to Rangoon. Call it mild OCD, however I prefer to repair the industries.

The Chinese Northern forces took Sinyang, then shifted South to Hankow. The Southern forces shifted North and took Wuchang. They're besieging Hankow and have trapped an army south of Wuchang - but the Chinese are stalemated. Chinese assaults on Hankow have been costly failures. Sinyang is now an airbase fielding bombers, originally meant to support Hankow, however the Japanese attacked Chengchow so the bombers are ground attacking there (6,000 ft). Way up North near the USSR, the Chinese took Mangan. US forces are en route to hopefully break up the stalemate.


I set every ground unit that doesn't have engineers to rest / train, and build up with the engineers. While I accept replacements, I don't upgrade. After the initial TOE is used up in battle, then we'll upgrade (base forces are an exception). The aircraft are training: fighters at strafe at 100 ft. for defense, the rest training in their specialties (4 engine bombing, 2 engine Naval Search / Attack). I review Russia once a month, then of course if a base completes an expansion.

Next, India.

(in reply to Ian R)
Post #: 48
RE: Flicker's Fabulous Strategy - 8/8/2020 2:09:12 PM   

Posts: 13450
Joined: 11/16/2015
From: My Mother, although my Father had some small part.
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If I recall correctly, it is not the industry that counts for points but rather the airfield and port.

I will say this, I hope that you find a competent Japanese player for a PBEM.


Seek peace but keep your gun handy.

I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

“Illegitemus non carborundum est (“Don’t let the bastards grind you down”).”
― Julia Child

(in reply to Flicker)
Post #: 49
RE: Flicker's Fabulous Strategy - 8/8/2020 3:31:40 PM   


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Ranger Joe, sick burn dude...

Yeah, PBEM is not happening; I don't play regularly enough to do justice to an opponent. Plus, the PBEM games that I have played (Tiller or AGEOD, even Command and Conquer on a network), I usually get my butt kicked, although I have had some memorable victories. Note that I usually have great organization and logistics lol.


Just as in China, India has ample garrisons for cities requiring them. Restricted units due to withdraw are collected at Cox's Bazaar (not really needed for defense anymore), while unrestricted due to withdraw units are engaged SE of Pegu (forlorn hope). Restricted units due to be bought out are assembled at Chittagong - my house rules are that units must pay PP to cross borders. Divisions are at Calcutta, Madras, and Bombay; along with ASW and local minesweeping. The re-spawned Kowloon brigade is at Karachi. Engineer battalions are improving the rail network, especially from Calcutta to Ledo. Cochin is the major supply / transport port for India from Cape Town, while Karachi is the major fuel / transport port from Abadan. Colombo is the 'capital' of the Indian Theater: combat ships are home-ported there, it is a trans-shipment point for transports (faster transports from Cape Town transfer to 'combat' transports at Colombo), plus a waypoint for fuel headed to Perth from Abadan. Colombo is fairly heavily garrisoned to guard against invasion (not likely anymore).

The Arabian Sea is a 'safe' zone, while the Bay of Bengal is a 'combat' zone (I classify areas so that 'local commanders' can plan out their task force composition, for example, in the Arabian Sea, old WWI patrol boats are acceptable escorts, while in a combat zone cruisers with adequate DD escorts must be provided.

Since the Med is not yet open, Cape Town is a major transport port.

Well, that about covers this game for now. I wanted to share this now because my game is in a transition phase: from the initial Japanese onslaught and stabilizing Allied lines and sorting out logistics plus a little nibbling (like Tarawa and the South Pacific) to the Allied offensive (Malaya, Guadalcanal, New Guinea, China).

Thanks for reading, and a special thank you to those who commented.

(in reply to RangerJoe)
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